Why is the MSM silent in regards to the zionist attack on the USS Liberty

Are the words "unclean" and "goyim" used to describe christians?

Goyim means nation. It refers to those of other nations, gentiles, not jewish, not familiar with jewish laws and practices.

It is not unclean or an insult, it is more a statement of fact.
Goyim means nation. It refers to those of other nations, gentiles, not jewish, not familiar with jewish laws and practices.

It is not unclean or an insult, it is more a statement of fact.

Really? It means "nation" and only that?...

Maybe you can explain this quote from the Talmud then.........

"“Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.”"(Soferim 15)

Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10. This is the saying of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai: Tob shebe goyyim harog ("Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed").

The Talmud teaches that Christians are people whose touch alone makes things unclean. In Abhodah Zarah (72b) it says:

"A certain man was pouring wine from one jar into another by means of a tube, when a Goi came along and touched the tube with his hand. As a result all the wine (in both jars) had to be thrown away."

Every vessel, therefore, must be washed which comes into the possession of a Jew from a Christian, although it has never been in use. In Iore Dea (120,1) it says:

"If a Jew buys a vessel for use at table from an Akum, whether it is made of metal, glass or lead, even if it is new, he must wash it in a Mikvah [a large basin], or in a cistern which holds forty quarts of water."

Do jews call christians "goyim" and "unclean". Yes or no?

The only ones who look for supremacy are the ones who feel inferior themselves.

Exactly. Claiming to be "gods chosen people" above all others on earth.....the sheer arrogance...LMAO..

If they were chosen by god to be street sweepers, they are still chosen.
Jews are chosen for a purpose, not superior to others, just apart from them.
Unconditional, everlasting covenant, be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.
God spoke directly to them, not through an angel teaching one to recite, not through a son suffering to remove sin. Jews have a closeness to god by the practice of the mitzvot.

Chosen to suffer the slings and arrows the rest of the world? Chosen to be the target of hate? Why are others so jealous of the jews being chosen? Not a fate others would want to live through. Why are people hung up on the term chose by god? It has not been much of a blessing.
This was no accident or mistaken identity.

It was a deliberate attack against the United States of America.

...text of an intercepted Israeli conversation, just one of many pieces of hard, unambiguous evidence that the Israeli attack was not a mistake:
Israeli pilot to ground control: “This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?”

Ground control: “Yes, follow orders.” …

Israeli pilot: “But, sir, it’s an American ship – I can see the flag!”

Ground control: “Never mind; hit it!”
I say we launch a missile strike on an IDF ship immediately.

So you were in the cockpit of the Israeli plane that this was transmitted from, or are you taking the word of some journo out to line his own pockets.
So, if something "happened decades ago" it isn't relevant or meaningful?

Not when the question is "why isn't the main stream media covering the story," no. It is neither meaningful or relevant in that context...

Apparently the holocaust isn't meaningful or relevant, either.

It was "decades ago" , you know....

Either pay attention, or take a class in reading comprehension... I'll say this one more time, slowly...

When... the... question... is... "why... isn't... the... main... stream... media... covering... the... story..." and... the... story... in... question... is... DECADES OLD..., then..., in... that... CONTEXT..., the... events... being... discussed... are... not... meaningful... or... relevant...

This does not mean they are not historically significant or historically relevant or historically meaningful.

Does that help you out pumpkin? I even provided a link to the definition of the word "context" for you, just in case...
Not when the question is "why isn't the main stream media covering the story," no. It is neither meaningful or relevant in that context...

Apparently the holocaust isn't meaningful or relevant, either.

It was "decades ago" , you know....

Either pay attention, or take a class in reading comprehension... I'll say this one more time, slowly...

When... the... question... is... "why... isn't... the... main... stream... media... covering... the... story..." and... the... story... in... question... is... DECADES OLD..., then..., in... that... CONTEXT..., the... events... being... discussed... are... not... meaningful... or... relevant...

This does not mean they are not historically significant or historically relevant or historically meaningful.

Does that help you out pumpkin? I even provided a link to the definition of the word "context" for you, just in case...

Using a condescending tone with snarky comments and semantic distortion isn't much of a rebuttal.
The Talmud teaches that Christians are people whose touch alone makes things unclean. In Abhodah Zarah (72b) it says:

"A certain man was pouring wine from one jar into another by means of a tube, when a Goi came along and touched the tube with his hand. As a result all the wine (in both jars) had to be thrown away."

Every vessel, therefore, must be washed which comes into the possession of a Jew from a Christian, although it has never been in use. In Iore Dea (120,1) it says:

"If a Jew buys a vessel for use at table from an Akum, whether it is made of metal, glass or lead, even if it is new, he must wash it in a Mikvah [a large basin], or in a cistern which holds forty quarts of water."

