WHY is the DJIA crashing?

We are headed for a depression again and Republicans are playing Hoover


You, 0bama, and all the other 0bama Fluffers have told us for ages that we've turned the corner and are on the road to recovery....
This is incorrect. People may lack confidence in the government, but Democrats control the WH and the Senate, so they deserve as much if not more blame than the Republicans for that lack of confidence.

So when the repugs say they are going to let American tank and not pay it's debts, that means the stock market doubles overnight & investors walk away with the spoon??:cuckoo:

Seriously, how old are you? You seem incredibly immature and frankly, pretty damned ignorant. I do hope you're just very young... and if so, this state you're in can be fixed. Otherwise, you're fucked.

Shintao is a certified Obamarrhoidal twat .......with a twisted mind that created that fatal condition.

In short .....he is fucked.

No future can change that.
Wall street is weighing in on the new Republican debt reduction plan

It ain't pretty
We are headed for a depression again and Republicans are playing Hoover

I am much more worried about Weimar. And open hostilities, especially in the major cities.

There are some in Washington who see this, but they are being drowned out.
We are headed for a depression again and Republicans are playing Hoover


You, 0bama, and all the other 0bama Fluffers have told us for ages that we've turned the corner and are on the road to recovery....
His ossiah has been steamrolled by this Congress over and over again. He's having trouble coming to grips with that fact.

Addicts rarely admit they're addicted....
Wall Street Pummeled: S&P Plunges Into Correction Range - FoxBusiness.com

The liberals on this web site think this stuff is a joke
it was not funny in 2008 and it damn sure is not funny in 2011 after spending trillions in so called fixes

It no longer matters whose information you use
Heritage or CBSs
its a wreck and it is getting worse

Which liberals on this board think it's a joke?

as for why it's happening: Bad economic reports and no more QE.


You mean no more printing money?????

Yes, deciding to quit adding more monetary base serves to disinflate something. or somethings.

You, 0bama, and all the other 0bama Fluffers have told us for ages that we've turned the corner and are on the road to recovery....

Sadly, we were

All the economic indicators prove that to be bullshit....

Why can't you admit you were wrong?

Oh looky here..

Looks like the numbers (yet again) provided by the Bush administration were wrong (yet again).

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The depths of the Great Recession were even greater than originally reported -- by $131 billion, to be exact.

According to new data released by the government Friday, U.S. economic output plunged 5.1% from its height at the end of 2007, to its trough in mid 2009.

The Commerce Department had previously calculated a 4.1 percent decline.

In dollars, the math shows the U.S. economy lost $685 billion during that time, compared to $554 billion previously reported.

Read more: US Gov't: Recession $131B Worse Than We Thought - Project Economy News Story - WMUR New Hampshire


So along with masking the cost of two wars..the numbers weren't even right.

Pretty sure unemployment was far worse as well.
I assure you, Obama needs no help in failing. Virtually everything he touches fails, from sports teams to Libyan wars to the economy to the Chevy Volt.



And Rick Perry magically plugged the holes in the Texas budget last year with Lucky Charms.

Because their magically delicious.

Oh wait..no that was money from the Stimulus package that did that.

And I am sure Osama Bin Laden's last thought wasn't "Man..I am glad Obama is such a failure..".
I imagine we're going to hear about OBL every day until Q3 2012? "You're unemployed, but OBL is dead! Let's Par-tay with two buck chuck!"

But please do continue talking about the stimulus. Make sure everyone remembers it.

Right you are, Ken!

Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs - USATODAY.com

But to estimate the answers to such questions, economists rely on models based on historical relationships between various policies and real-world results. Earlier this month, Zandi and co-author Alan Blinder, former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, released the most detailed assessment of the government's efforts to combat the so-called Great Recession. Neither economist is regarded as a partisan firebrand. Zandi, for example, backed John McCain in the 2008 presidential campaign and has advised members of both parties.

Their conclusion: The fiscal stimulus created 2.7 million jobs and added $460 billion to gross domestic product. Unemployment would be 11% today if the stimulus hadn't been passed and 16.5% if neither the fiscal stimulus nor the banks' rescue had been enacted, according to Zandi and Blinder. "It's pretty hard to deny that it had a measurable impact," Zandi said.
Wall Street Pummeled: S&P Plunges Into Correction Range - FoxBusiness.com

The liberals on this web site think this stuff is a joke
it was not funny in 2008 and it damn sure is not funny in 2011 after spending trillions in so called fixes

It no longer matters whose information you use
Heritage or CBSs
its a wreck and it is getting worse

Which liberals on this board think it's a joke?

as for why it's happening: Bad economic reports and no more QE.

News flash everybody should know it was a bad economical report. The question is why, since obama said if we raised the debt ceiling it wouldn't happen.

Obama said if we raise the debt ceiling the DOW wouldn't fall?

Can you show us that quote?
Sadly, we were

All the economic indicators prove that to be bullshit....

Why can't you admit you were wrong?

Oh looky here..

Looks like the numbers (yet again) provided by the Bush administration were wrong (yet again).

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The depths of the Great Recession were even greater than originally reported -- by $131 billion, to be exact.

According to new data released by the government Friday, U.S. economic output plunged 5.1% from its height at the end of 2007, to its trough in mid 2009.

The Commerce Department had previously calculated a 4.1 percent decline.

In dollars, the math shows the U.S. economy lost $685 billion during that time, compared to $554 billion previously reported.

Read more: US Gov't: Recession $131B Worse Than We Thought - Project Economy News Story - WMUR New Hampshire


So along with masking the cost of two wars..the numbers weren't even right.

Pretty sure unemployment was far worse as well.

This is 2011... Time to change your calendar....

Shit has happened since Booooooooooooosh left office.....

Really..it's not about "taxing the rich". It's about making labor equitable.

There's no reason one guy at a company is making 21 million dollars a year while the guy breaking his back on the loading dock at the same company comes home with 43,000 dollars a year.

That's ridiculous.

And it's a major part of the reason we are in so much trouble.

So taxing the rich that wouldn't amount to dick when it comes to closing the spending that makes up our deficit is the answer? Can you show us on paper how this would have worked out?

Um..this makes no sense.

In any case..taxes are a part of the mix. That's one of the fundamental functions of Congress..to levy taxes.

It's in the United States Constitution.

And if there is a revenue problem..and if Congress is CUTTING taxes..they are NOT doing their jobs.

So you're not going to give us a number to work with, you will just repeat "more taxes on rich." The job of congress is not to tax more btw...
Borrowing more than one can afford to pay back never ends well.

Yeah..it's high time that Congress does it's job and start levying taxes.

Exxon Mobil: $15.1 billion

U.S. federal: -$156 million
U.S. state and local: $110 million
International: $15.2 billion

Chevron: $8 billion

U.S. federal: -$19 million
U.S. state and local: $230 million
International: $7.8 billion

General Electric: -$1.1 billion

Bank of America: -$1.9 billion

Tax bills for 5 corporate giants - Bank of America: -$1.9 billion (5) - CNNMoney.com

Or we could fire more Sanitation workers in NYC.

That ought to do the trick.

Get out your snowshoes. :lol:

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