Why is tyranny suddenly beginning to win?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
We all grew up with the fairy tale happy ending that the good guys will eventually triumph and that the bad guys will eventually go down and pay the price for their badness. Fairy tales is where that idea belongs.

I can recall 20 years ago when posting on political boards first became all the rage arguing back and forth with a pragmatist whom I loathed at that the time but later on came to appreciate.

His experienced viewpoint on matters of escalation and international dominance were not based on military superiority but instead on something he called Elan Moral. A strength of intrinsic identity that transcends both cultural and geographical barriers and cannot be routed out by a missile attack... Or destroyed by a superior army.

He correctly observed that the populations of the Middle East particularly Afghanistan had that very thing....a deep, pure and indomitable spirit such as the original founders of this nation had. He also pointed out that the American identity was in the terminal stages of decline and that it would only be a matter of a decade or two before it was completely gone. He predicted that we would lose all of our adventures in that region because we simply did not have the will or the identity to carry forward the cause despite our Superior power and technology. I argued viciously with him at the time... But no more.

I rest my case with the the recent events of Afghanistan.

No longer Now the home of ass kissers of republican traitors trump etc etc
go fuck yourself America hating fag. you so much hate America,You never have one bad word to say about mass murderer GOP Bush Or Obama
No longer Now the home of ass kissers of republican traitors trump etc etc
Home of cowards and progressive nut cases.....nut cases that think men can give birth and breast feed babies...uneducated people that want socialism over freedom...women with dicks men with tits...pro athletes taking a knee when the anthem is played.....this nation doesn't deserve to survive....
go fuck yourself America hating fag. you so much hate America,You never have one bad word to say about mass murderer GOP Bush Or Obama
I served Did your punk Trump?? Your ah lying pervert you supported You double jointed AH go suck your own ****
I served Did your punk Trump?? Your ah lying pervert you supported You double jointed AH go suck your own ****
did barrag-o? did beijing xiden?...NO...go stroke yourself with TRUMPS pic
you shouldn't support the pedophile, xiden
We all grew up with the fairy tale happy ending that the good guys will eventually triumph and that the bad guys will eventually go down and pay the price for their badness. Fairy tales is where that idea belongs.

I can recall 20 years ago when posting on political boards first became all the rage arguing back and forth with a pragmatist whom I loathed at that the time but later on came to appreciate.

His experienced viewpoint on matters of escalation and international dominance were not based on military superiority but instead on something he called Elan Moral. A strength of intrinsic identity that transcends both cultural and geographical barriers and cannot be routed out by a missile attack... Or destroyed by a superior army.

He correctly observed that the populations of the Middle East particularly Afghanistan had that very thing....a deep, pure and indomitable spirit such as the original founders of this nation had. He also pointed out that the American identity was in the terminal stages of decline and that it would only be a matter of a decade or two before it was completely gone. He predicted that we would lose all of our adventures in that region because we simply did not have the will or the identity to carry forward the cause despite our Superior power and technology. I argued viciously with him at the time... But no more.

I rest my case with the the recent events of Afghanistan.


The problem is, we never learn from our history.

The problem with Iraq and Afghanistan is that our leaders LIED to us about what the reasons and goals of the wars were. Saddam didn't have weapons of mass destruction and the Afghans were not really interested in western democracy and it was foolish of us to think that they did.

We didn't learn this lesson in Vietnam, where we unleased a lot more military might on that small country trying to get it to love Coca Cola and hamburgers.

We didn't learn this 120 years ago, where William McKinley couldn't find the Philippines on a globe, but he was convinced we need to "Christianize" them. (Even though they were already 90% Roman Catholic). We fought a brutal 10 year war there. I mean, against the Filipinos, who are probably about the most easy going people in Asia.

Now, if you want to count our 'successes", we've had them. Despite the war being indecisive, we did do a very good job of winning the Peace in Korea. South Korea today is a vibrant democracy with a strong economy. World War II, we were successful in rebuilding Germany and Japan after the war. In those cases, we actually had respect for the cultures involved, and an alternative they considered worse.

So bringing us back to Afghanistan... we painted this horror story of how the Taliban was going to come back and make all the ladies wear Bhurkas... and Afghans were kind of okay with that.
Because BIG TECH banned our ability to protest and discuss how awful it is about what is going on, while distracting a large mass of the population with hatred directed toward Trump.


. . . it isn't happening, it's all a "conspiracy theory." :rolleyes:


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