Why isn't the press telling people the truth, you get a fever and a cough, then get better....?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The truth....if you are a senior citizen with an underlying condition, you have to be careful cause this virus can kill you.....but that is the same case with the seasonal flu....

If you get this virus as a regular person....healthy without underlying conditions.....you get a fever and a cough then you recover....just like seasonal flu.

Why isn't the democrat party press telling people this instead of staying silent on this aspect of the virus? Considering that if more uninformed Americans understood that getting this flu is not a death sentence, it isn't the plague and you recover in a couple of days.........then there wouldn't be the panic and hysteria...

But...gotta hurt Trump...biden is falling apart and the only one left on their side is bernie...
The truth....if you are a senior citizen with an underlying condition, you have to be careful cause this virus can kill you.....but that is the same case with the seasonal flu....

If you get this virus as a regular person....healthy without underlying conditions.....you get a fever and a cough then you recover....just like seasonal flu.

Why isn't the democrat party press telling people this instead of staying silent on this aspect of the virus? Considering that if more uninformed Americans understood that getting this flu is not a death sentence, it isn't the plague and you recover in a couple of days.........then there wouldn't be the panic and hysteria...

But...gotta hurt Trump...biden is falling apart and the only one left on their side is bernie...

Why do you keep repeating this nonsense post after post? We get it, you're a Trump supporter. It must drive you crazy that the press is outing your boy as not up to the task he was elected for. He's getting his ass handed to him daily..and with good reason. He's incompetent.

Honestly, do just a little research. It won't hurt you.
No, Coronavirus Isn't 'Just Like The Flu'. Here Are The Very Important Differences
In a thread (I dont remember which one) I made the predication that all schools nationwide would be closed by Monday... This is one I am not happy to be right about.

According to the Wyoming Department of Education they are closing all schools in Wyoming until April 4 at the request of the COVID-19 Task Force and the President of the United States. This means every State has been given this request... New guidelines for gatherings is coming out tomorrow..
The truth....if you are a senior citizen with an underlying condition, you have to be careful cause this virus can kill you.....but that is the same case with the seasonal flu....

If you get this virus as a regular person....healthy without underlying conditions.....you get a fever and a cough then you recover....just like seasonal flu.

Why isn't the democrat party press telling people this instead of staying silent on this aspect of the virus? Considering that if more uninformed Americans understood that getting this flu is not a death sentence, it isn't the plague and you recover in a couple of days.........then there wouldn't be the panic and hysteria...

But...gotta hurt Trump...biden is falling apart and the only one left on their side is bernie...

Seniors already dislike Trump because he wants to cut Social Security. Now he and his supporters are openly saying "just let them die" Great PR campaign you got going there buddy. Keep up the good work. I'm guessing Trump doesn't need those older voters anyway, right?
The truth....if you are a senior citizen with an underlying condition, you have to be careful cause this virus can kill you.....but that is the same case with the seasonal flu....

If you get this virus as a regular person....healthy without underlying conditions.....you get a fever and a cough then you recover....just like seasonal flu.

Why isn't the democrat party press telling people this instead of staying silent on this aspect of the virus? Considering that if more uninformed Americans understood that getting this flu is not a death sentence, it isn't the plague and you recover in a couple of days.........then there wouldn't be the panic and hysteria...

But...gotta hurt Trump...biden is falling apart and the only one left on their side is bernie...

Seniors already dislike Trump because he wants to cut Social Security. Now he and his supporters are openly saying "just let them die" Great PR campaign you got going there buddy. Keep up the good work. I'm guessing Trump doesn't need those older voters anyway, right?
One word describes you.. LIAR!

Trump is not cutting those funds... More left wing lies and fearmongering..
The truth....if you are a senior citizen with an underlying condition, you have to be careful cause this virus can kill you.....but that is the same case with the seasonal flu....

If you get this virus as a regular person....healthy without underlying conditions.....you get a fever and a cough then you recover....just like seasonal flu.

Why isn't the democrat party press telling people this instead of staying silent on this aspect of the virus? Considering that if more uninformed Americans understood that getting this flu is not a death sentence, it isn't the plague and you recover in a couple of days.........then there wouldn't be the panic and hysteria...

