Why isn't Mick Jagger having his heart surgery in the U.K. with the National Health Service?

Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery
Because, like all people in the UK he has a choice. Unlike people in the US who if they cant afford private healthcare, have no healthcare (if the Republicans have their way)

Actually, Coyote, if the Dems have their way the people of the USA will no longer have a say in their health care.

That's what Medicare for all means.
Except for the wealthy ruling elite of course, they will have the best care that we the people can pay for.
Yo get to choose your doctor under Medicare
It just affects how the doctor gets paid

Only if the doctor accepts Medicare payments and is willing to see you for the money you are offering.

"medicare for all" means that some people will be forced to either pay to see a decent doctor or see a Quack for free. of course our liberal elite rulers will be able to see the best.
Medicare for all will mean all of the doctors patients will have the same coverage
Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery
Because, like all people in the UK he has a choice. Unlike people in the US who if they cant afford private healthcare, have no healthcare (if the Republicans have their way)

Actually, Coyote, if the Dems have their way the people of the USA will no longer have a say in their health care.

That's what Medicare for all means.
Except for the wealthy ruling elite of course, they will have the best care that we the people can pay for.
Yo get to choose your doctor under Medicare
It just affects how the doctor gets paid

Only if the doctor accepts Medicare payments and is willing to see you for the money you are offering.

"medicare for all" means that some people will be forced to either pay to see a decent doctor or see a Quack for free. of course our liberal elite rulers will be able to see the best.
Medicare for all will mean all of the doctors patients will have the same coverage

Not necessarily. Some patients may have other insurance in addition to medicare. Or cash money in addition to medicare. And some patients may not be citizens and not be part of the "all" in Medicare for all.
Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery
Because, like all people in the UK he has a choice. Unlike people in the US who if they cant afford private healthcare, have no healthcare (if the Republicans have their way)

Actually, Coyote, if the Dems have their way the people of the USA will no longer have a say in their health care.

That's what Medicare for all means.
Except for the wealthy ruling elite of course, they will have the best care that we the people can pay for.
Yo get to choose your doctor under Medicare
It just affects how the doctor gets paid

Only if the doctor accepts Medicare payments and is willing to see you for the money you are offering.

"medicare for all" means that some people will be forced to either pay to see a decent doctor or see a Quack for free. of course our liberal elite rulers will be able to see the best.
Medicare for all will mean all of the doctors patients will have the same coverage

No, all doctors will be free to set their own prices and if they want more than Medicare pays, you'll have to pick up the difference. Just like now. And, if totalitarian jerks try to say they can ONLY charge the one rate, they'll retire and there won't be enough doctors.
Ever consider the possibility that is where the best doctor is for his surgery? There are lots of Americans who travel to foreign countries for health care.
Yes to get cheaper ass impalnts lol

Actually for all kinds of medical procedures, not just to boost the size of their derrieres. And the amount that can be saved is very significant.
Like what? Give me a name lol

I have a friend who goes to Mexico for cancer treatment because the treatment chosen by the patient is not approved in the USA. The results have been breath-taking and after a year and a half, the tumor has been reduced to almost nothing and still responding.
There was a segment on "60 Minutes" the other day about a baby who was born with a fatal heart defect. I was only half paying attention, but I believe that she was a able to remain alive through some heroic and unprecedented health procedure that will, maybe, keep her alive until she is old enough for a heart transplant at 4-5 years old.

In short, she will cost SOMEONE millions of dollars to keep her barely alive for a brief, and mostly miserable life. In the U.S. it will mainly be covered by insurance. i.e, paid for by SOMEONE ELSE.

How would she fare in, say, England? Germany? Cuba? Would they spend the money to keep her alive with these prospects? Inquiring minds want to know.

If insurance should be predicated on whether or not the individual will continue to live, and for how long, put that in writing and send it to your insurance company for instructions when your time comes.
Ever consider the possibility that is where the best doctor is for his surgery? There are lots of Americans who travel to foreign countries for health care.
Yes to get cheaper ass impalnts lol

Actually for all kinds of medical procedures, not just to boost the size of their derrieres. And the amount that can be saved is very significant.
Like what? Give me a name lol

I have a friend who goes to Mexico for cancer treatment because the treatment chosen by the patient is not approved in the USA. The results have been breath-taking and after a year and a half, the tumor has been reduced to almost nothing and still responding.
Bull shit
.….as the hermeneutic key to understanding every pronouncement by the Left/Democrats, we’d find that every part of their agenda is based on one simple concept: they lie.

