WHY is the DJIA crashing?

Barrack Obama is the 1st Democratic president since WW2 where the federal debt/GDP ratio has not
gone down. The ratio reached its lowest point at the end of the Carter Administration (32.5%).

Reagan inherited a debt/GDP ratio of 32.5% in 1981 and 8 years later had ran it up to 53.1% - a 20.6% increase.
GHW Bush added another 13.0% increase and left with the debt/GDP ratio of 66.1%

Bill Clinton reduced the ratio by 9.7%, resulting in a 56.4% debt/GDP.

GW Bush increased it by another 27.8% and left office in 2009 with a debt/GDP of 82.4%

Barrack Obama inherited an economic meltdown at the beginning of 2009, and by the end of 2010 the ratio had increased by 9.0% to 93.2% debt/GDP.

Reagan, GHW Bush and GW Bush together are responsible for a 61.4% increase in the debt/GDP ratio, while Clinton and Obama (2010) combined account for -0.7%.

The main criticism that can be directed towards the Democrats should be that they are guilty of not decreasing the national debt/GDP ratio fast enough to compensate for the spending habits of the last 3 Republican presidents.

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Why is the stock market falling? one word - Debt. Sovereign. Personal. Corporate. It's all about worldwide debt.

We are coming to the end of an year 80 debt super-cycle. The entire developed world (with very few exceptions) have borrowed themselves into a situation where the only choices they have are either bad decisions or catastrophic decisions.

The entire western world needs to deleverage and it will be very, very painful.

I've gotten a hint at 'painful' in the past year. I've been blessed that family and friends have helped me out, but I fear that the worst is yet to come. I hope I'm wrong, I often am, but seems we're heading for a global depression that will make the 30's look tame.
The dems have done lots of compromising. Continuing the bush tax cuts, they compromised the health care reform into garbage that helps no one except the insurance industry.

Extending the Bush tax cuts being a compromise?

But the health-care reform bill had nothing to do with the GOP
Barrack Obama is the 1st Democratic president since WW2 where the federal debt/GDP ratio has not
gone down. The ratio reached its lowest point at the end of the Carter Administration (32.5%).

Reagan inherited a debt/GDP ratio of 32.5% in 1981 and 8 years later had ran it up to 53.1% - a 20.6% increase.
GHW Bush added another 13.0% increase and left with the debt/GDP ratio of 66.1%

Bill Clinton reduced the ratio by 9.7%, resulting in a 56.4% debt/GDP.

GW Bush increased it by another 27.8% and left office in 2009 with a debt/GDP of 82.4%

Barrack Obama inherited an economic meltdown at the beginning of 2009, and by the end of 2010 the ratio had increased by 9.0% to 93.2% debt/GDP.

Reagan, GHW Bush and GW Bush together are responsible for a 61.4% increase in the debt/GDP ratio, while Clinton and Obama (2010) combined account for -0.7%.

The main criticism that can be directed towards the Democrats should be that they are guilty of not decreasing the national debt/GDP ratio fast enough to compensate for the spending habits of the last 3 Republican presidents.

National debt by U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

hey garden
let it go
BHO is the one failing
Decreasing the debt?
The last GOP budget was within 162 billion of breaking even, 2007
I do not think you can say the same for the 08,09,10,11,12

All of them DEM budgets
just like most of the ones when RR was president

Did you not pay attention this last fiasco?
Dem president and senate?
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The left just does not get it

The stock market is crashing because we have a president who will not lead
who will not allow this country to flex its muscle
go after this oil shale, natural gas and Nuclear energy

He has every-one having no idea what he is going to do next. We went thru trillions of borrowed money to "save and create" and we "lost without debate" 6 million jobs

The left brings up Clintons surplus. A surplus that was the work of a GOP congress
The left brings up RR and GWB debt
Debt that has more dem years running congress than GOP, at least as many
Debt that is 4 trillion in 16 years (without the interest of debt inherited)(apples to apples)
That has had close to 40 million jobs created since RR was president
1980...... 90,528 74,154 24,263 1,077 4,454 18,733
1981...... 91,289 75,109 24,118 1,180 4,304 18,634
1982...... 89,677 73,695 22,550 1,163 4,024 17,363
1983...... 90,280 74,269 22,110 997 4,065 17,048
1984...... 94,530 78,371 23,435 1,014 4,501 17,920
1985...... 97,511 80,978 23,585 974 4,793 17,819
1986...... 99,474 82,636 23,318 829 4,937 17,552
1987...... 102,088 84,932 23,470 771 5,090 17,609
1988...... 105,345 87,806 23,909 770 5,233 17,906
1989...... 108,014 90,087 24,045 750 5,309 17,985

