Why is republican's top polling candidate missing any actual political positions?

In case you have not noticed, Republicans are not very big on subtance. Their debate reminded of a high class election. Each candidate promises more dances and never explains where money will come from.

RePugs do not want subtance, they want empty unfulfilling promises that mean nothing. Trump is Tailor Made for them.

In case you haven't noticed, probably because the Democrats are destroying Ferguson again, but Republicans are tired of all of your representatives, and all of ours. At least we are being given a choice and all are discussing issues, you have no one saying anything. You have Hitlery who stays in touch through selfies with Kim, and Vladimir Sanders.

How exactly, and please your evience that "The Democrats are Destroying Ferguson Again."
A leaked list shows that Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE), a group funded by George Soros, paid over 80 individuals and organizations to protest during civil unrest in Ferguson, Missouri last year.


This is no difference than sitting and watching a play being performed. The whole thing is a set up. Stupid Americans think that these people heard about some black being shot and poured out of their homes in Ferguson to protest their treatment.

This is all being orchestrated. Without Soros' money, there would be no "movement".

They are paying their regulars $5,000 a month to make you believe this is a real civil rights issue.
yeah man. we need to have someone like comrade Hillary who is PLEDGING BILLIONS of taxpayers monies to be given out IF you all vote for her

I mean can you get any more shady or crooked. She isn't even PRESIDENT and she's already spending OUR TAX DOLLARS
Hey... it worked for the kenyan to play Santa, she figures it will work for her too.

They'll start calling their obamaphones, hillaryphones.

Gruber stupid and lazy is what the dems count on to vote for them. (Can't forget the illegals and the dead though, and the ones that like to vote 10 or 12 times.)
Ferguson Protesters Promised Cash To “Simulate Chaos,” Now Soros’ Group Won’t Pay, So They’re Protesting THEM


Ferguson Protesters Promised Cash To “Simulate Chaos,” Now Soros’ Group Won’t Pay, So They’re Protesting THEM

Robert Gehl
May 19, 2015

Ferguson protesters who were promised thousands of dollars by George Soros’ organizations to protest, loot and burn buildings are upset that they haven’t been paid yet.

In hilarious irony, they’re protesting and “occupying” the offices of Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE), a Soros-backed organization, demanding the group “Cut the Checks.”
Trump has absolutely no specifics on how he would address ANY political issues.

Says the side who told us the bill needs to be passed first before we know what's in it, IRONY!
Why do you people always bring up Obama instead of trying to defend republicans? It's so lame.

Ahahaha to mock the left's hypocrisy and double standards. :laugh:
Oh right your non sequitur rant about a bill is somehow an indication of hypocrisy by me. You people are so predictable.
yeah man. we need to have someone like comrade Hillary who is PLEDGING BILLIONS of taxpayers monies to be given out IF you all vote for her

I mean can you get any more shady or crooked. She isn't even PRESIDENT and she's already spending OUR TAX DOLLARS
Hey... it worked for the kenyan to play Santa, she figures it will work for her too.

They'll start calling their obamaphones, hillaryphones.

Gruber stupid and lazy is what the dems count on to vote for them. (Can't forget the illegals and the dead though, and the ones that like to vote 10 or 12 times.)
So you think Trump will win huh?
Is the republican base this dumb? Trump has absolutely no specifics on how he would address ANY political issues. What does that say about republicans? It's completely insane to me this guy is still in the lead. Apparently all you have to do to be a top polling candidate among republicans is to be a total drama queen desperate for attention.

Here is what Trump has to say about his healthcare plan that would supposedly replace ObamaCare:

Repeal and replace with "something terrific."

Trump on immigration:

"We're going to have plenty of time to talk about it" Oh, and Mexico will build a goddamn wall across the border for us. Do you people actually buy this bullshit?

Trump on job growth:

"You'll see details. But basically I am telling you. I'll just bring them back. It's called negotiation."

Trump's campaign website, meanwhile, provides a detailed account of his many real estate holdings and successful television show, but has no mention what he would seek to accomplish if elected president.

The GOP is seriously unraveling.

Trump s policy approach a mystery amid lack of detail - Yahoo News

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The fringe right isn't about policy. They're about feeling. This is why they are batshit about Trump....he makes them feel good. He says mean things about people they don't like.

That's the beginning and the end of it. Policy, experience, consequence....all irrelevant. Feeling is their only significant motivation. Which is how he can get by without policy. His base has no use for it.
Is the republican base this dumb? Trump has absolutely no specifics on how he would address ANY political issues. What does that say about republicans? It's completely insane to me this guy is still in the lead. Apparently all you have to do to be a top polling candidate among republicans is to be a total drama queen desperate for attention.