But...gotta hurt Trump...biden is falling apart and the only one left on their side is bernie...

Seniors already dislike Trump because he wants to cut Social Security. Now he and his supporters are openly saying "just let them die" Great PR campaign you got going there buddy. Keep up the good work. I'm guessing Trump doesn't need those older voters anyway, right?
One word describes you.. LIAR!

Trump is not cutting those funds... More left wing lies and fearmongering..

Well, that's not exactly true on all fronts. Some of the cuts he's proposed do affect seniors.
Trump’s budget proposal probably won’t reduce your Social Security check, experts say, but will it lower your quality of life and health care?
The truth....if you are a senior citizen with an underlying condition, you have to be careful cause this virus can kill you.....but that is the same case with the seasonal flu....

If you get this virus as a regular person....healthy without underlying conditions.....you get a fever and a cough then you recover....just like seasonal flu.

Why isn't the democrat party press telling people this instead of staying silent on this aspect of the virus? Considering that if more uninformed Americans understood that getting this flu is not a death sentence, it isn't the plague and you recover in a couple of days.........then there wouldn't be the panic and hysteria...

But...gotta hurt Trump...biden is falling apart and the only one left on their side is bernie...
Seniors already dislike Trump because he wants to cut Social Security. Now he and his supporters are openly saying "just let them die" Great PR campaign you got going there buddy. Keep up the good work. I'm guessing Trump doesn't need those older voters anyway, right?
One word describes you.. LIAR!

Trump is not cutting those funds... More left wing lies and fearmongering..

Well, that's not exactly true on all fronts. Some of the cuts he's proposed do affect seniors.
Trump’s budget proposal probably won’t reduce your Social Security check, experts say, but will it lower your quality of life and health care?

Tell me again who controls the House and spending?
The truth....if you are a senior citizen with an underlying condition, you have to be careful cause this virus can kill you.....but that is the same case with the seasonal flu....

If you get this virus as a regular person....healthy without underlying conditions.....you get a fever and a cough then you recover....just like seasonal flu.

Why isn't the democrat party press telling people this instead of staying silent on this aspect of the virus? Considering that if more uninformed Americans understood that getting this flu is not a death sentence, it isn't the plague and you recover in a couple of days.........then there wouldn't be the panic and hysteria...

But...gotta hurt Trump...biden is falling apart and the only one left on their side is bernie...

Seniors already dislike Trump because he wants to cut Social Security. Now he and his supporters are openly saying "just let them die" Great PR campaign you got going there buddy. Keep up the good work. I'm guessing Trump doesn't need those older voters anyway, right?
One word describes you.. LIAR!

Trump is not cutting those funds... More left wing lies and fearmongering..
Trump Calls for Social Security Cuts for the 4th Consecutive Year | The Motley Fool
The truth....if you are a senior citizen with an underlying condition, you have to be careful cause this virus can kill you.....but that is the same case with the seasonal flu....

If you get this virus as a regular person....healthy without underlying conditions.....you get a fever and a cough then you recover....just like seasonal flu.

Why isn't the democrat party press telling people this instead of staying silent on this aspect of the virus? Considering that if more uninformed Americans understood that getting this flu is not a death sentence, it isn't the plague and you recover in a couple of days.........then there wouldn't be the panic and hysteria...

But...gotta hurt Trump...biden is falling apart and the only one left on their side is bernie...
Seniors already dislike Trump because he wants to cut Social Security. Now he and his supporters are openly saying "just let them die" Great PR campaign you got going there buddy. Keep up the good work. I'm guessing Trump doesn't need those older voters anyway, right?
One word describes you.. LIAR!

Trump is not cutting those funds... More left wing lies and fearmongering..

Well, that's not exactly true on all fronts. Some of the cuts he's proposed do affect seniors.
Trump’s budget proposal probably won’t reduce your Social Security check, experts say, but will it lower your quality of life and health care?

Tell me again who controls the House and spending?

