WHY is the DJIA crashing?

Pretty obvious to anyone but brainwashed Pub Dupes. W vetoed everything 2007-9, lockstep Nazi style Pubs filibustered or blocked everything since, except 5/2009-11/2009, when Dems averted a depression, stimulated the economy, and passed Obamacare which will makes us globally competitive again. Pubs have done nothing but destroy, in power, and obstruct out of power. They are "UN-AMERICAN" (Time) and are now revealed to be AT BEST, greedy MORONS.

Your idiocy grows by the day.

Once again youre wrong.

Sure, if you say so, dittohead MORON!! LOL!! Where am I wrong SHYTTEHEAD? tyvm

W vetoed everything 2007-9,

Pretty easy to comment on monumental stupidity.
Like in every single case you lack proof Swallow. You must be proud knowing these boards have come to expect nothing from you in the way or proof, you're a joke here, grats!

Lack proof of what?

That you are a faggot?


You keep asking for swallows.

That's proof enough.

Have you always been this homophobic and I just didn't notice? Seriously, you have some good ideas - I'm not sure dropping slurs is helping your cause.

No joke, I'm not kidding but I honest to gawd have sat here (over months) reading Swallow's posts and thought... odd that no a single liberal (that I have seen) has ever called Swallow out as the homophobe he more than obviously is. Funnier is how so many “conservatives” call him out and otherwise are ok with being called gay as it seems like most take no offence to it.

It's not like I try and make him out to be a homophobe, he literally comes across as someone who hates gays more than I have seen any person online describe them.

So + rep for you for being the first I have seen man.
The stock market is mostly like trading baseball cards anyway.
Only when a stock is origionally sold does the issuing industry get any money from the market.

Ohh yes the stock value makes their company worth more if high so they can use it's value to borrow more money....
They hold the record in filibusters..and now hold the record in having the least productive congress.

Should be a good thing to run on in 2012.

The Reps don't hold a record on filibusters, they had a minority in the house meaning it took Dems too... meaning Dems/Reps hold a record in filibusters on Obama policies.

You don't need a majority to filibuster. That's the whole point of a filibuster.

But to block something you need enough votes and it always came down to some Dems voting with Reps... It's that age old "there were just enough votes," meaning the dems were trying to save their ass but not actually passing anything until Reps got hold of a branch so the blame games could once again continue... Notice how things are now? The TP gets all the blame on the Debt ceiling lol.
Wall Street Pummeled: S&P Plunges Into Correction Range - FoxBusiness.com

The liberals on this web site think this stuff is a joke
it was not funny in 2008 and it damn sure is not funny in 2011 after spending trillions in so called fixes

It no longer matters whose information you use
Heritage or CBSs
its a wreck and it is getting worse

Why--you ask--there is NO CONFIDENCE in this country anymore. We have a President who has to get dragged off a Golf Course or another Campaign fund raiser to give another perfectly pronounced speech--stating the same thing he has done for the last 3-1/2 years. "Blame Bush"--& attack the successful in this country. That's all he's got.

Obama has no plan of his own--except to "rebuild" this country from the ground up. He did that with his flood the basement economic policy-- borrowing and spending 1 trillion dollars to temporarily "save" government workers jobs.

Unemployment is UP again--the Federal Government is now spending 100% of GDP--and we are borrowing .43 cents on every dollar the government spends. Did Barack Obama have "plan" to fix this MESS. Hell no--but he sure threatened to VETO the CUT-CAP-and BALANCE bill that actually passed the house--that would have given domestic and foreign investors the signal that this country was SERIOUS about fiscal responsibility.

To hell with you Obama voters--you got caught up with Greek Columns'--perfectly pronounced speeches--read from a teleprompter- which were written by others--and you bought this DISASTER hook--line and sinker.

You elected a President who "leads" from the rear--or ass first in my opinion.

Last edited:
updated 8/4/2011 6:48:07 PM ET

NEW YORK — Any way you cut it, it was a terrible day for the stock market
Worries about the state of the economy in the U.S. and around the world slammed stocks on Thursday, driving the Dow Jones industrial average to close down more than 500 points. It was the Dow's worst drop since October 2008.

Freefall link
Perfect tweet. "Rampant poverty and unemployment? Eh. No one cares. Some investors lose some cash? SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!!!!!"

This admin is. Didnt you see the added regulation posted earlier today.

Further killing confidence and Jobs.

So much to be proud of.
Wall Street Pummeled: S&P Plunges Into Correction Range - FoxBusiness.com

The liberals on this web site think this stuff is a joke
it was not funny in 2008 and it damn sure is not funny in 2011 after spending trillions in so called fixes

It no longer matters whose information you use
Heritage or CBSs
its a wreck and it is getting worse

Why--you ask--there is NO CONFIDENCE in this country anymore. We have a President who has to get dragged off a Golf Course or another Campaign fund raiser to give another perfectly pronounced speech--stating the same thing he has done for the last 3-1/2 years. "Blame Bush"--& attack the successful in this country. That's all he's got.

Obama has no plan of his own--except to "rebuild" this country from the ground up. He did that with his flood the basement economic policy-- borrowing and spending 1 trillion dollars to temporarily "save" government workers jobs.

Unemployment is UP again--the Federal Government is now spending 100% of GDP--and we are borrowing .43 cents on every dollar the government spends. Did Barack Obama have "plan" to fix this MESS. Hell no--but he sure threatened to VETO the CUT-CAP-and BALANCE bill that actually passed the house.

To hell with you Obama voters--you got caught up with Greek Columns'--perfectly pronounced speeches--read from a teleprompter- which were written by others--and you bought this DISASTER hook--line and sinker.

You elected a President who "leads" from the rear.--or ass first in my opinion.

View attachment 14516

Obama blames Bush, you blame Obama. you did not blame congress?

ALL and many before them are to blame for a general lack of confidence in America right now. And much of the lack of confidence is well deserved and long overdue.
Like in every single case you lack proof Swallow. You must be proud knowing these boards have come to expect nothing from you in the way or proof, you're a joke here, grats!

Lack proof of what?

That you are a faggot?


You keep asking for swallows.

That's proof enough.

Have you always been this homophobic and I just didn't notice? Seriously, you have some good ideas - I'm not sure dropping slurs is helping your cause.

When you get bit..you bite back.

Simple as that.

Don't like it..don't get involved.
It's a shame that the Republicans will block anything that could right the economy
They hold the record in filibusters..and now hold the record in having the least productive congress.

Should be a good thing to run on in 2012.

The Reps don't hold a record on filibusters, they had a minority in the house meaning it took Dems too... meaning Dems/Reps hold a record in filibusters on Obama policies.

You don't need a majority to filibuster. That's the whole point of a filibuster.

It's almost a given now that everything that passes through the Senate has to have more then 60 votes.

That's not normal.
No, you need 60 votes to beat a filibuster, and Dems only had that for 6 months (Pubs lie about that too- see your mistake, Pub Dupe?). They tried to get along, but Pubs might as well be NAZIS these days. Fighting for chaos, paralysis, and ruining any confidence the economy might have. "Un-American"(Time)

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