1990...... 109,487 91,072 23,723 765 5,263 17,695
1991...... 108,375 89,829 22,588 739 4,780 17,068
1992...... 108,726 89,940 22,095 689 4,608 16,799
1993...... 110,844 91,855 22,219 666 4,779 16,774
1994...... 114,291 95,016 22,774 659 5,095 17,020
1995...... 117,298 97,865 23,156 641 5,274 17,241
1996...... 119,708 100,169 23,409 637 5,536 17,237
1997...... 122,776 103,113 23,886 654 5,813 17,419
1998...... 125,930 106,021 24,354 645 6,149 17,560
1999...... 128,993 108,686 24,465 598 6,545 17,322

2000...... 131,785 110,995 24,649 599 6,787 17,263
2001...... 131,826 110,708 23,873 606 6,826 16,441
2002...... 130,341 108,828 22,557 583 6,716 15,259
2003...... 129,999 108,416 21,816 572 6,735 14,510
2004...... 131,435 109,814 21,882 591 6,976 14,315
2005...... 133,703 111,899 22,190 628 7,336 14,226
2006...... 136,086 114,113 22,531 684 7,691 14,155
2007...... 137,598 115,380 22,233 724 7,630 13,879
2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,334 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,557 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,818 107,337 17,755 705 5,526 11,524

Debt that BHO has had 6 million gone sense 2008

Debt that had 2 wars, 9-11, Enron, Katrina as well as 5 other major hurricanes
Debt that inherited a recession, 2001

Debt that has had 1 war and the UAW gift giving tax payer funded Xmas present, and god only knows where most of it went
and yes BHO inherited a recession also
difference is GWB did not spend 3 trillion dollars more than we had to claim this would be the way to get out of it, nor did he do that with 9-11
The stock market isn't crashing because Obama isn't leading. That's pretty silly.
Here;s a thought.

Instead of pinning blame on political parties, why not discuss the POLCIES that we think might be the problem?

After we establish those policies that we think have hosed the economy, then it is child's play to see WHICH PEOPLE SUPPORTED those policies.

Now I know that partisans won't be interested in such reality based discussions, because that's not why they're here.

But those of us whose primary interest is advancing this NATION, rather than some party might find this approach beneficial.
Europe is facing what we did in 2008, although we aren't much better now. They are trying not to fall off the cliff and asking for global cooperation, which will be hard.
Half the Pub dupes on here are trolls, they're so brainwashed and full of misinformation.
Obama's popularity is holding steady at 48% but congress is now at 14!(NBC) LOL! You Pub chumps are looking HORRIBLE, AND CLUELESS.
Perry/Bachmann 1912!! pffffft!!
Yeah, right! As it stands now, obama looses to Charlie Sheen.
A generic Republican candidate now leads President Obama by five points in a hypothetical 2012 election match-up.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters shows the generic Republican with 47% of the vote, while the president picks up 42% support. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and seven percent (7%) are undecided.
As usual Conservative America conveniently forgets the past - such as President Ronald Reagan asking Congress to raise the debt ceiling 17 or 18 times while in office. Where was the gnashing of teeth, pulling of hair or other protestations then? By all means, please don't let reality, facts or history get in the way of making it up as you go.

Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget. Reagan's deficits were a manageable percentage of GDP. Obama's are nearly the size of GDP.
It sure looks like we can't keep spending to avoid bankruptcy.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHFEcyUNBjg]‪Biden: We Have To Spend Money To Keep From Going Bankrupt‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Here;s a thought.

Instead of pinning blame on political parties, why not discuss the POLCIES that we think might be the problem?

After we establish those policies that we think have hosed the economy, then it is child's play to see WHICH PEOPLE SUPPORTED those policies.

Now I know that partisans won't be interested in such reality based discussions, because that's not why they're here.

But those of us whose primary interest is advancing this NATION, rather than some party might find this approach beneficial.

That's not possible given the current make up of the Republican party. And it's been that way for quite some time. They feel as if that they should have the power. That's it. Doesn't matter about policy. They don't like the popular vote and are constantly throwing up road blocks to make voting very difficult.

