WHY is the DJIA crashing?

It's a shame that the Republicans will block anything that could right the economy

Yeah and when you have the Dems doing the same thing you know you're fucked. Oh well, you know it's true just like we all do RW. Good try and being a partisan hack RW, I’d say you pulled it off as usual.
It's a shame that the Republicans will block anything that could right the economy

they honestly do not care about anything right now except getting rid of Obama and regaining control.

And the Dems don't care about anything right now other than getting rid of Republicans and trying to regain control... That's what they all do, notice how nothing meaningful comes from them?
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Oh it's alot more then that.

The government is pulling money out of the economy. That means fewer government contracts and fewer government employees.

And overall..that means less people buying stuff.

For all the hatred conservatives have for working people in this country..they fail to realize that consumer spending is 70% present of what makes the economy work.

So making a few people extraordinarily rich..means that the other 99% of the country has no money to spend. Those 1% can't spend the money fast enough..and the economy crashes.

for god sakes.....why yes, warren buffet takes money out of my pocket when he cashes his pay check, of course!

If you think one guy sitting on 58 billion dollars is a good thing for capitalism or a democratic republic in general..

Then keep watching.

Because both are going bye bye if this continues.
It's a shame that the Republicans will block anything that could right the economy

they honestly do not care about anything right now except getting rid of Obama and regaining control.

And the Dems don't care about anything right now other than getting rid of Republicans and trying to regain control... That's what they all do, notice how nothing meaningful comes from them?

Ohh yes of course both sides are really only one side using us against each other for their purposes not ours.
Many/most in congress/politics do not realize this, they are too busy playing the game.
But it is true none the less.
Half the Pub dupes on here are trolls, they're so brainwashed and full of misinformation.
Obama's popularity is holding steady at 48% but congress is now at 14!(NBC) LOL! You Pub chumps are looking HORRIBLE, AND CLUELESS.
Perry/Bachmann 1912!! pffffft!!
Half the Pub dupes on here are trolls, they're so brainwashed and full of misinformation.
Obama's popularity is holding steady at 48% but congress is now at 14!(NBC) LOL! You Pub chumps are looking HORRIBLE, AND CLUELESS.
Perry/Bachmann 1912!! pffffft!!

LOL I continue to point out your intentional misinformation, and all we get from you is

SQUAT. Pathetic on so many levels.
/Sigh... are we really back to idiots trying to pawn off the last 4 years of democrats control of Congress onto the Reps? Why is it expected (and more than most the time delivered) that Reps/Conservatives admit and realize Bush played a huge part in the mess we are in but so many of the Dems are slow to admit the Dems have a big part in it all as well?
Bachman is a proven distributor of disinformation. why would anyone believe her let alone elect her to president or vice president?
/Sigh... are we really back to idiots trying to pawn off the last 4 years of democrats control of Congress onto the Reps? Why is it expected (and more than most the time delivered) that Reps/Conservatives admit and realize Bush played a huge part in the mess we are in but so many of the Dems are slow to admit the Dems have a big part in it all as well?

You are getting closer :)

Many repubs also refuse to admit that repubs, bush, etc played iay part in were we are either.

I think the biggest problem facing America is mass stupidity.
And no I am not referring to a Monty Python parody of a Catholic worship service.
/Sigh... are we really back to idiots trying to pawn off the last 4 years of democrats control of Congress onto the Reps? Why is it expected (and more than most the time delivered) that Reps/Conservatives admit and realize Bush played a huge part in the mess we are in but so many of the Dems are slow to admit the Dems have a big part in it all as well?

Not only do they share the blame, they have made it worse.

Then the useful idiots try to make simple minded comparisons about tax cuts. All the while increasing regulation which most seem to think doesnt cost anything.

The level of stupidity is mind boggling.
It's a shame that the Republicans will block anything that could right the economy

they honestly do not care about anything right now except getting rid of Obama and regaining control.


And they've stated it..very clearly.

Every politician, ever Dem or Rep has said more or less the same thing... That's why they run against each other. What you guys are talking about is not some novel idea, brand spankin new created by the evil Republicans of 2010!
/Sigh... are we really back to idiots trying to pawn off the last 4 years of democrats control of Congress onto the Reps? Why is it expected (and more than most the time delivered) that Reps/Conservatives admit and realize Bush played a huge part in the mess we are in but so many of the Dems are slow to admit the Dems have a big part in it all as well?

You are getting closer :)

Many repubs also refuse to admit that repubs, bush, etc played iay part in were we are either.

I think the biggest problem facing America is mass stupidity.
And no I am not referring to a Monty Python parody of a Catholic worship service.

I agree, just look at the way Swallow interprets your posts… “OMG A CHANCE TO HATE ON REPUBLICANS!!!!” Little does he know we're both talking about people just like him being the problem.
Half the Pub dupes on here are trolls, they're so brainwashed and full of misinformation.
Obama's popularity is holding steady at 48% but congress is now at 14!(NBC) LOL! You Pub chumps are looking HORRIBLE, AND CLUELESS.
Perry/Bachmann 1912!! pffffft!!

Your party is accusing the Republican Party of harming the economy.

The truth is, the Democrat Party is out to punish successful people and give their earnings to people who did nothing and will not invest their windfall in America.

You're calling people who object to this ploy "trolls" "brainwashed" and "misinformed"?

I'm not buying what you are selling.

It's that simple.
they honestly do not care about anything right now except getting rid of Obama and regaining control.


And they've stated it..very clearly.

Every politician, ever Dem or Rep has said more or less the same thing... That's why they run against each other. What you guys are talking about is not some novel idea, brand spankin new created by the evil Republicans of 2010!

Ahh but the difference now its that deep down both party's are the same once they get in congress and are influenced by lobbyists.
They are both subsets of the corporatist party.
and they are being steered away from creating jobs and such because big corporations are doing fine they way things are.
that will change within the next decade though and then things will really fall apart if we do not wake up before then.
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"Name what they are blocking that would right the economy!"


Jeeezus Pub dupes are out of it. Read a paper or something.

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