Why is the Left obsessed with forcing the Right to believe the Election wasn’t Stolen?

We will never accept that the election was free and fair.

Stop the Squeal.

Or Not!
Good read, because it’s very true. It’s so odd that the left are obsessed with having us believe there was no shenanigans on election night or the days after. We already disagree on just about everything, so why do they care so much in what we believe?

  • Counting shutdowns in five states, in which one candidate was ahead, only to lose after the counting resumed;
  • “Found” tranches of ballots going overwhelmingly—sometimes exclusively—to one candidate, the eventual “winner”;
  • Sworn affidavits alleging the backdating of ballots;
  • Historically low rejection rates—as in, orders of magnitude lower—of mail-in ballots, suggesting that many obviously invalid ballots were accepted as genuine;
  • Mail-in and absentee ballots appearing without creases, raising the question of how they got into the envelopes required for their being mailed in;
  • Thousands upon thousands of ballots all marked for one presidential candidate without a single choice marked for any down-ballot candidate.
  • The absolute refusal to conduct signature audits—indeed, the discarding of many envelopes which alone make such audits possible—i.e., of the kind of recounts which are performed not merely to get the math right but to evaluate the validity of ballots;
I have left that since it was time to move on and the questions have been answered by those on high..Maybe you should move on also or get a pink pussy hat... :auiqs.jpg:
Maybe you should stay off the thread since no one is moving on with you. We will never accept that the election was free and fair.
And are you honest enough to admit it's solely because Trump said so? If he hadn't, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Trump was hardly the first one to say it. Phones were ringing off the hooks with citizens saying they witnessed the fraud. I have looked at the evidence and it is very convincing. Trump's policies are what mattered to me. But I have to admit he rose to the office in every important aspect.

So, no, you're not honest enough to admit that this is only an issue because Trump made it an issue.

If Trump had had the dignity to concede, this thread wouldn't exist.
Good read, because it’s very true. It’s so odd that the left are obsessed with having us believe there was no shenanigans on election night or the days after. We already disagree on just about everything, so why do they care so much in what we believe?

  • Counting shutdowns in five states, in which one candidate was ahead, only to lose after the counting resumed;
  • “Found” tranches of ballots going overwhelmingly—sometimes exclusively—to one candidate, the eventual “winner”;
  • Sworn affidavits alleging the backdating of ballots;
  • Historically low rejection rates—as in, orders of magnitude lower—of mail-in ballots, suggesting that many obviously invalid ballots were accepted as genuine;
  • Mail-in and absentee ballots appearing without creases, raising the question of how they got into the envelopes required for their being mailed in;
  • Thousands upon thousands of ballots all marked for one presidential candidate without a single choice marked for any down-ballot candidate.
  • The absolute refusal to conduct signature audits—indeed, the discarding of many envelopes which alone make such audits possible—i.e., of the kind of recounts which are performed not merely to get the math right but to evaluate the validity of ballots;
Because you're undermining the election process which is a cornerstone of our freedom.
How is demanding election integrity “undermining” the election process?

Once again you Marxist fags accuse us of what you are doing. You cheat in elections and subvert our Republic by refusing to allow audits, or to pass voter ID laws.

We had election integrity. You are the marxist who wanted to steal the election. You are the lying cheaters.

Once again, your behavior is the one characteristic of lying cheaters, not ours. Election integrity is not demonstrated by screeching, "It was 100% fair, and STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!! You will agree with us!!!"

The truth doesn't throw a hissy little tantrum at being asked to offer proof, not that the likes of you can be expected to know anything about truth.
Good read, because it’s very true. It’s so odd that the left are obsessed with having us believe there was no shenanigans on election night or the days after. We already disagree on just about everything, so why do they care so much in what we believe?

  • Counting shutdowns in five states, in which one candidate was ahead, only to lose after the counting resumed;
  • “Found” tranches of ballots going overwhelmingly—sometimes exclusively—to one candidate, the eventual “winner”;
  • Sworn affidavits alleging the backdating of ballots;
  • Historically low rejection rates—as in, orders of magnitude lower—of mail-in ballots, suggesting that many obviously invalid ballots were accepted as genuine;
  • Mail-in and absentee ballots appearing without creases, raising the question of how they got into the envelopes required for their being mailed in;
  • Thousands upon thousands of ballots all marked for one presidential candidate without a single choice marked for any down-ballot candidate.
  • The absolute refusal to conduct signature audits—indeed, the discarding of many envelopes which alone make such audits possible—i.e., of the kind of recounts which are performed not merely to get the math right but to evaluate the validity of ballots;
Because you're undermining the election process which is a cornerstone of our freedom.
You have done that by stealing an election and doing everything to cover it up, including censorship, intimidation, and violence.
Good read, because it’s very true. It’s so odd that the left are obsessed with having us believe there was no shenanigans on election night or the days after. We already disagree on just about everything, so why do they care so much in what we believe?

