Why isn't Mick Jagger having his heart surgery in the U.K. with the National Health Service?

they want to live


they think they will choose those poor doctors that will save their lives...lol


it is what it its... when your time comes ...your time comes....ok? it's good bye

bye bye
You are the one implying that government health care is a disaster, in reality it seems no worse than the private system we have. It seems to me to be a mixed bag, at worst
Rising premiums don't seem to thrill too many people as well has having to leave their insurers for plans that requires many features they can't use or need. And young healthy people having to pay for health care they don't need or want also seems to be a negative.

Really the only plus for Obama Care as far as I can see is the issue of pre existing conditions. Creating a giant white elephant to gain socialized medicine that benefits mostly a small pool seems senseless to me.
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Ever consider the possibility that is where the best doctor is for his surgery? There are lots of Americans who travel to foreign countries for health care.

Is that where you got your tranny operation from, Mexico?

oh please tell us where does Americans go to get better doctors and hospitals?
Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery
You’re such a fucking idiot.

Can everyone afford the level of care Jagger will get? NO.

Can the average American go seriously into debt from needing a heart procedure? YES.

Can the average Brit go seriously into debt from needing a heart procedure? NO.

Can the average Brit go seriously into debt from needing a heart procedure? NO.

Yea because the waiting line is so long the brit dies before he gets the heart procedure or they say he doesn't need one.

Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery
Because, like all people in the UK he has a choice. Unlike people in the US who if they cant afford private healthcare, have no healthcare (if the Republicans have their way)

Actually, Coyote, if the Dems have their way the people of the USA will no longer have a say in their health care.

That's what Medicare for all means.
Except for the wealthy ruling elite of course, they will have the best care that we the people can pay for.
Brits over the course of a lifetime pay through the nose for their socialized services.
I prefer to buy insurance and only pay for what I need when I need it.
Ever consider the possibility that is where the best doctor is for his surgery? There are lots of Americans who travel to foreign countries for health care.

Nope.....you guys tell us that the NHS is heaven on earth.....so why isn't he flying back to Britain for the surgery...it's free too...right?

Jagger doesn’t live in England. So he wouldn’t qualify to have surgery there.
Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery

Shows what kind of healthcare you get when you are a billionaire
Can the average Brit go seriously into debt from needing a heart procedure? NO.

Correct, they may just be denied the procedure altogether by the government as they are deemed not worthy enough to receive it

Bullshit. National Institute of health does not deny patients life-saving treatment regardless of age.
.….as the hermeneutic key to understanding every pronouncement by the Left/Democrats, we’d find that every part of their agenda is based on one simple concept: they lie.

Every one of ‘em.

Every single time.

They lie about everything.

1.The lesson learned from the two-year farrago of Mueller et al should never be forgotten. And this news item is a reminder:

“Mick Jagger: Heart Surgery…

Mick Jagger will undergo surgery to replace a valve in his heart,… “Mick Jagger has been advised by doctors that he cannot go on tour at this time as he needs medical treatment. Drudge Report first reported news of the heart valve surgery, adding that the procedure will take place Friday in New York….” Mick Jagger: Heart Surgery Postponed Rolling Stones Tour – Rolling Stone

That’s Sir Mick Jagger. A knight, whatever….and a very, very rich one at that. A Brit who has paid beaucoup bucks into the British treasury. Britain….it has free healthcare for folks like Mick.

But he’s going to have it in New York….that’s part of the United States.

Haven’t the Liberals/Democrats scolded us for a decade about how bad America’s healthcare is???

Isn’t that the British vision that Bernie Sanders means when he says ‘replace for-profit healthcare’? How much better than the American healthcare, huh?

Know why Jagger is having his surgery in the United States? ‘Cause he wants to live, that’s why.

Can only rich folks do this??? Nope….bet everyone reading this knows someone who has had open heart surgery. Bet no one knows of a poor person who died because they were denied said care.

2. Think Mick Jagger is the only one?

“Medical tourism on the rise as Brits seek surgery abroad” Medical tourism on the rise as Brits seek surgery abroad - AOL

3. “President Obama's nominee for director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the office that oversees government health care programs, is Dr. Donald Berwick, an outspoken admirer of the British National Health Service and its rationing arm, the National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness (NICE).

"I am romantic about the National Health Service (NHS). I love it," Berwick said during a 2008 speech to British physicians, going on to call it "generous, hopeful, confident, joyous, and just." He compared the wonders of British health care to a U.S. system that he described as trapped in "the darkness of private enterprise."

….British health care system where 750,000 patients are awaiting admission to NHS hospitals.

…more than half of British patients wait more than 18 weeks for care.

Every year, 50,000 surgeries are canceled because patients become too sick on the waiting list to proceed. “
‘Death panels’ were an overblown claim – until now

The US healthcare is the very best in the world…and the Democrats plan on bringing it down to the UK level that Mick Jagger was smart enough to flee from.

Know why? Because they lie about everything.
Everything.....as long as they get control in the end.

The Mueller Report as the hermeneutic key: the Liberals/Democrats lie about everything.
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A citizen in the UK will get that heart surgery at no cost

Show your health ID and you never even get a bill
Yeah I thought the NHS was the best thing going! I mean at the 2012 Olympics they advertised with all those creepy dancing nurses on hospital beds amirite???

Can the average Brit go seriously into debt from needing a heart procedure? NO.

Your answer is incorrect. If an Englishman gives a shit about his health, he may need to go abroad like Mr. Jagger did for his surgery.

But if he isn't as wealthy as this celebrity, he will be screwed.

Sure, if someone is satisfied with sub-par care, they can see the NHS physician, get a referral to a good mortician and hopefully die quickly. But not everyone is satisfied with this.
Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery
Because, like all people in the UK he has a choice. Unlike people in the US who if they cant afford private healthcare, have no healthcare (if the Republicans have their way)

Actually, Coyote, if the Dems have their way the people of the USA will no longer have a say in their health care.

