Why isn't Mick Jagger having his heart surgery in the U.K. with the National Health Service?

  • Premiums were rising long before Obamacare.
  • Most people get their insurance through their employer so if the employer switched so did you.
  • No young, healthy people stay either your or healthy forever. It doesn't make to sense to make insurance affordable for those that don't need it and unaffordable for those that do.
*The ACA greatly accelerated and increased rises in health care premiums.
*The Politifact political lie of the year was Obama claiming that if you liked your doctor and plan you wouldn't be forced out.
*Young healthy people at the bottom of the wage scale don't need the burdensome unwanted problem of paying ACA health premiums. You don't force someone without a car to pay auto insurance.
*I didn't see the right wing supporting Obama's ACA...quite opposite. The discarded brain child of a conservative think tank was never seriously adopted by the party. Duh...
6. Have you been hearing about how wonderful Canadian government medical healthcare is??? Of course you have.

Even Leftwing Canadians who love socialized medicine know the truth.

“Even the politicians who advocate a public healthcare system suddenly see the merit of American medicine when their own health is in question. Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams famously received heart-valve surgery at Miami's Mount Sinai Medical Center. Former Member ofParliament Belinda Stronach, an ardent supporter of the Canadian system, chose UCLA for her breast-cancer surgery.” Seal The Borders Against Canadian Health Care

“Stronach travels to U.S. for cancer treatment
OTTAWA–Belinda Stronach, the MP for Newmarket-Aurora and former cabinet minister, travelled outside Canada's health-care system to California for some of her breast cancer treatment earlier this year.

Stronach, diagnosed in the spring with a type of breast cancer that required a mastectomy and breast reconstruction, went to California in June…” Stronach travels to U.S. for cancer treatment | The Star

The US healthcare is the very best in the world…and the Democrats plan on bringing it down to the Canadian level that Belinda Stronach was smart enough to flee from.
Know why the Democrats attack the US capitalistic for-profit healthcare system?
'Cause they lie about everything.

The Mueller Report as the hermeneutic key: the Liberals/Democrats lie about everything.
Remember the old joke about the guy who went into the hospital to have a leg removed, and they removed the wrong leg, and then had to take off the other one, too.
And he couldn't sue....'cause he didn't have a leg to stand on.

It would be funny if it weren't true.

I know someone who went in for knee surgery and wrote on his knee "This One."

I've had a few surgeries....I like it when the snooze-juice hits and the nurse's face flies across the room. When I had my tonsils out (my mom got a two for one deal on my sister and me....she's the one who needed them out, not me), I had an ether dream (this was the 50's) about a bowl of baked beans with little cars racing around the rim of the bowl....when I woke up they gave me ice cream.
If you want to see what American healthcare will look like if the Democrats (Communists) get their way, just look at the Veteran's Administration for Government run healthcare.
As a Rand review of the literature concluded, study after study has found that the “quality of care delivered by VA is generally equal to or better than care delivered in the private sector.”
It is. My guy uses the VA and gets top notch care. And, they allow him to go to a private hospital and doctor for certain things and will pay for it. His first colonoscopy was done at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital and cost him nothing.
The VA hospital in Salisbury NC is a good hospital too and he has had many procedures done there too. It's where he's had his cataract surgery done.
Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery
You’re such a fucking idiot.

Can everyone afford the level of care Jagger will get? NO.

Can the average American go seriously into debt from needing a heart procedure? YES.

Can the average Brit go seriously into debt from needing a heart procedure? NO.

lol....you never were good with abstracts s0n!!!

Great post 2aGuy........but we are making a b-line for single payer. Whats funny is, these dolts who support it are someday going to be laying in some hospital bed like a sack of shit and some bureaucrat is going to pull the plug on their existence. I just wish I could be there for the moment!!:21::21::113:
Ever consider the possibility that is where the best doctor is for his surgery? There are lots of Americans who travel to foreign countries for health care.
Yes to get cheaper ass impalnts lol

Actually for all kinds of medical procedures, not just to boost the size of their derrieres. And the amount that can be saved is very significant.
Like what? Give me a name lol

I have a friend who goes to Mexico for cancer treatment because the treatment chosen by the patient is not approved in the USA. The results have been breath-taking and after a year and a half, the tumor has been reduced to almost nothing and still responding.
I have a friend who goes to Mexico for the Via gra

