Why is same-sex marriage "wrong"

Why are you against same-sex marriage?

  • For the Bible (or some other holy book) tells me so

    Votes: 3 8.1%
  • Other reason (please state)

    Votes: 10 27.0%
  • I'm not against ss marriage

    Votes: 24 64.9%

  • Total voters
How silly of you. Betty Boop was my second choice for a avatar, girlfriend. Lady gaga or something sexually ambivalent might suit you better. I have no suggestions, because I don't care what YOU think. I will change my avatar because you creeped me out. Happy?

I've been wearing the Boop for ten years, and Jillian was wearing it when I got here. Sexually ambivalent? I creeped you out?

Have you been drinking?
What have you been drinking? Totally, that patronizing attitude and that holier than thou crap, is totally creeping me out. Don't accuse me of stealing this avatar, that old gal is the typical American fighting sprtit, it's ME. She IS America. Let's stay on topic. Is that to hard?

TOO. Is that 'too' hard.

Swore you said you were dumping the avvie because I was creeping you out. But now that's actually your pic? Alrighty then.

Part of marriage "vows" are to honor the other person. Homosexual activity requires deceit, dishonoring parents and seducing another couples' child (no matter what age). There can be no child made by natural (green) methods, therefore the bonding (if any) is purely emotional (not "blood"). Homosexual marriage requires all participating in the marriage to overlook the fraud that is occurring. These two people cannot build a marriage. They can build a "relationship", but not a marriage. Homosexual marriage is for people that say "it doesn't matter what happens in our bedroom" to actually legitimize "what happens in their bedroom.

Is this some kind of parody of a serious post? Let's break some of this down.

Homosexual activity requires deceit, dishonoring parents and seducing another couples' child (no matter what age).

Are you saying there's no deceit involved in straight relationships? Or seduction?

There can be no child made by natural (green) methods, therefore the bonding (if any) is purely emotional (not "blood").

So by that logic, older widowed couples who are past child-bearing years should also be denied the right to remarry, then? What about infertile couples? What about couples who carry genetic markers for diseases like Tay-Sachs who make the conscious decision not to have children?

Conversely, all a lesbian couple needs to make babies is some donated sperm and a turkey baster.

Homosexual marriage requires all participating in the marriage to overlook the fraud that is occurring. These two people cannot build a marriage. They can build a "relationship", but not a marriage.

Again, I know gay couples who are very devoted to each other, and I know straight couples whose marriages were huge mistakes and only have the virtue of saving two other people.
Part of marriage "vows" are to honor the other person. Homosexual activity requires deceit, dishonoring parents and seducing another couples' child (no matter what age). There can be no child made by natural (green) methods, therefore the bonding (if any) is purely emotional (not "blood"). Homosexual marriage requires all participating in the marriage to overlook the fraud that is occurring. These two people cannot build a marriage. They can build a "relationship", but not a marriage. Homosexual marriage is for people that say "it doesn't matter what happens in our bedroom" to actually legitimize "what happens in their bedroom.

How is a homosexual couple that has spent their entire lives together not honoring one another? How does homosexuality breed deceit? I wouldn't tell someone I was homosexual if I knew I was going to be beaten up. You do not need to have blood ties in order to form a family. Or is every adopted child just being given a handout and kicked to the curb when they are 18? The only reason same sex marriage would be considered fraud is because it is not yet legal. As for the legitimize statement. It really doesn't matter what happens in other people's bedrooms. I don't care if you are gay, straight, asexual, or metrosexual. The only time it impacts me is if I am attracted to another person. I could care less if my next door neighbors had sex every night, or never did, or if they were swingers. If you really care that much about someone's sexual activity.... watch porn.

