Why is the MSM silent in regards to the zionist attack on the USS Liberty

If israel kills people, it doesn't matter because it "happened decades ago" and isn't relevant.

If someone kills israelis, no matter when it happened, it's eternally "relevant". Got it.


That is so not what I said.

I never hinted to such thing, either.

On the topic of the israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty you dismissed it:

lipush said:
Get real, snotty. It happened decades ago.

So I ask again.

Does that attitude apply to the holocaust too? Why or why not?
I answered that. I don't think it's relevant to the specific issue.

As for the Holocaust, depends on the issue.

I see..so you use a continuously variable scale depending on who is involved.

If israel kills people, it doesn't matter because it "happened decades ago" and isn't relevant.

If someone kills israelis, no matter when it happened, it's eternally "relevant". Got it.

jewish supremacist nonsense.

You believe that christians are "unclean" and "goyim"?
Do you believe jews are "gods chosen people"?

Now you throw anti-semitic stereotypes to the argument?

Yeah, you do that, it helps the argument:doubt:

anti semitic?
That is out of the talmud.

Are you saying that jews don't claim to be "gods chosen people"?

Are the words "unclean" and "goyim" used to describe christians?

Yes or no will do. No more evasions and distractions if you please.
No, it's now an issue of "who" but an issue of "what". If a topic has anything to do with the Liberty, it should be discussed, if the Holocaust, it should be discussed.

But I don't find how any of that is relevent to the Israeli palestinian conflict.

I might be wrong, but I don't think so

This thread is about the israeli attack on the u.s. ship Liberty. Palestine had nothing to do with that.
No, it's now an issue of "who" but an issue of "what". If a topic has anything to do with the Liberty, it should be discussed, if the Holocaust, it should be discussed.

But I don't find how any of that is relevent to the Israeli palestinian conflict.

I might be wrong, but I don't think so

This thread is about the israeli attack on the u.s. ship Liberty. Palestine had nothing to do with that.

But that is the Israeli Palestinian conflict message board area. So things posted here should be related to that.

So instead of telling me I'm being off topic, you should try and ask why such a thread is off-board.

Just sayin'
I see..so you use a continuously variable scale depending on who is involved.

If israel kills people, it doesn't matter because it "happened decades ago" and isn't relevant.

If someone kills israelis, no matter when it happened, it's eternally "relevant". Got it.

jewish supremacist nonsense.

You believe that christians are "unclean" and "goyim"?
Do you believe jews are "gods chosen people"?

Now you throw anti-semitic stereotypes to the argument?

Yeah, you do that, it helps the argument:doubt:

anti semitic?
That is out of the talmud.

Are you saying that jews don't claim to be "gods chosen people"?

Are the words "unclean" and "goyim" used to describe christians?

Yes or no will do. No more evasions and distractions if you please.

Have you read the Talmud?
If israel kills people, it doesn't matter because it "happened decades ago" and isn't relevant.

If someone kills israelis, no matter when it happened, it's eternally "relevant". Got it.


That is so not what I said.

I never hinted to such thing, either.

On the topic of the israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty you dismissed it:

lipush said:
Get real, snotty. It happened decades ago.

So I ask again.

Does that attitude apply to the holocaust too? Why or why not?

I do not dismiss it, I say it has nothing to do with the Israeli Palestinian conflict. How does an incident between Israel and united states over 40 years ago is of any influence on the Israeli Palestinian conflict TODAY?

If someone would have post something regarding the Holocaust which is just as much irrelevant, I don't think the question should have been any different.
I see..so you use a continuously variable scale depending on who is involved.

If israel kills people, it doesn't matter because it "happened decades ago" and isn't relevant.

If someone kills israelis, no matter when it happened, it's eternally "relevant". Got it.

jewish supremacist nonsense.

You believe that christians are "unclean" and "goyim"?
Do you believe jews are "gods chosen people"?

Now you throw anti-semitic stereotypes to the argument?

Yeah, you do that, it helps the argument:doubt:

anti semitic?
That is out of the talmud.

Are you saying that jews don't claim to be "gods chosen people"?

Are the words "unclean" and "goyim" used to describe christians?

Yes or no will do. No more evasions and distractions if you please.

Goyim is used to describe anyone who is not Jewish. That doesn't describe 'Christians' per see.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah. That is the meaning of "Chosen". That doesn't mean any more or any less than that.

Judaism in itself is described as a burden to carry, not just a blessing. Because on Jews is the mission to repair the world.

You can take this to any place you'd like.

But repeating the same nonsense others have before you is not original, and quite boring, to be honest.
Now you throw anti-semitic stereotypes to the argument?

Yeah, you do that, it helps the argument:doubt:

anti semitic?
That is out of the talmud.

Are you saying that jews don't claim to be "gods chosen people"?

Are the words "unclean" and "goyim" used to describe christians?

Yes or no will do. No more evasions and distractions if you please.

Goyim is used to describe anyone who is not Jewish. That doesn't describe 'Christians' per see.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah. That is the meaning of "Chosen". That doesn't mean any more or any less than that.

Judaism in itself is described as a burden to carry, not just a blessing. Because on Jews is the mission to repair the world.

You can take this to any place you'd like.

But repeating the same nonsense others have before you is not original, and quite boring, to be honest.

So you tell me what I said was correct; re. "goyim", "gods chosen people" and jewish supremacy ( Because on Jews is the mission to repair the world., you say....) :doubt:

.....but then you call it "nonsense" and boring in your last sentence.

That's the same as saying americans being killed on the Liberty by israelis isn't relevant because it "happened decades ago" ....while claiming that because jews are special (they're busy repairing the world and all... :doubt: ) crimes against them are always relevant... no matter when they happened.
You're brave, you, Billo. Weren't you who said your army should attack the Israeli one? You're willing to send your children to fight Israeli troops? Because it's easy to send others' children.

