WHY is the DJIA crashing?

So taxing the rich that wouldn't amount to dick when it comes to closing the spending that makes up our deficit is the answer? Can you show us on paper how this would have worked out?

Um..this makes no sense.

In any case..taxes are a part of the mix. That's one of the fundamental functions of Congress..to levy taxes.

It's in the United States Constitution.

And if there is a revenue problem..and if Congress is CUTTING taxes..they are NOT doing their jobs.

So you're not going to give us a number to work with, you will just repeat "more taxes on rich." The job of congress is not to tax more btw...


You go and find that little clause in the Constitution.

Because it says the EXACT opposite.
What is really being ignored about today is that Another European Socialist Democracy is collapsing under the weight of the Cost of their Socialist System. Another Domino Falls, while the Left and their Leaders continue to push for us to move more toward that Type of System. Oblivious to it, it would seem.
Or we could fire more Sanitation workers in NYC.

That ought to do the trick.

Get out your snowshoes. :lol:
You can't even quote an article correctly, dumbass.

Tax bills for 5 corporate giants - Exxon Mobil: $15.1 billion (2) - CNNMoney.com

Exxon paid the most taxes last year of any U.S. company, by far -- but not a cent went to the IRS for income taxes. That's because the oil giant does business in some of the mostly highly taxed countries in the world. Want to extract petroleum in Nigeria? Be prepared to fork over up to 85% of your profit in tax payments.

Exxon doled out more than $15 billion in income tax payments to foreign countries last year. U.S. tax codes allow companies to take massive deductions in light of those international charges, which knocked Exxon's federal income-tax bill down into negative territory.

That said, Uncle Sam gets his money in other ways. Including sales taxes and duties, Exxon recorded $7.7 billion in U.S. tax costs last year, and paid even more overseas.

Its grand total in global taxes for the year? A whopping $78.6 billion. The company's effective income tax rate was a hefty 47%, its highest in three years.
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Boehner said they got 98% of what they wanted in the debt ceiling deal...

...this market reaction, I guess, is an acknowledgement of that.

Lol, SO what is it NY, did Boehner get 98% of what he wanted in the deal or did the TP get a possible 2% of what they want? The TP put up a balanced budget with a surplus in 5 years, what % of that is in the bill Obama, Reid and Boehner passed?

You flip flop more than McCain lol.
Um..this makes no sense.

In any case..taxes are a part of the mix. That's one of the fundamental functions of Congress..to levy taxes.

It's in the United States Constitution.

And if there is a revenue problem..and if Congress is CUTTING taxes..they are NOT doing their jobs.

So you're not going to give us a number to work with, you will just repeat "more taxes on rich." The job of congress is not to tax more btw...


You go and find that little clause in the Constitution.

Because it says the EXACT opposite.

So, what you are saying, is it actually says in the constitution that it is the Job of Congress to always raise taxes, and never lower them?

All the economic indicators prove that to be bullshit....

Why can't you admit you were wrong?

Oh looky here..

Looks like the numbers (yet again) provided by the Bush administration were wrong (yet again).

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The depths of the Great Recession were even greater than originally reported -- by $131 billion, to be exact.

According to new data released by the government Friday, U.S. economic output plunged 5.1% from its height at the end of 2007, to its trough in mid 2009.

The Commerce Department had previously calculated a 4.1 percent decline.

In dollars, the math shows the U.S. economy lost $685 billion during that time, compared to $554 billion previously reported.

Read more: US Gov't: Recession $131B Worse Than We Thought - Project Economy News Story - WMUR New Hampshire


So along with masking the cost of two wars..the numbers weren't even right.

Pretty sure unemployment was far worse as well.

This is 2011... Time to change your calendar....

Shit has happened since Booooooooooooosh left office.....

Um..that's nuts.

If I give you incorrect data..and you screw something up because of it..it's your fault?

Like if I told you that the runway was 100 feet..and you crash your plane because it's only 50 feet..that's your fault?


So you're not going to give us a number to work with, you will just repeat "more taxes on rich." The job of congress is not to tax more btw...


You go and find that little clause in the Constitution.

Because it says the EXACT opposite.

So, what you are saying, is it actually says in the constitution that it is the Job of Congress to always raise taxes, and never lower them?


Well..either that..or shrink the population and give up terroritory.

What do you think we should do?

You mean Reid's plan...

He isn't a Republican....

Hmmm...sounds like 98% of what Boehner wanted

This debt reduction plan is death on the economy

Stock market crash
No jobs
Stagnant GDP

Thanks TeaTards....you got what you wanted

You're 0ssiah signed it....

The buck stops with whom?

He sure did....

Another example of Obama buckling to the minority Republicans. He should have seen what would happen. Following TeaTard policies causes an economic collapse
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Wall street is weighing in on the new Republican debt reduction plan

It ain't pretty

You mean Reid's plan...

