America's loss in Afghanistan, is the End of America as the sole Super Power.

Leaving Afghanistan was going to happen and the return of the Taliban was going to happen, so that is not what will kill this country…

What is destroying our country is our inability to kick Russian, Chinese and Iranian influence out of countries south of our border from Mexico to South America!

As long as we allow those three countries to influence countries south of us then yes are demise will happen!

As for leaving countries like Afghanistan, well let China pay the price like we did and like the Soviet Union did because if they for one moment believe they can take that region, well they will learn quick they can not and will lose trillions of dollars.

As for replacing the U.S. Dollar with the Chinese Yuan then let the World do it and suffer the consequence of China ruling them because the World deserve it!

Also the World will learn that the China is a house of cards and it will fall just like the Soviet Union did and if and when it does the World will regret backing China…
Unfortunately the Taliban will gain back the country... The problem was invading the first day... Should have put the Taliban to the sword by cutting off the world to them and then weakening them through airstrikes until warlords gain power.. Then negotiate with them..

Afganistan pre Taliban
After 20-years and trillions of dollars, not to mention the young American lives, enough is enough.
I don't consider leaving AFG an American loss, anymore than leaving VN was. Look at VN today.
As long as the Taliban stay in AFG they are no threat to the US.
Its up to the Afghans to determine the fate of their country.
No, I think it is wrong for you to state that they should bend over and say can I have another please without any proof or diplomacy involved. If you think pushing back because they doubt the veracity of US claims constitutes a right for us to vaporize your nation then you are nuts. I expect no less from the US, we should not be turning anyone over that is within our control if we do not think the claims are solid.

They were hosting a terrorist group that committed mass murder.

Maybe THEY should have given more consideration to the diplomatic implications of that, BEFORE they did it.

But, you are not upset with them, but with the US for being rude and demanding in seeking justice for their thousands of dead citizens.

did you know?

once upon a time, a CIA officer known as "Greg V." threw himself atop Afghan President Hamed Karzai and saved his life

they owe us their life
They were hosting a terrorist group that committed mass murder.

Maybe THEY should have given more consideration to the diplomatic implications of that, BEFORE they did it.

But, you are not upset with them, but with the US for being rude and demanding in seeking justice for their thousands of dead citizens.

I think our military has killed about every Taliban involved with that. And justifiably so. I just don't see why we kept our guys in harms way after OBL was dead along with everyone else involved.
The withdrawal from Afghanistan will not affect the U.S.'s standing as a world Power. It was far less significant than our withdrawal from Vietnam.

The war in Afghanistan was nothing more than a play toy for the U.S. military industrial complex, as was Korea & Vietnam.

What IS significant is any threat to the standing of the U.S. as the world's currency reserve. If that ever changes - we are screwed BIG TIME.

However, no other country maintains the stability and trust the U.S. government does. None is even close.

It may be Putin's & Xi's wildest dreams to become the world's currency reserve, but it ain't gonna happen....

Unless Trump gets elected again...
neither Republicans nor Democrats need to walk off a cliff for another unpopular war!

Afghanistan's instability fuels Pakistan's insecurity

they're the same country in my view... i call 'em "Afpak"!

"these guys are serious. they are clever and sadistic. we have to kill them before they kill us" - President Biden on the Taliban threat
i agree with the title of this thread.

the American empire has succumbed! SUCCUMBED! (just ask Cornel West)

i am hopeful though, because Biden knows Afghanistan more than he knows his own hometown in Delaware...he's been there countless times

we need to bring back the 4 D's: Dominate, disrupt, dismantle, defeat
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For too long, America’s generals have relied on a “stab in the back” thesis to justify their failure on the battlefield. The narrative set in after Vietnam and has calcified today. Former national security adviser and Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster tweeted on July 8 in regards to the sweeping march of the Taliban that the “US media is finally reporting on the transformation of Afghanistan after their disinterest and defeatism helped set conditions for capitulation and a humanitarian catastrophe.”

McMaster’s attempt to deflect blame for military failure on an insufficiently obsequious media is unacceptable. He and his fellow generals knew full well that Afghanistan was unstable and that our strategy wasn’t working. Instead of speaking up, they lied to the public and then jumped into the private sector to reap the reward of misbegotten trust

Gen Milley himself claimed, in Kabul in 2013, that “[The Afghan] army and … police force have been very, very effective in combat against the insurgents every single day.” He was lying. More than 60,000 Afghan police and military were killed during our occupation compared to just 42,000 alleged Taliban. Afghanistan’s military and government were utterly corrupt. American officials, in private admitted that at least 40 percent of the $103 billion in reconstruction funds spent in Afghanistan went into the hands of insurgents, Taliban, and corrupt “allied” warlords.
I think our military has killed about every Taliban involved with that. And justifiably so. I just don't see why we kept our guys in harms way after OBL was dead along with everyone else involved.

I agree. Getting involved in nation building in that medieval cesspit was very dumb. We should have declared someone King, planted his ass on a Throne in Kabul, and declared victory and went home, and let the tribal chiefs lord it over their tribes and all their goats.
Not to worry...

In the context of American military supremacy...

Afghanistan is a blip on the scope... a pimple... a gnat... a flea... machts nichts... means nothing...
there has never been "good governance" in Pakistan or Afghanistan's history. these folks are way beyond the pale in terms of corruption
"a nationwide counter-insurgency effort to defeat the Taliban would take 1 trillion dollars and 10 years" - Gen McChrystal in the Obama years

good luck getting the support of the American people for such endless wars from now on
it's not like if it weren't for the Taliban, Kandahar would be a shining city on a hill...these people are primitives either way!

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