Why Isn't 20,000 Border Patrol Agents Enough

Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.
18 BPAs per mile ... Working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year ... Catching and releasing illegals into the US...

Brilliant....you've thought of everything. Nice job.


When I just joined this site.

I offered a real live tour at least total of 4 members at the southern border at my cost from whatever they live. At my cost one of them is Here We Go Again. But no takers.

How you and others here has a very different view how the BP do their jobs in real life. How do you think they were able to apprehended 300,000?

Here is my observation. Members like you probably don’t know anything about southern borders security till Trump got elected.
Suddenly people became an expert.
Like Meister 20 minutes or comparing prison wall or Israel’s wall.

On the side.
1. I also challenged at least 5 members for a conference live debate via conference call.
2. Visits of my company.
No takers.
Sounds like you say that walls don't work, but they do build walls around prisons because they do work. Sounds like an oxymoron
Obama built over 100 miles of walls when he was in office, nobody blinked an eye, now it's immoral. Sounds more like playing politics.
Yes, I have no proof about the 20 min. but, that's an educated guess as there are miles and miles of open space with no barriers.
Some areas takes less time and some more time. Put electronics out there....it doesn't stop anyone. Boots on the ground is what
stops them and it takes time to get them there.
I don't know your business and I don't care about your business, but if it's electronics, I bet it hasn't arrested or detained one illegal immigrant.

Meister I’ve been involved with this border security long before your messiah became an apprentice POTUS.

I can tell you right now. You don’t know anything about border security.
So you're saying all your gadgets haven't apprehended or detained one illegal.....got it.
Build the damn wall and STFU!
A wall is not going to apprehend anyone
18 BPAs per mile ... Working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year ... Catching and releasing illegals into the US...

Brilliant....you've thought of everything. Nice job.


When I just joined this site.

I offered a real live tour at least total of 4 members at the southern border at my cost from whatever they live. At my cost one of them is Here We Go Again. But no takers.

How you and others here has a very different view how the BP do their jobs in real life. How do you think they were able to apprehended 300,000?

Here is my observation. Members like you probably don’t know anything about southern borders security till Trump got elected.
Suddenly people became an expert.
Like Meister 20 minutes or comparing prison wall or Israel’s wall.

On the side.
1. I also challenged at least 5 members for a conference live debate via conference call.
2. Visits of my company.
No takers.
Sounds like you say that walls don't work, but they do build walls around prisons because they do work. Sounds like an oxymoron
Obama built over 100 miles of walls when he was in office, nobody blinked an eye, now it's immoral. Sounds more like playing politics.
Yes, I have no proof about the 20 min. but, that's an educated guess as there are miles and miles of open space with no barriers.
Some areas takes less time and some more time. Put electronics out there....it doesn't stop anyone. Boots on the ground is what
stops them and it takes time to get them there.
I don't know your business and I don't care about your business, but if it's electronics, I bet it hasn't arrested or detained one illegal immigrant.

Meister I’ve been involved with this border security long before your messiah became an apprentice POTUS.

I can tell you right now. You don’t know anything about border security.
So you're saying all your gadgets haven't apprehended or detained one illegal.....got it.
Build the damn wall and STFU!
A wall is not going to apprehend anyone
You're right, but it just may slow them down or even turn them away. Use electronics to flag them and with the wall slowing them down,
there is a better chance of apprehending them. I think we've been over this already.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.
I seriously doubt that all of those agents actually patrol the boarder. A good bit are probably support staff.
Maybe that's the problem. Catching people crossing the border illegally makes a lot more sense than tracking them through the desert and driving around towns and back roads hoping to find them.
To support border patrol agents there are a host of specialized agents such as CBP Officers, Air Interdiction Agents, Marine Interdiction Agents, Agricultural Specialist, AV Production Specialists, Criminal Investigators, Entry Specialists, Financial Programs Specialists, Intelligence Research Specialists, IT Specialists, Telecommunications Specialists, etc, etc.
Professional Staff Overview | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
I didn't say the agent didn't have a vehicle. I said it might not be necessary to have 2 agents in a vehicle.

Would you approach several people, with drugs on their backs or driving a 4 wd vehicle in an open desert?

This is exactly what I’m talking about.

What do you think these BP been doing for years? Since when these illegals driving 4wd crossing the borders? Why would anyone do such things attracting attentions?

