WHY is the DJIA crashing?

I'm surprised some Obamabots are still functional...their hope and change batteries should've worn out years ago.

Obama campaigns with a message of change in the midst of economic depression - Republicans get 98% of what they want and the market crashes - its pretty clear what Republicans are aiming for. A shitty economy. You don't want things to change when the economy is shitty and wall street hates the laws you pass.

The "campaign" should have ended two and a half years ago! Instead of giving us vague promises of CHANGE? How about actually giving us some concrete steps to make change happen?

Sorry, OohPoo...but your man, Barack is nothing more than an empty suit, spouting hot air at this point. It's all he knows how to do...it's all he's ever done. I don't know why anyone expected anything different now.
What's amazing to me is how "happy" you libs seem to be with another dismal jobs number. Even your "boy" Paul Krugman understands that we need to add 300,000 jobs each month if we're going to see unemployment numbers go down and we are SO far from that it's not funny.

Your suggestion is what?

Cut taxes?

Ease Regulation?


Well we sure as heck shouldn't be raising taxes! In this economy that is just plain idiotic.

As for regulations? Forget "easing" them...just stop piling new ones onto the ones already in existence.
Here;s a thought.

Instead of pinning blame on political parties, why not discuss the POLCIES that we think might be the problem?

After we establish those policies that we think have hosed the economy, then it is child's play to see WHICH PEOPLE SUPPORTED those policies.

Now I know that partisans won't be interested in such reality based discussions, because that's not why they're here.

But those of us whose primary interest is advancing this NATION, rather than some party might find this approach beneficial.

There are a few sites out there which are interested in making a true change, as opposed to rattling their sabers on the net.

Rebuild the Dream <--- can't wait until their message board is up.
What's amazing to me is how "happy" you libs seem to be with another dismal jobs number. Even your "boy" Paul Krugman understands that we need to add 300,000 jobs each month if we're going to see unemployment numbers go down and we are SO far from that it's not funny.

Your suggestion is what?

Cut taxes?

Ease Regulation?


Apparently it bugs him that we're happy in and of ourselves. Too bad. :cool:
What's amazing to me is how "happy" you libs seem to be with another dismal jobs number. Even your "boy" Paul Krugman understands that we need to add 300,000 jobs each month if we're going to see unemployment numbers go down and we are SO far from that it's not funny.

Your suggestion is what?

Cut taxes?

Ease Regulation?


Well we sure as heck shouldn't be raising taxes! In this economy that is just plain idiotic.

As for regulations? Forget "easing" them...just stop piling new ones onto the ones already in existence.

Actually..in this soft economy? I agree with you on the tax end. But the Bush cuts should sunset. Loop holes should be cut..and tax holidays should go bye bye.

Cutting spending how ever..is just a ludicrious as raising taxes.

And which regulations, in particular, are you talking about?

None of them are really enforced. SEC is a joke. The EPA doesn't have adequate funding..and the IRS has been letting tax cheats slip away for years.

So really..
this is just the beginning.

the american economy was sustained for decades on a partnership between government and the middle class.

government taxed the wealthy in order to shore-up consumer demand. That is, government moved tax dollars into programs, jobs, entitlements, laws, and regulations which created the most solvent & upwardly mobile middle class in history. SS payments, Medicare support, and educational aid are not simple handouts. They free up middle class money for consumption. When a middle class family does not have the full financial burden of their parents (because of SS and Medicare), that same family has more money with which to buy things.

And what happens when the middle class has more money in their wallets? The capitalist has to innovate and add jobs in order to capture that money.

It's a virtuous cycle and it explains why our greatest economic growth as a nation happened during the height of the liberal postwar period (when taxes were at their highest, as was government spending on the middle class).

The government moved more of the profits to the great mass of middle class spenders. And they spent. And the economy grew like crazy.

Fast forward to the Reagan Revolution.

The GOP got rid of our investment in the middle class in order to give tax cuts to the rich (who loaded the economy with speculative risk, only to float away on a golden parachute once their bogus securities blew up)

The GOP does not understand what it has done.

The middle class is too big to fail. You cannot all the sudden remove everything that sustained their consumption.

People have no idea how bad this is going to get. America has been taken over by morons.

Exactly, exactly, exactly. Thank you.

It's simply amazing to me how you people don't see entitlements as something that has to be PAID for. Do you all have credit cards that you think you can spend on and the bills will magically never come? All those "free" things you think the liberals have bequeathed to the Middle Class is why each and everyone of us now owes over $46,000 of the national debt. THAT is what your "liberal postwar period" has given us. Do you think that's good for the Middle Class? Really?
this is just the beginning.

the american economy was sustained for decades on a partnership between government and the middle class.

government taxed the wealthy in order to shore-up consumer demand. That is, government moved tax dollars into programs, jobs, entitlements, laws, and regulations which created the most solvent & upwardly mobile middle class in history. SS payments, Medicare support, and educational aid are not simple handouts. They free up middle class money for consumption. When a middle class family does not have the full financial burden of their parents (because of SS and Medicare), that same family has more money with which to buy things.

