WHY is the DJIA crashing?

"So the GOP, which controls only the House, and that barely, is responsible for this mess, while the Democrats controlled all of COngress by filibuster proof majorities and the White House and couldn't fix this mess in 3 years and more?
Hey, lay off the Kool Aid, asshole."

The Dems has a supermajority for SIX MONTHS, ASSHOLE, and cleaned up the mess until this orgy of PUB obstruction, no compromise fanaticism. Read a paper or something, SHYTTEHEAD.
"Name what they are blocking that would right the economy!"


Jeeezus Pub dupes are out of it. Read a paper or something.

Why the trade bills now? They have been sitting there for months.

Does harry know how to get off of his ass?

Jesez, are you a total moron? Pass SOMETHING beside names for POST OFFICES....

LOL They have been in the senate, the body that handles that bit of stuff.

Youre a riot.
Jobs, jobs, jobs get pubs elected in 2010- then they rename 4 post offices in 6 months and continue to obstruct everything- now scaring the entire world...BRILLIANT!! Even old Pubs are screaming LOL!!

Next- Fox and Rush have no clothes LOL!! stupidest, grreediest party in the world. BY FAR...
Senate deal on taking up worker, trade bills
Aug. 3, 2011, 11:18 p.m. PDTAssociated Press

Sounds like Pubs all of a sudden started refusing to pass the usual assistance for workers affected bill that goes along with trade bills....BLOCKING IT...and WON'T COMPROMISE, even though all the Pub trade associations want it. SAME gd thing, pal.
Lack proof of what?

That you are a faggot?


You keep asking for swallows.

That's proof enough.

Have you always been this homophobic and I just didn't notice? Seriously, you have some good ideas - I'm not sure dropping slurs is helping your cause.

When you get bit..you bite back.

Simple as that.

Don't like it..don't get involved.

I don't want to get involved - I just wish you'd have enough respect to drop the gay slurs. If a conservative dropped an n-bomb, I have no doubt you'd jump all over them.
I don't believe it is stupidity. It's willful ignorance. Choosing to turn a blind eye has nothing to do with intelligence.

A fine line there. Is it smart to "cut off ones nose to spite their face" ? Which is pretty much how the partisan divide is working in America now.
Have you always been this homophobic and I just didn't notice? Seriously, you have some good ideas - I'm not sure dropping slurs is helping your cause.

When you get bit..you bite back.

Simple as that.

Don't like it..don't get involved.

I don't want to get involved - I just wish you'd have enough respect to drop the gay slurs. If a conservative dropped an n-bomb, I have no doubt you'd jump all over them.

I am a fiscal conservative and have no problem with gays. In fact--I have friends that are gay--that are just as fiscally conservative as I am.
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I don't believe it is stupidity. It's willful ignorance. Choosing to turn a blind eye has nothing to do with intelligence.

A fine line there. Is it smart to "cut off ones nose to spite their face" ? Which is pretty much how the partisan divide is working in America now.

Politics by SPITE is a terrible way to run a nation, that's for damned sure.
Wall Street Pummeled: S&P Plunges Into Correction Range - FoxBusiness.com

The liberals on this web site think this stuff is a joke
it was not funny in 2008 and it damn sure is not funny in 2011 after spending trillions in so called fixes

It no longer matters whose information you use
Heritage or CBSs
its a wreck and it is getting worse

without reading 25+ pages.....there is a lot of anxiety in the markets because of what is going on in Europe. Most of the major indexes were getting nailed in fear of Spain's financial woes. The ripple effect is having impact over here.
The dems have done lots of compromising. Continuing the bush tax cuts, they compromised the health care reform into garbage that helps no one except the insurance industry.
this is just the beginning.

the american economy was sustained for decades on a partnership between government and the middle class.

government taxed the wealthy in order to shore-up consumer demand. That is, government moved tax dollars into programs, jobs, entitlements, laws, and regulations which created the most solvent & upwardly mobile middle class in history. SS payments, Medicare support, and educational aid are not simple handouts. They free up middle class money for consumption. When a middle class family does not have the full financial burden of their parents (because of SS and Medicare), that same family has more money with which to buy things.