They are pretending to be a "couple". The are not. They are in a fraudulent relationship. Because occassionally pretend works for decades does not make it "right".
Homosexual activity is full of deceit: hi, I'm a "friend"/want to come over and have some fun, I'll give you alcohol, drugs, porn, etc/your child and I are just "friends"......
How many homosexuals pretend to be straight to get a job, and then once they are secure, change the way they act at work to demonstrate their sexual orientation? You can form a family without marriage. Why do homosexuals want to force their "beliefs" that change a definition that has been in place for thousands of years to fit their "beliefs"?
Pretending to be something you are not is fraud (Sort of like someone legally changing their name to Napoleon Bonapart, and "forcing" people to call them that name "legitimately", knowing they are not and never will be Napoleon Bonapart). "Legitimizing" same sex marriage will force public institutions to "support" (way different than tolerate) homosexual behaviors, including the destructive behaviors that lead to STDs, AIDS, and other problems that are prevelant in homosexual relationships. (BTW, I did not say they were not problems with heterosexuals, but we are speaking of homosexuals)
I am not interested in what people do behind closed doors. Homosexual marriage implies that two people the same sex will be "legally" (with the full support of the gov't) be having sex, and that I as a taxpayer will be required to provide assistance to the one left behind (what would you call them widow/widower/widowee???) as in Social Security benefits/disability/medicare/etc.
I am not into porn and do not want homosexual sex to be taught in school (as it is now in many liberal areas of the country). Legitimizing homosexual relationships will only pressure our already broken system, and cause more abuse of gov't programs (they are by definition: frauds, already).
Part of marriage "vows" are to honor the other person. Homosexual activity requires deceit, dishonoring parents and seducing another couples' child (no matter what age). There can be no child made by natural (green) methods, therefore the bonding (if any) is purely emotional (not "blood"). Homosexual marriage requires all participating in the marriage to overlook the fraud that is occurring. These two people cannot build a marriage. They can build a "relationship", but not a marriage. Homosexual marriage is for people that say "it doesn't matter what happens in our bedroom" to actually legitimize "what happens in their bedroom.

Also, would you say it is OK for a straight couple to seek out artificial insemination if they we unable to have children naturally? Or would they have to divorce/separate?

Personally, I think artificial insemination is a bad idea. Legally, the couple is responsible for the proceedure and the result(s). I think it is scientists playing dieties.
Part of marriage "vows" are to honor the other person. Homosexual activity requires deceit, dishonoring parents and seducing another couples' child (no matter what age). There can be no child made by natural (green) methods, therefore the bonding (if any) is purely emotional (not "blood"). Homosexual marriage requires all participating in the marriage to overlook the fraud that is occurring. These two people cannot build a marriage. They can build a "relationship", but not a marriage. Homosexual marriage is for people that say "it doesn't matter what happens in our bedroom" to actually legitimize "what happens in their bedroom.

Is this some kind of parody of a serious post? Let's break some of this down.

Homosexual activity requires deceit, dishonoring parents and seducing another couples' child (no matter what age).

Are you saying there's no deceit involved in straight relationships? Or seduction?

There can be no child made by natural (green) methods, therefore the bonding (if any) is purely emotional (not "blood").

So by that logic, older widowed couples who are past child-bearing years should also be denied the right to remarry, then? What about infertile couples? What about couples who carry genetic markers for diseases like Tay-Sachs who make the conscious decision not to have children?

Conversely, all a lesbian couple needs to make babies is some donated sperm and a turkey baster.

Homosexual marriage requires all participating in the marriage to overlook the fraud that is occurring. These two people cannot build a marriage. They can build a "relationship", but not a marriage.

Again, I know gay couples who are very devoted to each other, and I know straight couples whose marriages were huge mistakes and only have the virtue of saving two other people.

"Devotion" is not the question. Dogs are devoted. We are talking about a miniscule percentage of the world's population demanding to change the defintion of marriage to fit their "beliefs". They are demanding this against a huge percentage of the world's population "belief" that this is very wrong.
Horses, cows, sheep, goats are "fertilized" in a similar fashion. Are you comparing lesbians to animals?
Deceit is a way of life for "active" homosexuals. They are pretending to be something they are not. The fraud starts when they are seducing their victims. Yes deceit occurs among the rest of the population, but the rest of the population does not base their entire life on lies.
Part of marriage "vows" are to honor the other person. Homosexual activity requires deceit, dishonoring parents and seducing another couples' child (no matter what age). There can be no child made by natural (green) methods, therefore the bonding (if any) is purely emotional (not "blood"). Homosexual marriage requires all participating in the marriage to overlook the fraud that is occurring. These two people cannot build a marriage. They can build a "relationship", but not a marriage. Homosexual marriage is for people that say "it doesn't matter what happens in our bedroom" to actually legitimize "what happens in their bedroom.

How is a homosexual couple that has spent their entire lives together not honoring one another? How does homosexuality breed deceit? I wouldn't tell someone I was homosexual if I knew I was going to be beaten up. You do not need to have blood ties in order to form a family. Or is every adopted child just being given a handout and kicked to the curb when they are 18? The only reason same sex marriage would be considered fraud is because it is not yet legal. As for the legitimize statement. It really doesn't matter what happens in other people's bedrooms. I don't care if you are gay, straight, asexual, or metrosexual. The only time it impacts me is if I am attracted to another person. I could care less if my next door neighbors had sex every night, or never did, or if they were swingers. If you really care that much about someone's sexual activity.... watch porn.