Here is what Trump has to say about his healthcare plan that would supposedly replace ObamaCare:

Repeal and replace with "something terrific."

Trump on immigration:

"We're going to have plenty of time to talk about it" Oh, and Mexico will build a goddamn wall across the border for us. Do you people actually buy this bullshit?

Trump on job growth:

"You'll see details. But basically I am telling you. I'll just bring them back. It's called negotiation."

Trump's campaign website, meanwhile, provides a detailed account of his many real estate holdings and successful television show, but has no mention what he would seek to accomplish if elected president.

The GOP is seriously unraveling.

Trump s policy approach a mystery amid lack of detail - Yahoo News

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The fringe right isn't about policy. They're about feeling. This is why they are batshit about Trump....he makes them feel good. He says mean things about people they don't like.

That's the beginning and the end of it. Policy, experience, consequence....all irrelevant. Feeling is their only significant motivation. Which is how he can get by without policy. His base has no use for it.
You're right and I wish republicans would just admit it. They are emotionally driven pawns who don't have the attention span or intelligence for factual information.
Is the republican base this dumb? Trump has absolutely no specifics on how he would address ANY political issues. What does that say about republicans? It's completely insane to me this guy is still in the lead. Apparently all you have to do to be a top polling candidate among republicans is to be a total drama queen desperate for attention.

Here is what Trump has to say about his healthcare plan that would supposedly replace ObamaCare:

Repeal and replace with "something terrific."

Trump on immigration:

"We're going to have plenty of time to talk about it" Oh, and Mexico will build a goddamn wall across the border for us. Do you people actually buy this bullshit?

Trump on job growth:

"You'll see details. But basically I am telling you. I'll just bring them back. It's called negotiation."

Trump's campaign website, meanwhile, provides a detailed account of his many real estate holdings and successful television show, but has no mention what he would seek to accomplish if elected president.

The GOP is seriously unraveling.

Trump s policy approach a mystery amid lack of detail - Yahoo News

and this coming from someone who probably voted for Obama...who had 0 qualifications to even clean toilets.......and yet democrats voted for him simply because he was black..spare us your thoughts, they aren't inciteful.
Is the republican base this dumb? Trump has absolutely no specifics on how he would address ANY political issues. What does that say about republicans? It's completely insane to me this guy is still in the lead. Apparently all you have to do to be a top polling candidate among republicans is to be a total drama queen desperate for attention.

Here is what Trump has to say about his healthcare plan that would supposedly replace ObamaCare:

Repeal and replace with "something terrific."

Trump on immigration:

"We're going to have plenty of time to talk about it" Oh, and Mexico will build a goddamn wall across the border for us. Do you people actually buy this bullshit?

Trump on job growth:

"You'll see details. But basically I am telling you. I'll just bring them back. It's called negotiation."

Trump's campaign website, meanwhile, provides a detailed account of his many real estate holdings and successful television show, but has no mention what he would seek to accomplish if elected president.

The GOP is seriously unraveling.

Trump s policy approach a mystery amid lack of detail - Yahoo News

and this coming from someone who probably voted for Obama...who had 0 qualifications to even clean toilets.......and yet democrats voted for him simply because he was black..spare us your thoughts, they aren't inciteful.
You people are so predictable. You like so many cons can't defend Trump so like a child you bring up Obama. It's so nauseating.
Is the republican base this dumb? Trump has absolutely no specifics on how he would address ANY political issues. What does that say about republicans? It's completely insane to me this guy is still in the lead. Apparently all you have to do to be a top polling candidate among republicans is to be a total drama queen desperate for attention.

Here is what Trump has to say about his healthcare plan that would supposedly replace ObamaCare:

Repeal and replace with "something terrific."

Trump on immigration:

"We're going to have plenty of time to talk about it" Oh, and Mexico will build a goddamn wall across the border for us. Do you people actually buy this bullshit?

Trump on job growth:

"You'll see details. But basically I am telling you. I'll just bring them back. It's called negotiation."

Trump's campaign website, meanwhile, provides a detailed account of his many real estate holdings and successful television show, but has no mention what he would seek to accomplish if elected president.

The GOP is seriously unraveling.

Trump s policy approach a mystery amid lack of detail - Yahoo News

and this coming from someone who probably voted for Obama...who had 0 qualifications to even clean toilets.......and yet democrats voted for him simply because he was black..spare us your thoughts, they aren't inciteful.
You people are so predictable. You like so many cons can't defend Trump so like a child you bring up Obama. It's so nauseating.

