Why isn't anyone stating the obvious about the NSA scandal?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Anyone working in the NSA is subject to the same transparency as the rest of us. No one in the NSA is above it. Does that not pose an interesting caveat to any of you?
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You do realize you haven't stated anything obvious when you ask a question, right?
What's your point, that it's ok they spy on us because they can spy on their employee's? Obama said it's not happening in the first place, that we have courts to stop that kind of stuff... Later we found out it was happening and that Obama lied and still he does nothing. This is not something that will be fixed under Obama seeing as just like HC we were lied to so that we might be sold something that does not work for us.
Not particularly. If any one of us attempted to spy on NSA employees and contractors the way they spy on us we would be subject to arrest. The only relevant fact about this scandal is that a government that hides and lies about its actions, and then criminalizes the revelation of those actions, is completely unaccountable to the people they purport to serve.
NSA and CIA have no oversight or transparency or anyone to answer to. Until they get caught. And that's how it should be. Since much of what they do by definition is against the law, whining about it when they get found out or caught doing what they're tasked to do is hypocritical.
NSA and CIA have no oversight or transparency or anyone to answer to. Until they get caught. And that's how it should be. Since much of what they do by definition is against the law, whining about it when they get found out or caught doing what they're tasked to do is hypocritical.

I agree.
It appears that terrorists have more rights than we do under this administration.

Searching without a warrant used to be a major issue while Bush was president. Now it's an accepted fact of life.

I guess under the 4th amendment every decent American is a threat to the current White House.
This is what progressives do to every society.

They degrade it, they encourage lawlessness, and eventually the society either gets wise and rejects them or it collapses under it's own weight.
It appears that terrorists have more rights than we do under this administration.

Searching without a warrant used to be a major issue while Bush was president. Now it's an accepted fact of life.

I guess under the 4th amendment every decent American is a threat to the current White House.

Sounds to me like you should have been protesting Bush.s Patriot Act like I was.

Whining about it now is pointless.

Remember how scared you were of those big bad Muslim terrorists? And how George Bush was gonna protect us? Even if it meant losing a few cherished American rights? Remember how you cheered when Congress passed the Patriot Act?

People like me knew we were fucked when it was passed. How's come you are so late to the party? Is is because Obama has used the law? That's it isn't it.

The black guy used the Patriot Act. Hey IF you can get that law nullified, please do.
If a Republican came out against the Patriot Act, I would certainly be impressed and maybe even consider voting for a Republican again.

Make it happen dude.
This is what progressives do to every society.

They degrade it, they encourage lawlessness, and eventually the society either gets wise and rejects them or it collapses under it's own weight.

Degrading society to lawlessness is closer to a republican ideal.
This is what progressives do to every society.

They degrade it, they encourage lawlessness, and eventually the society either gets wise and rejects them or it collapses under it's own weight.

Degrading society to lawlessness is closer to a republican ideal.

So how exactly is Capitalism supposed to work under a lawless society?
Sounds counter productive.

Now if you're trying to bring down the middle class and buy more votes I could see it working for you.
This is what progressives do to every society.

They degrade it, they encourage lawlessness, and eventually the society either gets wise and rejects them or it collapses under it's own weight.

Degrading society to lawlessness is closer to a republican ideal.

That makes no sense.

Why don't you give some examples.
Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, hater dupes, Obama has added congressional and judicial oversight and transparency to NSA programs that were secret under Booosh/Cheney. Hater dupes, upside down and backwards on the facts as always...
It appears that terrorists have more rights than we do under this administration.

Searching without a warrant used to be a major issue while Bush was president. Now it's an accepted fact of life.

I guess under the 4th amendment every decent American is a threat to the current White House.

Sounds to me like you should have been protesting Bush.s Patriot Act like I was.

Whining about it now is pointless.

Remember how scared you were of those big bad Muslim terrorists? And how George Bush was gonna protect us? Even if it meant losing a few cherished American rights? Remember how you cheered when Congress passed the Patriot Act?

People like me knew we were fucked when it was passed. How's come you are so late to the party? Is is because Obama has used the law? That's it isn't it.

The black guy used the Patriot Act. Hey IF you can get that law nullified, please do.
If a Republican came out against the Patriot Act, I would certainly be impressed and maybe even consider voting for a Republican again.

Make it happen dude.

This is a perfect example of what I was talking about.

Under Bush it was evil , but when Obama takes advantage of the system it's all Bush's fault. You can't even spot the hypocrisy in your post.

Obama has misused the law. He's ignored laws that protect us from his misuse. It's all a matter of the system of checks and balances. Protections put in place to prevent one branch from using politics to destroy a sitting president. The patriot act was supposed to make fighting terrorism easier and instead Obama is using it to spy on us. Yet you only want to blame Bush, not the president who's abusing his authority.

This is what happens when you vote for candidates that aren't properly vetted. It also shows what happens when idiots don't take the election process seriously enough and think it's all a friggen joke.
Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, hater dupes, Obama has added congressional and judicial oversight and transparency to NSA programs that were secret under Booosh/Cheney. Hater dupes, upside down and backwards on the facts as always...

Sure he has, because he told you he has. The NSA is supposed to be a secret BTW.

Seems to me all he's done is tarnished our image abroad. He's been caught spying way too many times. Nobody trusts us anymore.
Degrading society to lawlessness is closer to a republican ideal.

That makes no sense.

Why don't you give some examples.

Deregulation. Letting corporations do whatever the fuck they want.

For example, what regulations are you specifically speaking of.

You have to come up with more than just a lib talking point.

I can give you several examples of Democrats encouraging lawlessness, beginning with illegal immigration.
That makes no sense.

Why don't you give some examples.

Deregulation. Letting corporations do whatever the fuck they want.

For example, what regulations are you specifically speaking of.

You have to come up with more than just a lib talking point.

I can give you several examples of Democrats encouraging lawlessness, beginning with illegal immigration.

I'm talking about the very idea of deregulation. This isn't hard to figure out.
Deregulation. Letting corporations do whatever the fuck they want.

For example, what regulations are you specifically speaking of.

You have to come up with more than just a lib talking point.

I can give you several examples of Democrats encouraging lawlessness, beginning with illegal immigration.

I'm talking about the very idea of deregulation. This isn't hard to figure out.

Deregulation where overregulation has been a problem isn't automatically a bad thing, nor is it illegal or encouraging lawlessness.It

Regulations are just another word for government intrusion. Bigger government is more intrusive. The federal register this year was a stack of documents that was 8 feet thick. Regulations can also hinder growth and increase costs unnecessarily.

Still, you're being too general. Tell me about a specific example that harmed this country.

I can give you one right now. Democrats encourage illegals to come here so they can flood our borders, cost us billions in legal fees, drive down wages, and spread infectious diseases all so they can dilute the vote of legal citizens. These careless acts result in the deaths of thousands of illegals, and cause massive increases in crime not only along the border but all over the country.

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