They are pretending to be a "couple". The are not. They are in a fraudulent relationship. Because occassionally pretend works for decades does not make it "right".
Homosexual activity is full of deceit: hi, I'm a "friend"/want to come over and have some fun, I'll give you alcohol, drugs, porn, etc/your child and I are just "friends"......
How many homosexuals pretend to be straight to get a job, and then once they are secure, change the way they act at work to demonstrate their sexual orientation? You can form a family without marriage. Why do homosexuals want to force their "beliefs" that change a definition that has been in place for thousands of years to fit their "beliefs"?
Pretending to be something you are not is fraud (Sort of like someone legally changing their name to Napoleon Bonapart, and "forcing" people to call them that name "legitimately", knowing they are not and never will be Napoleon Bonapart). "Legitimizing" same sex marriage will force public institutions to "support" (way different than tolerate) homosexual behaviors, including the destructive behaviors that lead to STDs, AIDS, and other problems that are prevelant in homosexual relationships. (BTW, I did not say they were not problems with heterosexuals, but we are speaking of homosexuals)
I am not interested in what people do behind closed doors. Homosexual marriage implies that two people the same sex will be "legally" (with the full support of the gov't) be having sex, and that I as a taxpayer will be required to provide assistance to the one left behind (what would you call them widow/widower/widowee???) as in Social Security benefits/disability/medicare/etc.
I am not into porn and do not want homosexual sex to be taught in school (as it is now in many liberal areas of the country). Legitimizing homosexual relationships will only pressure our already broken system, and cause more abuse of gov't programs (they are by definition: frauds, already).

It's like you are living in the 90s, when homosexual relationships equal debauchery. That is not the case. Many same sex couples have a much more real relationship than some heterosexual. Homosexual activity does not lead to STIs or other problems, sex does.
"Devotion" is not the question. Dogs are devoted. We are talking about a miniscule percentage of the world's population demanding to change the defintion of marriage to fit their "beliefs". They are demanding this against a huge percentage of the world's population "belief" that this is very wrong.
Horses, cows, sheep, goats are "fertilized" in a similar fashion. Are you comparing lesbians to animals?
Deceit is a way of life for "active" homosexuals. They are pretending to be something they are not. The fraud starts when they are seducing their victims. Yes deceit occurs among the rest of the population, but the rest of the population does not base their entire life on lies.

I think this is obscene argument.

Homophobes threaten to kill or abuse homosexuals every day, so they are less than forthcoming about it because they don't want to deal with your bullshit. And then you accuse them of being "deceitful" when they are taking actions to avoid your unacceptable behaviors.
Part of marriage "vows" are to honor the other person. Homosexual activity requires deceit, dishonoring parents and seducing another couples' child (no matter what age). There can be no child made by natural (green) methods, therefore the bonding (if any) is purely emotional (not "blood"). Homosexual marriage requires all participating in the marriage to overlook the fraud that is occurring. These two people cannot build a marriage. They can build a "relationship", but not a marriage. Homosexual marriage is for people that say "it doesn't matter what happens in our bedroom" to actually legitimize "what happens in their bedroom.

Is this some kind of parody of a serious post? Let's break some of this down.

Are you saying there's no deceit involved in straight relationships? Or seduction?

So by that logic, older widowed couples who are past child-bearing years should also be denied the right to remarry, then? What about infertile couples? What about couples who carry genetic markers for diseases like Tay-Sachs who make the conscious decision not to have children?

Conversely, all a lesbian couple needs to make babies is some donated sperm and a turkey baster.

Homosexual marriage requires all participating in the marriage to overlook the fraud that is occurring. These two people cannot build a marriage. They can build a "relationship", but not a marriage.

Again, I know gay couples who are very devoted to each other, and I know straight couples whose marriages were huge mistakes and only have the virtue of saving two other people.

"Devotion" is not the question. Dogs are devoted. We are talking about a miniscule percentage of the world's population demanding to change the defintion of marriage to fit their "beliefs". They are demanding this against a huge percentage of the world's population "belief" that this is very wrong.
Horses, cows, sheep, goats are "fertilized" in a similar fashion. Are you comparing lesbians to animals?
Deceit is a way of life for "active" homosexuals. They are pretending to be something they are not. The fraud starts when they are seducing their victims. Yes deceit occurs among the rest of the population, but the rest of the population does not base their entire life on lies.