About 90% of illegal drugs coming in to this country are at legal port of entries.

Homeland Head Security and VP Pence told you different story because Trump told them to lie.
Don't you mean that it's 90% of the drugs being confiscated comes through legal ports of entry?
Who knows how much comes through the areas without a fence and goes undetected? It can't be quantified
That's true; drugs that enter the US, can't be quantified. It you spend much time boating or flying, you probably realize that keeping drugs out the country is impossible.

For example, there are about 1 million register boats in the state of Florida, 1400 miles of coast line, 4500 islands and 280,000 square miles of open water paroled by less than 1,000 law enforcement boats including the coast guard. Most marine law enforcement is not focused on drugs but rather enforcing fish and wildlife laws, boating safety, and rescue.

The safest way and easiest way to bring large quantities of drugs into the US is by air and water. Crossing fenced and walled borders guarded by 18 thousand border patrolmen is the riskiest and the least productive way of bringing in drugs or other contraband.
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When I just joined this site.

I offered a real live tour at least total of 4 members at the southern border at my cost from whatever they live. At my cost one of them is Here We Go Again. But no takers.

How you and others here has a very different view how the BP do their jobs in real life. How do you think they were able to apprehended 300,000?

Here is my observation. Members like you probably don’t know anything about southern borders security till Trump got elected.
Suddenly people became an expert.
Like Meister 20 minutes or comparing prison wall or Israel’s wall.

On the side.
1. I also challenged at least 5 members for a conference live debate via conference call.
2. Visits of my company.
No takers.
Sounds like you say that walls don't work, but they do build walls around prisons because they do work. Sounds like an oxymoron
Obama built over 100 miles of walls when he was in office, nobody blinked an eye, now it's immoral. Sounds more like playing politics.
Yes, I have no proof about the 20 min. but, that's an educated guess as there are miles and miles of open space with no barriers.
Some areas takes less time and some more time. Put electronics out there....it doesn't stop anyone. Boots on the ground is what
stops them and it takes time to get them there.
I don't know your business and I don't care about your business, but if it's electronics, I bet it hasn't arrested or detained one illegal immigrant.

Meister I’ve been involved with this border security long before your messiah became an apprentice POTUS.

I can tell you right now. You don’t know anything about border security.
So you're saying all your gadgets haven't apprehended or detained one illegal.....got it.
Build the damn wall and STFU!
A wall is not going to apprehend anyone
You're right, but it just may slow them down or even turn them away. Use electronics to flag them and with the wall slowing them down,
there is a better chance of apprehending them. I think we've been over this already.
20 foot reinforced fences or walls are appropriate around large population centers. That should dissuade those that are not really serious about crossing. However, most of the border should have reinforced 12 to 15 foot fencing with electronic monitoring.

We would still have hundreds of thousands coming into the country illegally no matter what type security barriers we use on the southern border. They will continue to pour through ports of entry. Tighter southern border security will just cause more people to come by air and water. In short, walls will not solve the problem. We may see a slight reduction but since the long term trend is lower numbers migrating north and tighter border security we might not even see that.
This is exactly what I’m talking about.

What do you think these BP been doing for years? Since when these illegals driving 4wd crossing the borders? Why would anyone do such things attracting attentions?

About 90% of illegal drugs coming in to this country are at legal port of entries.

Homeland Head Security and VP Pence told you different story because Trump told them to lie.

1. Why would someone NOT use a 4wd vehicle where there is no border crossing and nothing but nothing in sight?

2. How do we know that "About 90% of illegal drugs coming in to this country are at legal port of entries"?

Who has inventoried any and all illegal drugs coming into our country across the deserts by vehicles or being carried?

1. Are you serious? Why and how are you going to use 4wd crossing the border when ..........Terrains are not made for vehicles. Since when drug dealers use 4wd crossing the borders illegally? People died crossing the borders. Why would you attract yourself using 4wd when they know its dotted with thousands of ground sensors?

2. Are you asking me? If you are asking me this question ........ means it shows that you don’t really know what is going on at the borders. You may want to ask Google to help you out.
This is exactly what I’m talking about.

What do you think these BP been doing for years? Since when these illegals driving 4wd crossing the borders? Why would anyone do such things attracting attentions?

About 90% of illegal drugs coming in to this country are at legal port of entries.

