WHY is the DJIA crashing?

Kidding about what?

The market took a nose dive this week.

And it's not because they were tickled pink about what happened in Congress.

Some of it was Europe..but most of it was due to austerity measures.

Most of it isn't due to austerity measures, though some may be. This is about a slowing economy, particularly the revisions downward, and the problems in Europe.

Why is the economy slowing?

Because government supports - both fiscal and monetary - are fading at the same time that European markets are struggling, production is still flat and US firms aren't ready to begin taking risks.

Take a look at what Treasuries did today while every other asset declined. It was an intense flight to safety. Short term treasuries were trading so high that in some cases people actually paid the government for the courtesy of holding their money.
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Who are you - the King of the False Dichotomy?

I can think of some other otomies.....

King of what false Dichotomy.

Simple fact. You grow as a country..the government has to grow along with it.

Or are you thinking we should go back to muskets, wooden ships with sails and cannon to defend our borders?


Simple fact, our Government has out grown the population... hence the 1.6 Trillion dollar deficit… Even with tax increases you wouldn’t close but maybe 1/10th of that… Man swallow, you own yourself near every post.

Can't you go 3 posts without your faggot shit?

You are a little fuck up.

Keep your faggoty crap to yourself.

Quiff boy.
Most of it isn't due to austerity measures, though some may be. This is about a slowing economy, particularly the revisions downward, and the problems in Europe.

Why is the economy slowing? Is this the next part of the W-shaped recovery?

Tsunami, nuclear melt-down, end of stimulus, problems in Europe, dumbasses in DC. etc. But we are in a balance sheet recession, where growth is structurally anemic. There is simply too much supply, and we must work through it. We are living through the aftermath of one of the greatest asset bubbles of all time. There has to be some pain before this gets resolved. This can't be resolved by a few simple policies. It doesn't matter what the policies are or who is in power (though some policies are definitely better than others). This is the nature of a balance sheet recession.

The recovery did not happen because Obama prolonged this mess, it's that simple. You said it best, the hurt started once the stimulus was coming to an end because as predicted it would only float us until it ran out and then we would be deeper in debt and still have to go through the correction.
We need someone like Harding/Coolidge that understands economics… Not a President who repeats the same 10 talking points given to him that week.

Europe and Japan have little to nothing to do with our slow recovery.
For women, it's the c-word. For Cuyo, it's the o-word. :lol::lol:

Nah, not quite the same. When you use it, it makes me think you might be an idiot, but I know you're not an idiot.

So nah, not so much that I find it offensive per se. :cool:
King of what false Dichotomy.

Simple fact. You grow as a country..the government has to grow along with it.

Or are you thinking we should go back to muskets, wooden ships with sails and cannon to defend our borders?


Simple fact, our Government has out grown the population... hence the 1.6 Trillion dollar deficit… Even with tax increases you wouldn’t close but maybe 1/10th of that… Man swallow, you own yourself near every post.

Can't you go 3 posts without your faggot shit?

You are a little fuck up.

Keep your faggoty crap to yourself.

Quiff boy.

You have brought nothing tangible to the table and that’s why you get schooled so easily. BTW, what is with the "faggot" name calling... You seem to be one of the biggest homophobes on these boards.

The honest answer from me is I called you swallow a long time ago because I honestly thought that was your name, you freaked out and I noticed others called you that too after... The fact you are a giant homophobe made it stick. Should I be offended that you call me gay, I don't think being gay is a bad thing, you do...

no family. ~elvis.
For women, it's the c-word. For Cuyo, it's the o-word. :lol::lol:

Nah, not quite the same. When you use it, it makes me think you might be an idiot, but I know you're not an idiot.

So nah, not so much that I find it offensive per se. :cool:

well, I'll retire the word. But I get fed up with all the hackery.
The recovery did not happen because Obama prolonged this mess, it's that simple. You said it best, the hurt started once the stimulus was coming to an end because as predicted it would only float us until it ran out and then we would be deeper in debt and still have to go through the correction.
We need someone like Harding/Coolidge that understands economics… Not a President who repeats the same 10 talking points given to him that week.

