CDZ Why is the Rise of Homosexuality always correlated with the Death of an Empire

Is Homosexuality correlated with the decline of Homosexuality.

  • Yes, and it's not only correlated, but also the causation.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Yes, but it's not the cause.

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • No, it isn't correlated.

    Votes: 13 61.9%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
When homosexuality peaked in ancient Greece and Rome, it was during their declines. The Torah tells the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where the death of a civilization occurred --- due to homosexuality.

So the question is, does homosexuality destroy civilizations or is it simply correlated with their decline?

Notice that greatly impoverished states like the Wiemar Republican and post-USSR Russia started to regain their strength rapidly when dictators like Hitler and Putin put an end to homosexuality, and empires like the current United States and the UK are in decline as they promote homosexuality.

Although they are correlated, I dont think homosexuality is the actual cause of the fall of an empire. It's the general lack of moral code, cultural fortitude and Rule of Law (that squares with moral law -- Martin Luther King) that allows homosexuals and other perverts to publicly expose themselves.
Let me add that excessive displays of sexuality of any kind contribute to a decline of shared moral values and a weakening of societal cohesiveness.
When homosexuality peaked in ancient Greece and Rome, it was during their declines. The Torah tells the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where the death of a civilization occurred --- due to homosexuality.

So the question is, does homosexuality destroy civilizations or is it simply correlated with their decline?

Notice that greatly impoverished states like the Wiemar Republican and post-USSR Russia started to regain their strength rapidly when dictators like Hitler and Putin put an end to homosexuality, and empires like the current United States and the UK are in decline as they promote homosexuality.

Although they are correlated, I dont think homosexuality is the actual cause of the fall of an empire. It's the general lack of moral code, cultural fortitude and Rule of Law (that squares with moral law -- Martin Luther King) that allows homosexuals and other perverts to publicly expose themselves.

It isn't homosexuality which causes a decline in civilization. Rather, it is the rise in fashion sense. As people become more fashion conscience, more and more resources are diverted to clothing. This eventually results in what the great social philosopher Douglas Adams identified as the Shoe Event Horizon. Very scary stuff.
When homosexuality peaked in ancient Greece and Rome, it was during their declines. The Torah tells the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where the death of a civilization occurred --- due to homosexuality.

So the question is, does homosexuality destroy civilizations or is it simply correlated with their decline?

Notice that greatly impoverished states like the Wiemar Republican and post-USSR Russia started to regain their strength rapidly when dictators like Hitler and Putin put an end to homosexuality, and empires like the current United States and the UK are in decline as they promote homosexuality.

Although they are correlated, I dont think homosexuality is the actual cause of the fall of an empire. It's the general lack of moral code, cultural fortitude and Rule of Law (that squares with moral law -- Martin Luther King) that allows homosexuals and other perverts to publicly expose themselves.

Feel free to prove your statement. So far you are just blowing smoke out your posterior.

You mentioned the UK- the end of actual British Empire would normally be argued to be around 1947- after WW2- losing India, and facing a losing battle to hold onto the remaining important colonies.

But at that same time, the UK was in the midst of arresting one of the British heroes of WW2 for homosexual relations.

So go ahead- show us how the fall of the British Empire has something to do with 'morals'.
The British Empire declined because of WWII and the rise of the USA and the Soviets.

Colonialism was deeply rejected by both. Various countries demanded their independence.

So essentially, we will decline as well in a few short years if we continue to gut our military.
Correlation is not causation----HOWEVER----"different" and
"opened" displays of sexuality -----AND a tendency of ---
uhm ------I do not have a word ---GOURMAND (ness) ???
seems to correlate with the decline of civilizations----
historically The US is doing both right now----however societies seem to have declined without them-----here and there----I think The Mayans vanished-----they did not even have all that much to eat as far as I know
When homosexuality peaked in ancient Greece and Rome, it was during their declines. The Torah tells the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where the death of a civilization occurred --- due to homosexuality.

So the question is, does homosexuality destroy civilizations or is it simply correlated with their decline?

Notice that greatly impoverished states like the Wiemar Republican and post-USSR Russia started to regain their strength rapidly when dictators like Hitler and Putin put an end to homosexuality, and empires like the current United States and the UK are in decline as they promote homosexuality.