Every one of ‘em.

Every single time.

They lie about everything.

1.The lesson learned from the two-year farrago of Mueller et al should never be forgotten. And this news item is a reminder:

“Mick Jagger: Heart Surgery…

Mick Jagger will undergo surgery to replace a valve in his heart,… “Mick Jagger has been advised by doctors that he cannot go on tour at this time as he needs medical treatment. Drudge Report first reported news of the heart valve surgery, adding that the procedure will take place Friday in New York….” Mick Jagger: Heart Surgery Postponed Rolling Stones Tour – Rolling Stone

That’s Sir Mick Jagger. A knight, whatever….and a very, very rich one at that. A Brit who has paid beaucoup bucks into the British treasury. Britain….it has free healthcare for folks like Mick.

But he’s going to have it in New York….that’s part of the United States.

Haven’t the Liberals/Democrats scolded us for a decade about how bad America’s healthcare is???

Isn’t that the British vision that Bernie Sanders means when he says ‘replace for-profit healthcare’? How much better than the American healthcare, huh?

Know why Jagger is having his surgery in the United States? ‘Cause he wants to live, that’s why.

Can only rich folks do this??? Nope….bet everyone reading this knows someone who has had open heart surgery. Bet no one knows of a poor person who died because they were denied said care.

2. Think Mick Jagger is the only one?

“Medical tourism on the rise as Brits seek surgery abroad” Medical tourism on the rise as Brits seek surgery abroad - AOL

3. “President Obama's nominee for director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the office that oversees government health care programs, is Dr. Donald Berwick, an outspoken admirer of the British National Health Service and its rationing arm, the National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness (NICE).

"I am romantic about the National Health Service (NHS). I love it," Berwick said during a 2008 speech to British physicians, going on to call it "generous, hopeful, confident, joyous, and just." He compared the wonders of British health care to a U.S. system that he described as trapped in "the darkness of private enterprise."

….British health care system where 750,000 patients are awaiting admission to NHS hospitals.

…more than half of British patients wait more than 18 weeks for care.

Every year, 50,000 surgeries are canceled because patients become too sick on the waiting list to proceed. “
‘Death panels’ were an overblown claim – until now

The US healthcare is the very best in the world…and the Democrats plan on bringing it down to the UK level that Mick Jagger was smart enough to flee from.

Know why? Because they lie about everything.
Everything.....as long as they get control in the end.

The Mueller Report as the hermeneutic key: the Liberals/Democrats lie about everything.

No sir! The US Free system will be better than stupid Britain’s because we would be able to tax the rich people more because we have more (greedy) rich people. So you can just shut up. And the only reason Mick is having the surgery here is because he is a big fat hurry and doesn’t want to fly all the way back to England. #liberallogic

I got it, Buck
5. Did I link Bernie Sander, socialized medical care and Bolsheviks???

You betcha’ I did….’cause I’ve studied history, unlike you government school grads.

Remember when Obama scoffed at the idea that ObamaCare was a "Bolshevik plot"???

.... certainly Bolshevik in conception, design, and purpose!.

Government control of private sector activity...is aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too. Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917 (Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately.
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

Hitler did the very same thing.

Obama, Sanders, and the Democrats aren’t the first Bolsheviks to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist:
"He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine. Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937), and History of Medicine were among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine."
Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

Does he sound just like a certain President??
And like a certain political party????

How'd it work out in the USSR, and Nazi Germany????

And why are Canadians and Brits going elsewhere for healthcare????
Ever consider the possibility that is where the best doctor is for his surgery? There are lots of Americans who travel to foreign countries for health care.

Nope.....you guys tell us that the NHS is heaven on earth.....so why isn't he flying back to Britain for the surgery...it's free too...right?
It’s a scheduling conflict. The Stones have a concert tour scheduled late ‘22 thru most of ‘23 and Mick’s surgery date was set for 5/23/23.
If You Need Heart Valve Surgery
You're An Ambulatory Dead Man
You Need Surgery As Soon As You're Diagnosed

Like Me

I Was Diagnosed Sat Eve
In Surgery Early Mon Morning

I Don't Know Why My Insurance Company
And the American Health System Is Keeping Me Alive
No One Relies On Me For Their Sustenance
I'm Just Some Ol' Dude

I Was Going To Say Some Other Stuff
But I Won't


Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery
You’re such a fucking idiot.