And what happens when the middle class has more money in their wallets? The capitalist has to innovate and add jobs in order to capture that money.

It's a virtuous cycle and it explains why our greatest economic growth as a nation happened during the height of the liberal postwar period (when taxes were at their highest, as was government spending on the middle class).

The government moved more of the profits to the great mass of middle class spenders. And they spent. And the economy grew like crazy.

Fast forward to the Reagan Revolution.

The GOP got rid of our investment in the middle class in order to give tax cuts to the rich (who loaded the economy with speculative risk, only to float away on a golden parachute once their bogus securities blew up)

The GOP does not understand what it has done.

The middle class is too big to fail. You cannot all the sudden remove everything that sustained their consumption.

People have no idea how bad this is going to get. America has been taken over by morons.

Exactly, exactly, exactly. Thank you.

It's simply amazing to me how you people don't see entitlements as something that has to be PAID for. Do you all have credit cards that you think you can spend on and the bills will magically never come? All those "free" things you think the liberals have bequeathed to the Middle Class is why each and everyone of us now owes over $46,000 of the national debt. THAT is what your "liberal postwar period" has given us. Do you think that's good for the Middle Class? Really?

We NEED a middle class. Period. Therefore, yes. Repeat the past. It beats what we have now, and what we're headed for, as we try to do things "your way."
this is just the beginning.

the american economy was sustained for decades on a partnership between government and the middle class.

government taxed the wealthy in order to shore-up consumer demand. That is, government moved tax dollars into programs, jobs, entitlements, laws, and regulations which created the most solvent & upwardly mobile middle class in history. SS payments, Medicare support, and educational aid are not simple handouts. They free up middle class money for consumption. When a middle class family does not have the full financial burden of their parents (because of SS and Medicare), that same family has more money with which to buy things.

And what happens when the middle class has more money in their wallets? The capitalist has to innovate and add jobs in order to capture that money.

It's a virtuous cycle and it explains why our greatest economic growth as a nation happened during the height of the liberal postwar period (when taxes were at their highest, as was government spending on the middle class).

The government moved more of the profits to the great mass of middle class spenders. And they spent. And the economy grew like crazy.

Fast forward to the Reagan Revolution.

The GOP got rid of our investment in the middle class in order to give tax cuts to the rich (who loaded the economy with speculative risk, only to float away on a golden parachute once their bogus securities blew up)

The GOP does not understand what it has done.

The middle class is too big to fail. You cannot all the sudden remove everything that sustained their consumption.

People have no idea how bad this is going to get. America has been taken over by morons.

Exactly, exactly, exactly. Thank you.

It's simply amazing to me how you people don't see entitlements as something that has to be PAID for. Do you all have credit cards that you think you can spend on and the bills will magically never come? All those "free" things you think the liberals have bequeathed to the Middle Class is why each and everyone of us now owes over $46,000 of the national debt. THAT is what your "liberal postwar period" has given us. Do you think that's good for the Middle Class? Really?

Yes but somehow, somewhere there is magical pot of gold guarded by leprechauns that allows us to spend money on war after war, exotic weapon systems, building up the militaries of third world nations we like..or want as allies and sporting 700 or so foreign bases worldwide.

THAT..the cash is ever flowing for..
Exactly, exactly, exactly. Thank you.

It's simply amazing to me how you people don't see entitlements as something that has to be PAID for. Do you all have credit cards that you think you can spend on and the bills will magically never come? All those "free" things you think the liberals have bequeathed to the Middle Class is why each and everyone of us now owes over $46,000 of the national debt. THAT is what your "liberal postwar period" has given us. Do you think that's good for the Middle Class? Really?

Yes but somehow, somewhere there is magical pot of gold guarded by leprechauns that allows us to spend money on war after war, exotic weapon systems, building up the militaries of third world nations we like..or want as allies and sporting 700 or so foreign bases worldwide.

THAT..the cash is ever flowing for..

Let me ask you (not Sallow, the guy above him) this: What shape would we be in if the Bush tax cuts HADN'T happened?? It's bullshit to cut the legs out from under and then give the middle class dirty looks, ESPECIALLY when we've been paying in all along. BullSHIT.
Your suggestion is what?

Cut taxes?

Ease Regulation?


Well we sure as heck shouldn't be raising taxes! In this economy that is just plain idiotic.

As for regulations? Forget "easing" them...just stop piling new ones onto the ones already in existence.

Actually..in this soft economy? I agree with you on the tax end. But the Bush cuts should sunset. Loop holes should be cut..and tax holidays should go bye bye.

Cutting spending how ever..is just a ludicrious as raising taxes.

And which regulations, in particular, are you talking about?

None of them are really enforced. SEC is a joke. The EPA doesn't have adequate funding..and the IRS has been letting tax cheats slip away for years.

So really..

So let me see if I understand your logic...you admit that raising taxes in a soft economy would be detrimental to a recovery but then in the next breath you say that taxes should be raised? Or don't you "get" that allowing a tax cut to expire has the EXACT same effect as enacting a tax hike?