Don't you think you're being a little....asshole?

No, he was a slimy l'il asshole when he was a baby. Now he's a big one.
anti semitic?
That is out of the talmud.

Are you saying that jews don't claim to be "gods chosen people"?

Are the words "unclean" and "goyim" used to describe christians?

Yes or no will do. No more evasions and distractions if you please.

Goyim is used to describe anyone who is not Jewish. That doesn't describe 'Christians' per see.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah. That is the meaning of "Chosen". That doesn't mean any more or any less than that.

Judaism in itself is described as a burden to carry, not just a blessing. Because on Jews is the mission to repair the world.

You can take this to any place you'd like.

But repeating the same nonsense others have before you is not original, and quite boring, to be honest.

So you tell me what I said was correct; re. "goyim", "gods chosen people" and jewish supremacy ( Because on Jews is the mission to repair the world., you say....) :doubt:

.....but then you call it "nonsense" and boring in your last sentence.

That's the same as saying americans being killed on the Liberty by israelis isn't relevant because it "happened decades ago" ....while claiming that because jews are special (they're busy repairing the world and all... :doubt: ) crimes against them are always relevant... no matter when they happened.

What is your problem?
anti semitic?
That is out of the talmud.

Are you saying that jews don't claim to be "gods chosen people"?

Are the words "unclean" and "goyim" used to describe christians?

Yes or no will do. No more evasions and distractions if you please.

Goyim is used to describe anyone who is not Jewish. That doesn't describe 'Christians' per see.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah. That is the meaning of "Chosen". That doesn't mean any more or any less than that.

Judaism in itself is described as a burden to carry, not just a blessing. Because on Jews is the mission to repair the world.

You can take this to any place you'd like.

But repeating the same nonsense others have before you is not original, and quite boring, to be honest.

So you tell me what I said was correct; re. "goyim", "gods chosen people" and jewish supremacy ( Because on Jews is the mission to repair the world., you say....) :doubt:

.....but then you call it "nonsense" and boring in your last sentence.

That's the same as saying americans being killed on the Liberty by israelis isn't relevant because it "happened decades ago" ....while claiming that because jews are special (they're busy repairing the world and all... :doubt: ) crimes against them are always relevant... no matter when they happened.

The only ones who look for supremacy are the ones who feel inferior themselves.

Maybe you should do some self checking why you think everybody thinks they're "better" than you
And for the second part of your post, I never said that...I never hinted on that, either.

Why you keep saying things I never said or hinted? you feel comfortable putting words in my mouth?

I wonder why that is...
I smell dirty laundry.....soiled hosiery in particular........ old 'n' moldy, from under a bridge somewhere!
Goyim is used to describe anyone who is not Jewish. That doesn't describe 'Christians' per see.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah. That is the meaning of "Chosen". That doesn't mean any more or any less than that.

Judaism in itself is described as a burden to carry, not just a blessing. Because on Jews is the mission to repair the world.

You can take this to any place you'd like.

But repeating the same nonsense others have before you is not original, and quite boring, to be honest.

So you tell me what I said was correct; re. "goyim", "gods chosen people" and jewish supremacy ( Because on Jews is the mission to repair the world., you say....) :doubt:

.....but then you call it "nonsense" and boring in your last sentence.

That's the same as saying americans being killed on the Liberty by israelis isn't relevant because it "happened decades ago" ....while claiming that because jews are special (they're busy repairing the world and all... :doubt: ) crimes against them are always relevant... no matter when they happened.

What is your problem?

I don't have one. I merely proved my point.
I asked you a simple question....and it made you uncomfortable by exposing your bias and double standard.

You didn't have to duck, dodge and evade for 6 or 7 posts. That's on you, though.
Truth is large.
No, precious. I meant, the only ones who believes OTHERS feel superior are those who feel inferior themselves. Now re-read what you said and what I said.

That's like an SAT thingy.
So you tell me what I said was correct; re. "goyim", "gods chosen people" and jewish supremacy ( Because on Jews is the mission to repair the world., you say....) :doubt:

.....but then you call it "nonsense" and boring in your last sentence.

That's the same as saying americans being killed on the Liberty by israelis isn't relevant because it "happened decades ago" ....while claiming that because jews are special (they're busy repairing the world and all... :doubt: ) crimes against them are always relevant... no matter when they happened.

What is your problem?

I don't have one. I merely proved my point.
I asked you a simple question....and it made you uncomfortable by exposing your bias and double standard.

You didn't have to duck, dodge and evade for 6 or 7 posts. That's on you, though.
Truth is large.

Bias? maybe. Double standard? Hardly.

You believe I think bad things Israel does should always be ignored. Please, show me where I said such a thing.
What is your problem?

I don't have one. I merely proved my point.
I asked you a simple question....and it made you uncomfortable by exposing your bias and double standard.

You didn't have to duck, dodge and evade for 6 or 7 posts. That's on you, though.
Truth is large.

Bias? maybe. Double standard? Hardly.

You believe I think bad things Israel does should always be ignored. Please, show me where I said such a thing.

and around and around we go once again.

I'll play just this one last round...

In regards to israel attacking the Liberty and killing u.s. navy men, you said;

lipush said:
Get real, snotty. It happened decades ago.

I asked you if that same logic applied to the holocaust...since it was "decades ago".

Then you started making excuses and evading.

All I wanted was a yes or no answer..not a bunch of runaround and evasions.
I answered that question, I said that in cases arguing about the Holocaust is irrelevant, as well as arguing about the USS Liberty. It is really THAT simple to understand.

That has nothing to do with the thinking that EVERY Israeli wrong doing should be ignored.

And I think I have nothing more to say regarding this subject.

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