Why isn't Mick Jagger having his heart surgery in the U.K. with the National Health Service?

Are the complaints more or less common and serious than those against private health care providers?
Which would you like to know about? The common or serious complaints? Because usually serious complaints aren't common and common complaints aren't serious.
In either case I would refer to the citations I have provided.
There are forums all over the internet talking about how long people have to wait in the UK.
People helping other people deal with eait times. Telling them they have to stay on their feet etc.
Its fucking sad.
Or...they could just buy health insurance.
It's great to have both options ain't it?
if you don't know that the GOP blocked everything that Obama wanted to do, you are a typical GOP dupe.
Like Obama Care or the horrible failure of the Obama Stimulus plan...right? :113:

I wish they could have blocked all Obama idiocy.

So you can't demonstrate what you claimed and were too embarrassed or dishonest to admit it.

I can't say I'm surprised.
Are the complaints more or less common and serious than those against private health care providers?
Which would you like to know about? The common or serious complaints? Because usually serious complaints aren't common and common complaints aren't serious.
In either case I would refer to the citations I have provided.
I would like some numbers and not just some anecdotes.
Obstructed by the mindless GOP. Duh.
Can you demonstrate that? Or should we just assume you love to lie about the right?
if you don't know that the GOP blocked everything that Obama wanted to do, you are a typical GOP dupe.

I also remember that the night after Obama won the election, McConnell got the GOP together, and they all pledged to obstruct Obama and try to make him a one term president.
I also remember that the night after Obama won the election, McConnell got the GOP together, and they all pledged to obstruct Obama and try to make him a one term president.
They did a great job, didn't they? :113:

At least they didn't try to have Obama illegally removed from office in a coup on trumped up (no pun intended) manufactured charges. So why are you whining, little snowflake?

You think Chuck and Nancy are dying to help Trump implement his policies? Even with an honest to God invasion on our Southern border? F-ck you whiny leftist clowns.
Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery

Because rich people have better options than poor people. Duh. It's like you're not even trying...
Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery
I thought that Cuba had better health care than the US
if you don't know that the GOP blocked everything that Obama wanted to do, you are a typical GOP dupe.
Like Obama Care or the horrible failure of the Obama Stimulus plan...right? :113:

I wish they could have blocked all Obama idiocy.

So you can't demonstrate what you claimed and were too embarrassed or dishonest to admit it.

I can't say I'm surprised.
Those two nice GOP ladies from Maine voted for the stimulus which was obviously needed except in dupe world. They had 60 votes for ACA. I guess I have to give the two exceptions...
Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery
I thought that Cuba had better health care than the US
What's you account balance ? Like Mikey Moore ? No problem. They got it.
Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery
I thought that Cuba had better health care than the US
Only better than GOP States that haven't expanded medicaid... And every other third world country.
Happy to oblige:
You haven't obliged me. I'm not the one who said VA hospitals were just as good as other ones
and I only produced two contrary citations (one from the IG that totally contradicts what you claim)
to raise doubt on the Rand report you cited because my general impression has been the VA system
is quite horrible in some cases.

Rankings for VA hospitals are still a mixed bag, at best. VA discloses ratings of its 146 medical centers
Those two nice GOP ladies from Maine voted for the stimulus which was obviously needed except in dupe world. They had 60 votes for ACA. I guess I have to give the two exceptions...
Yeah. We sure needed a big fat failure like the Obama stimulus. :113:
Thank God for all those billions of dollars flushed away.
if you don't know the stimulus worked, you are brainwashed functional moron. I'm surprised you even know we had a world depression in 2008 thanks to your corrupt heroes.
Happy to oblige:
You haven't obliged me. I'm not the one who said VA hospitals were just as good as other ones
and I only produced two contrary citations (one from the IG that totally contradicts what you claim)
to raise doubt on the Rand report you cited because my general impression has been the VA system
is quite horrible in some cases.

Rankings for VA hospitals are still a mixed bag, at best. VA discloses ratings of its 146 medical centers
You are the one implying that government health care is a disaster, in reality it seems no worse than the private system we have. It seems to me to be a mixed bag, at worst
My Miami guys have been happy with the VA for dealing with them all dead from Monsanto-Dupont_MK etc agent(s)---insert color/ here in Nam.
It's just business ya know.
if you don't know the stimulus worked, you are brainwashed functional moron. I'm surprised you even know we had a world depression in 2008 thanks to your corrupt heroes.
Yeah, tell it to the NY Post. Did you see the brightly colored graph so even a dimwit could see where all the money was wasted and misused?

I'm sure it was too complex for apes to decipher.

To even insult your ignorance would be to legitimize you. You aren't worth it.
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