You then go on to admit that the Federal Government is an inefficient "joke" but you don't want to do anything to force them to clean up their act. People like you always see cuts of spending in the Public Sector as cuts to needed services while any rational person looking at the way the government conducts business sees that it is a bloated, terribly run entity that wastes money in amazing amounts...money that we just don't have.
What's amazing to me is how "happy" you libs seem to be with another dismal jobs number. Even your "boy" Paul Krugman understands that we need to add 300,000 jobs each month if we're going to see unemployment numbers go down and we are SO far from that it's not funny.

Yeah, too bad the Retards have America in the shitter & the world facing economic collapse again. Tsk! But Boner says he doesn't care about how many workers lose their jobs, so I guess you got a victory there, huh? LMAO!! And the Party of No is still on Do Whatever it Takes to fuck up America. Surely the Retards are happy as clams with their fucked up stock market as well. Looks like you win again...........:lol::lol:
Exactly, exactly, exactly. Thank you.

It's simply amazing to me how you people don't see entitlements as something that has to be PAID for. Do you all have credit cards that you think you can spend on and the bills will magically never come? All those "free" things you think the liberals have bequeathed to the Middle Class is why each and everyone of us now owes over $46,000 of the national debt. THAT is what your "liberal postwar period" has given us. Do you think that's good for the Middle Class? Really?

Yes but somehow, somewhere there is magical pot of gold guarded by leprechauns that allows us to spend money on war after war, exotic weapon systems, building up the militaries of third world nations we like..or want as allies and sporting 700 or so foreign bases worldwide.

THAT..the cash is ever flowing for..

There is no magical pot of gold and the military is just as guilty of being bloated and inefficient as any other branch of the government (if not more!) They need to be cut just like the rest.
What's amazing to me is how "happy" you libs seem to be with another dismal jobs number. .

What is not amazing to me - in fact, expected - is that righties like yourself would rather concern yourself with people's emotional states and feeling than facts. Maybe instead of going around trying to guess how everyone feels like some wanna-be fortune teller hippie, you might think about actual government policy instead? But that might require you read and think rather than just guess and feel!
What's amazing to me is how "happy" you libs seem to be with another dismal jobs number. .

What is not amazing to me - in fact, expected - is that righties like yourself would rather concern yourself with people's emotional states and feeling than facts. Maybe instead of going around trying to guess how everyone feels like some wanna-be fortune teller hippie, you might think about actual government policy instead? But that might require you read and think rather than just guess and feel!

And what government policy are you referring to? :eusa_whistle:
What's amazing to me is how "happy" you libs seem to be with another dismal jobs number. Even your "boy" Paul Krugman understands that we need to add 300,000 jobs each month if we're going to see unemployment numbers go down and we are SO far from that it's not funny.

Yeah, too bad the Retards have America in the shitter & the world facing economic collapse again. Tsk! But Boner says he doesn't care about how many workers lose their jobs, so I guess you got a victory there, huh? LMAO!! And the Party of No is still on Do Whatever it Takes to fuck up America. Surely the Retards are happy as clams with their fucked up stock market as well. Looks like you win again...........:lol::lol:

Gee, think you could squeeze another MSNBC talking point into that silly rant? The truth is we're facing economic collapse because of debt. Somehow you see the people who are calling for a reduction of that debt as the "retards". The markets are tanking because anyone with third grade math skills knows that reducing the debt by a couple trillion over ten years while you are increasing it by 14 trillion at the same time with unfunded entitlements is not addressing the problem.
What's amazing to me is how "happy" you libs seem to be with another dismal jobs number. .

What is not amazing to me - in fact, expected - is that righties like yourself would rather concern yourself with people's emotional states and feeling than facts. Maybe instead of going around trying to guess how everyone feels like some wanna-be fortune teller hippie, you might think about actual government policy instead? But that might require you read and think rather than just guess and feel!

And what government policy are you referring to? :eusa_whistle:

The topic of the day is economic policy. Pay attention.
What's amazing to me is how "happy" you libs seem to be with another dismal jobs number. .

What is not amazing to me - in fact, expected - is that righties like yourself would rather concern yourself with people's emotional states and feeling than facts. Maybe instead of going around trying to guess how everyone feels like some wanna-be fortune teller hippie, you might think about actual government policy instead? But that might require you read and think rather than just guess and feel!

Gee, OohPoo...I'd be more than happy to talk facts with you.

The "fact" is that our debt now equals our GDP.

The "fact" is that unfunded entitlements are about to bury us in more debt.

The "fact" is the debt ceiling "compromise" did nothing to address the problem.
What is not amazing to me - in fact, expected - is that righties like yourself would rather concern yourself with people's emotional states and feeling than facts. Maybe instead of going around trying to guess how everyone feels like some wanna-be fortune teller hippie, you might think about actual government policy instead? But that might require you read and think rather than just guess and feel!

And what government policy are you referring to? :eusa_whistle:

The topic of the day is economic policy. Pay attention.

I'm paying attention......what economic policy? Does that make it clearer for you?

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