Europe and Japan have little to nothing to do with our slow recovery.

Obama has not prolonged this mess, at least not significantly. It wouldn't have mattered if you had the most pro-business President in the history of the union, we would still be in the mess. Maybe unemployment would be 0.5% or 1% less, but this is about dealing with the aftermath of one of the biggest asset bubbles of all time. This is what the implosion of a massive asset bubble feels like. It's delusional and belies an ignorance of economic history and the nature of markets to argue otherwise.
Simple fact, our Government has out grown the population... hence the 1.6 Trillion dollar deficit… Even with tax increases you wouldn’t close but maybe 1/10th of that… Man swallow, you own yourself near every post.

Can't you go 3 posts without your faggot shit?

You are a little fuck up.

Keep your faggoty crap to yourself.

Quiff boy.

You have brought nothing tangible to the table and that’s why you get schooled so easily. BTW, what is with the "faggot" name calling... You seem to be one of the biggest homophobes on these boards.

The honest answer from me is I called you swallow a long time ago because I honestly thought that was your name, you freaked out and I noticed others called you that too after... The fact you are a giant homophobe made it stick. Should I be offended that you call me gay, I don't think being gay is a bad thing, you do...

Grats on getting owned nonstop, now go beat your children or whatever it is you do to make yourself feel in control.

You ask for a swallow and then honestly start with this "why are you calling me a faggot" crap.

You're an asshole. And a faggot.

You should also know that family members are off limits.

Fucking jerk.
This is the Pub economy now- Great job, Pubbies!!!

How is that even possible? No really, enlighten all of us how the Dems owning congress for 4 years with Obama for 2 but still blame Bush for the reason as to why they can't fix anything... Then you claim Reps have had to fix everything with a minority of power in 6 months...

I'm just following your logic, I know Obama/Dems/Reps all suck, you seem to pick one of the loosers and search for a way to claim victory after failing repeatedly.

Wait, nm that you're new here, and already an ultra partisian... Troll.
Can't you go 3 posts without your faggot shit?

You are a little fuck up.

Keep your faggoty crap to yourself.

Quiff boy.

You have brought nothing tangible to the table and that’s why you get schooled so easily. BTW, what is with the "faggot" name calling... You seem to be one of the biggest homophobes on these boards.

The honest answer from me is I called you swallow a long time ago because I honestly thought that was your name, you freaked out and I noticed others called you that too after... The fact you are a giant homophobe made it stick. Should I be offended that you call me gay, I don't think being gay is a bad thing, you do...

You ask for a swallow and then honestly start with this "why are you calling me a faggot" crap.

You're an asshole. And a faggot.

You should also know that family members are off limits.

Fucking jerk.

Quote me where I asked for a swallow... And man, lol you have some serious fear of gays, you might wana look into that Swallow.
for god sakes.....why yes, warren buffet takes money out of my pocket when he cashes his pay check, of course!

If you think one guy sitting on 58 billion dollars is a good thing for capitalism or a democratic republic in general..

Then keep watching.

Because both are going bye bye if this continues.

hey steve jobs is sitting on 76 billion, apple had more more cash on hand than the gov.

the key is GIVING THEM a reason to not sit on it, how they get iot or why means little, you are not poorer except by your own choice, by a dime no matter how much money someone else makes, there is no finite amount of money .

Yep Jobs made much of his money due to China and does not want to rock the China boat either.
Yup, much better to listen to common sense and the Neocon morons who got us here, than to Nobel prize winning economists who had us at 3% growth in 2010.
Now all we have to do is wait for horrible austerity conditions to lead to militarist dictatorships, and the subsequent world war will get us out of this...LOL! Gd morons.
The recovery did not happen because Obama prolonged this mess, it's that simple. You said it best, the hurt started once the stimulus was coming to an end because as predicted it would only float us until it ran out and then we would be deeper in debt and still have to go through the correction.
We need someone like Harding/Coolidge that understands economics… Not a President who repeats the same 10 talking points given to him that week.

