Why is the All Seeing Eye on the 1 Dollar Note?

:thankusmile: :thup: Luiza nailed it,that’s the best explanation.it represents the all seeing eye the Illuminati watching your every move,it is seen in the cbs and abc logo as well,
Lol. That crackpot conspiracy theory is 30 years old.
What exactly does the All Seeing Eye stand for? Has the All Seeing Eye any relation to the Pentagramm? Why is it on the 1 Dollar Note?


The All Seeing Eye is also known as the Eye of Providence, meaning God is watching and knows what you're up to. Some say it portrays (assumes) the God's Blessing while others say it asks for God's Blessing on America. And not necessarily the Christian God, although at that time it was probably assumed. But the Founders did want freedom of religion no matter what name you used for God, and they probably hoped for a moral society that God by any name would favor.
What exactly does the All Seeing Eye stand for? Has the All Seeing Eye any relation to the Pentagramm? Why is it on the 1 Dollar Note?

LA RAM FAN said it best. according to Conspiracy Theorists, it is a symbol of the illuminati. The pentagram is a symbol of Satan and the illuminati is said to be Satanic. it is said that the illuminati symbol of the all seeing eye is on the dollar bill to show the world they ruled the world once and money equals power. Now The Cabal rules the world.

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