Why Israel Lies

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Oh look, the racist is proclaiming terrorism is evil.
While he justifies targeting civilians to be murdered.

Why is it 1,000 Palestinian civilians, were killed, and just 6 Israeli civilians were killed in the last major conflict between the 2?

Why haven’t you been inside the West Bank yet?

Why haven't you crossed from Gaza to the Buffer Zone at Israel?
Maybe because Israelis would shoot at you?
No, Pals would.

So why haven’t you been to the West Bank? Afraid?

Israelis buffer zone at Gaza is clearly outrageous.

» PCHR-Gaza: Israeli Buffer Zone Policies Typically Enforced with Live Fire– IMEMC News

Israel Creates ‘No Man’s Land’ in Gaza, Shrinking Strip by 40 Percent

Palestinian Farmers in Gaza Buffer Zone Remain Wary
It is outrageous. The vermin Pals should have been marched to Syria long ago.
Oh look, the racist is proclaiming terrorism is evil.
While he justifies targeting civilians to be murdered.

Why is it 1,000 Palestinian civilians, were killed, and just 6 Israeli civilians were killed in the last major conflict between the 2?

Why haven’t you been inside the West Bank yet?

Why haven't you crossed from Gaza to the Buffer Zone at Israel?
Maybe because Israelis would shoot at you?
No, Pals would.

So why haven’t you been to the West Bank? Afraid?

Israelis buffer zone at Gaza is clearly outrageous.

» PCHR-Gaza: Israeli Buffer Zone Policies Typically Enforced with Live Fire– IMEMC News

Israel Creates ‘No Man’s Land’ in Gaza, Shrinking Strip by 40 Percent

Palestinian Farmers in Gaza Buffer Zone Remain Wary

Got a problem with Egypt making the SAME buffer on their Sinai side with Gaza???

Egypt expands buffer zone along Gaza boarder - The Boston Globe
Oh look, the racist is proclaiming terrorism is evil.
While he justifies targeting civilians to be murdered.

Why is it 1,000 Palestinian civilians, were killed, and just 6 Israeli civilians were killed in the last major conflict between the 2?

First off -- we don't KNOW the identities of those "civilians".. Are political operatives,political leadership, security police, civilian bomb makers all considered CIVILIAN? It's not that simple when you're dealing with Hamas. Those rockets might not be launched completely by "military assets" of Hamas. It's EASY to be called a "civilian casualty" when indeed MANY civilians are terrorists and embedded Hamas assets.

Second -- they attacked Israeli civilians with bad "calculus". Their rockets suck and the Israelis have the capability to DEFEND THEIR CITIZENS. Israelis run to bomb shelters when the rockets come in. Gazans were given no place to run to. In fact -- they were ENCOURAGED to NOT evacuate and to stay in place.

There ya go...

Well, people do tend to defend their land from invaders.
Crazy Horse's forces could've been considered similar.

Guess who invaded the land of Palestine mostly in the 1940's?

Do they DISCOURAGE their civilians from fleeing or deny them civil defense bunkers when they intend to START hostilities? The topic is whether Israel lies about their military operations and tactics. Comparing Palestinians to the Crazy Horse tribe might be cute -- but it's kinda degrading to the Palestinians.

If Israel's Iron Dome is so effective, then shelling schools, hospitals, and powerplants is clearly overkill.
Which the 2014 conflict was overkill on Israel's part.

Because EVEN IF you have an Iron Dome -- it's still an act of war by Hamas. Don't you KNOW that?
Why is it 1,000 Palestinian civilians, were killed, and just 6 Israeli civilians were killed in the last major conflict between the 2?

Why haven’t you been inside the West Bank yet?

Why haven't you crossed from Gaza to the Buffer Zone at Israel?
Maybe because Israelis would shoot at you?
No, Pals would.

So why haven’t you been to the West Bank? Afraid?

Israelis buffer zone at Gaza is clearly outrageous.

» PCHR-Gaza: Israeli Buffer Zone Policies Typically Enforced with Live Fire– IMEMC News

Israel Creates ‘No Man’s Land’ in Gaza, Shrinking Strip by 40 Percent

Palestinian Farmers in Gaza Buffer Zone Remain Wary

Got a problem with Egypt making the SAME buffer on their Sinai side with Gaza???

Egypt expands buffer zone along Gaza boarder - The Boston Globe

Yes, I didn't say that I liked Egyptians, now did I?
Why haven’t you been inside the West Bank yet?

Why haven't you crossed from Gaza to the Buffer Zone at Israel?
Maybe because Israelis would shoot at you?
No, Pals would.

So why haven’t you been to the West Bank? Afraid?

