Why is Trump forecasting his attack on Syria - to Putin?

You don't think Putin and Assad are anticipating an attack and moved equipment anyway? This isn't their first rodeo, dumb ass

You should cease reading Huffingpaint....it's not a "credible source" like you constantly demand

Huffingpaint lmao I'm stealing that!
Yeah blues like morons don't realize we'd know where they move to

Your foaming at the mouth hatred is noted, anything else demwit?
Yes one more thing for you and assy Do you think if trump gets into a who has the biggest dick contest with Putin we won't pay a price ??

We just wish you nut job libs would make up your minds, first you claim he's going easy on Putin now you are worried he might confront him.

What’s the plan other than bombing Syria? If Trump bombs Syria, what is his goal in doing so? After Trump bombs Syria, what will he do next, and to what purpose? Is he trying to get rid of Assad? And if he does get rid of Assad, what then? How will Russia respond?

Since it seems that NO ONE outside of DJT knew he was going to bomb Syria and that they were in the process of formulating a measured response to the gas attacks, until Trump’s tweet.

Your NATO allies didn’t know of Trump’s decision. Nor had they agreed to such an action. It appears that other NATO members were unwilling to support bombing Syria without specific goals, plans or a consideration of what Russia’s response might be.

There are ways of “getting tough” on Russia without using the military. The Russian economy is in the toilet and the water is swirling. Aggressive sanctions, such as those approved by Congress which still have not been fully implemented by the Trump Administration, would be far more effective at causing Putin pain the bombing his troops.

Last but not least, Trump has killed more Syrian civilians since he was elected than ISIS. Bombing Syria would ensure that body count of innocent civilians would rise.
".@realDonaldTrump, STOP listening to the liars who took us to war in Iraq in the name of #NationalSecurity

Stop listening to the liars in the State Department who led the assault on Libya

Those who want expanded war in #Syria don’t have democracy or America’s interests in mind!" - Crazy Dennis Kucinich
Well, Trump said that there was going to be a decision on Syria, and he declared a deadline for a decision.

Around 4:00 pm yesterday was when he was supposed to "decide" on Syria.

To date, there has been no action, and now Trump is backing away from his statements saying that they won't know when he's gonna do it, it could be today, or it could be 6 months from now.

So much for his "decision" on Syria.

Remember when the last chemical attack happened and all he did was bomb an airbase that was back up and running within 3 days? Also, did you guys miss the fact that on said airbase where chemical attacks were coming from there was a bunker containing the chemical weapons that didn't take any hits? And don't say they were worried about civilians, it was on a military base and would have dispersed before hitting civilian populations.

You know who is coming out on top with all this saber rattling over Syria?

Putin. When there was a threat of US military action, oil went up in price. Today? It dropped because it doesn't look like anything is going to happen.

Oil prices going up helps out Russia's economy. Maybe that is why Putin is in bed with Assad.
Well, Trump said that there was going to be a decision on Syria, and he declared a deadline for a decision.

Around 4:00 pm yesterday was when he was supposed to "decide" on Syria.

To date, there has been no action, and now Trump is backing away from his statements saying that they won't know when he's gonna do it, it could be today, or it could be 6 months from now.

So much for his "decision" on Syria.

Remember when the last chemical attack happened and all he did was bomb an airbase that was back up and running within 3 days? Also, did you guys miss the fact that on said airbase where chemical attacks were coming from there was a bunker containing the chemical weapons that didn't take any hits? And don't say they were worried about civilians, it was on a military base and would have dispersed before hitting civilian populations.

I've read a lot of what you're claiming Sailor , and while i don't have any intricate knowledge , i'm starting to smell the BS.....

Uh, he hasn't said where in Syria he will attack. He hasn't said when he will attack. That's a far cry from what Obama did.
Well, Trump said that there was going to be a decision on Syria, and he declared a deadline for a decision.

Around 4:00 pm yesterday was when he was supposed to "decide" on Syria.

To date, there has been no action, and now Trump is backing away from his statements saying that they won't know when he's gonna do it, it could be today, or it could be 6 months from now.

So much for his "decision" on Syria.

Remember when the last chemical attack happened and all he did was bomb an airbase that was back up and running within 3 days? Also, did you guys miss the fact that on said airbase where chemical attacks were coming from there was a bunker containing the chemical weapons that didn't take any hits? And don't say they were worried about civilians, it was on a military base and would have dispersed before hitting civilian populations.

I've read a lot of what you're claiming Sailor , and while i don't have any intricate knowledge , i'm starting to smell the BS.....


Here's an article that outlines how Trump has messed up Syria so far.