And what happens when the middle class has more money in their wallets? The capitalist has to innovate and add jobs in order to capture that money.

It's a virtuous cycle and it explains why our greatest economic growth as a nation happened during the height of the liberal postwar period (when taxes were at their highest, as was government spending on the middle class).

The government moved more of the profits to the great mass of middle class spenders. And they spent. And the economy grew like crazy.

Fast forward to the Reagan Revolution.

The GOP got rid of our investment in the middle class in order to give tax cuts to the rich (who loaded the economy with speculative risk, only to float away on a golden parachute once their bogus securities blew up)

The GOP does not understand what it has done.

The middle class is too big to fail. You cannot all the sudden remove everything that sustained their consumption.

People have no idea how bad this is going to get. America has been taken over by morons.
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this is just the beginning.

the american economy was sustained for decades on a partnership between government and the middle class.

government taxed the wealthy in order to shore-up consumer demand. That is, government moved tax dollars into programs, jobs, entitlements, laws, and regulations which created the most solvent & upwardly mobile middle class in history. SS payments, Medicare support, and educational aid are not simple handouts. They free up middle class money for consumption. When a middle class family does not have the full financial burden of their parents (because of SS and Medicare), that same family has more money with which to buy things.

And what happens when the middle class has more money in their wallets? The capitalist has to innovate and add jobs in order to capture that money.

It's a virtuous cycle and it explains why our greatest economic growth as a nation happened during the height of the liberal postwar period (when taxes were at their highest, as was government spending on the middle class).

The government moved more of the profits to spenders. And they spent. And the economy grew like crazy.

The GOP got rid of our investment in the middle class in order to give tax cuts to the rich.

They don't understand what they have done.

The middle class it to big to fail. You cannot all the sudden remove everything that sustained their consumption.

People have no idea how bad this is going to get. America has been taken over by morons.

A pretty good overview which when combined with the US becoming over 70% dependent on consumer spending explains a lot.
Obama must have just finished giving one of his "hoo-rah" shovel-ready green jobs speeches somewhere.

LOL! How surprising. "It's all Obama's fault!" .
Of course.

Dude, you're about as credible as those who are still yelling "It's all Bush's fault!".
Wall Street Pummeled: S&P Plunges Into Correction Range - FoxBusiness.com

The liberals on this web site think this stuff is a joke
it was not funny in 2008 and it damn sure is not funny in 2011 after spending trillions in so called fixes

It no longer matters whose information you use
Heritage or CBSs
its a wreck and it is getting worse

without reading 25+ pages.....there is a lot of anxiety in the markets because of what is going on in Europe. Most of the major indexes were getting nailed in fear of Spain's financial woes. The ripple effect is having impact over here.

Horsecrap--This country--the USA is in major DECLINE. Right now Mexico is growing faster than the USA. Their unemployment is much lower than ours. It won't be long before they'll be building fences to keep us out.

Furthermore we have a professional golfer and full-time presidential campaigner who is known as the President who leads from the REAR.


The CONFIDENCE is gone in our government--and our markets are collapsing.
Definitely not all Obama's fault.

Credit also goes to Harry Reid and Nannabelle Pelosi.

LOL!!!! Okay, yah. It's all the Dems fault!

That is as credible as those who whine "It's all the Republicans' or Conservatives fault!"

This be an entertaining place.
Why is the stock market falling? one word - Debt. Sovereign. Personal. Corporate. It's all about worldwide debt.

We are coming to the end of an year 80 debt super-cycle. The entire developed world (with very few exceptions) have borrowed themselves into a situation where the only choices they have are either bad decisions or catastrophic decisions.

The entire western world needs to deleverage and it will be very, very painful.
As usual Conservative America conveniently forgets the past - such as President Ronald Reagan asking Congress to raise the debt ceiling 17 or 18 times while in office. Where was the gnashing of teeth, pulling of hair or other protestations then? By all means, please don't let reality, facts or history get in the way of making it up as you go.

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