That's what Medicare for all means.
Except for the wealthy ruling elite of course, they will have the best care that we the people can pay for.
Yo get to choose your doctor under Medicare
It just affects how the doctor gets paid
Mick's Not ALLOWED To Have It In The UK
He's Too Damned Old !!

Even Tho He Could Pay It With 3 Concert Events
They're Being Fair
In Rejecting Him For Life Saving Surgery

No Death Panels Indeed !!
Bernie is in the lead in some of the polls, and may be the Democrat banner-holder.
This communist would love the same sort of healthcare that the other Bolsheviks championed.

4.“Sanders went into the visit an avid support of the Canadian health care system. The trip only deepened his ardor.” What Canada taught Bernie Sanders about health care

Know why??? Because he lies.

“Danny Williams going to U.S. for heart surgery
Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams is set to undergo heart surgery this week in the United States. CBC News confirmed Monday that Williams, 60, left the province earlier in the day and will have surgery later in the week.” https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newf...liams-going-to-u-s-for-heart-surgery-1.878492

Did he have surgery in his Canadian system????? Nope.

“…quite simple: This is my heart, it's my health and it's my choice.' "

Choice is a Rightwing concept....collectivism is the Leftwing.

The US healthcare is the very best in the world…and the Democrats plan on bringing it down to the Canadian level that Danny Williams was smart enough to flee from.

As everyone learned from the Mueller fiasco, they will lie about anything and everything.

The Mueller Report as the hermeneutic key: the Liberals/Democrats lie about everything.
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Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery
Because, like all people in the UK he has a choice. Unlike people in the US who if they cant afford private healthcare, have no healthcare (if the Republicans have their way)

Actually, Coyote, if the Dems have their way the people of the USA will no longer have a say in their health care.

That's what Medicare for all means.
Except for the wealthy ruling elite of course, they will have the best care that we the people can pay for.
Yo get to choose your doctor under Medicare
It just affects how the doctor gets paid

Only if the doctor accepts Medicare payments and is willing to see you for the money you are offering.

"medicare for all" means that some people will be forced to either pay to see a decent doctor or see a Quack for free. of course our liberal elite rulers will be able to see the best.
There was a segment on "60 Minutes" the other day about a baby who was born with a fatal heart defect. I was only half paying attention, but I believe that she was a able to remain alive through some heroic and unprecedented health procedure that will, maybe, keep her alive until she is old enough for a heart transplant at 4-5 years old.

In short, she will cost SOMEONE millions of dollars to keep her barely alive for a brief, and mostly miserable life. In the U.S. it will mainly be covered by insurance. i.e, paid for by SOMEONE ELSE.

How would she fare in, say, England? Germany? Cuba? Would they spend the money to keep her alive with these prospects? Inquiring minds want to know.
.….as the hermeneutic key to understanding every pronouncement by the Left/Democrats, we’d find that every part of their agenda is based on one simple concept: they lie.

Every one of ‘em.

Every single time.

They lie about everything.

1.The lesson learned from the two-year farrago of Mueller et al should never be forgotten. And this news item is a reminder:

“Mick Jagger: Heart Surgery…

Mick Jagger will undergo surgery to replace a valve in his heart,… “Mick Jagger has been advised by doctors that he cannot go on tour at this time as he needs medical treatment. Drudge Report first reported news of the heart valve surgery, adding that the procedure will take place Friday in New York….” Mick Jagger: Heart Surgery Postponed Rolling Stones Tour – Rolling Stone

That’s Sir Mick Jagger. A knight, whatever….and a very, very rich one at that. A Brit who has paid beaucoup bucks into the British treasury. Britain….it has free healthcare for folks like Mick.

But he’s going to have it in New York….that’s part of the United States.

Haven’t the Liberals/Democrats scolded us for a decade about how bad America’s healthcare is???

Isn’t that the British vision that Bernie Sanders means when he says ‘replace for-profit healthcare’? How much better than the American healthcare, huh?

Know why Jagger is having his surgery in the United States? ‘Cause he wants to live, that’s why.

Can only rich folks do this??? Nope….bet everyone reading this knows someone who has had open heart surgery. Bet no one knows of a poor person who died because they were denied said care.

2. Think Mick Jagger is the only one?

“Medical tourism on the rise as Brits seek surgery abroad” Medical tourism on the rise as Brits seek surgery abroad - AOL

3. “President Obama's nominee for director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the office that oversees government health care programs, is Dr. Donald Berwick, an outspoken admirer of the British National Health Service and its rationing arm, the National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness (NICE).

"I am romantic about the National Health Service (NHS). I love it," Berwick said during a 2008 speech to British physicians, going on to call it "generous, hopeful, confident, joyous, and just." He compared the wonders of British health care to a U.S. system that he described as trapped in "the darkness of private enterprise."

….British health care system where 750,000 patients are awaiting admission to NHS hospitals.

…more than half of British patients wait more than 18 weeks for care.

Every year, 50,000 surgeries are canceled because patients become too sick on the waiting list to proceed. “
‘Death panels’ were an overblown claim – until now

The US healthcare is the very best in the world…and the Democrats plan on bringing it down to the UK level that Mick Jagger was smart enough to flee from.

Know why? Because they lie about everything.
Everything.....as long as they get control in the end.

The Mueller Report as the hermeneutic key: the Liberals/Democrats lie about everything.

No sir! The US Free system will be better than stupid Britain’s because we would be able to tax the rich people more because we have more (greedy) rich people. So you can just shut up. And the only reason Mick is having the surgery here is because he is a big fat hurry and doesn’t want to fly all the way back to England. #liberallogic

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