Syria deadline passes for Trump. Now what? - CNN

You're just NOW starting to smell the B.S.? I started catching whiffs of his bullshit when he was campaigning.
You're just NOW starting to smell the B.S.? I started catching whiffs of his bullshit when he was campaigning

Yeah well, call me slow but 40 syrians somehow are a concern, when 400'000 african don't make the news

whadda i know?

You know who is coming out on top with all this saber rattling over Syria?

Putin. When there was a threat of US military action, oil went up in price. Today? It dropped because it doesn't look like anything is going to happen.

Oil prices going up helps out Russia's economy. Maybe that is why Putin is in bed with Assad.
So he might make good on his campaign promises and his strategic plans?
You know who is coming out on top with all this saber rattling over Syria?

Putin. When there was a threat of US military action, oil went up in price. Today? It dropped because it doesn't look like anything is going to happen.

Oil prices going up helps out Russia's economy. Maybe that is why Putin is in bed with Assad.
So he might make good on his campaign promises and his strategic plans?

If Jr. was unable to pay for a war with oil from the country liberated, what makes you think Trump would be able to do it?

The only way that we could take Syria's oil is if we took over the country, but Putin and Russia might have something to say about that.
Well, I guess Assad and Putin have had plenty of time to get their airplanes and heavy military equipment out of harms way by now. So much for the "element of surprise"...
What a god damn moron you are

In 2013, as the Obama administration was weighing a response to the Syrian government after it violated President Barack Obama's "red line" for its use of chemical weapons, Trump argued that the US should "stay the hell out of Syria" and criticized the administration for "broadcasting" its strategy.

"Why do we keep broadcasting when we are going to attack Syria. Why can't we just be quiet and, if we attack at all, catch them by surprise?" Trump tweeted in response.

He argued that he "would not go into Syria, but if I did it would be by surprise and not blurted all over the media like fools."

"For the first time in the history of military operations a country has broadcast what, when and where they will be doing in a future attack!" Trump also wrote back then.

Donald J. Trump


For the first time in the history of military operations a country has broadcast what, when and where they will be doing in a future attack!

5:09 AM - Aug 31, 2013
All you've done here is broadcast your inability to decipher the difference between the 2013 event and this. You really can't see it ?
Actually he can't. He really is that stupid.
What a god damn moron you are

In 2013, as the Obama administration was weighing a response to the Syrian government after it violated President Barack Obama's "red line" for its use of chemical weapons, Trump argued that the US should "stay the hell out of Syria" and criticized the administration for "broadcasting" its strategy.

"Why do we keep broadcasting when we are going to attack Syria. Why can't we just be quiet and, if we attack at all, catch them by surprise?" Trump tweeted in response.

He argued that he "would not go into Syria, but if I did it would be by surprise and not blurted all over the media like fools."

"For the first time in the history of military operations a country has broadcast what, when and where they will be doing in a future attack!" Trump also wrote back then.

Donald J. Trump


For the first time in the history of military operations a country has broadcast what, when and where they will be doing in a future attack!

5:09 AM - Aug 31, 2013
All you've done here is broadcast your inability to decipher the difference between the 2013 event and this. You really can't see it ?
Actually he can't. He really is that stupid.
Explain the differences. Explain why 2013 trump would be wrong today
Since becoming President, Trump has broken his own rule of not publicly relaying US military strategy. Last month, Trump said US troops would "be coming out of Syria like very soon."
What did Trump say was "very soon"? 5 days? 5 weeks? 5 months? 5 years?

You're an idiot.
He’s broadcasting his every move.

I was open to being won over by trump but like bush he sucks.

You love trump no matter what. It’s you two who aren’t seeing clearly. Two trumpbots

That the best you've got? You aren't doing very well.

I've given up dealing with you left loons...that's as good as it'll get. Anti Trump goofs won't listen to anything other than anti Trump crap. It's become old, tiresome and lame. Go play with each other....that's always good for a chuckle

As a retired military type, I cringe at this kind of behavior. It has nothing to do with liking or disliking Trump, or being a liberal or conservative. It just isn't the way I think such things should be done.

Agreed Chesbay. I'm one of those retired types myself and I think that Trump is doing more harm than good with all his comments on Syria.
trump is his own worst enemy....
I'm waiting to see Russia's 'grave consequences'. Whenever Putin-naked-boy makes a threatening pronouncement if he doesn't follow through on it he and Russia look as weak as they are. They have capability no doubt, but they are not a world power. They are second tier at best and if faced with the might of NATO they are in a fight they can't win. The US alone has 13,000 aircraft, Russia has 3,900. Add in that Russia would immediately face everything England and France have as well.
issac has a point.....

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