Why isn't Mick Jagger having his heart surgery in the U.K. with the National Health Service?

Yes so with the advent of widespread government medical, medical costs skyrocketed.
And so yes, they continued to rise under Obamacare.

Thank you for agreeing.
I'm not sure which country you're talking about, but in the US health care costs rise UNLESS the gov't gets involved. See how the cost of insulin has risen in the US in the past decade. Then compare the costs of drugs in places like Europe where the gov't is heavily involved and you'll see our costs are higher.
That is a complete and total fabrication.
Health care costs here started rising the MINUTE insurance started to be a *thing*.
It costs more and more the more government involvement.

so yeah, you're a liar.
except insurance is not a gov't *thing*
Yeah, it is. When the government determines that you must have it, or your doctor must have it, or the pharmacy must have it...
That's really not true. Costs for traditionally non-covered medical services like Lasik surgery, abortions, boob jobs and sex changes have been kept under control and have even gone down. The basic law of economics is that if there is more money chasing goods or services, the price will rise.

Its a similar thing in education. The price of tuition has risen through the roof as funding for loans has gone up.
None of the services you listed are essential so it is a free market. If the price is too high for that boob job, you just shop around or don't do it. If you need insulin and it is only manufactured by a few companies you don't get to shop around. If you go to an emergency room you don't shop around.

Education is different so you may be right about that.

It's not *free market* if it has been invaded and controlled by the government.

Lying again.
Which part of a boob job has been invaded and controlled by the government?

the part that requires boob doctors to pay for malpractice insurance.
9. They lie about everything, not just healthcare, and as a result of controlling the major means of dissemination of information….they get away with it.

Here is MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle lying about the mythical women’s pay gap.

“…we are still fighting.
Women still make 79% of what a man does for the same work. That has not improved since 2007. A congressional study says the wage gap won't be closed until 2059.”
Equal Pay Day: MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle 'I have no more patience. But I do have a lot of fight left.'

“White women earn 79% of what white men do, while black women earn 67% and Hispanic women earn 58%.” 6 charts that show the glaring gap between men and women's salaries

Figures may not lie, but liars sure can figure. None of the above is true. It’s Democrat/Liberal propaganda. Clearly this is nonsense.

If it were true, every employer would simply fire everyone else and hire only Hispanic women, and immediately double the profits.

No matter how often they are proven liars, they continue to advance the same lies. For over half a century it has been illegal to pay women differently from men.
Since 1963 there has been a law mandating equal pay for equal work.

10. “Back in 1996, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that young male physicians earned 41 percent higher incomes than young female physicians. But the same study showed that young male physicians worked over 500 hours a year more than young female physicians.

When the study took into account differences in hours of work, in the fields in which male and female doctors specialized and other differences in their job characteristics, "no earnings difference was evident."
In other words, when you compare apples to apples, you don't get the "gender gap" in pay that you get when you compare apples to oranges.

This is not peculiar to the medical profession. Nor was this a new revelation, even back in 1996. Many studies done by many scholars over the years -- including female scholars -- show the same thing, again and again.”

The truth is not nearly as politically useful as scare statistics. The "gender gap" is not nearly as big as the honesty gap.
The Honesty Gap | RealClearPolitics
Mick...from the Rolling Stones is having heart surgery.....in New York.....why? Why doesn't he fly back to the U.K....to get on the waiting list, to get on the next list, to schedule the Heart surgery through the British National Health Service.....? Oh yeah....he is in his 70s, so likely he wouldn't qualify for that surgery under the British National Health Service guidelines......right?

Mick Jagger Preparing for Heart Valve Surgery
Because, like all people in the UK he has a choice. Unlike people in the US who if they cant afford private healthcare, have no healthcare (if the Republicans have their way)

Actually, Coyote, if the Dems have their way the people of the USA will no longer have a say in their health care.

That's what Medicare for all means.
Except for the wealthy ruling elite of course, they will have the best care that we the people can pay for.
Which is how the Republicans would have it anyway. So what do you do? IMO the ACA was the best middle solution. Why not fix the problems and make it work?
If O'care is such a fabulous success, why do ALL of the leftards running for the Democrat nomination so anxious to dump it in favor of the "medicare for all" crapola?