Do jews call christians "goyim" and "unclean". Yes or no?


Hate sights will misspell and misquote the talmud.
It just means it is not kosher. Think of it like, the first person wants peanut ice cream the second person wants vanilla and is allergic to peanuts. The scope needs to be cleaned to remove the trace of nuts so the other person does not go into anaphylaxis.
It is not a matter of clean or unclean, but to assure there is no cross contamination of from a none kosher bottle to a kosher bottle. There are reasons for the kosher laws but it is not about any spurn to non-jews, just that they want to preserve their laws which they believe brings them closer to god. You don't need to understand their practices, just accept them and try to accommodate if and when possible. Think "the buy is always right"
If the goy bottle was on the lips of someone that ate pork or shell fish and the funnel touches that bottle lip, it will carry the trace of pork or shell fish when it is used in the kosher bottle. It is just precautionary to wash it well before using it on the kosher bottle.

YUTorah Online - Avodah Zarah 72 (Michael Fruchter)
YUTorah Online - On the Daf - Avoda Zara/72/b
The Talmud teaches that Christians are people whose touch alone makes things unclean. In Abhodah Zarah (72b) it says:

"A certain man was pouring wine from one jar into another by means of a tube, when a Goi came along and touched the tube with his hand. As a result all the wine (in both jars) had to be thrown away."

Every vessel, therefore, must be washed which comes into the possession of a Jew from a Christian, although it has never been in use. In Iore Dea (120,1) it says:

"If a Jew buys a vessel for use at table from an Akum, whether it is made of metal, glass or lead, even if it is new, he must wash it in a Mikvah [a large basin], or in a cistern which holds forty quarts of water."

Do jews call christians "goyim" and "unclean". Yes or no?


Hate sights will misspell and misquote the talmud.
It just means it is not kosher. Think of it like, the first person wants peanut ice cream the second person wants vanilla and is allergic to peanuts. The scope needs to be cleaned to remove the trace of nuts so the other person does not go into anaphylaxis.
It is not a matter of clean or unclean, but to assure there is no cross contamination of from a none kosher bottle to a kosher bottle. There are reasons for the kosher laws but it is not about any spurn to non-jews, just that they want to preserve their laws which they believe brings them closer to god. You don't need to understand their practices, just accept them and try to accommodate if and when possible. Think "the buy is always right"
If the goy bottle was on the lips of someone that ate pork or shell fish and the funnel touches that bottle lip, it will carry the trace of pork or shell fish when it is used in the kosher bottle. It is just precautionary to wash it well before using it on the kosher bottle.

YUTorah Online - Avodah Zarah 72 (Michael Fruchter)
YUTorah Online - On the Daf - Avoda Zara/72/b

Right...jews are special and anyone who questions it are anti semitic and any information they provide is from a "hate site" and is misquoted...Got it.
Ever heard of Kashrut, Rotagilla

No, I had to look it up.
I was aware of some of the rules the tribe follows. I knew there were restrictions.


It always amazes me that you and others here are so direct of blaiming Jews of things, but when I ask you "Do you know what this and that is", in other words I ask "Do you even know what you're talking about to begin with", suddenly, not surprisigly at all, the answer is NO.

Kashrut is the law discussing what is allowed and not allowed in Judaism, mostly regading food. Wine service in Judaism is one of the Prohibitions. Wine served not under the laws of Judaism may be not "Kosher" therefore prohibited for Jews to drink.

Religious Jews won't take wine you serve them at times, not because of you being "unclean" but because the wine might be non-kosher.

What you say is that same as complaining I'm being racist for not eating pork you offer me.

Which is ridiculous!
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The Talmud teaches that Christians are people whose touch alone makes things unclean. In Abhodah Zarah (72b) it says:

"A certain man was pouring wine from one jar into another by means of a tube, when a Goi came along and touched the tube with his hand. As a result all the wine (in both jars) had to be thrown away."

Every vessel, therefore, must be washed which comes into the possession of a Jew from a Christian, although it has never been in use. In Iore Dea (120,1) it says:

"If a Jew buys a vessel for use at table from an Akum, whether it is made of metal, glass or lead, even if it is new, he must wash it in a Mikvah [a large basin], or in a cistern which holds forty quarts of water."

Do jews call christians "goyim" and "unclean". Yes or no?


Hate sights will misspell and misquote the talmud.
It just means it is not kosher. Think of it like, the first person wants peanut ice cream the second person wants vanilla and is allergic to peanuts. The scope needs to be cleaned to remove the trace of nuts so the other person does not go into anaphylaxis.
It is not a matter of clean or unclean, but to assure there is no cross contamination of from a none kosher bottle to a kosher bottle. There are reasons for the kosher laws but it is not about any spurn to non-jews, just that they want to preserve their laws which they believe brings them closer to god. You don't need to understand their practices, just accept them and try to accommodate if and when possible. Think "the buy is always right"
If the goy bottle was on the lips of someone that ate pork or shell fish and the funnel touches that bottle lip, it will carry the trace of pork or shell fish when it is used in the kosher bottle. It is just precautionary to wash it well before using it on the kosher bottle.