Homeland Head Security and VP Pence told you different story because Trump told them to lie.

1. Why would someone NOT use a 4wd vehicle where there is no border crossing and nothing but nothing in sight?

2. How do we know that "About 90% of illegal drugs coming in to this country are at legal port of entries"?

Who has inventoried any and all illegal drugs coming into our country across the deserts by vehicles or being carried?

1. Are you serious? Why and how are you going to use 4wd crossing the border when ..........Terrains are not made for vehicles. Since when drug dealers use 4wd crossing the borders illegally? People died crossing the borders. Why would you attract yourself using 4wd when they know its dotted with thousands of ground sensors?

2. Are you asking me? If you are asking me this question ........ means it shows that you don’t really know what is going on at the borders. You may want to ask Google to help you out.
There several reason why most migrants don't use vehicles to cross the border. First, most of the border, over 1200 miles is the Rio Grande. Second, there are 700 miles of reinforced fencing which can cause problems for any vehicle including 4wd. Lastly, most migrants don't own vehicles.
I didn't say the agent didn't have a vehicle. I said it might not be necessary to have 2 agents in a vehicle.

Would you approach several people, with drugs on their backs or driving a 4 wd vehicle in an open desert?

This is exactly what I’m talking about.

What do you think these BP been doing for years? Since when these illegals driving 4wd crossing the borders? Why would anyone do such things attracting attentions?

About 90% of illegal drugs coming in to this country are at legal port of entries.

Homeland Head Security and VP Pence told you different story because Trump told them to lie.
Don't you mean that it's 90% of the drugs being confiscated comes through legal ports of entry?
Who knows how much comes through the areas without a fence and goes undetected? It can't be quantified
That's true; drugs that enter the US, can't be quantified. It you spend much time boating or flying, you probably realize that keeping drugs out the country is impossible.

For example, there are about 1 million register boats in the state of Florida, 1400 miles of coast line, 4500 islands and 280,000 square miles of open water paroled by less than 1,000 law enforcement boats including the coast guard. Most marine law enforcement is not focused on drugs but rather enforcing fish and wildlife laws, boating safety, and rescue.

The safest way and easiest way to bring large quantities of drugs into the US is by air and water. Crossing fenced and walled borders guarded by 18 thousand border patrolmen is the riskiest and the least productive way of bringing in drugs or other contraband.

Having served in the Navy doing drug interdiction operations with the DEA and Coast Guard. you don't have a clue as to what is or can be done to stop the flow of drugs into the US.
There several reason why most migrants don't use vehicles to cross the border. First, most of the border, over 1200 miles is the Rio Grande. Second, there are 700 miles of reinforced fencing which can cause problems for any vehicle including 4wd. Lastly, most migrants don't own vehicles.

An illegal alien isn't going to use a 4wd vehicle. They only need to get themselves and their family across. A drug dealer would use any means possible to get their product into the United States.

Where did you get the idea that the Rio Grande River is an impenetrable barrier?
There several reason why most migrants don't use vehicles to cross the border. First, most of the border, over 1200 miles is the Rio Grande. Second, there are 700 miles of reinforced fencing which can cause problems for any vehicle including 4wd. Lastly, most migrants don't own vehicles.

An illegal alien isn't going to use a 4wd vehicle. They only need to get themselves and their family across. A drug dealer would use any means possible to get their product into the United States.

Where did you get the idea that the Rio Grande River is an impenetrable barrier?

Also, does he not realize that a boat is a vehicle also.
There several reason why most migrants don't use vehicles to cross the border. First, most of the border, over 1200 miles is the Rio Grande. Second, there are 700 miles of reinforced fencing which can cause problems for any vehicle including 4wd. Lastly, most migrants don't own vehicles.

An illegal alien isn't going to use a 4wd vehicle. They only need to get themselves and their family across. A drug dealer would use any means possible to get their product into the United States.

Where did you get the idea that the Rio Grande River is an impenetrable barrier?
I didn't say the Rio Grande was an impenetrable barrier. It's a barrier that is best crossed by means other than a motor vehicle. In some places the river is as deep as 60 feet. In other places such as El Paso you can walk across it at certain places and certain times of the year.
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There several reason why most migrants don't use vehicles to cross the border. First, most of the border, over 1200 miles is the Rio Grande. Second, there are 700 miles of reinforced fencing which can cause problems for any vehicle including 4wd. Lastly, most migrants don't own vehicles.