And there is no interest in "advancing" anything in the world of conservatism. Its all about "going back to something" and tradition.

"If man were meant to fly..god would have given him wings" - Old conservative saying.
The stock market isn't crashing because Obama isn't leading. That's pretty silly.

True. It's crashing because Reid and Pelosi did the leading. They lead us into higher debt and more regulation. If Obama had actually done something it might have been even worse.
this is just the beginning.

the american economy was sustained for decades on a partnership between government and the middle class.

government taxed the wealthy in order to shore-up consumer demand. That is, government moved tax dollars into programs, jobs, entitlements, laws, and regulations which created the most solvent & upwardly mobile middle class in history. SS payments, Medicare support, and educational aid are not simple handouts. They free up middle class money for consumption. When a middle class family does not have the full financial burden of their parents (because of SS and Medicare), that same family has more money with which to buy things.

And what happens when the middle class has more money in their wallets? The capitalist has to innovate and add jobs in order to capture that money.

It's a virtuous cycle and it explains why our greatest economic growth as a nation happened during the height of the liberal postwar period (when taxes were at their highest, as was government spending on the middle class).

The government moved more of the profits to the great mass of middle class spenders. And they spent. And the economy grew like crazy.

Fast forward to the Reagan Revolution.

The GOP got rid of our investment in the middle class in order to give tax cuts to the rich (who loaded the economy with speculative risk, only to float away on a golden parachute once their bogus securities blew up)

The GOP does not understand what it has done.

The middle class is too big to fail. You cannot all the sudden remove everything that sustained their consumption.

People have no idea how bad this is going to get. America has been taken over by morons.

In a nutshell..this captures the whole story. :clap2:
The left just does not get it

The stock market is crashing because we have a president who will not lead
who will not allow this country to flex its muscle
go after this oil shale, natural gas and Nuclear energy

The President is responsible for Greece, Italy and Spain?

And yes, this president is really, really preventing natural gas exploration and nuclear! Did you really say that out loud? Perhaps you should read up on that claim before making it again.
This message is hidden because hellofromwarsaw is on your ignore list.

That was quick, easy and I promis I will never miss a bit of important information from doing it.

He may become the inaugural member of my list.
Half the Pub dupes on here are trolls, they're so brainwashed and full of misinformation.
Obama's popularity is holding steady at 48% but congress is now at 14!(NBC) LOL! You Pub chumps are looking HORRIBLE, AND CLUELESS.
Perry/Bachmann 1912!! pffffft!!
Yeah, right! As it stands now, obama looses to Charlie Sheen.
A generic Republican candidate now leads President Obama by five points in a hypothetical 2012 election match-up.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters shows the generic Republican with 47% of the vote, while the president picks up 42% support. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and seven percent (7%) are undecided.

Unfortunately, Charlie Sheen is not the Republican candidate.

As soon as you give "generic Republican" a name, that person is losing. The singular exception to that is a couple polls that had Romney tied with Obama. Republicans can't run "Generic" in the 2012 campaign.
As usual Conservative America conveniently forgets the past - such as President Ronald Reagan asking Congress to raise the debt ceiling 17 or 18 times while in office. Where was the gnashing of teeth, pulling of hair or other protestations then? By all means, please don't let reality, facts or history get in the way of making it up as you go.

Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget. Reagan's deficits were a manageable percentage of GDP. Obama's are nearly the size of GDP.
It sure looks like we can't keep spending to avoid bankruptcy.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHFEcyUNBjg]‪Biden: We Have To Spend Money To Keep From Going Bankrupt‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Obama's deficits are "nearly the size of GDP"?!

Where did you hear that nonsense?
No, this President is attempting to EMULATE, Greece, Italy and Spain!

As for what this President is preventing? Are you really not aware that the majority of people Barack Obama has put into leadership positions since taking office have been liberal ideologues? You've got an Administration that's put the clamps down on the private sector across the board and then they all sit around a big table in the White House and scratch their heads over why the economy isn't growing and nobody is hiring. It would be laughable if it wasn't killing us.
Jobs growth up i54,000. unemployment down 9.1 %; futures up 68

In a world of awful expectations made more awful by yesterday's collapse, 54K is better than many feared.

Crappy shitty bad, but not as crappy, shitty and bad as folks feared.

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