YUTorah Online - Avodah Zarah 72 (Michael Fruchter)
YUTorah Online - On the Daf - Avoda Zara/72/b

Right...jews are special and anyone who questions it are anti semitic and any information they provide is from a "hate site" and is misquoted...Got it.

Wow. you really are cluless.

You were just given an incredibly logical explanation, and again, you choose to be cynical.

Wow, mature.
The Talmud teaches that Christians are people whose touch alone makes things unclean. In Abhodah Zarah (72b) it says:

"A certain man was pouring wine from one jar into another by means of a tube, when a Goi came along and touched the tube with his hand. As a result all the wine (in both jars) had to be thrown away."

Every vessel, therefore, must be washed which comes into the possession of a Jew from a Christian, although it has never been in use. In Iore Dea (120,1) it says:

"If a Jew buys a vessel for use at table from an Akum, whether it is made of metal, glass or lead, even if it is new, he must wash it in a Mikvah [a large basin], or in a cistern which holds forty quarts of water."

Do jews call christians "goyim" and "unclean". Yes or no?


Hate sights will misspell and misquote the talmud.
It just means it is not kosher. Think of it like, the first person wants peanut ice cream the second person wants vanilla and is allergic to peanuts. The scope needs to be cleaned to remove the trace of nuts so the other person does not go into anaphylaxis.
It is not a matter of clean or unclean, but to assure there is no cross contamination of from a none kosher bottle to a kosher bottle. There are reasons for the kosher laws but it is not about any spurn to non-jews, just that they want to preserve their laws which they believe brings them closer to god. You don't need to understand their practices, just accept them and try to accommodate if and when possible. Think "the buy is always right"
If the goy bottle was on the lips of someone that ate pork or shell fish and the funnel touches that bottle lip, it will carry the trace of pork or shell fish when it is used in the kosher bottle. It is just precautionary to wash it well before using it on the kosher bottle.

YUTorah Online - Avodah Zarah 72 (Michael Fruchter)
YUTorah Online - On the Daf - Avoda Zara/72/b

Right...jews are special and anyone who questions it are anti semitic and any information they provide is from a "hate site" and is misquoted...Got it.

not special, just separate. Muslims too have codes for food and other things based on the stories in the hadith. Maybe not as specific as in the torah, but muslims feel the need to follow them none the less.
Not when the question is "why isn't the main stream media covering the story," no. It is neither meaningful or relevant in that context...

Apparently the holocaust isn't meaningful or relevant, either.

It was "decades ago" , you know....

Either pay attention, or take a class in reading comprehension... I'll say this one more time, slowly...

When... the... question... is... "why... isn't... the... main... stream... media... covering... the... story..." and... the... story... in... question... is... DECADES OLD..., then..., in... that... CONTEXT..., the... events... being... discussed... are... not... meaningful... or... relevant...

This does not mean they are not historically significant or historically relevant or historically meaningful.

Does that help you out pumpkin? I even provided a link to the definition of the word "context" for you, just in case...


But I have the feeling this won't help.
Hate sights will misspell and misquote the talmud.
It just means it is not kosher. Think of it like, the first person wants peanut ice cream the second person wants vanilla and is allergic to peanuts. The scope needs to be cleaned to remove the trace of nuts so the other person does not go into anaphylaxis.
It is not a matter of clean or unclean, but to assure there is no cross contamination of from a none kosher bottle to a kosher bottle. There are reasons for the kosher laws but it is not about any spurn to non-jews, just that they want to preserve their laws which they believe brings them closer to god. You don't need to understand their practices, just accept them and try to accommodate if and when possible. Think "the buy is always right"
If the goy bottle was on the lips of someone that ate pork or shell fish and the funnel touches that bottle lip, it will carry the trace of pork or shell fish when it is used in the kosher bottle. It is just precautionary to wash it well before using it on the kosher bottle.

YUTorah Online - Avodah Zarah 72 (Michael Fruchter)
YUTorah Online - On the Daf - Avoda Zara/72/b

Right...jews are special and anyone who questions it are anti semitic and any information they provide is from a "hate site" and is misquoted...Got it.

not special, just separate. Muslims too have codes for food and other things based on the stories in the hadith. Maybe not as specific as in the torah, but muslims feel the need to follow them none the less.

Right...to the jews we are inferior and goyim and unclean...according to your own talmud

To the muzzies, we're infidels ...according to their quran.

That's all I need to know.

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