Israelis buffer zone at Gaza is clearly outrageous.

» PCHR-Gaza: Israeli Buffer Zone Policies Typically Enforced with Live Fire– IMEMC News

Israel Creates ‘No Man’s Land’ in Gaza, Shrinking Strip by 40 Percent

Palestinian Farmers in Gaza Buffer Zone Remain Wary

Got a problem with Egypt making the SAME buffer on their Sinai side with Gaza???

Egypt expands buffer zone along Gaza boarder - The Boston Globe

Yes, I didn't say that I liked Egyptians, now did I?
Why are you so upset the Saudi’s ordered them to accept the peace plan?
Why is it 1,000 Palestinian civilians, were killed, and just 6 Israeli civilians were killed in the last major conflict between the 2?

First off -- we don't KNOW the identities of those "civilians".. Are political operatives,political leadership, security police, civilian bomb makers all considered CIVILIAN? It's not that simple when you're dealing with Hamas. Those rockets might not be launched completely by "military assets" of Hamas. It's EASY to be called a "civilian casualty" when indeed MANY civilians are terrorists and embedded Hamas assets.

Second -- they attacked Israeli civilians with bad "calculus". Their rockets suck and the Israelis have the capability to DEFEND THEIR CITIZENS. Israelis run to bomb shelters when the rockets come in. Gazans were given no place to run to. In fact -- they were ENCOURAGED to NOT evacuate and to stay in place.

There ya go...

Well, people do tend to defend their land from invaders.
Crazy Horse's forces could've been considered similar.

Guess who invaded the land of Palestine mostly in the 1940's?

Do they DISCOURAGE their civilians from fleeing or deny them civil defense bunkers when they intend to START hostilities? The topic is whether Israel lies about their military operations and tactics. Comparing Palestinians to the Crazy Horse tribe might be cute -- but it's kinda degrading to the Palestinians.

If Israel's Iron Dome is so effective, then shelling schools, hospitals, and powerplants is clearly overkill.
Which the 2014 conflict was overkill on Israel's part.

Because EVEN IF you have an Iron Dome -- it's still an act of war by Hamas. Don't you KNOW that?

It's an act of war to invade, and steal a people's land scare, and expel them in the Nakba, and wall them off into something even more oppressive than a reservation.

Sounds much like what the U.S.A did to Natives in the Trail of Tears, and sending them to the reservation.

(But, at least the U.S doesn't shoot at those trying to leave the Reservation for the U.S, like Israel does to Gaza at their Buffer zone)
Why haven’t you been inside the West Bank yet?

Why haven't you crossed from Gaza to the Buffer Zone at Israel?
Maybe because Israelis would shoot at you?
No, Pals would.

So why haven’t you been to the West Bank? Afraid?

Israelis buffer zone at Gaza is clearly outrageous.

» PCHR-Gaza: Israeli Buffer Zone Policies Typically Enforced with Live Fire– IMEMC News

Israel Creates ‘No Man’s Land’ in Gaza, Shrinking Strip by 40 Percent

Palestinian Farmers in Gaza Buffer Zone Remain Wary
It is outrageous. The vermin Pals should have been marched to Syria long ago.

Zionism is outrageous, why do people removed from Israel for about 2,000 years like Ashkenazi, and Sephardi Jews have such a right to displace Palestinians who've lived there for the majority of time since Ashkenazi Jews, and Sephardi Jews had left?

Mizrahi Jews might have a great claim to Israel, but Ashkenazi, and Sephardi Jews do not.
In a world in chaos why is that tiny strip of sand so important to you?

Oh yeah. Jews live there.
First off -- we don't KNOW the identities of those "civilians".. Are political operatives,political leadership, security police, civilian bomb makers all considered CIVILIAN? It's not that simple when you're dealing with Hamas. Those rockets might not be launched completely by "military assets" of Hamas. It's EASY to be called a "civilian casualty" when indeed MANY civilians are terrorists and embedded Hamas assets.

Second -- they attacked Israeli civilians with bad "calculus". Their rockets suck and the Israelis have the capability to DEFEND THEIR CITIZENS. Israelis run to bomb shelters when the rockets come in. Gazans were given no place to run to. In fact -- they were ENCOURAGED to NOT evacuate and to stay in place.

There ya go...

Well, people do tend to defend their land from invaders.
Crazy Horse's forces could've been considered similar.

Guess who invaded the land of Palestine mostly in the 1940's?

Do they DISCOURAGE their civilians from fleeing or deny them civil defense bunkers when they intend to START hostilities? The topic is whether Israel lies about their military operations and tactics. Comparing Palestinians to the Crazy Horse tribe might be cute -- but it's kinda degrading to the Palestinians.