Part of marriage "vows" are to honor the other person. Homosexual activity requires deceit, dishonoring parents and seducing another couples' child (no matter what age). There can be no child made by natural (green) methods, therefore the bonding (if any) is purely emotional (not "blood"). Homosexual marriage requires all participating in the marriage to overlook the fraud that is occurring. These two people cannot build a marriage. They can build a "relationship", but not a marriage. Homosexual marriage is for people that say "it doesn't matter what happens in our bedroom" to actually legitimize "what happens in their bedroom.

How is a homosexual couple that has spent their entire lives together not honoring one another? How does homosexuality breed deceit? I wouldn't tell someone I was homosexual if I knew I was going to be beaten up. You do not need to have blood ties in order to form a family. Or is every adopted child just being given a handout and kicked to the curb when they are 18? The only reason same sex marriage would be considered fraud is because it is not yet legal. As for the legitimize statement. It really doesn't matter what happens in other people's bedrooms. I don't care if you are gay, straight, asexual, or metrosexual. The only time it impacts me is if I am attracted to another person. I could care less if my next door neighbors had sex every night, or never did, or if they were swingers. If you really care that much about someone's sexual activity.... watch porn.

They are pretending to be a "couple". The are not. They are in a fraudulent relationship. Because occassionally pretend works for decades does not make it "right".
Homosexual activity is full of deceit: hi, I'm a "friend"/want to come over and have some fun, I'll give you alcohol, drugs, porn, etc/your child and I are just "friends"......
How many homosexuals pretend to be straight to get a job, and then once they are secure, change the way they act at work to demonstrate their sexual orientation? You can form a family without marriage. Why do homosexuals want to force their "beliefs" that change a definition that has been in place for thousands of years to fit their "beliefs"?
Pretending to be something you are not is fraud (Sort of like someone legally changing their name to Napoleon Bonapart, and "forcing" people to call them that name "legitimately", knowing they are not and never will be Napoleon Bonapart). "Legitimizing" same sex marriage will force public institutions to "support" (way different than tolerate) homosexual behaviors, including the destructive behaviors that lead to STDs, AIDS, and other problems that are prevelant in homosexual relationships. (BTW, I did not say they were not problems with heterosexuals, but we are speaking of homosexuals)
I am not interested in what people do behind closed doors. Homosexual marriage implies that two people the same sex will be "legally" (with the full support of the gov't) be having sex, and that I as a taxpayer will be required to provide assistance to the one left behind (what would you call them widow/widower/widowee???) as in Social Security benefits/disability/medicare/etc.
I am not into porn and do not want homosexual sex to be taught in school (as it is now in many liberal areas of the country). Legitimizing homosexual relationships will only pressure our already broken system, and cause more abuse of gov't programs (they are by definition: frauds, already).

Don't be daft. A couple is a couple. Two of the New York couples that got married when it was legalized had been together 60 years. That's 120 years between two couples. You are flat out in denial if you can't see reality for what it is.
How is a homosexual couple that has spent their entire lives together not honoring one another? How does homosexuality breed deceit? I wouldn't tell someone I was homosexual if I knew I was going to be beaten up. You do not need to have blood ties in order to form a family. Or is every adopted child just being given a handout and kicked to the curb when they are 18? The only reason same sex marriage would be considered fraud is because it is not yet legal. As for the legitimize statement. It really doesn't matter what happens in other people's bedrooms. I don't care if you are gay, straight, asexual, or metrosexual. The only time it impacts me is if I am attracted to another person. I could care less if my next door neighbors had sex every night, or never did, or if they were swingers. If you really care that much about someone's sexual activity.... watch porn.

They are pretending to be a "couple". The are not. They are in a fraudulent relationship. Because occassionally pretend works for decades does not make it "right".
Homosexual activity is full of deceit: hi, I'm a "friend"/want to come over and have some fun, I'll give you alcohol, drugs, porn, etc/your child and I are just "friends"......
How many homosexuals pretend to be straight to get a job, and then once they are secure, change the way they act at work to demonstrate their sexual orientation? You can form a family without marriage. Why do homosexuals want to force their "beliefs" that change a definition that has been in place for thousands of years to fit their "beliefs"?
Pretending to be something you are not is fraud (Sort of like someone legally changing their name to Napoleon Bonapart, and "forcing" people to call them that name "legitimately", knowing they are not and never will be Napoleon Bonapart). "Legitimizing" same sex marriage will force public institutions to "support" (way different than tolerate) homosexual behaviors, including the destructive behaviors that lead to STDs, AIDS, and other problems that are prevelant in homosexual relationships. (BTW, I did not say they were not problems with heterosexuals, but we are speaking of homosexuals)
I am not interested in what people do behind closed doors. Homosexual marriage implies that two people the same sex will be "legally" (with the full support of the gov't) be having sex, and that I as a taxpayer will be required to provide assistance to the one left behind (what would you call them widow/widower/widowee???) as in Social Security benefits/disability/medicare/etc.
I am not into porn and do not want homosexual sex to be taught in school (as it is now in many liberal areas of the country). Legitimizing homosexual relationships will only pressure our already broken system, and cause more abuse of gov't programs (they are by definition: frauds, already).