An illegal alien isn't going to use a 4wd vehicle. They only need to get themselves and their family across. A drug dealer would use any means possible to get their product into the United States.

Where did you get the idea that the Rio Grande River is an impenetrable barrier?

Well so far I have not heard or seen any one using 4wd to cross or even get close to a border.
Have you heard such thing?
There several reason why most migrants don't use vehicles to cross the border. First, most of the border, over 1200 miles is the Rio Grande. Second, there are 700 miles of reinforced fencing which can cause problems for any vehicle including 4wd. Lastly, most migrants don't own vehicles.

An illegal alien isn't going to use a 4wd vehicle. They only need to get themselves and their family across. A drug dealer would use any means possible to get their product into the United States.

Where did you get the idea that the Rio Grande River is an impenetrable barrier?

Well so far I have not heard or seen any one using 4wd to cross or even get close to a border.
Have you heard such thing?
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.
God liberals have such a hard time with simple math and understanding simple concepts.
Not all border agents are working every minute of every day. Sleep, time off, sick leave, vacations, other parts of real work need to be taken into consideration. Then you have those that are not in the field such as supervisors, transportation etc. Then you have those at the northern border. Those at other ports of entry.

Now we need to consider that we will be lucky if we even get ten added border patrol because the fight is not about borders but about not allowing Trump to do anything. The other part of the equation is that without a wall it will be extremely easy for those that are in control to say look at what border security is costing we need to cut back. Border security would immediately drop. With a wall it would remain even with defunding.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.
God liberals have such a hard time with simple math and understanding simple concepts.
Not all border agents are working every minute of every day. Sleep, time off, sick leave, vacations, other parts of real work need to be taken into consideration. Then you have those that are not in the field such as supervisors, transportation etc. Then you have those at the northern border. Those at other ports of entry.

Now we need to consider that we will be lucky if we even get ten added border patrol because the fight is not about borders but about not allowing Trump to do anything. The other part of the equation is that without a wall it will be extremely easy for those that are in control to say look at what border security is costing we need to cut back. Border security would immediately drop. With a wall it would remain even with defunding.

You very wrong son.
Before this lunatic start starving people with his sexy wall.
They are already trying to hire 15,000 new CBP 2 years ago but applicants are hard to come by. Remember this is dated 2019.

Trump ordered 15,000 new border and immigration officers — but got thousands of vacancies instead

Two years after President Trump signed orders to hire 15,000 new border agents and immigration officers, the administration has spent tens of millions of dollars in the effort — but has thousands more vacancies than when it began.
In a sign of the difficulties, Customs and Border Protection allocated $60.7 million to Accenture Federal Services, a management consulting firm, as part of a $297-million contract to recruit, vet and hire 7,500 border officers over five years, but the company has produced only 33 new hires so far.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.
God liberals have such a hard time with simple math and understanding simple concepts.
Not all border agents are working every minute of every day. Sleep, time off, sick leave, vacations, other parts of real work need to be taken into consideration. Then you have those that are not in the field such as supervisors, transportation etc. Then you have those at the northern border. Those at other ports of entry.

Now we need to consider that we will be lucky if we even get ten added border patrol because the fight is not about borders but about not allowing Trump to do anything. The other part of the equation is that without a wall it will be extremely easy for those that are in control to say look at what border security is costing we need to cut back. Border security would immediately drop. With a wall it would remain even with defunding.

You very wrong son.
Before this lunatic start starving people with his sexy wall.
They are already trying to hire 15,000 new CBP 2 years ago but applicants are hard to come by. Remember this is dated 2019.

Trump ordered 15,000 new border and immigration officers — but got thousands of vacancies instead

Two years after President Trump signed orders to hire 15,000 new border agents and immigration officers, the administration has spent tens of millions of dollars in the effort — but has thousands more vacancies than when it began.
In a sign of the difficulties, Customs and Border Protection allocated $60.7 million to Accenture Federal Services, a management consulting firm, as part of a $297-million contract to recruit, vet and hire 7,500 border officers over five years, but the company has produced only 33 new hires so far.
So you are claiming that all the border patrol that that the op claims are going to stand side by side are not only not available but are not being hired. You are claiming that there are less border patrol then there were. Plus you are claiming that building a wall will somehow starve people.