If Israel's Iron Dome is so effective, then shelling schools, hospitals, and powerplants is clearly overkill.
Which the 2014 conflict was overkill on Israel's part.

Because EVEN IF you have an Iron Dome -- it's still an act of war by Hamas. Don't you KNOW that?

It's an act of war to invade, and steal a people's land scare, and expel them in the Nakba, and wall them off into something even more oppressive than a reservation.

Sounds much like what the U.S.A did to Natives in the Trail of Tears, and sending them to the reservation.

(But, at least the U.S doesn't shoot at those trying to leave the Reservation for the U.S, like Israel does to Gaza at their Buffer zone)

There's 50 other threads in this thread about the history and creation of Israel. That's NOT the topic of THIS thread..
Oh really?
Is that why the Jewish percentage demographic grew tremendously during the 20th century in present Israel?
You really do need to study the topic before posting.

No you do, demographics aren't on your side.

Demographic history of Palestine (region) - Wikipedia
Give me a minute to change that wiki page.

I've seen statistics from various internet websites from the late 1800's, and early 1900's census's and all prove that Arab Muslims were dominant.

Speaking of Israeli Zionist lies.........
Did you find one listing any Arab government of the region?

There were Arabs living there, they were long without an Arab government because of Ottoman Turkish rule over the region.

But, very few Turks, or Jews were living there at the time.

It was mostly Arab Muslim, followed by Arab Christians.

You'll even throw Arab Christians under the bus, that's how desperate you are.
Well, people do tend to defend their land from invaders.
Crazy Horse's forces could've been considered similar.

Guess who invaded the land of Palestine mostly in the 1940's?

Do they DISCOURAGE their civilians from fleeing or deny them civil defense bunkers when they intend to START hostilities? The topic is whether Israel lies about their military operations and tactics. Comparing Palestinians to the Crazy Horse tribe might be cute -- but it's kinda degrading to the Palestinians.

If Israel's Iron Dome is so effective, then shelling schools, hospitals, and powerplants is clearly overkill.
Which the 2014 conflict was overkill on Israel's part.

Because EVEN IF you have an Iron Dome -- it's still an act of war by Hamas. Don't you KNOW that?

It's an act of war to invade, and steal a people's land scare, and expel them in the Nakba, and wall them off into something even more oppressive than a reservation.

Sounds much like what the U.S.A did to Natives in the Trail of Tears, and sending them to the reservation.

(But, at least the U.S doesn't shoot at those trying to leave the Reservation for the U.S, like Israel does to Gaza at their Buffer zone)

There's 50 other threads in this thread about the history and creation of Israel. That's NOT the topic of THIS thread..

It's quite on topic.
Because it's a Zionist / Israeli lie to say that Palestinians never existed before Israel's creation.
You really do need to study the topic before posting.

No you do, demographics aren't on your side.

Demographic history of Palestine (region) - Wikipedia
Give me a minute to change that wiki page.

I've seen statistics from various internet websites from the late 1800's, and early 1900's census's and all prove that Arab Muslims were dominant.

Speaking of Israeli Zionist lies.........
Did you find one listing any Arab government of the region?

There were Arabs living there, they were long without an Arab government because of Ottoman Turkish rule over the region.

But, very few Turks, or Jews were living there at the time.

It was mostly Arab Muslim, followed by Arab Christians.

You'll even throw Arab Christians under the bus, that's how desperate you are.
Even if true, racism is never justified.

Indians can’t murder whites, whites can’t murder blacks just because who immigrated here first.
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie
Why is that tiny strip of sand so important to you in a world in chaos?

Oh yeah. It has Jews in it.

Racist scum.

Jerusalum is revered in three large world faiths; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Palestinian lands were in what is current day Jordan, Syria, and a small part of Israel.
Do they DISCOURAGE their civilians from fleeing or deny them civil defense bunkers when they intend to START hostilities? The topic is whether Israel lies about their military operations and tactics. Comparing Palestinians to the Crazy Horse tribe might be cute -- but it's kinda degrading to the Palestinians.

If Israel's Iron Dome is so effective, then shelling schools, hospitals, and powerplants is clearly overkill.
Which the 2014 conflict was overkill on Israel's part.

Because EVEN IF you have an Iron Dome -- it's still an act of war by Hamas. Don't you KNOW that?

It's an act of war to invade, and steal a people's land scare, and expel them in the Nakba, and wall them off into something even more oppressive than a reservation.

Sounds much like what the U.S.A did to Natives in the Trail of Tears, and sending them to the reservation.