He isn't a Republican....

Hmmm...sounds like 98% of what Boehner wanted

This debt reduction plan is death on the economy

Stock market crash
No jobs
Stagnant GDP

Thanks TeaTards....you got what you wanted

So what % was Obama's and Reid’s RW? 2%??? Hey, RW are you going to vote for Obama and Democrats in 2012 because you should know even with 2 branches of Government in their control they can't even claim to 2% of what was in the budget.

Man, you destroy the Democratic party all on your own man.
Boehner said they got 98% of what they wanted in the debt ceiling deal...

...this market reaction, I guess, is an acknowledgement of that.

Lol, SO what is it NY, did Boehner get 98% of what he wanted in the deal or did the TP get a possible 2% of what they want? The TP put up a balanced budget with a surplus in 5 years, what % of that is in the bill Obama, Reid and Boehner passed?

You flip flop more than McCain lol.

He is a partisan hack, and is just repeating the Talking points like a good little soldier. His Orders are clear. 4 the Next 16 Months he is to blame our collapse on the House, and claim that Obama could have fixed it all if it was not Republicans.

Fact is Neither side got anywhere near what they wanted in the deal, The Deal is essentially a punt, and that is the problem.

Obama and his pals in the media convinced Americans that all we needed to do is raise the debt limit and disaster would be averted. Of course that is not the truth. Although not yet, it is still very likely our Credit rating will be downgraded. You simply can not borrow the amount of money we are, while your economy is not producing, and expect that the people that lend the money, will not start to worry, and see you as not such a great investment. You do not have to be an economist to do the simple math and see there is a serious Problem, and half measures and promises of Cuts later will not fix it.
Hmmm...sounds like 98% of what Boehner wanted

This debt reduction plan is death on the economy

Stock market crash
No jobs
Stagnant GDP

Thanks TeaTards....you got what you wanted

You're 0ssiah signed it....

The buck stops with whom?

He sure did....

Another example of Obama buckling to the minority Republicans. He should have seen what would happen. Following TeaTard policies causes an economic collapse

So you're saying 0bama is a pussy?

Well, he doesn't care - as long as he can count on your vote...

So you're not going to give us a number to work with, you will just repeat "more taxes on rich." The job of congress is not to tax more btw...


You go and find that little clause in the Constitution.

Because it says the EXACT opposite.

So, what you are saying, is it actually says in the constitution that it is the Job of Congress to always raise taxes, and never lower them?


I know, he thinks he is owning up and asks me to find something in the constitution but can't find where it's "the job of congress to always tax more." Congress has a job, taxes are a tool, just like spending and spending cuts are tools. We are at the point where the tools that would help the most, by far, 10x more than "more taxes" is cutting... Start with all 4 of Obama's wars, I don't care.

You go and find that little clause in the Constitution.

Because it says the EXACT opposite.

So, what you are saying, is it actually says in the constitution that it is the Job of Congress to always raise taxes, and never lower them?


Well..either that..or shrink the population and give up terroritory.

What do you think we should do?


Who are you - the King of the False Dichotomy?

I can think of some other otomies.....
You're 0ssiah signed it....

The buck stops with whom?

He sure did....

Another example of Obama buckling to the minority Republicans. He should have seen what would happen. Following TeaTard policies causes an economic collapse

So you're saying 0bama is a pussy?

Well, he doesn't care - as long as he can count on your vote...


I was going to ask him if he's ready to support Hillary in a primary.
"Most responsible Americans know this...

A pity this administration is too stupid to grasp the concept...."

Yup, 10+ of the 14 billion are Raygun and W's, and they weren't averting the 2nd Pub Great Depression. gd morons. You are a tool of greedy mega rich thieving morons...LOL!!
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No maybe about it. The worst drop since 2008. Who was president then?

but Obama was supposed to rescue us. we all had the audacity of hope and stuff..

Yeah right. Only fools believe what politicians say.

Would have been no different had McCain been elected.

THIS is what they don't grasp.

What, do you think POTUS elects to flip the "Recession switch" on or off?

We're amid a deep crisis here... A bloated economy that has just experienced a massive contraction.

As quickly as you all can point a finger at Obama - How come your new Republican House hasn't fixed anything yet?

Sit tight. We're in this thing for the loooong haul.
You're 0ssiah signed it....

The buck stops with whom?

He sure did....

Another example of Obama buckling to the minority Republicans. He should have seen what would happen. Following TeaTard policies causes an economic collapse

So you're saying 0bama is a pussy?

Well, he doesn't care - as long as he can count on your vote...


Absolutely, Obama is a pussy. He backs down every time the Republicans threaten to push the country off a cliff

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