Why is the school district always broke?

Cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, unregulated and unsupervised.

Fraught with Liberals, our nation's educational institutions are morally bankrupt.

They are killers of the minds of our children only for the benefits of their pockets.
Poor management, mis-spending, and being out of touch.

A superintendent job should be limited to 80k with basic benefits that all other government workers would be entitled to.

Also the district staff (who work outside of schools) should be severely limited.

Get principals to get involved in district work aswell.

edit: doing some research, teaching staff is at 318 employees while total staff is at 614.

I think I found the problem here.
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Well that's pretty outrageous. Wish they had separated out his perks from salary so that I could
negotiate a contract like that..

That's one of the reasons we left Cali.. We watched the schools waste money in the most outrageous fashion and then whine about the classrooms. In my kid's school, they paid for brand new carpeting in 25 classrooms BEFORE THEY FIXED the leaky roofs.. Place was moldy after 2 years again..

That's WHY those Admin get the big bucks I 'spose..

Schools here in our part of Tennessee are EXTREMELY well managed and maintained. We couldn't believe the diff. And with a tax base that's LOWER than Prop13 rates in Cali..
Cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, unregulated and unsupervised.

Fraught with Liberals, our nation's educational institutions are morally bankrupt.

They are killers of the minds of our children only for the benefits of their pockets.

you know that lack of regulation is conservative, right?

The same business attitude that resides with conservatives.

don't confuse the left with the practices of the right wing.
government schools are a union monopoly
Everyone, even those w/o kids, must pay into it.
they demand more every year and get it, then waste the money, not on teachers or books, but on hiring assistants to the assistants that aide the assistant.

And didn't Malkin find a warehouse of schools supplies that a school claimed they needed and had already bought but didn't give it to the kids?

NJ and PA have tons of teachers that get paid but don't teach, simply b/c it's cheaper to pay them to do nothing than to fire them and fight the union
Cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, unregulated and unsupervised.

Fraught with Liberals, our nation's educational institutions are morally bankrupt.

They are killers of the minds of our children only for the benefits of their pockets.

you know that lack of regulation is conservative, right?

The same business attitude that resides with conservatives.

don't confuse the left with the practices of the right wing.

unregulated means they can sexually harass the kids and not get fired or arrested.
Cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, unregulated and unsupervised.

Fraught with Liberals, our nation's educational institutions are morally bankrupt.

They are killers of the minds of our children only for the benefits of their pockets.

you know that lack of regulation is conservative, right?

The same business attitude that resides with conservatives.

don't confuse the left with the practices of the right wing.

These large inefficiencies and wastes are not from lack of regulation.. BY DEFINITION -- it's piss poor management practices and a lack of incentive to do thing right the first time.
If you can't be fired like this DUDE ---- You are BEYOND the law or silly old regulations...
Cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, unregulated and unsupervised.

Fraught with Liberals, our nation's educational institutions are morally bankrupt.

They are killers of the minds of our children only for the benefits of their pockets.

you know that lack of regulation is conservative, right?

The same business attitude that resides with conservatives.

don't confuse the left with the practices of the right wing.

Go fetch yourself another juice box.

You must be an educator. Denying the obvious, acknowledging the status quo, and maintaining an oblivious presence in order to keep your job in hopes of one day attaining tenure.

Or maybe you have tenure. Good piggy! Protect your fellow piggies, you nepotistic whore.
Cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, unregulated and unsupervised.

Fraught with Liberals, our nation's educational institutions are morally bankrupt.

They are killers of the minds of our children only for the benefits of their pockets.

you know that lack of regulation is conservative, right?

The same business attitude that resides with conservatives.

don't confuse the left with the practices of the right wing.

-- it's piss poor management practices and a lack of incentive to do thing right the first time.
You are BEYOND the law or silly old regulations...

exactly like big businesses here in America.
Cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, unregulated and unsupervised.

Fraught with Liberals, our nation's educational institutions are morally bankrupt.

They are killers of the minds of our children only for the benefits of their pockets.

you know that lack of regulation is conservative, right?

The same business attitude that resides with conservatives.

don't confuse the left with the practices of the right wing.

Go fetch yourself another juice box.

You must be an educator. Denying the obvious, acknowledging the status quo, and maintaining an oblivious presence in order to keep your job in hopes of one day attaining tenure.

Or maybe you have tenure. Good piggy! Protect your fellow piggies, you nepotistic whore.