This matters why? The President proposed the budget. You specifically replied to a previous poster that Trump isn't cutting those funds. I pointed out that was not necessarily the case and linked an article to back it up. In so far as I know, Trump's budget went over like lead balloon. It's still being negotiated but given the unfolding clusterfuck that we're all living through right now, it will be a long negotiation..because I don't think a lot of his proposed cuts are going to fly.
Well how do you create a PANDEMIC by telling the truth? You can't take down a President with accurate independent news reporting.
The truth....if you are a senior citizen with an underlying condition, you have to be careful cause this virus can kill you.....but that is the same case with the seasonal flu....

If you get this virus as a regular person....healthy without underlying conditions.....you get a fever and a cough then you recover....just like seasonal flu.

Why isn't the democrat party press telling people this instead of staying silent on this aspect of the virus? Considering that if more uninformed Americans understood that getting this flu is not a death sentence, it isn't the plague and you recover in a couple of days.........then there wouldn't be the panic and hysteria...

But...gotta hurt Trump...biden is falling apart and the only one left on their side is bernie...

Seniors already dislike Trump because he wants to cut Social Security. Now he and his supporters are openly saying "just let them die" Great PR campaign you got going there buddy. Keep up the good work. I'm guessing Trump doesn't need those older voters anyway, right?

Moron.....that is a lie, Trump said he was not going to do anything to social security......

The ones who are "letting them die," are the socialists in Italy......
The truth....if you are a senior citizen with an underlying condition, you have to be careful cause this virus can kill you.....but that is the same case with the seasonal flu....

If you get this virus as a regular person....healthy without underlying conditions.....you get a fever and a cough then you recover....just like seasonal flu.

Why isn't the democrat party press telling people this instead of staying silent on this aspect of the virus? Considering that if more uninformed Americans understood that getting this flu is not a death sentence, it isn't the plague and you recover in a couple of days.........then there wouldn't be the panic and hysteria...

But...gotta hurt Trump...biden is falling apart and the only one left on their side is bernie...

Seniors already dislike Trump because he wants to cut Social Security. Now he and his supporters are openly saying "just let them die" Great PR campaign you got going there buddy. Keep up the good work. I'm guessing Trump doesn't need those older voters anyway, right?

Moron.....that is a lie, Trump said he was not going to do anything to social security......

The ones who are "letting them die," are the socialists in Italy......

Of course he said that. He lies or contradicts himself, often in the same sentence. It's a fact that he tried to cut SS for the last 4 years. See #8
The truth....if you are a senior citizen with an underlying condition, you have to be careful cause this virus can kill you.....but that is the same case with the seasonal flu....

If you get this virus as a regular person....healthy without underlying conditions.....you get a fever and a cough then you recover....just like seasonal flu.

Why isn't the democrat party press telling people this instead of staying silent on this aspect of the virus? Considering that if more uninformed Americans understood that getting this flu is not a death sentence, it isn't the plague and you recover in a couple of days.........then there wouldn't be the panic and hysteria...

But...gotta hurt Trump...biden is falling apart and the only one left on their side is bernie...

Seniors already dislike Trump because he wants to cut Social Security. Now he and his supporters are openly saying "just let them die" Great PR campaign you got going there buddy. Keep up the good work. I'm guessing Trump doesn't need those older voters anyway, right?

That's funny I'm 73 frigging years old which I guess qualifies me as a senior yet I think Trump is the best president we've had since Reagan. Maybe even better by the time he's served his eight years.
The truth....if you are a senior citizen with an underlying condition, you have to be careful cause this virus can kill you.....but that is the same case with the seasonal flu....

If you get this virus as a regular person....healthy without underlying conditions.....you get a fever and a cough then you recover....just like seasonal flu.

Why isn't the democrat party press telling people this instead of staying silent on this aspect of the virus? Considering that if more uninformed Americans understood that getting this flu is not a death sentence, it isn't the plague and you recover in a couple of days.........then there wouldn't be the panic and hysteria...

But...gotta hurt Trump...biden is falling apart and the only one left on their side is bernie...

Seniors already dislike Trump because he wants to cut Social Security. Now he and his supporters are openly saying "just let them die" Great PR campaign you got going there buddy. Keep up the good work. I'm guessing Trump doesn't need those older voters anyway, right?
One word describes you.. LIAR!