Europe and Japan have little to nothing to do with our slow recovery.

Obama has not prolonged this mess, at least not significantly. It wouldn't have mattered if you had the most pro-business President in the history of the union, we would still be in the mess. Maybe unemployment would be 0.5% or 1% less, but this is about dealing with the aftermath of one of the biggest asset bubbles of all time. This is what the implosion of a massive asset bubble feels like. It's delusional and belies an ignorance of economic history and the nature of markets to argue otherwise.

First you're getting into hypothetical’s... Next you missed the point, you just said we need to go through a downturn (cleansing) before things can get better... I know we disagree with what FDR did to this country but Obama is just like FDR so get used to living in an everlasting Recession/Depression until he is replaced by someone who knows what they are doing.
Yup, much better to listen to common sense and the Neocon morons who got us here, than to Nobel prize winning economists who had us at 3% growth in 2010.
Now all we have to do is wait for horrible austerity conditions to lead to militarist dictatorships, and the subsequent world war will get us out of this...LOL! Gd morons.

LOL, please go away faster.
You mean all those econommists who thought everything was great during the bush years and did not see this coming?
And once it became apparent said it would be just a 6 months or so adjustment?
You have brought nothing tangible to the table and that’s why you get schooled so easily. BTW, what is with the "faggot" name calling... You seem to be one of the biggest homophobes on these boards.

The honest answer from me is I called you swallow a long time ago because I honestly thought that was your name, you freaked out and I noticed others called you that too after... The fact you are a giant homophobe made it stick. Should I be offended that you call me gay, I don't think being gay is a bad thing, you do...

You ask for a swallow and then honestly start with this "why are you calling me a faggot" crap.

You're an asshole. And a faggot.

You should also know that family members are off limits.

Fucking jerk.

Quote me where I asked for a swallow... And man, lol you have some serious fear of gays, you might wana look into that Swallow.

Asking straight men for a swallow ain't healthy faggot.

You might wanna look into that.

You mean all those econommists who thought everything was great during the bush years and did not see this coming?
And once it became apparent said it would be just a 6 months or so adjustment?

But the won a Nobel!!!!

We all know that the people that hand out the NPP are the smartest people on the planet, they just give the prize out like a treat to idiot children that happen to do better than others. The people that run the NPP have all the answers but figure it's best to let us learn the lesions for ourselves.

It is amazing that these guys couldn't even see what almost half the nation knew was comming. We should so listen to em lol.
The recovery did not happen because Obama prolonged this mess, it's that simple. You said it best, the hurt started once the stimulus was coming to an end because as predicted it would only float us until it ran out and then we would be deeper in debt and still have to go through the correction.
We need someone like Harding/Coolidge that understands economics… Not a President who repeats the same 10 talking points given to him that week.

Europe and Japan have little to nothing to do with our slow recovery.

Obama has not prolonged this mess, at least not significantly. It wouldn't have mattered if you had the most pro-business President in the history of the union, we would still be in the mess. Maybe unemployment would be 0.5% or 1% less, but this is about dealing with the aftermath of one of the biggest asset bubbles of all time. This is what the implosion of a massive asset bubble feels like. It's delusional and belies an ignorance of economic history and the nature of markets to argue otherwise.

First you're getting into hypothetical’s... Next you missed the point, you just said we need to go through a downturn (cleansing) before things can get better... I know we disagree with what FDR did to this country but Obama is just like FDR so get used to living in an everlasting Recession/Depression until he is replaced by someone who knows what they are doing.

The economy grew at record pace during FDR's first term - Obama would saw off his right arm if he could match the growth during FDR. He'd also be alright with winning the next election with 61% of the vote like FDR.
You mean all those econommists who thought everything was great during the bush years and did not see this coming?
And once it became apparent said it would be just a 6 months or so adjustment?

Well it's better then that.

Bush's numbers were "wrong". (Fudged) :lol:

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