Who says our medical system is better?
Ever consider the possibility that is where the best doctor is for his surgery? There are lots of Americans who travel to foreign countries for health care.
Yes to get cheaper ass impalnts lol

Actually for all kinds of medical procedures, not just to boost the size of their derrieres. And the amount that can be saved is very significant.
Like what? Give me a name lol

I have a friend who goes to Mexico for cancer treatment because the treatment chosen by the patient is not approved in the USA. The results have been breath-taking and after a year and a half, the tumor has been reduced to almost nothing and still responding.
I have a friend who goes to Mexico for the Via gra

Who says our medical system is better?
Everyone in the world lol
So he spends thousands of dollars on airfare to get Via gra from Mexico Lol
Yes to get cheaper ass impalnts lol

Actually for all kinds of medical procedures, not just to boost the size of their derrieres. And the amount that can be saved is very significant.
Like what? Give me a name lol

I have a friend who goes to Mexico for cancer treatment because the treatment chosen by the patient is not approved in the USA. The results have been breath-taking and after a year and a half, the tumor has been reduced to almost nothing and still responding.
I have a friend who goes to Mexico for the Via gra

Who says our medical system is better?
Everyone in the world lol
So he spends thousands of dollars on airfare to get Via gra from Mexico Lol

Might be a good idea, depending on what you monthly usage is. If you are spending thousands a month and can get a year's supply, it makes sense.
Actually for all kinds of medical procedures, not just to boost the size of their derrieres. And the amount that can be saved is very significant.
Like what? Give me a name lol

I have a friend who goes to Mexico for cancer treatment because the treatment chosen by the patient is not approved in the USA. The results have been breath-taking and after a year and a half, the tumor has been reduced to almost nothing and still responding.
I have a friend who goes to Mexico for the Via gra

Who says our medical system is better?
Everyone in the world lol
So he spends thousands of dollars on airfare to get Via gra from Mexico Lol

Might be a good idea, depending on what you monthly usage is. If you are spending thousands a month and can get a year's supply, it makes sense.
Yea I’m sure lol that’s not healthcare but ok hahah still retarted

Not that it matters.......single payer is soon to be law of the land. Since 2009, if you couldn't see it, you are chasing unicorns.

I can take solace though in knowing that many of the dim witted who supported it are young assholes who think they will live forever......until the day they wind up needing a special procedure, laying alone in a hospital bed in the middle of the night writhing in pain and the government says, "Fuck you.....times up! You're too fucked up!":2up: HAPPY NOW!!

Theres always a silver lining s0ns!!!
PoliticalChic said:
"In the emergency stimulus legislation was substantial funding for a Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research, comparative effectiveness research is generally code for limiting care based on the patient's age. Economists are familiar with the formula already in use in the U.K., where the cost of a treatment is divided by the number of years (called QALYS or quality-adjusted life years) the patient is likely to benefit. In the U.K., the formula leads to denying treatments for age-related diseases because older patients have a denominator problem -- fewer years to benefit than younger patients with other diseases."
Defend Your Health Care
Rahm Emanual's Brother Ezekiel
Had The Same Idea Of 'Quality Of Life' Clause
For The ACA, Remember ??
Then They Told Us
They Removed The Death Panels They Told Us Weren't There
7. Barack Obama is the most prodigious liar ever to defile the White House, so it should be no surprise that everything the Democrats tell you is a lie.

In 2020 they’re gonna run on healthcare….how they can make it wonderful and free.

“If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free.”
P.J. O'Rourke

The following ‘Universal Healthcare’ countries have higher out-of-pocket costs than the United States:

Out-of-pocket spending as a share of total expenditure on health, 1980-2000
http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/5/53/22364122.pdf (table 4)


Canada, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain, Switzerland.

How many times will Democrat votes be lied to, then slap their foreheads when the lies are revealed.....and then vote Democrat again????
Ever consider the possibility that is where the best doctor is for his surgery? There are lots of Americans who travel to foreign countries for health care.
Yes to get cheaper ass impalnts lol

Actually for all kinds of medical procedures, not just to boost the size of their derrieres. And the amount that can be saved is very significant.
Like what? Give me a name lol

I have a friend who goes to Mexico for cancer treatment because the treatment chosen by the patient is not approved in the USA. The results have been breath-taking and after a year and a half, the tumor has been reduced to almost nothing and still responding.
Bull shit

You asked, dummy. Feel free to eat shit and die.
Ever consider the possibility that is where the best doctor is for his surgery? There are lots of Americans who travel to foreign countries for health care.
Yes to get cheaper ass impalnts lol

Actually for all kinds of medical procedures, not just to boost the size of their derrieres. And the amount that can be saved is very significant.
Like what? Give me a name lol

I have a friend who goes to Mexico for cancer treatment because the treatment chosen by the patient is not approved in the USA. The results have been breath-taking and after a year and a half, the tumor has been reduced to almost nothing and still responding.
I have a friend who goes to Mexico for the Via gra

Who says our medical system is better?

