Why Israel is Great and its Neighbors Aren't

Dillo..That's a fairly common conclusion that many Christians seem to have.

I can't speak for all Christians, but I can tell you I admire the Israelis for their guts and the way they have survived even thrived as a democratic society surrounded by those that have an irrational hatred for them and wish them dead.

The Jews in this country or some of them I should say are as RWA says guilty of a double standard, and I would shudder if they soley were put in charge of protecting our borders.
Bonnie said:
I can't speak for all Christians, but I can tell you I admire the Israelis for their guts and the way they have survived even thrived as a democratic society surrounded by those that have an irrational hatred for them and wish them dead.

The Jews in this country or some of them I should say are as RWA says guilty of a double standard, and I would shudder if they soley were put in charge of protecting our borders.

Take some credit Bonnie---US tax dollars have paid for it. It is amazing how much more you can control a democracy when it is mandated by law that the majority of the voters be of a certain religion.
dilloduck said:
Take some credit Bonnie---US tax dollars have paid for it. It is amazing how much more you can control a democracy when it is mandated by law that the majority of the voters be of a certain religion.
Funny, the Palis have mostly destroyed what was handed to them with the Gaza. Bright guys. :rolleyes: They are consumed by hatred, fed by the likes of those that want to 'pay them' to behave. They take the money and spit at them.

See any parallels with Iran? EU is trying desperately to 'pay them off.' Not accepting and laughing at their machinations.
Kathianne said:
Funny, the Palis have mostly destroyed what was handed to them with the Gaza. Bright guys. :rolleyes: They are consumed by hatred, fed by the likes of those that want to 'pay them' to behave. They take the money and spit at them.

See any parallels with Iran? EU is trying desperately to 'pay them off.' Not accepting and laughing at their machinations.

No kidding--If they had agreed to be a peaceful democracy they would get billions--dumb asses.

Trying to bribe countries into "civil" behavior is really pretty common. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
dilloduck said:
No kidding--If they had agreed to be a peaceful democracy they would get billions--dumb asses.

Trying to bribe countries into "civil" behavior is really pretty common. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Well it's NOT working with HAMAS or Iran. It seems, to some posters thinking, to have worked with Israel, as they stayed out of Gulf War I, even while being bombed. They have not yet tried to hit Iran. Good neighbors? :dunno: At least rational.
Kathianne said:
Well it's NOT working with HAMAS or Iran. It seems, to some posters thinking, to have worked with Israel, as they stayed out of Gulf War I, even while being bombed. They have not yet tried to hit Iran. Good neighbors? :dunno: At least rational.

I totally agree---bribing Iran or Hamas is pointless. I guess I keep making the mistake that Israel is a military ally but if they got involved in Gulf War I , I guess it would have been worse somehow.
dilloduck said:
I totally agree---bribing Iran or Hamas is pointless. I guess I keep making the mistake that Israel is a military ally but if they got involved in Gulf War I , I guess it would have been worse somehow.
It would have made it impossible for Jordan, Kuwait, etc., to have supported the help. Not a joke. Sharon paid a price for that, but willingly. As I said, rational.
Kathianne said:
It would have made it impossible for Jordan, Kuwait, etc., to have supported the help. Not a joke. Sharon paid a price for that, but willingly. As I said, rational.

Oh fully understand the reasoning. Makes sense to stay out of it if it will hinder the effort. If Iran continues its' insanity will Israel be able to act or will that be considered a hindrance too?
dilloduck said:
Oh fully understand the reasoning. Makes sense to stay out of it if it will hinder the effort. If Iran continues its' insanity will Israel be able to act or will that be considered a hindrance too?

I don't know, time will tell. I know you think they should act unilaterally. Most do not.
Kathianne said:
I don't know, time will tell. I know you think they should act unilaterally. Most do not.

NO--absolutely not !!!! I have asked why they do not act unilaterally ! They are the strongest miltary there and have most to lose. I never said it was a great idea.
dilloduck said:
NO--absolutely not !!!! I have asked why they do not act unilaterally ! They are the strongest miltary there and have most to lose. I never said it was a great idea.
So you are advocating they act in ways that are self destructive. How original.
Kathianne said:
So you are advocating they act in ways that are self destructive. How original.

Stop trying to portray me as a bigot. I CLEARLY stated that I do NOT NOT advocate them acting unilaterally. What about that statement don't you "get" ?
dilloduck said:
Stop trying to portray me as a bigot. I CLEARLY stated that I do NOT NOT advocate them acting unilaterally. What about that statement don't you "get" ?
Kathianne said:

Can the silly stuff-----show me where I advocated that Israel should act unilaterally. Continually saying something doesn't make it true.
dilloduck said:
I totally agree---bribing Iran or Hamas is pointless. I guess I keep making the mistake that Israel is a military ally but if they got involved in Gulf War I , I guess it would have been worse somehow.

They were TOLD not to retaliate. Bush I knew it would wreck his coalition. Not that difficult to understand. And in fact, the U.S. refused to give Israel it's troop coordinates so if they retaliated against Saddam they would have been at risk of killing U.S. troops. You think they were going to risk that?
rtwngAvngr said:
In the modern world, however, people are not typically allowed to claim lands they had thousands of years ago.

Congrats RWA, you said something intelligent.

Yeah, maybe I should head over to Sweden and tell them I want "my" piece of the action.
Nuc said:
Congrats RWA, you said something intelligent.

Yeah, maybe I should head over to Sweden and tell them I want "my" piece of the action.

HEY---I got dibs on Sweden !
Nuc said:
Congrats RWA, you said something intelligent.

Yeah, maybe I should head over to Sweden and tell them I want "my" piece of the action.
So should Luxembourg or other non-viking countries. :laugh:
dilloduck said:
HEY---I got dibs on Sweden !

Your argument is a better one for saying the Palestinians should stop whining about a "right of return" and East Jerusalem, no?
jillian said:
They were TOLD not to retaliate. Bush I knew it would wreck his coalition. Not that difficult to understand. And in fact, the U.S. refused to give Israel it's troop coordinates so if they retaliated against Saddam they would have been at risk of killing U.S. troops. You think they were going to risk that?

I know who ordered them to stand down and I am fully aware of why they told to stand down. They would be insane to bite the hand thats feeds them.

Seems a bit odd to have a miltary ally who you have to order to stand down during battle. How does the United States benefit from an ally who is ordered not to fight and needs billions in aid?

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