(But, at least the U.S doesn't shoot at those trying to leave the Reservation for the U.S, like Israel does to Gaza at their Buffer zone)

There's 50 other threads in this thread about the history and creation of Israel. That's NOT the topic of THIS thread..

It's quite on topic.
Because it's a Zionist / Israeli lie to say that Palestinians never existed before Israel's creation.

Not really.. Read the OP again.. It's about that journalist's opinion of Israel's military tactics RECENTLY. Can't have threads with open ended brawls that all read the same. Can't address EVERY lie AGAIN when they've been discussed forever in 66 other threads in this forum..
Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories — required under the rules of American journalism — although we know they are untrue.

I saw small boys baited and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis. The soldiers swore at the boys in Arabic over the loudspeakers of their armored jeep. The boys, about 10 years old, then threw stones at an Israeli vehicle and the soldiers opened fire, killing some, wounding others. I was present more than once as Israeli troops drew out and shot Palestinian children in this way. Such incidents, in the Israeli lexicon, become children caught in crossfire. I was in Gaza when F-16 attack jets dropped 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs on overcrowded hovels in Gaza City. I saw the corpses of the victims, including children. This became a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. I have watched Israel demolish homes and entire apartment blocks to create wide buffer zones between the Palestinians and the Israeli troops that ring Gaza. I have interviewed the destitute and homeless families, some camped out in crude shelters erected in the rubble. The destruction becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. I have stood in the remains of schools — Israel struck two United Nations schools in the last six days, causing at least 10 fatalitiesat one in Rafah on Sunday and at least 19 at one in the Jebaliya refugee camp Wednesday — as well as medical clinics and mosques. I have heard Israel claim that errant rockets or mortar fire from the Palestinians caused these and other deaths, or that the attacked spots were being used as arms depots or launching sites. I, along with every other reporter I know who has worked in Gaza, have never seen any evidence that Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”
Why Israel Lies

they lie
Why is that tiny strip of sand so important to you in a world in chaos?

Oh yeah. It has Jews in it.

Racist scum.

A far better question might be: why shouldn't the injustice of Israel be so 'important?' This is akin to taking any comparable news event and questioning why it is important...the question itself begs for deflection...and that's really your game...BTW: don't whine 'why us Jews?' until you can explain why they are entitled to do what they do in Palestine!

That's easy. They own the land that the Arab squatters are squatting on...
Why is it 1,000 Palestinian civilians, were killed, and just 6 Israeli civilians were killed in the last major conflict between the 2?

First off -- we don't KNOW the identities of those "civilians".. Are political operatives,political leadership, security police, civilian bomb makers all considered CIVILIAN? It's not that simple when you're dealing with Hamas. Those rockets might not be launched completely by "military assets" of Hamas. It's EASY to be called a "civilian casualty" when indeed MANY civilians are terrorists and embedded Hamas assets.

Second -- they attacked Israeli civilians with bad "calculus". Their rockets suck and the Israelis have the capability to DEFEND THEIR CITIZENS. Israelis run to bomb shelters when the rockets come in. Gazans were given no place to run to. In fact -- they were ENCOURAGED to NOT evacuate and to stay in place.

There ya go...

Well, people do tend to defend their land from invaders.
Crazy Horse's forces could've been considered similar.

Guess who invaded the land of Palestine mostly in the 1940's?

Do they DISCOURAGE their civilians from fleeing or deny them civil defense bunkers when they intend to START hostilities? The topic is whether Israel lies about their military operations and tactics. Comparing Palestinians to the Crazy Horse tribe might be cute -- but it's kinda degrading to the Palestinians.

If Israel's Iron Dome is so effective, then shelling schools, hospitals, and powerplants is clearly overkill.
Which the 2014 conflict was overkill on Israel's part.
Defending targeting civilians and using civilians as human shields, how leftist of you.

there is nothing "leftist" about it.... it's a jew-hating thing.... you know, like kkk and neo-Nazi types. I know that you instinctively knee jerk to "leftist", but it takes what could be a decent point and makes it absurd

you're welcome
First off -- we don't KNOW the identities of those "civilians".. Are political operatives,political leadership, security police, civilian bomb makers all considered CIVILIAN? It's not that simple when you're dealing with Hamas. Those rockets might not be launched completely by "military assets" of Hamas. It's EASY to be called a "civilian casualty" when indeed MANY civilians are terrorists and embedded Hamas assets.

Second -- they attacked Israeli civilians with bad "calculus". Their rockets suck and the Israelis have the capability to DEFEND THEIR CITIZENS. Israelis run to bomb shelters when the rockets come in. Gazans were given no place to run to. In fact -- they were ENCOURAGED to NOT evacuate and to stay in place.