  • Counting shutdowns in five states, in which one candidate was ahead, only to lose after the counting resumed;
  • “Found” tranches of ballots going overwhelmingly—sometimes exclusively—to one candidate, the eventual “winner”;
  • Sworn affidavits alleging the backdating of ballots;
  • Historically low rejection rates—as in, orders of magnitude lower—of mail-in ballots, suggesting that many obviously invalid ballots were accepted as genuine;
  • Mail-in and absentee ballots appearing without creases, raising the question of how they got into the envelopes required for their being mailed in;
  • Thousands upon thousands of ballots all marked for one presidential candidate without a single choice marked for any down-ballot candidate.
  • The absolute refusal to conduct signature audits—indeed, the discarding of many envelopes which alone make such audits possible—i.e., of the kind of recounts which are performed not merely to get the math right but to evaluate the validity of ballots;
I have left that since it was time to move on and the questions have been answered by those on high..Maybe you should move on also or get a pink pussy hat... :auiqs.jpg:
Maybe you should stay off the thread since no one is moving on with you. We will never accept that the election was free and fair.
And are you honest enough to admit it's solely because Trump said so? If he hadn't, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Trump was hardly the first one to say it. Phones were ringing off the hooks with citizens saying they witnessed the fraud. I have looked at the evidence and it is very convincing. Trump's policies are what mattered to me. But I have to admit he rose to the office in every important aspect.

So, no, you're not honest enough to admit that this is only an issue because Trump made it an issue.

If Trump had had the dignity to concede, this thread wouldn't exist.
If you are not honest enough to admit there was massive fraud I think the conversation is over.
Good read, because it’s very true. It’s so odd that the left are obsessed with having us believe there was no shenanigans on election night or the days after. We already disagree on just about everything, so why do they care so much in what we believe?

  • Counting shutdowns in five states, in which one candidate was ahead, only to lose after the counting resumed;
  • “Found” tranches of ballots going overwhelmingly—sometimes exclusively—to one candidate, the eventual “winner”;
  • Sworn affidavits alleging the backdating of ballots;
  • Historically low rejection rates—as in, orders of magnitude lower—of mail-in ballots, suggesting that many obviously invalid ballots were accepted as genuine;
  • Mail-in and absentee ballots appearing without creases, raising the question of how they got into the envelopes required for their being mailed in;
  • Thousands upon thousands of ballots all marked for one presidential candidate without a single choice marked for any down-ballot candidate.
  • The absolute refusal to conduct signature audits—indeed, the discarding of many envelopes which alone make such audits possible—i.e., of the kind of recounts which are performed not merely to get the math right but to evaluate the validity of ballots;
Because you're undermining the election process which is a cornerstone of our freedom.
You have done that by stealing an election and doing everything to cover it up, including censorship, intimidation, and violence.
Thanks drive-by troll.
Why is the Left obsessed with forcing the Right to believe the Election wasn’t Stolen? Because we live in a society.

That has to be about the most pathetic, brain-dead rationale I have ever read.

In one fell swoop you ADMIT the Left is trying to FORCE people to believe in a fraudulent election after spending FOUR FUCKING YEARS and 60 MILLION DOLLARS insisting the 2016 election was stolen because of a few Facebook ads! Then you rationalize your fascism all on our living in a "society?" Dipshit!
No one is talking about violence.
The Rabid Right is.

Is that why Big Tech is trying to ban even discussing the election? Is that why Democrats are labeling millions of Americans terrorists and threats for asking the obvious questions? Is that why the Left have suggested putting people in concentration camps to "reeducate" them?

Big Tech and the Democrats didn't storm the Capitol using deadly violence to stop the Constitutional process of counting the certified votes of all the states did they? The Rabid right did that because they believe the lies of Dr. Trumpenstein and his Neo-GOP cohorts.
No one is talking about violence.
The Rabid Right is.

Is that why Big Tech is trying to ban even discussing the election? Is that why Democrats are labeling millions of Americans terrorists and threats for asking the obvious questions? Is that why the Left have suggested putting people in concentration camps to "reeducate" them?

