Why isn't DOJ prosecuting this medical fraud?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
These people treating our tax dollars as their personal bank accounts and creating bogus health studies should be prosecuted to the fullest and should not be free to run loose for years on end.

BREAKING: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. calls for extradition of CDC vaccine criminal mastermind Poul Thorsen to face charges of criminal scientific misconduct

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) and his team at World Mercury Project have drafted up a new report that reveals the criminal conduct of CDC consultant and vaccine cultist Poul Thorsen. With an overwhelming body of evidence, RFK Jr is calling for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to take action and extradite Poul Thorsen so he can face up to his numerous crimes. In a statement, RFK Jr declared, “World Mercury Project calls upon Attorney General Jeff Sessions to extradite Thorsen back to the U.S. to face prosecution. We also call upon Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr. Tom Price to retract the Thorsen-affiliated autism research papers that are the fruit of illegally conducted research.”................................................As WMP explains, this alone detracts from the validity of their research, but to make matters worse, records indicate that the CDC was complicit in covering up this little “mistake.” According to the WMP report, CDC staff realized that no IRB approval had ever been granted for Thorsen’s research, but the error was simply ignored and the studies were never retracted.......................the story of Poul Thorsen only continues to get even darker. Back in 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice indicted Thorsen on 22 counts of wire fraud and money laundering after he stole over a million dollars in CDC grant money that was supposed to be designated for autism research......more

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

"The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present–and is gravely to be regarded." Dwight D. Eisenhower
It is probably a good book. I would be somewhat leery of the title though considering all the accusations that are flying concerning right and left extremist, both are being led by the nose. Greed is the root of all evil no doubt but I personally do not think the majority are greedy, at least I would hope not. Things have changed in the last thirty years concerning a lot of the younger people and I believe that is due to the propaganda that they have been inundated with more than anything else.

I like her summation; Being a responsible citizen is more that voting every four years, which is what way too many people do, and then rest, satisfied (or not!). Being a citizen requires fighting the disempowerment that some nurture, and staying on top of local and state elections. Know the candidates. Organize yourself and your neighbors to identify your interests and insist that candidates, representatives, and other leaders know your wishes and are accountable to their voters. Amazingly, politicians and representatives will listen when you show them the numbers of voters you turn out. They know local elections can flip on a few thousand votes and still, at bottom, they have to be elected. Organized people can fight organized money -

Now it is how do we get people on the same page to understand this..... My senator is a newbie still and she has been very responsive when I spoke with her. I think they get so much chaff they have to sort a lot of that out too.

note: My neighbors here immediately surrounding us for the most part I would not approach as they are most definitely not honorable peeps but not to say that there are not decent people around.

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