You would think that libs would be praising the system that they used so much political capital to construct.
Obama Care was always a transitional model on the way to fully socialized health care.
It's part of the leftist con game.
Yes so with the advent of widespread government medical, medical costs skyrocketed.
And so yes, they continued to rise under Obamacare.

Thank you for agreeing.
Despite New Health Law, Some See Sharp Rise in Premiums
One of the main selling points for the ACA was it was supposed to hold down costs imposed by greedy
private insureers. It hasn't!

It was stated repeatedly that the Medicaid expansion would be needed to allow the ACA to work as advertised. Republican governors refused the expansion, meaning there was a smaller pool of people to work with, which is why it failed.

And, the only reason the GOP governors did this was because they knew it would cause the ACA to fail, and they did their best to make sure it happened.
Bullshit. National Institute of health does not deny patients life-saving treatment regardless of age.

You want to make a bet on that?

Hint: Just walk away, big mouth, cuz you're going to lose.....
Last edited:
It was stated repeatedly that the Medicaid expansion would be needed to allow the ACA to work as advertised. Republican governors refused the expansion, meaning there was a smaller pool of people to work with, which is why it failed.

And, the only reason the GOP governors did this was because they knew it would cause the ACA to fail, and they did their best to make sure it happened.
The ACA was a partisan written and promoted law and it took John Roberts interpreting the law in a way never intended just to make it legal. Bad idea, bad law, bad precedent.

What do some republican governors owe to Obama and his ACA government take over of the health industry? Absolutely nothing!
Yes so with the advent of widespread government medical, medical costs skyrocketed.
And so yes, they continued to rise under Obamacare.

Thank you for agreeing.
Despite New Health Law, Some See Sharp Rise in Premiums
One of the main selling points for the ACA was it was supposed to hold down costs imposed by greedy
private insureers. It hasn't!

It was stated repeatedly that the Medicaid expansion would be needed to allow the ACA to work as advertised. Republican governors refused the expansion, meaning there was a smaller pool of people to work with, which is why it failed.

And, the only reason the GOP governors did this was because they knew it would cause the ACA to fail, and they did their best to make sure it happened.

No, some governors didn't want to commit to massive expenditures to expand medicaid. They didn't have the staff or the time to do it.

Further, the ACA was an ultra partisan effort that conservatives had zero input to. The Democrats actually stifled debate and voted against common sense GOP ideas like banning the ACA from providing ED medication to convicted paedophiles.
If You Need Heart Valve Surgery
You're An Ambulatory Dead Man
You Need Surgery As Soon As You're Diagnosed

Like Me

I Was Diagnosed Sat Eve
In Surgery Early Mon Morning

I Don't Know Why My Insurance Company
And the American Health System Is Keeping Me Alive
No One Relies On Me For Their Sustenance
I'm Just Some Ol' Dude

I Was Going To Say Some Other Stuff
But I Won't


I won't jinx ya by saying "good luck" but I'll tell you what I told a woman going in for heart surgery on another board....pin a note to your gown saying "heart" so they don't take out your gall bladder by mistake. Hang in there...you'll have a lot more energy with your heart working better..

Remember the old joke about the guy who went into the hospital to have a leg removed, and they removed the wrong leg, and then had to take off the other one, too.
And he couldn't sue....'cause he didn't have a leg to stand on.

It would be funny if it weren't true.

I know someone who went in for knee surgery and wrote on his knee "This One."

When my wife had her knee replaced, she and the doctor both initialed before surgery the knee that was to be replaced. They told her they would not operate without both sets of initials on the same knee.
No, some governors didn't want to commit to massive expenditures to expand medicaid. They didn't have the staff or the time to do it.

Further, the ACA was an ultra partisan effort that conservatives had zero input to. The Democrats actually stifled debate and voted against common sense GOP ideas like banning the ACA from providing ED medication to convicted paedophiles.
12. It would be far more difficult for Democrats/Liberals to get away with the lies if they didn’t have the media lying with and for them. MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle lying about the mythical women’s pay gap to get them the women’s vote. And this:

“AP mocked for report saying Beto O'Rourke spoke at rally 'in his native Spanish' The Associated Press has faced some mocking on social media after a report over the weekend originally said that former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) spoke "in his native Spanish" during a rally.