Ours was demonstrably better before morons tried to get the government to run things.
Yes to get cheaper ass impalnts lol

Actually for all kinds of medical procedures, not just to boost the size of their derrieres. And the amount that can be saved is very significant.
Like what? Give me a name lol

I have a friend who goes to Mexico for cancer treatment because the treatment chosen by the patient is not approved in the USA. The results have been breath-taking and after a year and a half, the tumor has been reduced to almost nothing and still responding.
Bull shit

You asked, dummy. Feel free to eat shit and die.
That’s not evidence haha
Actually for all kinds of medical procedures, not just to boost the size of their derrieres. And the amount that can be saved is very significant.
Like what? Give me a name lol

I have a friend who goes to Mexico for cancer treatment because the treatment chosen by the patient is not approved in the USA. The results have been breath-taking and after a year and a half, the tumor has been reduced to almost nothing and still responding.
Bull shit

You asked, dummy. Feel free to eat shit and die.
That’s not evidence haha

Don't talk with your mouth full.
Like what? Give me a name lol

I have a friend who goes to Mexico for cancer treatment because the treatment chosen by the patient is not approved in the USA. The results have been breath-taking and after a year and a half, the tumor has been reduced to almost nothing and still responding.
Bull shit

You asked, dummy. Feel free to eat shit and die.
That’s not evidence haha

Don't talk with your mouth full.
Ummm how did you know I was eating lol cute
*The ACA greatly accelerated and increased rises in health care premiums.
*The Politifact political lie of the year was Obama claiming that if you liked your doctor and plan you wouldn't be forced out.
*Young healthy people at the bottom of the wage scale don't need the burdensome unwanted problem of paying ACA health premiums. You don't force someone without a car to pay auto insurance.
*I didn't see the right wing supporting Obama's ACA...quite opposite. The discarded brain child of a conservative think tank was never seriously adopted by the party. Duh...
Myth 1: Health care costs are rising thanks to Obamacare.
Truth: Health care costs have been rising, but at a slower pace since the ACA was launched. Since 2010, health care costs have increased between 3.5 percent to 5.8 percent a year. In the 10 years prior to that, they rose between 4.0 percent to 9.6 percent. That's according to the annual "National Health Expenditures Summary," published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.​

Re: You don't force someone without a car to pay auto insurance.
You force them to pay for the roads however. Childless people pay for schoolsThey are human so will likely need healthcare at some point.
'Obamacare' will never be adapted by the GOP but some major pieces will be. Pre-existing conditions are already part of Trump's 'plan'.
*The ACA greatly accelerated and increased rises in health care premiums.
*The Politifact political lie of the year was Obama claiming that if you liked your doctor and plan you wouldn't be forced out.
*Young healthy people at the bottom of the wage scale don't need the burdensome unwanted problem of paying ACA health premiums. You don't force someone without a car to pay auto insurance.
*I didn't see the right wing supporting Obama's ACA...quite opposite. The discarded brain child of a conservative think tank was never seriously adopted by the party. Duh...
Myth 1: Health care costs are rising thanks to Obamacare.
Truth: Health care costs have been rising, but at a slower pace since the ACA was launched. Since 2010, health care costs have increased between 3.5 percent to 5.8 percent a year. In the 10 years prior to that, they rose between 4.0 percent to 9.6 percent. That's according to the annual "National Health Expenditures Summary," published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.​

Re: You don't force someone without a car to pay auto insurance.
You force them to pay for the roads however. Childless people pay for schoolsThey are human so will likely need healthcare at some point.
'Obamacare' will never be adapted by the GOP but some major pieces will be. Pre-existing conditions are already part of Trump's 'plan'.
Yes pre existing conditions will hopefully be covered by trump care .i dont like fines.

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