Why isn't Rachel Madcow treated like other conspiracy theory nutbags?

You fuckers love conspiracy nuts. Why don't you love her if you think she's a conspiracy nut?

R U Kidding me?

YOU fkrs love Maddow and her fake Trump taxes.

YOU fkrs believe the twisted tripe she spews.
She is the biggest conspiracy theory whackjob on TV, and yet the left tries to claim she is an intellectual.

She is just another lefty nutbag.

Again We Ask: Why Isn’t Rachel Maddow Treated Like Other Crazy Conspiracy Theorists?

Some conspiracy fear-mongers are more equal than others.

Please cite some of her so-called conspiracy theories. Provide only "credible" sources. I watch Rachel every weeknight - and I never hear her peddling conspiracy theories. NONE!

Also, I don't find anyone with a photoshopped avatar of Adam Schiff to be credible. His intellect really unhinges you NaziCons.

Oh, and it's Dr. Maddow to you!

Shouldn't ask questions you don't want answers for.

She approaches hysterics as she pump's lies and deceptions too, it's rather disgusting. She may even be far too emotionally fuked to recognize her own BS, but she's not qualified out of the gate anyway, so no surprise.

Maddow is a government asset, just as Hannity is. If you can’t see that, you’re blind.
She is the biggest conspiracy theory whackjob on TV, and yet the left tries to claim she is an intellectual.

She is just another lefty nutbag.

Again We Ask: Why Isn’t Rachel Maddow Treated Like Other Crazy Conspiracy Theorists?

Some conspiracy fear-mongers are more equal than others.

Please cite some of her so-called conspiracy theories. Provide only "credible" sources. I watch Rachel every weeknight - and I never hear her peddling conspiracy theories. NONE!

Also, I don't find anyone with a photoshopped avatar of Adam Schiff to be credible. His intellect really unhinges you NaziCons.

Oh, and it's Dr. Maddow to you!

Shouldn't ask questions you don't want answers for.

She approaches hysterics as she pump's lies and deceptions too, it's rather disgusting. She may even be far too emotionally fuked to recognize her own BS, but she's not qualified out of the gate anyway, so no surprise.

Maddow is a government asset, just as Hannity is. If you can’t see that, you’re blind.

There it is again. That weird arrogance. So refreshing in the morning.
She is the biggest conspiracy theory whackjob on TV, and yet the left tries to claim she is an intellectual.

She is just another lefty nutbag.

Again We Ask: Why Isn’t Rachel Maddow Treated Like Other Crazy Conspiracy Theorists?

Some conspiracy fear-mongers are more equal than others.

Please cite some of her so-called conspiracy theories. Provide only "credible" sources. I watch Rachel every weeknight - and I never hear her peddling conspiracy theories. NONE!

Also, I don't find anyone with a photoshopped avatar of Adam Schiff to be credible. His intellect really unhinges you NaziCons.

Oh, and it's Dr. Maddow to you!

Shouldn't ask questions you don't want answers for.

She approaches hysterics as she pump's lies and deceptions too, it's rather disgusting. She may even be far too emotionally fuked to recognize her own BS, but she's not qualified out of the gate anyway, so no surprise.

Maddow is a government asset, just as Hannity is. If you can’t see that, you’re blind.

There it is again. That weird arrogance. So refreshing in the morning.

A partisan like you confuses arrogance with the truth. Typical.

You and your kind explain why we are divided, while the elites obtain more power and wealth.
The truth is not a cons[piracy theory.

Trumpettes are ol afraid of intelligent, successful women.
She is the biggest conspiracy theory whackjob on TV, and yet the left tries to claim she is an intellectual.

She is just another lefty nutbag.

Again We Ask: Why Isn’t Rachel Maddow Treated Like Other Crazy Conspiracy Theorists?

Some conspiracy fear-mongers are more equal than others.

Please cite some of her so-called conspiracy theories. Provide only "credible" sources. I watch Rachel every weeknight - and I never hear her peddling conspiracy theories. NONE!

Also, I don't find anyone with a photoshopped avatar of Adam Schiff to be credible. His intellect really unhinges you NaziCons.

Oh, and it's Dr. Maddow to you!

