Why is Trump forecasting his attack on Syria - to Putin?

Your foaming at the mouth hatred is noted, anything else demwit?
Yes one more thing for you and assy Do you think if trump gets into a who has the biggest dick contest with Putin we won't pay a price ??

I'm confident in the US military. This appeasing has to end...and I don't mean Russia or Syria. Think who now
sounds like you're a little like trump,,,,,shed blood as long as it's not yours

She is. And, she thinks she knows everything about the military because she has family that has served, even though she hasn't.

Ah the paper pusher chimes in....shove off motormouth and save your very tall tales of buffoonery
Ever hear "When our cause it is just"
Yes one more thing for you and assy Do you think if trump gets into a who has the biggest dick contest with Putin we won't pay a price ??

I'm confident in the US military. This appeasing has to end...and I don't mean Russia or Syria. Think who now
sounds like you're a little like trump,,,,,shed blood as long as it's not yours

She is. And, she thinks she knows everything about the military because she has family that has served, even though she hasn't.

Ah the paper pusher chimes in....shove off motormouth and save your very tall tales of buffoonery
Ever hear "When our cause it is just"

LOL You're not going to change my mind. You and the TricycleSailorDudette converse...see ya

That the best you've got? You aren't doing very well.

I've given up dealing with you left loons...that's as good as it'll get. Anti Trump goofs won't listen to anything other than anti Trump crap. It's become old, tiresome and lame. Go play with each other....that's always good for a chuckle

Is that a promise? Will you really go away, or are you just teasing to get our hopes up?

Piss off....how's that? You're another one that brings nothing but anti Trump crap. Old tire and lame...now go cry about impeachment or porn stars or pedos or some other unproductive BS you leftist twits are now famous for

As for Syria? Level it...I want to watch your tears and rants
are you ready to accept a war with Russia???
Whatever else Putin may be, he is not stupid, and in a war with the US he could not defend his bases in Syria, which is the whole reason he is there, so there will be no war with Russia. Why are you so opposed to Russia and the US agreeing to stopping the slaughter in Syria?
Trump has no experience in politics and knows nothing about diplomacy. He's unable to learn, even in more than one year.

‘We do not participate in Twitter diplomacy’: Russia responds to Trump

Considering his successes in that year hopefully he doesn't gain any experience in politics.
you consider success going from one of the most respected nations in the world to one of the least under trump?

I agree! Trump has made America a laughing stock around the world.
You don't think Putin and Assad are anticipating an attack and moved equipment anyway? This isn't their first rodeo, dumb ass

You should cease reading Huffingpaint....it's not a "credible source" like you constantly demand

Huffingpaint lmao I'm stealing that!
Yeah blues like morons don't realize we'd know where they move to

Your foaming at the mouth hatred is noted, anything else demwit?
Yes one more thing for you and assy Do you think if trump gets into a who has the biggest dick contest with Putin we won't pay a price ??

We just wish you nut job libs would make up your minds, first you claim he's going easy on Putin now you are worried he might confront him.
Trump’s Complaints About Obama Giving Away Syria Strategy Look Pretty Silly Now

Trump just gave away his own plans for Syria.

So true... So sad... So funny...


What a bullshit artist you are.

No wonder you people got your asses cleaned at Wounded Knee.

Putin said the would shoot down all of our missiles. All the Donald did
was tell them to get ready, because they would be on the way.

So what is that? Do you think the Russians believe we will strike them
with Snipers? Bows and Arrows? Pillows? Stones?

You are begging for anything. Just head to Canada for safety like your
ancestors before you clowns get run off the plains again.

What a bullshit artist you are.

No wonder you people got your asses cleaned at Wounded Knee.

Putin said the would shoot down all of our missiles. All the Donald did
was tell them to get ready, because they would be on the way.

So what is that? Do you think the Russians believe we will strike them
with Snipers? Bows and Arrows? Pillows? Stones?

You are begging for anything. Just head to Canada for safety like your
ancestors before you clowns get run off the plains again.

Funny. What is untrue?
I'm waiting to see Russia's 'grave consequences'. Whenever Putin-naked-boy makes a threatening pronouncement if he doesn't follow through on it he and Russia look as weak as they are. They have capability no doubt, but they are not a world power. They are second tier at best and if faced with the might of NATO they are in a fight they can't win. The US alone has 13,000 aircraft, Russia has 3,900. Add in that Russia would immediately face everything England and France have as well.
What a god damn moron you are

In 2013, as the Obama administration was weighing a response to the Syrian government after it violated President Barack Obama's "red line" for its use of chemical weapons, Trump argued that the US should "stay the hell out of Syria" and criticized the administration for "broadcasting" its strategy.

"Why do we keep broadcasting when we are going to attack Syria. Why can't we just be quiet and, if we attack at all, catch them by surprise?" Trump tweeted in response.

He argued that he "would not go into Syria, but if I did it would be by surprise and not blurted all over the media like fools."

"For the first time in the history of military operations a country has broadcast what, when and where they will be doing in a future attack!" Trump also wrote back then.

Donald J. Trump


For the first time in the history of military operations a country has broadcast what, when and where they will be doing in a future attack!

5:09 AM - Aug 31, 2013
All you've done here is broadcast your inability to decipher the difference between the 2013 event and this. You really can't see it ?

No. All I see is Trump's hypocricy and your ignorance.

For someone ignorant of correctly spelling words you toss that word around pretty freely.
I’ve gotten worse with spelling as I get older. So what. You understood what I was saying right? Am I wrong about anything?
I'm waiting to see Russia's 'grave consequences'. Whenever Putin-naked-boy makes a threatening pronouncement if he doesn't follow through on it he and Russia look as weak as they are. They have capability no doubt, but they are not a world power. They are second tier at best and if faced with the might of NATO they are in a fight they can't win. The US alone has 13,000 aircraft, Russia has 3,900. Add in that Russia would immediately face everything England and France have as well.

I heard that Russia's economy is the size of Italy. That's even worse than I thought.
Trump has no experience in politics and knows nothing about diplomacy. He's unable to learn, even in more than one year.

‘We do not participate in Twitter diplomacy’: Russia responds to Trump

Considering his successes in that year hopefully he doesn't gain any experience in politics.
you consider success going from one of the most respected nations in the world to one of the least under trump?

You mean in the liberal world that you live in, or the rest of the world?
Shame on Trump for alerting the enemy. Shame, shame, shame. However, there is always the possibility that Assad, Putin, and Trump orchestrated this entire situation to distract attention away from Trump's domestic problems.


When Ben Shapiro was asked "what one thing would you tell pres trump" his reply, "Mr President, put down that phone!". Surprisingly, I don't have a lot of problems with Trump on policy, if only he'd shut up.

What a bullshit artist you are.

No wonder you people got your asses cleaned at Wounded Knee.

Putin said the would shoot down all of our missiles. All the Donald did
was tell them to get ready, because they would be on the way.

So what is that? Do you think the Russians believe we will strike them
with Snipers? Bows and Arrows? Pillows? Stones?

You are begging for anything. Just head to Canada for safety like your
ancestors before you clowns get run off the plains again.

Funny. What is untrue?

What you wrote.

He didn't broadcast anything. The entire world knows we're gonna respond
if the facts are there.

Do you think the Russians would believe if we said we were gonna launch
an airstrike using WWI Biplanes?

You're full of shit. And begging for anything to whine about. You better
take advantage of the last storm front of the season. Blankets are
difficult to sell in the summer

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