It's like you are living in the 90s, when homosexual relationships equal debauchery. That is not the case. Many same sex couples have a much more real relationship than some heterosexual. Homosexual activity does not lead to STIs or other problems, sex does.

Honey, a marriage and a "relationship" are two very different things.
And yes, homosexual activity does lead to STDs and other problems (similar to promiscuity). It has been made uncomfortable to state truth and facts due to the "tolerant" people shoving political correctness (deceit) onto the public stage. Please do some research, see who is more likely to die first, a heterosexual or a homosexual male. The difference between promiscuous crowd and homosexual marriage activists are that the promiscuous crowd is not trying to make what they do "legitimate".
"Devotion" is not the question. Dogs are devoted. We are talking about a miniscule percentage of the world's population demanding to change the defintion of marriage to fit their "beliefs". They are demanding this against a huge percentage of the world's population "belief" that this is very wrong.
Horses, cows, sheep, goats are "fertilized" in a similar fashion. Are you comparing lesbians to animals?
Deceit is a way of life for "active" homosexuals. They are pretending to be something they are not. The fraud starts when they are seducing their victims. Yes deceit occurs among the rest of the population, but the rest of the population does not base their entire life on lies.

I think this is obscene argument.

Homophobes threaten to kill or abuse homosexuals every day, so they are less than forthcoming about it because they don't want to deal with your bullshit. And then you accuse them of being "deceitful" when they are taking actions to avoid your unacceptable behaviors.

According to your "argument", homosexuals would be "afraid" to marry for fear that they would be exposed for what they are. Then why would they want to be married???

And thank you for agreeing that homosexuals are deceitful though you sugar coated it with "less than forthcoming".
How is a homosexual couple that has spent their entire lives together not honoring one another? How does homosexuality breed deceit? I wouldn't tell someone I was homosexual if I knew I was going to be beaten up. You do not need to have blood ties in order to form a family. Or is every adopted child just being given a handout and kicked to the curb when they are 18? The only reason same sex marriage would be considered fraud is because it is not yet legal. As for the legitimize statement. It really doesn't matter what happens in other people's bedrooms. I don't care if you are gay, straight, asexual, or metrosexual. The only time it impacts me is if I am attracted to another person. I could care less if my next door neighbors had sex every night, or never did, or if they were swingers. If you really care that much about someone's sexual activity.... watch porn.

They are pretending to be a "couple". The are not. They are in a fraudulent relationship. Because occassionally pretend works for decades does not make it "right".
Homosexual activity is full of deceit: hi, I'm a "friend"/want to come over and have some fun, I'll give you alcohol, drugs, porn, etc/your child and I are just "friends"......
How many homosexuals pretend to be straight to get a job, and then once they are secure, change the way they act at work to demonstrate their sexual orientation? You can form a family without marriage. Why do homosexuals want to force their "beliefs" that change a definition that has been in place for thousands of years to fit their "beliefs"?
Pretending to be something you are not is fraud (Sort of like someone legally changing their name to Napoleon Bonapart, and "forcing" people to call them that name "legitimately", knowing they are not and never will be Napoleon Bonapart). "Legitimizing" same sex marriage will force public institutions to "support" (way different than tolerate) homosexual behaviors, including the destructive behaviors that lead to STDs, AIDS, and other problems that are prevelant in homosexual relationships. (BTW, I did not say they were not problems with heterosexuals, but we are speaking of homosexuals)
I am not interested in what people do behind closed doors. Homosexual marriage implies that two people the same sex will be "legally" (with the full support of the gov't) be having sex, and that I as a taxpayer will be required to provide assistance to the one left behind (what would you call them widow/widower/widowee???) as in Social Security benefits/disability/medicare/etc.
I am not into porn and do not want homosexual sex to be taught in school (as it is now in many liberal areas of the country). Legitimizing homosexual relationships will only pressure our already broken system, and cause more abuse of gov't programs (they are by definition: frauds, already).