"O'Rourke also spoke at length in his native Spanish, eliciting loud and sustained cheers," the original AP report from Saturday read.

The 2020 presidential hopeful, whose full name is Robert Francis O'Rourke, is fourth-generation Irish-American.

The report comes after O'Rourke officially launched his campaign in the border town of El Paso in a speech that focused heavily on immigration.

So good, in fact, was his ‘native Spanish’ that the crowds actually thought they’d been magically whisked away to the Emerald Isle with the other native Spanish speakers.”
AP mocked for report saying Beto O'Rourke spoke at rally 'in his native Spanish'

Every pronouncement by the Left/Democrats, we’d find that every part of their agenda is based on one simple concept: they lie.

Every one of ‘em.

Every single time.

They lie about everything.
12. It would be far more difficult for Democrats/Liberals to get away with the lies if they didn’t have the media lying with and for them. MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle lying about the mythical women’s pay gap to get them the women’s vote. And this:

“AP mocked for report saying Beto O'Rourke spoke at rally 'in his native Spanish' The Associated Press has faced some mocking on social media after a report over the weekend originally said that former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) spoke "in his native Spanish" during a rally.

"O'Rourke also spoke at length in his native Spanish, eliciting loud and sustained cheers," the original AP report from Saturday read.

The 2020 presidential hopeful, whose full name is Robert Francis O'Rourke, is fourth-generation Irish-American.

The report comes after O'Rourke officially launched his campaign in the border town of El Paso in a speech that focused heavily on immigration.

So good, in fact, was his ‘native Spanish’ that the crowds actually thought they’d been magically whisked away to the Emerald Isle with the other native Spanish speakers.”
AP mocked for report saying Beto O'Rourke spoke at rally 'in his native Spanish'

Every pronouncement by the Left/Democrats, we’d find that every part of their agenda is based on one simple concept: they lie.

Every one of ‘em.

Every single time.

They lie about everything.

The AP may have received this information from the Beto Campaign and just didn't verify it before publishing.

There are hispanic people with Irish names, you know. The father of Chilean Independence's last name was O'Higgins.
Yes so with the advent of widespread government medical, medical costs skyrocketed.
And so yes, they continued to rise under Obamacare.

Thank you for agreeing.
Despite New Health Law, Some See Sharp Rise in Premiums
One of the main selling points for the ACA was it was supposed to hold down costs imposed by greedy
private insureers. It hasn't!

It was stated repeatedly that the Medicaid expansion would be needed to allow the ACA to work as advertised. Republican governors refused the expansion, meaning there was a smaller pool of people to work with, which is why it failed.

And, the only reason the GOP governors did this was because they knew it would cause the ACA to fail, and they did their best to make sure it happened.

No, some governors didn't want to commit to massive expenditures to expand medicaid. They didn't have the staff or the time to do it.

Further, the ACA was an ultra partisan effort that conservatives had zero input to. The Democrats actually stifled debate and voted against common sense GOP ideas like banning the ACA from providing ED medication to convicted paedophiles.
Lying fuck. Republicans had plenty of input. They were never shut out. If they didn't participate is was their fault.

Wow, stopping boner pills to convicted pedifiles. Major Major point....... An entire reason to not vote for it & then bitch about every waking moment.
12. It would be far more difficult for Democrats/Liberals to get away with the lies if they didn’t have the media lying with and for them. MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle lying about the mythical women’s pay gap to get them the women’s vote. And this:

“AP mocked for report saying Beto O'Rourke spoke at rally 'in his native Spanish' The Associated Press has faced some mocking on social media after a report over the weekend originally said that former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) spoke "in his native Spanish" during a rally.

"O'Rourke also spoke at length in his native Spanish, eliciting loud and sustained cheers," the original AP report from Saturday read.

The 2020 presidential hopeful, whose full name is Robert Francis O'Rourke, is fourth-generation Irish-American.