No, you can't explain your vote for Obama as you attack trump....someone who has built a billion dollar business....while Obama did nothing productive before running for office. trump has dealt with foreign governments at all levels as he has done business with them, and his understanding of management of a large, complex organization far surpasses the complete and utter lack of experience of the moron you voted for
Why is republican's top polling candidate missing any actual political positions?


"If we have another 3 or 4 years--we're at $18 trillion now--we're soon going to be at $20 trillion. According to the economists--who I'm not big believers in, but, nevertheless, this is what they're saying--that $24 trillion--we're very close--that's the point of no return. $24 trillion. We will be there soon. That's when we become Greece. That's when we become a country that's unsalvageable. And we're gonna be there very soon. We're gonna be there very soon."


"We need to lower the U.S. corporate tax rate from 39 percent to zero. America's corporate tax rate is the second highest on the planet. The international average is 26 percent. How can we expect companies to hire American workers and locate their business in America when our government taxes them at exorbitant rates for doing so? That's crazy. I want to encourage American companies to stay here and hire American workers, and I want foreign companies to relocate their businesses to the United States and create jobs here. We are the greatest country on planet earth--the world's companies want to be here. A zero percent corporate tax would create an unprecedented jobs boom. Millions of jobs would materialize."


"We can have safe streets. But unless we stand up for tough anticrime policies, they will be replaced by policies that emphasize criminals’ rights over those of ordinary citizens.

"Soft criminal sentences are based on the proposition that criminals are the victims of society. A lot of people in high places really do believe that criminals are victims. The only victim of a violent crime is the person getting shot, stabbed, or raped. The perpetrator is never a victim. He’s nothing more than a predator."


"The people running our public schools don’t want to damage a student’s self-esteem. They’re concerned about “empowerment.” They’re worried kids will feel bad if they get a problem wrong or flunk a spelling test. It’s better to pat a kid on the head and praise his “creative spelling” than point out that there is a traditional name for people with poor spelling skills. We call them illiterates.

"Some educators think being “judgmental” is the worst of all sins. The problem is that life tends to judge-and harshly at that. There’s no room for error when you’re launching the space shuttle. Or mixing the concrete for the foundation of Trump Tower, for that matter. Try giving a number “in the neighborhood of” on your tax returns and you may end up in a place where there’s a very definite number stamped on the back of your shirt."


Plus lots more.

Donald Trump on the Issues

Nice try.
Why is republican's top polling candidate missing any actual political positions?


"If we have another 3 or 4 years--we're at $18 trillion now--we're soon going to be at $20 trillion. According to the economists--who I'm not big believers in, but, nevertheless, this is what they're saying--that $24 trillion--we're very close--that's the point of no return. $24 trillion. We will be there soon. That's when we become Greece. That's when we become a country that's unsalvageable. And we're gonna be there very soon. We're gonna be there very soon."


"We need to lower the U.S. corporate tax rate from 39 percent to zero. America's corporate tax rate is the second highest on the planet. The international average is 26 percent. How can we expect companies to hire American workers and locate their business in America when our government taxes them at exorbitant rates for doing so? That's crazy. I want to encourage American companies to stay here and hire American workers, and I want foreign companies to relocate their businesses to the United States and create jobs here. We are the greatest country on planet earth--the world's companies want to be here. A zero percent corporate tax would create an unprecedented jobs boom. Millions of jobs would materialize."


"We can have safe streets. But unless we stand up for tough anticrime policies, they will be replaced by policies that emphasize criminals’ rights over those of ordinary citizens.

"Soft criminal sentences are based on the proposition that criminals are the victims of society. A lot of people in high places really do believe that criminals are victims. The only victim of a violent crime is the person getting shot, stabbed, or raped. The perpetrator is never a victim. He’s nothing more than a predator."


"The people running our public schools don’t want to damage a student’s self-esteem. They’re concerned about “empowerment.” They’re worried kids will feel bad if they get a problem wrong or flunk a spelling test. It’s better to pat a kid on the head and praise his “creative spelling” than point out that there is a traditional name for people with poor spelling skills. We call them illiterates.

"Some educators think being “judgmental” is the worst of all sins. The problem is that life tends to judge-and harshly at that. There’s no room for error when you’re launching the space shuttle. Or mixing the concrete for the foundation of Trump Tower, for that matter. Try giving a number “in the neighborhood of” on your tax returns and you may end up in a place where there’s a very definite number stamped on the back of your shirt."


Plus lots more.

Donald Trump on the Issues

Nice try.

If it wasn't so sad they would be fucking pathetic....they sit there having voted for the least qualified person to have ever held the office of President, and criticize a man who made himself into a billionaire....and to those who say he had a leg up because of his dad...his dad didn't make him a billionaire.....he built that himself.....

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