Can everyone afford the level of care Jagger will get? NO.

Can the average American go seriously into debt from needing a heart procedure? YES.

Can the average Brit go seriously into debt from needing a heart procedure? NO.

I disagree. Most "average Americans" have insurance and at his age it would be Medicare so it would free.
You are the one implying that government health care is a disaster, in reality it seems no worse than the private system we have. It seems to me to be a mixed bag, at worst
Rising premiums don't seem to thrill too many people as well has having to leave their insurers for plans that requires many features they can't use or need. And young healthy people having to pay for health care they don't need or want also seems to be a negative.

Really the only plus for Obama Care as far as I can see is the issue of pre existing conditions. Creating a giant white elephant to gain socialized medicine that benefits mostly a small pool seems senseless to me.
  • Premiums were rising long before Obamacare.
  • Most people get their insurance through their employer so if the employer switched so did you.
  • No young, healthy people stay either your or healthy forever. It doesn't make to sense to make insurance affordable for those that don't need it and unaffordable for those that do.
  • Obamacare came from the conservatives/GOP.
There was a segment on "60 Minutes" the other day about a baby who was born with a fatal heart defect. I was only half paying attention, but I believe that she was a able to remain alive through some heroic and unprecedented health procedure that will, maybe, keep her alive until she is old enough for a heart transplant at 4-5 years old.

In short, she will cost SOMEONE millions of dollars to keep her barely alive for a brief, and mostly miserable life. In the U.S. it will mainly be covered by insurance. i.e, paid for by SOMEONE ELSE.

How would she fare in, say, England? Germany? Cuba? Would they spend the money to keep her alive with these prospects? Inquiring minds want to know.

"In the emergency stimulus legislation was substantial funding for a Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research, comparative effectiveness research is generally code for limiting care based on the patient's age. Economists are familiar with the formula already in use in the U.K., where the cost of a treatment is divided by the number of years (called QALYS or quality-adjusted life years) the patient is likely to benefit. In the U.K., the formula leads to denying treatments for age-related diseases because older patients have a denominator problem -- fewer years to benefit than younger patients with other diseases."
Defend Your Health Care

So, historical precedent reveals the recurring plan to use ‘science’ to do away with those not considered desirable. Is this what you're for????

How about this:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky

Maybe, this?
"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic."

Joseph Stalin
If You Need Heart Valve Surgery
You're An Ambulatory Dead Man
You Need Surgery As Soon As You're Diagnosed

Like Me

I Was Diagnosed Sat Eve
In Surgery Early Mon Morning

I Don't Know Why My Insurance Company
And the American Health System Is Keeping Me Alive
No One Relies On Me For Their Sustenance
I'm Just Some Ol' Dude

I Was Going To Say Some Other Stuff
But I Won't


I won't jinx ya by saying "good luck" but I'll tell you what I told a woman going in for heart surgery on another board....pin a note to your gown saying "heart" so they don't take out your gall bladder by mistake. Hang in there...you'll have a lot more energy with your heart working better..

Actually you have that exactly backwards.

Not a single Republican voted for the Obamacare atrocity. B. Hussein O was only able to get it through by a fancy parliamentary scheme.
If you bothered to read the link you'd have learned that Obamacare came from Romney who got it from Gingrich who got it from the Heritage foundation. No GOP voted for it because they preferred to defeat Obama and make him a one-term president rather than improve healthcare for Americans.
If You Need Heart Valve Surgery
You're An Ambulatory Dead Man
You Need Surgery As Soon As You're Diagnosed

Like Me

I Was Diagnosed Sat Eve
In Surgery Early Mon Morning

I Don't Know Why My Insurance Company
And the American Health System Is Keeping Me Alive
No One Relies On Me For Their Sustenance
I'm Just Some Ol' Dude

I Was Going To Say Some Other Stuff
But I Won't


I won't jinx ya by saying "good luck" but I'll tell you what I told a woman going in for heart surgery on another board....pin a note to your gown saying "heart" so they don't take out your gall bladder by mistake. Hang in there...you'll have a lot more energy with your heart working better..

Remember the old joke about the guy who went into the hospital to have a leg removed, and they removed the wrong leg, and then had to take off the other one, too.
And he couldn't sue....'cause he didn't have a leg to stand on.

It would be funny if it weren't true.

I know someone who went in for knee surgery and wrote on his knee "This One."

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