The report comes after O'Rourke officially launched his campaign in the border town of El Paso in a speech that focused heavily on immigration.

So good, in fact, was his ‘native Spanish’ that the crowds actually thought they’d been magically whisked away to the Emerald Isle with the other native Spanish speakers.”
AP mocked for report saying Beto O'Rourke spoke at rally 'in his native Spanish'

Every pronouncement by the Left/Democrats, we’d find that every part of their agenda is based on one simple concept: they lie.

Every one of ‘em.

Every single time.

They lie about everything.
This from a Trumpette.
If You Need Heart Valve Surgery
You're An Ambulatory Dead Man
You Need Surgery As Soon As You're Diagnosed

Like Me

I Was Diagnosed Sat Eve
In Surgery Early Mon Morning

I Don't Know Why My Insurance Company
And the American Health System Is Keeping Me Alive
No One Relies On Me For Their Sustenance
I'm Just Some Ol' Dude

I Was Going To Say Some Other Stuff
But I Won't


I won't jinx ya by saying "good luck" but I'll tell you what I told a woman going in for heart surgery on another board....pin a note to your gown saying "heart" so they don't take out your gall bladder by mistake. Hang in there...you'll have a lot more energy with your heart working better..

Remember the old joke about the guy who went into the hospital to have a leg removed, and they removed the wrong leg, and then had to take off the other one, too.
And he couldn't sue....'cause he didn't have a leg to stand on.

It would be funny if it weren't true.

I know someone who went in for knee surgery and wrote on his knee "This One."

When my wife had her knee replaced, she and the doctor both initialed before surgery the knee that was to be replaced. They told her they would not operate without both sets of initials on the same knee.
What is your point?
Ever consider the possibility that is where the best doctor is for his surgery? There are lots of Americans who travel to foreign countries for health care.

That's true. But they don't travel to socialized medicine.

If I go to the UK for treatment, it's not for the free-gov-care wait-list system. It's for a hospital, that I would pay money to get treatment. That is the definition of a free-market capitalist pay-for-service health care.

Similarly, all the popular places to go for care are all capitalists hospitals. Singapore, you don't go to their class C wards, that the government provides....


Instead you go to the elite private pay-for-service hospitals. Same with India, and nearly any other tourist destination.

And of course there is a huge difference between a Brit going for care in another country, and an American going for care in another country.

Americans go for care in another country, because it is a function of the market. We can find the same or better product, at a lower price.

But what reason does a Brit have to go to another country? The cost is free...... right? They are paying 50% of their income in taxes, to pay for 'free' care at the hospital. So why would they choose to spend hundreds of dollars to fly to another country, in order to pay thousands on thousands of dollars, to pay for care that they supposedly get 'free' in their own country?

Because socialized health care sucks.
12. It would be far more difficult for Democrats/Liberals to get away with the lies if they didn’t have the media lying with and for them. MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle lying about the mythical women’s pay gap to get them the women’s vote. And this:

“AP mocked for report saying Beto O'Rourke spoke at rally 'in his native Spanish' The Associated Press has faced some mocking on social media after a report over the weekend originally said that former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) spoke "in his native Spanish" during a rally.

"O'Rourke also spoke at length in his native Spanish, eliciting loud and sustained cheers," the original AP report from Saturday read.

The 2020 presidential hopeful, whose full name is Robert Francis O'Rourke, is fourth-generation Irish-American.

The report comes after O'Rourke officially launched his campaign in the border town of El Paso in a speech that focused heavily on immigration.

So good, in fact, was his ‘native Spanish’ that the crowds actually thought they’d been magically whisked away to the Emerald Isle with the other native Spanish speakers.”
AP mocked for report saying Beto O'Rourke spoke at rally 'in his native Spanish'

Every pronouncement by the Left/Democrats, we’d find that every part of their agenda is based on one simple concept: they lie.

Every one of ‘em.

Every single time.

They lie about everything.
This from a Trumpette.

If you can't respond to anything, try not responding at all. It's more honorable to admit you don't have an answer, than to pretend you do, and hope no one notices you have nothing to say.

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