Why is the MSM silent in regards to the zionist attack on the USS Liberty

Apparently the holocaust isn't meaningful or relevant, either.

It was "decades ago" , you know....

Either pay attention, or take a class in reading comprehension... I'll say this one more time, slowly...

When... the... question... is... "why... isn't... the... main... stream... media... covering... the... story..." and... the... story... in... question... is... DECADES OLD..., then..., in... that... CONTEXT..., the... events... being... discussed... are... not... meaningful... or... relevant...

This does not mean they are not historically significant or historically relevant or historically meaningful.

Does that help you out pumpkin? I even provided a link to the definition of the word "context" for you, just in case...

Using a condescending tone with snarky comments and semantic distortion isn't much of a rebuttal.

Unlike your attempt to put words in my proverbial mouth? You know, where you drew the erroneous conclusion that, based on my reply to the OP's question about why the media isn't covering an almost 50 YEAR OLD STORY, I must believe that the Holocaust is meaningless and irrelevant...

I have to say, I'm digging your whole "okay for me but not for thee" approach to the board...

It was all the rebuttal your post warranted.

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