Big Tech and the Democrats didn't storm the Capitol using deadly violence to stop the Constitutional process of counting the certified votes of all the states did they? The Rabid right did that because they believe the lies of Dr. Trumpenstein and his Neo-GOP cohorts.
They did it for social injustice. Like AOC said:

One wonders why AOC isn’t being held accountable for inciting protesting.
Big Tech and the Democrats didn't storm the Capitol using deadly violence to stop the Constitutional process of counting the certified votes of all the states did they?

Big Tech and the Democrats are the ones who PERPETRATED the election fraud! What have they to be upset over? Wake up idiot, these people have ADMITTED their rigging the election for Biden, they are BRAGGING about it and Time Magazine has documented it all. The called it a SECRET SHADOW CAMPAIGN to get Biden elected! :auiqs.jpg:
Democrats didn't storm the Capitol using deadly violence

Deadly violence? NOT ONE GUN was brought! All of the deadly violence was brought by the police against unarmed protesters!
  • One unarmed girl, ex airforce vet was shot and killed by Capitol police.
  • Three people died of stress induced heart attacks.
  • One cop died the day after of unspecified causes.
No one is talking about violence.
The Rabid Right is.

Is that why Big Tech is trying to ban even discussing the election? Is that why Democrats are labeling millions of Americans terrorists and threats for asking the obvious questions? Is that why the Left have suggested putting people in concentration camps to "reeducate" them?

Big Tech and the Democrats didn't storm the Capitol using deadly violence to stop the Constitutional process of counting the certified votes of all the states did they? The Rabid right did that because they believe the lies of Dr. Trumpenstein and his Neo-GOP cohorts.
They did it for social injustice. Like AOC said:
View attachment 461316

One wonders why AOC isn’t being held accountable for inciting protesting.

Violently storming the Capitol on perceived orders from the Trumpybear is different than protesting perceived police misconduct. Nice attempted deflection to the continuing issues between the Black community and the police community for the millionth time........but what about......
The Democrat machine, with the help of some establishment Republicans, did their job and stole the election. Now they figure their propaganda arm, the MSM and internet platforms, will finish the steal by covering up what actually happened and censuring all Trump supporters with different opinions.
One wonders why AOC isn’t being held accountable for inciting protesting.
Violently storming the Capitol on perceived orders from the Trumpybear

LOOK, JACKASS---- LAST TIME: Quit your fucking lying. There was no "orders" from Trump. Everyone knows and the FBI has confirmed that the revolt at the capitol was PLANNED DAYS IN ADVANCE. And Nancy Pelosi and others TOOK STEPS to back down and REDUCE police protection and preparation!

IT WAS ALL STAGED as a basis to impeach Trump on without even holding one hearing, or calling a single witness.

Democrats didn't storm the Capitol using deadly violence

Deadly violence? NOT ONE GUN was brought! All of the deadly violence was brought by the police against unarmed protesters!
  • One unarmed girl, ex airforce vet was shot and killed by Capitol police.
  • Three people died of stress induced heart attacks.
  • One cop died the day after of unspecified causes.

Yep, beating police with long metal poles is violent and could be deadly. Launching metal poles into the ranks of the police is very violent and could be deadly.
Democrats didn't storm the Capitol using deadly violence

Deadly violence? NOT ONE GUN was brought! All of the deadly violence was brought by the police against unarmed protesters!
  • One unarmed girl, ex airforce vet was shot and killed by Capitol police.
  • Three people died of stress induced heart attacks.
  • One cop died the day after of unspecified causes.

Yep, beating police with long metal poles is violent and could be deadly. Launching metal poles into the ranks of the police is very violent and could be deadly.
And who have they arrested for it? Show us one Trump supporter arrested for using a "metal Pole". I'll wait.
Good read, because it’s very true. It’s so odd that the left are obsessed with having us believe there was no shenanigans on election night or the days after. We already disagree on just about everything, so why do they care so much in what we believe?

  • Counting shutdowns in five states, in which one candidate was ahead, only to lose after the counting resumed;
  • “Found” tranches of ballots going overwhelmingly—sometimes exclusively—to one candidate, the eventual “winner”;
  • Sworn affidavits alleging the backdating of ballots;
  • Historically low rejection rates—as in, orders of magnitude lower—of mail-in ballots, suggesting that many obviously invalid ballots were accepted as genuine;
  • Mail-in and absentee ballots appearing without creases, raising the question of how they got into the envelopes required for their being mailed in;
  • Thousands upon thousands of ballots all marked for one presidential candidate without a single choice marked for any down-ballot candidate.
  • The absolute refusal to conduct signature audits—indeed, the discarding of many envelopes which alone make such audits possible—i.e., of the kind of recounts which are performed not merely to get the math right but to evaluate the validity of ballots;

Always the victims...usually most so right after being the offender...gaslighting...

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