There ya go...

Well, people do tend to defend their land from invaders.
Crazy Horse's forces could've been considered similar.

Guess who invaded the land of Palestine mostly in the 1940's?

Do they DISCOURAGE their civilians from fleeing or deny them civil defense bunkers when they intend to START hostilities? The topic is whether Israel lies about their military operations and tactics. Comparing Palestinians to the Crazy Horse tribe might be cute -- but it's kinda degrading to the Palestinians.

If Israel's Iron Dome is so effective, then shelling schools, hospitals, and powerplants is clearly overkill.
Which the 2014 conflict was overkill on Israel's part.
Defending targeting civilians and using civilians as human shields, how leftist of you.

there is nothing "leftist" about it.... it's a jew-hating thing.... you know, like kkk and neo-Nazi types. I know that you instinctively knee jerk to "leftist", but it takes what could be a decent point and makes it absurd

you're welcome
Left/Nazi/KKK. All fascists.
No you do, demographics aren't on your side.

Demographic history of Palestine (region) - Wikipedia
Give me a minute to change that wiki page.

I've seen statistics from various internet websites from the late 1800's, and early 1900's census's and all prove that Arab Muslims were dominant.

Speaking of Israeli Zionist lies.........
Did you find one listing any Arab government of the region?

There were Arabs living there, they were long without an Arab government because of Ottoman Turkish rule over the region.

But, very few Turks, or Jews were living there at the time.

It was mostly Arab Muslim, followed by Arab Christians.

You'll even throw Arab Christians under the bus, that's how desperate you are.
Even if true, racism is never justified.

Indians can’t murder whites, whites can’t murder blacks just because who immigrated here first.

So, why have Israelis killed Palestinians, and stole their land?

That's actually far worse than racism.
Well, people do tend to defend their land from invaders.
Crazy Horse's forces could've been considered similar.

Guess who invaded the land of Palestine mostly in the 1940's?

Do they DISCOURAGE their civilians from fleeing or deny them civil defense bunkers when they intend to START hostilities? The topic is whether Israel lies about their military operations and tactics. Comparing Palestinians to the Crazy Horse tribe might be cute -- but it's kinda degrading to the Palestinians.

If Israel's Iron Dome is so effective, then shelling schools, hospitals, and powerplants is clearly overkill.
Which the 2014 conflict was overkill on Israel's part.
Defending targeting civilians and using civilians as human shields, how leftist of you.

there is nothing "leftist" about it.... it's a jew-hating thing.... you know, like kkk and neo-Nazi types. I know that you instinctively knee jerk to "leftist", but it takes what could be a decent point and makes it absurd

you're welcome
Left/Nazi/KKK. All fascists.

Fascists understand the top Capitalists are against patriotism, as they put profits first, rather than the nation first.
Conservatives don't seem to get this, they appease the problems they see.
Give me a minute to change that wiki page.

I've seen statistics from various internet websites from the late 1800's, and early 1900's census's and all prove that Arab Muslims were dominant.

Speaking of Israeli Zionist lies.........
Did you find one listing any Arab government of the region?

There were Arabs living there, they were long without an Arab government because of Ottoman Turkish rule over the region.

But, very few Turks, or Jews were living there at the time.

It was mostly Arab Muslim, followed by Arab Christians.

You'll even throw Arab Christians under the bus, that's how desperate you are.
Even if true, racism is never justified.

Indians can’t murder whites, whites can’t murder blacks just because who immigrated here first.

So, why have Israelis killed Palestinians, and stole their land?

That's actually far worse than racism.
What government did the Jews overthrow, boxboy?
Do they DISCOURAGE their civilians from fleeing or deny them civil defense bunkers when they intend to START hostilities? The topic is whether Israel lies about their military operations and tactics. Comparing Palestinians to the Crazy Horse tribe might be cute -- but it's kinda degrading to the Palestinians.

If Israel's Iron Dome is so effective, then shelling schools, hospitals, and powerplants is clearly overkill.
Which the 2014 conflict was overkill on Israel's part.
Defending targeting civilians and using civilians as human shields, how leftist of you.

there is nothing "leftist" about it.... it's a jew-hating thing.... you know, like kkk and neo-Nazi types. I know that you instinctively knee jerk to "leftist", but it takes what could be a decent point and makes it absurd

you're welcome
Left/Nazi/KKK. All fascists.

Fascists understand the top Capitalists are against patriotism, as they put profits first, rather than the nation first.
Conservatives don't seem to get this, they appease the problems they see.
Good lil fascist.
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