Shouldn't ask questions you don't want answers for.

She approaches hysterics as she pump's lies and deceptions too, it's rather disgusting. She may even be far too emotionally fuked to recognize her own BS, but she's not qualified out of the gate anyway, so no surprise.

Maddow is a government asset, just as Hannity is. If you can’t see that, you’re blind.

There it is again. That weird arrogance. So refreshing in the morning.

A partisan like you confuses arrogance with the truth. Typical.

You and your kind explain why we are divided, while the elites obtain more power and wealth.

Dumb shit. You and I are divided because you're a weirdo anarchist who has chosen to think the worst of his fellow man in all instances. I know better than that. I know a good person when I see and hear them. It is as clear as a bell to me. You, on the other hand, do not. And rather than be fooled again and again, you have thrown up your hands and decided that all men fall prey to corruption.

Yes. Money and power corrupt. And you don't give any support at all to those who'd do something about that. That's a disconnect, pal. One that cannot be reconciled.

Tell me something about how you've fought for campaign finance reform and how you have demanded that lobbyists must be reigned in.

You can't. Can you?
Please cite some of her so-called conspiracy theories. Provide only "credible" sources. I watch Rachel every weeknight - and I never hear her peddling conspiracy theories. NONE!

Also, I don't find anyone with a photoshopped avatar of Adam Schiff to be credible. His intellect really unhinges you NaziCons.

Oh, and it's Dr. Maddow to you!

Shouldn't ask questions you don't want answers for.

She approaches hysterics as she pump's lies and deceptions too, it's rather disgusting. She may even be far too emotionally fuked to recognize her own BS, but she's not qualified out of the gate anyway, so no surprise.

Maddow is a government asset, just as Hannity is. If you can’t see that, you’re blind.

There it is again. That weird arrogance. So refreshing in the morning.

A partisan like you confuses arrogance with the truth. Typical.

You and your kind explain why we are divided, while the elites obtain more power and wealth.

Dumb shit. You and I are divided because you're a weirdo anarchist who has chosen to think the worst of his fellow man in all instances. I know better than that. I know a good person when I see and hear them. It is as clear as a bell to me. You, on the other hand, do not. And rather than be fooled again and again, you have thrown up your hands and decided that all men fall prey to corruption.

Yes. Money and power corrupt. And you don't give any support at all to those who'd do something about that. That's a disconnect, pal. One that cannot be reconciled.

Tell me something about how you've fought for campaign finance reform and how you have demanded that lobbyists must be reigned in.

You can't. Can you?

I tried but you are too far gone. You will do well in our Orwellian future.

If only you were capable of learning. it’s not hard.
She is the biggest conspiracy theory whackjob on TV, and yet the left tries to claim she is an intellectual.

She is just another lefty nutbag.

Again We Ask: Why Isn’t Rachel Maddow Treated Like Other Crazy Conspiracy Theorists?

Some conspiracy fear-mongers are more equal than others.

Please cite some of her so-called conspiracy theories. Provide only "credible" sources. I watch Rachel every weeknight - and I never hear her peddling conspiracy theories. NONE!

Also, I don't find anyone with a photoshopped avatar of Adam Schiff to be credible. His intellect really unhinges you NaziCons.

Oh, and it's Dr. Maddow to you!

Shouldn't ask questions you don't want answers for.

She approaches hysterics as she pump's lies and deceptions too, it's rather disgusting. She may even be far too emotionally fuked to recognize her own BS, but she's not qualified out of the gate anyway, so no surprise.

Maddow is a government asset, just as Hannity is. If you can’t see that, you’re blind.

There it is again. That weird arrogance. So refreshing in the morning.

A partisan like you confuses arrogance with the truth. Typical.

You and your kind explain why we are divided, while the elites obtain more power and wealth.

She pushed a hoax for three years that she knew was a lie, yet you still love her.

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A perfect example of why he is called HanNITWITty!

Most of the conservative pundits on FOX spend their time pointing out most of the blatant lies of the Prog pundits. That in itself can be a full time job if they let it. Prog pundits rule the roost as they are Pravda trained. Most of the journalists that I have relied on since I was a child are frauds. Journalism is not even a career anymore. Propagandist is more like it.