Although they are correlated, I dont think homosexuality is the actual cause of the fall of an empire. It's the general lack of moral code, cultural fortitude and Rule of Law (that squares with moral law -- Martin Luther King) that allows homosexuals and other perverts to publicly expose themselves.
Actually, homosexuality peaked in Rome centuries before it's fall. The Greeks were taken over by the Romans. The Roman Empire didn't fall until the Christians took over.
Why is the Rise of Homosexuality always correlated with the Death of an Empire

It's not. We have a false OP.
I do not recall homosexuality being a big issue in ROME----
---Gourmand (ness) was the giant craze--------we got that
in the US today------I keep my TV on the FOOD CHANNEL -
all day and SALIVATE over ------recipes (the sight of lots of food----however-----kinda nauseates me) We are so into
GOURMANDNESS----in the US ---that the TV stations are
coming up with thousands of ways to burn a big bird for
thanksgiving-------I need a SMOKER-----and a really giant
cooking PIT-------and-----a turkey frying machine----and
a little chicken coop-------and a stone pizza oven-----and---
some ocean front property-----so I can cultivate---salmon and
catch lobsters and a cow for home made mozzarella (spelling?)
Why is the Rise of Homosexuality always correlated with the Death of an Empire

It's not. We have a false OP.

Pretty much this
The 10 Greatest Empires In The History Of The World - Business Insider

It would take a pretty big stretch of imagination to blame the fall of the Spanish or Portuguese or Mongol empires on a 'decline in morals'

One of my brothers is a psychiatrist----he says----YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON BEHIND THE
FRONT DOOR OF ANY HOUSE (well he lives in the 'burbs) -------the fall of the Spanish empire was due
to the excesses of that dog----CORTEZ----he killed
Montezuma-----and got the gold-----he also had
a few hundred children---and wanted to make the ALL
rich-----but ISABELLA wanted the gold----and she threw
the jews out of spain The real reason for the fall of
the Spanish empire was ------throwing the jews out
of spain-----and grabbing all of Montezuma's gold
from the greedy hands of Hernan Cortez----now you know

the MONGOL empire fell----simply because they did not
have enough jews to begin with...... now you know
Why is the Rise of Homosexuality always correlated with the Death of an Empire

It's not. We have a false OP.

Pretty much this
The 10 Greatest Empires In The History Of The World - Business Insider

It would take a pretty big stretch of imagination to blame the fall of the Spanish or Portuguese or Mongol empires on a 'decline in morals'

One of my brothers is a psychiatrist----he says----YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON BEHIND THE
FRONT DOOR OF ANY HOUSE (well he lives in the 'burbs) -------the fall of the Spanish empire was due
to the excesses of that dog----CORTEZ----he killed
Montezuma-----and got the gold-----he also had
a few hundred children---and wanted to make the ALL
rich-----but ISABELLA wanted the gold----and she threw
the jews out of spain The real reason for the fall of
the Spanish empire was ------throwing the jews out
of spain-----and grabbing all of Montezuma's gold
from the greedy hands of Hernan Cortez----now you know

the MONGOL empire fell----simply because they did not
have enough jews to begin with...... now you know
Rosie: you're crazy in the nicest of ways!! lmao

Blaming gays again?

Were you forced to divorce your spouse and go into a same sex relationship when the SCOTUS overturned DOMA?

Did fire and brimstone rain from the heavens?

Did a plague of boils erupt all over your body?

None of the above?

But you are doing a chicken little act now and claiming that the US Empire is about to collapse because of gays?

Grow up!
Why is the Rise of Homosexuality always correlated with the Death of an Empire

It's not. We have a false OP.

Pretty much this
The 10 Greatest Empires In The History Of The World - Business Insider

It would take a pretty big stretch of imagination to blame the fall of the Spanish or Portuguese or Mongol empires on a 'decline in morals'

One of my brothers is a psychiatrist----he says----YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON BEHIND THE
FRONT DOOR OF ANY HOUSE (well he lives in the 'burbs) -------the fall of the Spanish empire was due
to the excesses of that dog----CORTEZ----he killed
Montezuma-----and got the gold-----he also had
a few hundred children---and wanted to make the ALL
rich-----but ISABELLA wanted the gold----and she threw
the jews out of spain The real reason for the fall of
the Spanish empire was ------throwing the jews out
of spain-----and grabbing all of Montezuma's gold
from the greedy hands of Hernan Cortez----now you know

the MONGOL empire fell----simply because they did not
have enough jews to begin with...... now you know

Your poll makes no sense.

'cuse the pun but the Peeping Tom phobes need to get their own sex lives and their own sexual identity straight.

What consenting adults do together is their business and none of theirs.
Barbarians were more of a cause for Western Rome to fall than butt bandits..Since the Eastern Roman empire lasted another 1000 years...
Blaming gays again?

Were you forced to divorce your spouse and go into a same sex relationship when the SCOTUS overturned DOMA?

Did fire and brimstone rain from the heavens?

Did a plague of boils erupt all over your body?

None of the above?

But you are doing a chicken little act now and claiming that the US Empire is about to collapse because of gays?

Grow up!

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