Don't be daft. A couple is a couple. Two of the New York couples that got married when it was legalized had been together 60 years. That's 120 years between two couples. You are flat out in denial if you can't see reality for what it is.

... "A couple is a couple."... So two dogs are a couple? A dog that screws a goat makes a "couple". Seriously, there have always been people of the same sex that lived together (not necessarily a "sexual" relationship) to share costs and for companionship. Are you saying you want the mormon church to be able to have people request that they are married in the "here after"? Because two people of the same sex "pretend" they are the same as two people of the opposite sex, does not make it so. There are physical, emotional, and spiritual differences that cannot be changed with surgery or hormone treatment. It is "pretend" (I prefer "fraud", but that is me). Because people can pretend for a very, very long time, does not make it real (example: I know a woman that thinks her daughter is hard-working, intelligent and a good person. The people that know her daughter see a vile, abusive scammer that uses children to hurt adults for imagined slights. That does not make her daughter a good person. It is how that woman chooses to deal with facts she doesn't like.) Homosexual activists want to force their "beliefs" (that same sex relationships are identical to opposite sex marriage) onto the rest of the population, while screaming that they do not want other people to tell them how to live their lives. Do you see something ironic here?
The anus is not a sex organ.

For procreation? You are correct.

For sexual pleasure? You are wrong.

If you want to maintain that nothing but the penis and vagina are sexual organs, then you have to maintain that sex is only for procreation.

By the way, that also means breasts are not sexual organs. The mouth is not a sexual organ, ect ect ect.

Have fun with that. I'll stick with sex that enjoys the beautiful instrument God gave us to enjoy.
They are pretending to be a "couple". The are not. They are in a fraudulent relationship. Because occassionally pretend works for decades does not make it "right".
Homosexual activity is full of deceit: hi, I'm a "friend"/want to come over and have some fun, I'll give you alcohol, drugs, porn, etc/your child and I are just "friends"......
How many homosexuals pretend to be straight to get a job, and then once they are secure, change the way they act at work to demonstrate their sexual orientation? You can form a family without marriage. Why do homosexuals want to force their "beliefs" that change a definition that has been in place for thousands of years to fit their "beliefs"?
Pretending to be something you are not is fraud (Sort of like someone legally changing their name to Napoleon Bonapart, and "forcing" people to call them that name "legitimately", knowing they are not and never will be Napoleon Bonapart). "Legitimizing" same sex marriage will force public institutions to "support" (way different than tolerate) homosexual behaviors, including the destructive behaviors that lead to STDs, AIDS, and other problems that are prevelant in homosexual relationships. (BTW, I did not say they were not problems with heterosexuals, but we are speaking of homosexuals)
I am not interested in what people do behind closed doors. Homosexual marriage implies that two people the same sex will be "legally" (with the full support of the gov't) be having sex, and that I as a taxpayer will be required to provide assistance to the one left behind (what would you call them widow/widower/widowee???) as in Social Security benefits/disability/medicare/etc.
I am not into porn and do not want homosexual sex to be taught in school (as it is now in many liberal areas of the country). Legitimizing homosexual relationships will only pressure our already broken system, and cause more abuse of gov't programs (they are by definition: frauds, already).

It's like you are living in the 90s, when homosexual relationships equal debauchery. That is not the case. Many same sex couples have a much more real relationship than some heterosexual. Homosexual activity does not lead to STIs or other problems, sex does.

Honey, a marriage and a "relationship" are two very different things.
And yes, homosexual activity does lead to STDs and other problems (similar to promiscuity). It has been made uncomfortable to state truth and facts due to the "tolerant" people shoving political correctness (deceit) onto the public stage. Please do some research, see who is more likely to die first, a heterosexual or a homosexual male. The difference between promiscuous crowd and homosexual marriage activists are that the promiscuous crowd is not trying to make what they do "legitimate".

Gee I wonder why homosexual males are dying more frequently. Maybe has a little something to do with bigots who bully and ostracize homosexual males. So much so they become depressed and think their life means nothing? How many heterosexual males do you know getting bullied for being straight? I would guess that number would either be zero or something very close. Do that ever come up in your research? That young men are dying because of hate speeches made against them. Just because they are not "manly" enough.

Just for your viewing pleasure, thought you might enjoy this vid. oh and while your at it don't forget to look up Pastor Sean Harris.

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