Why is Trump forecasting his attack on Syria - to Putin?

Since becoming President, Trump has broken his own rule of not publicly relaying US military strategy. Last month, Trump said US troops would "be coming out of Syria like very soon."
Last year, after another deadly chemical weapons attack on civilians in Syria, Trump authorized a military strike on a Syrian government airbase.
A day before the military strike was carried out, Trump said he likes to think of himself as a "flexible person" and suggested that his attitude toward Syria and its President, Bashar al-Assad, had changed after seeing images out of Syria from the aftermath of the chemical attack.
But, he cautioned to reporters at the time, "One of the things I think you've noticed about me is, militarily, I don't like to say where I'm going and what I doing."

Sure Don. Sure.
HA HA. Liberals talking about military is just as funny (or pathetic) as them talking about guns and law enforcement. Equally clueless
Trump Warns Russia: Syria Strikes ‘Coming’

"Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and 'smart!'"

This advance warning gives Putin time to move his equipment and troops to safe areas. Same with Assad. Trump used to enjoying bashing President Obama for giving up the "element of surprise". The hypocrisy...

Protectionist is suggesting that it's impossible for Trump to be a hypocrite because 2018 is not 2013.

Everything else might be identical but the year is different so it's ok that Trump is doing EXACTLY what he ripped on Obama for doing.

I/We knew Obama was doing the right thing and a great job. Now we are sure of it because we see Trump doing exactly what Obama would have done.

The only time Trump does something different is when he does it because he doesn't want to look like he's just doing what Obama did. For example that bomb he dropped on Syria. Big deal Don!!! You told Putin to get out before you dropped it. You did it just to show off. Pathetic.

Sorry nothing you do is right Don.
Trump Warns Russia: Syria Strikes ‘Coming’

"Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and 'smart!'"

This advance warning gives Putin time to move his equipment and troops to safe areas. Same with Assad. Trump used to enjoying bashing President Obama for giving up the "element of surprise". The hypocrisy...

He’s going to bomb em till they turn over those collusion docs
Dude, Trump as a candidate would say what he had to say to get elected. The realities of a presidency are a different thing. Whenever they telegraph what they’re doing, it’s part of a strategy

And you liked the lies he said when he was a candidate. Interesting. Well, we knew he was talking out of his ass. Turns out we were right and you shouldn't have voted for a guy who "will say (and do) anything to get elected including collude with Russia and accept illegal campaign contributions from his lawyer to hush up a woman he had an affair with when he was only married to Melania for a year and Baron was only 4 months old.
Trump Warns Russia: Syria Strikes ‘Coming’

"Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and 'smart!'"

This advance warning gives Putin time to move his equipment and troops to safe areas. Same with Assad. Trump used to enjoying bashing President Obama for giving up the "element of surprise". The hypocrisy...
There is no "safe" area in Syria if the US attacks. Trump has ordered the aircraft carrier, Harry S. Truman to the eastern Mediterranean and it will not arrive until the beginning of May, so Trump is giving Putin time to realize he has no viable option but to abandon Assad and make a deal with the US if Putin wants to keep his naval base.

Trump critics keep arguing Trump doesn't understand diplomacy because they don't understand diplomacy. What we are seeing here is the Trump version of Teddy Roosevelt's diplomacy of carry a big stick and talk softly, which means let your adversary know that war is his only option if he does not reach an agreement with you or always negotiate from a position of strength. Trump's twitter rampages got NK to agree to to discuss denuclearization of NK and it will get Putin to agree to dropping Assad and getting rid of Iran.
Dude, Trump as a candidate would say what he had to say to get elected. The realities of a presidency are a different thing. Whenever they telegraph what they’re doing, it’s part of a strategy

And you liked the lies he said when he was a candidate. Interesting. Well, we knew he was talking out of his ass. Turns out we were right and you shouldn't have voted for a guy who "will say (and do) anything to get elected including collude with Russia and accept illegal campaign contributions from his lawyer to hush up a woman he had an affair with when he was only married to Melania for a year and Baron was only 4 months old.

I knew it was bullshit, but in reality, all presidential candidates bullshit to get elected. Trump a little more than others. In the grand scheme, so what?

That the best you've got? You aren't doing very well.

I've given up dealing with you left loons...that's as good as it'll get. Anti Trump goofs won't listen to anything other than anti Trump crap. It's become old, tiresome and lame. Go play with each other....that's always good for a chuckle

As a retired military type, I cringe at this kind of behavior. It has nothing to do with liking or disliking Trump, or being a liberal or conservative. It just isn't the way I think such things should be done.

That the best you've got? You aren't doing very well.

I've given up dealing with you left loons...that's as good as it'll get. Anti Trump goofs won't listen to anything other than anti Trump crap. It's become old, tiresome and lame. Go play with each other....that's always good for a chuckle

As a retired military type, I cringe at this kind of behavior. It has nothing to do with liking or disliking Trump, or being a liberal or conservative. It just isn't the way I think such things should be done.

Agreed Chesbay. I'm one of those retired types myself and I think that Trump is doing more harm than good with all his comments on Syria.

That the best you've got? You aren't doing very well.

I've given up dealing with you left loons...that's as good as it'll get. Anti Trump goofs won't listen to anything other than anti Trump crap. It's become old, tiresome and lame. Go play with each other....that's always good for a chuckle

As a retired military type, I cringe at this kind of behavior. It has nothing to do with liking or disliking Trump, or being a liberal or conservative. It just isn't the way I think such things should be done.

Guess what? Nobody cares!!!!

That the best you've got? You aren't doing very well.

I've given up dealing with you left loons...that's as good as it'll get. Anti Trump goofs won't listen to anything other than anti Trump crap. It's become old, tiresome and lame. Go play with each other....that's always good for a chuckle

As a retired military type, I cringe at this kind of behavior. It has nothing to do with liking or disliking Trump, or being a liberal or conservative. It just isn't the way I think such things should be done.

Guess what? Nobody cares!!!!

I guess that's right. We're all just here expressing our opinions.
Agreed Chesbay. I'm one of those retired types myself and I think that Trump is doing more harm than good with all his comments on Syria.
When it's all over, we can look back and see it all for what it is. Right now, we're in foresight mode, which is 80/80 vision.
You don't think Putin and Assad are anticipating an attack and moved equipment anyway? This isn't their first rodeo, dumb ass

You should cease reading Huffingpaint....it's not a "credible source" like you constantly demand

Huffingpaint lmao I'm stealing that!
Yeah blues like morons don't realize we'd know where they move to

Anybody with a brain would know that it isn't Russia we need to hit. Hell it isn't Syria either.
What a god damn moron you are

In 2013, as the Obama administration was weighing a response to the Syrian government after it violated President Barack Obama's "red line" for its use of chemical weapons, Trump argued that the US should "stay the hell out of Syria" and criticized the administration for "broadcasting" its strategy.

"Why do we keep broadcasting when we are going to attack Syria. Why can't we just be quiet and, if we attack at all, catch them by surprise?" Trump tweeted in response.

He argued that he "would not go into Syria, but if I did it would be by surprise and not blurted all over the media like fools."

"For the first time in the history of military operations a country has broadcast what, when and where they will be doing in a future attack!" Trump also wrote back then.

Donald J. Trump


For the first time in the history of military operations a country has broadcast what, when and where they will be doing in a future attack!

5:09 AM - Aug 31, 2013
All you've done here is broadcast your inability to decipher the difference between the 2013 event and this. You really can't see it ?

No. All I see is Trump's hypocricy and your ignorance.

For someone ignorant of correctly spelling words you toss that word around pretty freely.

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