If I was nepotistic, I would be insulting everyone who disagrees and be calling them a nepotistic whore for having a view that is anything other than conservative.
government schools are a union monopoly
Everyone, even those w/o kids, must pay into it.
they demand more every year and get it, then waste the money, not on teachers or books, but on hiring assistants to the assistants that aide the assistant.

And didn't Malkin find a warehouse of schools supplies that a school claimed they needed and had already bought but didn't give it to the kids?

NJ and PA have tons of teachers that get paid but don't teach, simply b/c it's cheaper to pay them to do nothing than to fire them and fight the union


Unions destroy everything they touch, just like every other leftist cause eventually does.

For whatever good they may have done, they were not brought under control by rational adults. It's time they go.

you know that lack of regulation is conservative, right?

The same business attitude that resides with conservatives.

don't confuse the left with the practices of the right wing.

-- it's piss poor management practices and a lack of incentive to do thing right the first time.
You are BEYOND the law or silly old regulations...

exactly like big businesses here in America.

Let's back it up a moment here. Is not education big business in America?

Public schools ARE big business. Big unionized business. Big tenured business.

Public education in America isn't about students, it's about union jobs.

Fuck the kids, keep the union jobs.

Liberals- supporting education and science since I don't know when the fuck.


You goddamn losers.
Cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, unregulated and unsupervised.

Fraught with Liberals, our nation's educational institutions are morally bankrupt.

They are killers of the minds of our children only for the benefits of their pockets.

you know that lack of regulation is conservative, right?

The same business attitude that resides with conservatives.

don't confuse the left with the practices of the right wing.

You can't possibly be this stupid. Schools are unregulated? Are you fucking serious?
you know that lack of regulation is conservative, right?

The same business attitude that resides with conservatives.

don't confuse the left with the practices of the right wing.

-- it's piss poor management practices and a lack of incentive to do thing right the first time.
You are BEYOND the law or silly old regulations...

exactly like big businesses here in America.

uhm, no

If big biz was run like the school system, it would go under, and go under quick.

It's patently ignorant to compare them
Cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, unregulated and unsupervised.

Fraught with Liberals, our nation's educational institutions are morally bankrupt.

They are killers of the minds of our children only for the benefits of their pockets.

you know that lack of regulation is conservative, right?

The same business attitude that resides with conservatives.

don't confuse the left with the practices of the right wing.

You can't possibly be this stupid. Schools are unregulated? Are you fucking serious?

They are unregulated as in they don't have to do their job properly in order to demand a raise.
can't recall the country, but they spend less per kid and are higher ranked than us, and if I recall, ranked in the top 20.


B/c the tax dollars go where the kids goes, so if he rides the bus for an hour to get to a better school than cross the street, that's where the money goes.

This forces, PUBLIC schools to perform well to attract students.

Imagine, inner city kids that want to learn, getting on a bus going out of the city and get a real lesson in what it means to be a student?

drug use; down
crime; down
teen pregnancies; down
welfare use; down

it's a win-win, so liberals are against it 100%. Can't have darky getting any book learnin
6600 students.
3 high schools

Jose Fernandez, superintendent of the Centinela Valley high school district made $700,000k plus benefits

Centinela Valley district pays Superintendent Jose Fernandez too much — way too much: Opinion

It would help if schools got rid of sports all together. If kids want to play football, just let the team form organically without regard to schools or districts. Just think; no more coaches at about $50K a year. Sell the stadium to the City so they can house the football team that will organically form or, at the very least, just board it up and stop spending thousands on upkeep, operations, etc..., no more transportation costs incurred by the district and the taxpayers.

It's just a useless exercise. Administrators may or may not make too much but having sports while you're suffering severe debt is an easy fix.
Poor management, mis-spending, and being out of touch.

A superintendent job should be limited to 80k with basic benefits that all other government workers would be entitled to.

Also the district staff (who work outside of schools) should be severely limited.

Get principals to get involved in district work aswell.

edit: doing some research, teaching staff is at 318 employees while total staff is at 614.

I think I found the problem here.

A school superintendent's pay should be based on many things including the size of the school district, the performance of the district, and the ability for taxpayers to support that district. I would say $80,000 would be at the very lower limits of pay for any district's superintendent. Obviously, $700,000 is absurd for any district other than possibly some of the largest districts of major cities, and that is even pushing it for the largest of school systems. Our school district has around 7600 students and is in the top 20% of school districts academically in Ohio. Our Superintendent earns about $135,000 per year, and I think that is a fair salary for this district.

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