Do you see any problem with those claims? If not let me point them out.
First off there are not enough border patrol to stand side by side. Useing your own post we have less now then we did. We are unable to hire enough replacements yet Democrats say we only need to add to the number we already have.

Countries that have walls say they work. Areas on our border that have walls have seen dramatic decreases in illegal traffic. We even have those who pay more to live in gated communities.

As far as people starving if a wall is built. No one is going to take away your food stamps. We could very easily take the money from the billions being used to help fund abortions in South America. Less incursion into the U.S. less unborn killed a win win.

Funny how almost every Democrat in congress only six years ago voted for a barrier on our southern border. Now suddenly because it is Trump it is "immoral" .

You are funny little one. You don't want a barrier because you follow a party line. But then make the case for one. Good job.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.
God liberals have such a hard time with simple math and understanding simple concepts.
Not all border agents are working every minute of every day. Sleep, time off, sick leave, vacations, other parts of real work need to be taken into consideration. Then you have those that are not in the field such as supervisors, transportation etc. Then you have those at the northern border. Those at other ports of entry.

Now we need to consider that we will be lucky if we even get ten added border patrol because the fight is not about borders but about not allowing Trump to do anything. The other part of the equation is that without a wall it will be extremely easy for those that are in control to say look at what border security is costing we need to cut back. Border security would immediately drop. With a wall it would remain even with defunding.

You very wrong son.
Before this lunatic start starving people with his sexy wall.
They are already trying to hire 15,000 new CBP 2 years ago but applicants are hard to come by. Remember this is dated 2019.

Trump ordered 15,000 new border and immigration officers — but got thousands of vacancies instead

Two years after President Trump signed orders to hire 15,000 new border agents and immigration officers, the administration has spent tens of millions of dollars in the effort — but has thousands more vacancies than when it began.
In a sign of the difficulties, Customs and Border Protection allocated $60.7 million to Accenture Federal Services, a management consulting firm, as part of a $297-million contract to recruit, vet and hire 7,500 border officers over five years, but the company has produced only 33 new hires so far.
So you are claiming that all the border patrol that that the op claims are going to stand side by side are not only not available but are not being hired. You are claiming that there are less border patrol then there were. Plus you are claiming that building a wall will somehow starve people.

Do you see any problem with those claims? If not let me point them out.
First off there are not enough border patrol to stand side by side. Useing your own post we have less now then we did. We are unable to hire enough replacements yet Democrats say we only need to add to the number we already have.

Countries that have walls say they work. Areas on our border that have walls have seen dramatic decreases in illegal traffic. We even have those who pay more to live in gated communities.

As far as people starving if a wall is built. No one is going to take away your food stamps. We could very easily take the money from the billions being used to help fund abortions in South America. Less incursion into the U.S. less unborn killed a win win.

Funny how almost every Democrat in congress only six years ago voted for a barrier on our southern border. Now suddenly because it is Trump it is "immoral" .

You are funny little one. You don't want a barrier because you follow a party line. But then make the case for one. Good job.

You are very wrong again son.

1. What I mean of Trump starving people is when he shut the government down. Because of his sexy walls. Lots of these people are living paycheck to paycheck and businesses loss income.
These people has nothing to do with your wall.

2. Since you don’t know anything about the current border security. ZERO. For your information CBP are doing an excellent job apprehending illegal crossings. That is why they netted about 300,000 in 2018.

3. About foreign aids. What stopping you. Trump is the POTUS.

4. It’s very silly of you to compare other walls from other countries to southern border.
If you look at those foreign walls that you glorified. There are no customers or incentives breaching those walls. Here you are talking about future of your family. Plus drug addiction of Americans.

5. We support border security but not that ugly border Trump wall.
Now we are going to play the numbers game? Why are there 35,000 FBI employees when there aren't nearly enough federal crimes to justify it? We don't even know how many CIA employees there are because it's a freaking secret when there are no secrets left.
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Well so far I have not heard or seen any one using 4wd to cross or even get close to a border.
Have you heard such thing?

Do really want to post here that you are so naive that you sincerely believe that smugglers, drug runners, human traffickers do NOT use vehicles to cross our Southern Border in rural desolate areas?

If they'll attempt this, will they really NOT use more rural, difficult to access areas? Really?


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