Trump is not cutting those funds... More left wing lies and fearmongering..

Well, that's not exactly true on all fronts. Some of the cuts he's proposed do affect seniors.
Trump’s budget proposal probably won’t reduce your Social Security check, experts say, but will it lower your quality of life and health care?

thats just another good reason not to depend on government for life sustaining things,,,
It is utterly incredible the way the entire world, especially China, has coordinated their efforts to sabotage Trump with this virus "hoax".
They must really dislike this guy.
The truth....if you are a senior citizen with an underlying condition, you have to be careful cause this virus can kill you.....but that is the same case with the seasonal flu....

If you get this virus as a regular person....healthy without underlying conditions.....you get a fever and a cough then you recover....just like seasonal flu.

Why isn't the democrat party press telling people this instead of staying silent on this aspect of the virus? Considering that if more uninformed Americans understood that getting this flu is not a death sentence, it isn't the plague and you recover in a couple of days.........then there wouldn't be the panic and hysteria...

But...gotta hurt Trump...biden is falling apart and the only one left on their side is bernie...

Seniors already dislike Trump because he wants to cut Social Security. Now he and his supporters are openly saying "just let them die" Great PR campaign you got going there buddy. Keep up the good work. I'm guessing Trump doesn't need those older voters anyway, right?
One word describes you.. LIAR!

Trump is not cutting those funds... More left wing lies and fearmongering..
Trump needs a task force to deal with democrat lies.
More truth about who will be in more danger............and the good news about who won't be in more danger.......but the press won't tell the public this since the goal is to get Trump....

The Latest On COVID-19 Suggests Most Of Us Will Be Fine

Risk Factors Vary by Person and Country
Some 319 million people in China smoke, about 23 percent of the population. In Italy, 19 percent of the population smokes. In South Korea, 40.7 percent of the male population smokes compared to 6.4 percent of the females. By comparison, about 37.8 million Americans smoke—18 percent of men and 14 percent of women.

Italy’s mortality numbers are further burdened by agedness. Italy has one of the oldest populations in the world, with almost 60 percent of Italians aged 40 and up and a national average age of 46. The median age in the United States is 38.2 years.

Even so, conflicting reports out of Italy suggest there may only be two people who died from the coronavirus who did not also present other pathologies.

This, as Silvio Brusaferro, the president of the Higher Institute of Health in Rome, noted that, “Positive deceased patients have an average of over 80 years—80.3 to be exact—and are essentially predominantly male.” Only 25.8 percent of deaths attributed to the virus were women.
And this....Free market healthcare........this is why it works and socialist medicine fails...

The Latest On COVID-19 Suggests Most Of Us Will Be Fine

Lastly, when the virus makes Americans sick enough to seek medical attention, there’s one more advantage we have: the U.S. has almost three times the critical care beds per capita as does Italy, more than triple what South Korea has (where the death rate may be close to that of the flu, depending the number of mild, undiagnosed cases), and almost 10 times that in China.
The truth....if you are a senior citizen with an underlying condition, you have to be careful cause this virus can kill you.....but that is the same case with the seasonal flu....

If you get this virus as a regular person....healthy without underlying conditions.....you get a fever and a cough then you recover....just like seasonal flu.

Why isn't the democrat party press telling people this instead of staying silent on this aspect of the virus? Considering that if more uninformed Americans understood that getting this flu is not a death sentence, it isn't the plague and you recover in a couple of days.........then there wouldn't be the panic and hysteria...

But...gotta hurt Trump...biden is falling apart and the only one left on their side is bernie...

Seniors already dislike Trump because he wants to cut Social Security. Now he and his supporters are openly saying "just let them die" Great PR campaign you got going there buddy. Keep up the good work. I'm guessing Trump doesn't need those older voters anyway, right?

Moron.....that is a lie, Trump said he was not going to do anything to social security......

The ones who are "letting them die," are the socialists in Italy......

Of course he said that. He lies or contradicts himself, often in the same sentence. It's a fact that he tried to cut SS for the last 4 years. See #8

Moron....Biden wants to cut Social Security too....you moron...


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