A perfect example of why he is called HanNITWITty!

Most of the conservative pundits on FOX spend their time pointing out most of the blatant lies of the Prog pundits. That in itself can be a full time job if they let it. Prog pundits rule the roost as they are Pravda trained. Most of the journalists that I have relied on since I was a child are frauds. Journalism is not even a career anymore. Propagandist is more like it.

Bu bu bu they're a cornerstone of our democracy derp derp derp

Is it any surprise some of the useful idiots here watch her daily

West is going down
She is the biggest conspiracy theory whackjob on TV, and yet the left tries to claim she is an intellectual.

She is just another lefty nutbag.

Again We Ask: Why Isn’t Rachel Maddow Treated Like Other Crazy Conspiracy Theorists?

Some conspiracy fear-mongers are more equal than others.

Conservatives are all about conspiracy theories on how Hillary lied...…….repeatedly...……......and on film...…………..lying that the FBI showed no interest in...…... or how Joe Biden and his son are corrupt for simply acting is such a corrupt manner to enrich themselves.

Thank God we have Rachel to show us that these people are all really Putin spies put here by Russia so that evangelicals can take over the government and roast marshmallows over burning immigrant children locked in cages.

A perfect example of why he is called HanNITWITty!

Most of the conservative pundits on FOX spend their time pointing out most of the blatant lies of the Prog pundits. That in itself can be a full time job if they let it. Prog pundits rule the roost as they are Pravda trained. Most of the journalists that I have relied on since I was a child are frauds. Journalism is not even a career anymore. Propagandist is more like it.

Now that is pure Tramp/Russian propaganda, mistrust the media so the Right-wing conspiracy propagandists can control the dialogue.
You fuckers love conspiracy nuts. Why don't you love her if you think she's a conspiracy nut?

R U Kidding me?

YOU fkrs love Maddow and her fake Trump taxes.

YOU fkrs believe the twisted tripe she spews.

Oooh. Burn! You've pwned me!

What fake Trump taxes are you talking about? Did she present falsified tax documents for Trump?
Madcow pumped up her "scoop" about having 'Trump's tax returns" only to reveal she had a one page summary of one year that showed Trump paid a higher tax rate than Hillary, Obama, and Commie Bernie.

Another conspiracy theory that blew up in her manly face.:5_1_12024:
The truth is not a cons[piracy theory.

Trumpettes are ol afraid of intelligent, successful women.
Which is what makes Madcow a conspiracy nutbag..............truth and Madcow have never been introduced.
You fuckers love conspiracy nuts. Why don't you love her if you think she's a conspiracy nut?

R U Kidding me?

YOU fkrs love Maddow and her fake Trump taxes.

YOU fkrs believe the twisted tripe she spews.

Oooh. Burn! You've pwned me!

What fake Trump taxes are you talking about? Did she present falsified tax documents for Trump?
Madcow pumped up her "scoop" about having 'Trump's tax returns" only to reveal she had a one page summary of one year that showed Trump paid a higher tax rate than Hillary, Obama, and Commie Bernie.

Another conspiracy theory that blew up in her manly face.:5_1_12024:

I'm sorry. Did she have some of Trump's tax data or not? Did she present something fake or something real?

Also...where did you hear that he paid a higher tax rate than those other people?
You fuckers love conspiracy nuts. Why don't you love her if you think she's a conspiracy nut?

R U Kidding me?

YOU fkrs love Maddow and her fake Trump taxes.

YOU fkrs believe the twisted tripe she spews.

Oooh. Burn! You've pwned me!

What fake Trump taxes are you talking about? Did she present falsified tax documents for Trump?
Madcow pumped up her "scoop" about having 'Trump's tax returns" only to reveal she had a one page summary of one year that showed Trump paid a higher tax rate than Hillary, Obama, and Commie Bernie.

Another conspiracy theory that blew up in her manly face.:5_1_12024:

I'm sorry. Did she have some of Trump's tax data or not? Did she present something fake or something real?

Also...where did you hear that he paid a higher tax rate than those other people?
She hyped the show as if she had some dirt on Trump. Turns out to be just the opposite, ya fucking moron.:21::21::21:

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