Why It Is BETTER For Trump to Blow Off Ryan and His Neocon Supporters

There is always a rational for those once out of their own wished for majority to have their desires prevail, I'm sure you can find a loophole around the intent of the voice of a particular majority carrying the day.
Translation: I am going to continue throwing little shit balls at your posts even though I have nothing really to say about any of it of any substance at all.

Thank you.

Finally, shit balls, a topic within your realm of experience and expertise.
There is always a rational for those once out of their own wished for majority to have their desires prevail, I'm sure you can find a loophole around the intent of the voice of a particular majority carrying the day.
Translation: I am going to continue throwing little shit balls at your posts even though I have nothing really to say about any of it of any substance at all.

Thank you.

Finally, shit balls, a topic within your realm of experience and expertise.

Well you never made a relevant point, just yapping to read you own bullshit, I guess.

FACT: the First Amendment does not have shit to do with what political parties do within their own organization.

So fuck off.
Trump can let the neo-cons go if he moves into the center and declares loud and clear his centrist populism.

Then he has the problem of the conservatives freeking out.

Trump is center. Thats why he is cruising. Hillary is falling off the edge left. Thats why she's old news and losing support.
Trump can let the neo-cons go if he moves into the center and declares loud and clear his centrist populism.

Then he has the problem of the conservatives freeking out.

Trump is center. Thats why he is cruising. Hillary is falling off the edge left. Thats why she's old news and losing support.
Yes, and that is why he is losing the far right as well as much of the mainstream leadership. HRC is being pushed left because of Bernie's populist campaign. Trump better grovel to American women if he wants to have a chance. Attacking Hil via Bill is a losing strategy. Bill is not running for office.
Trump won. It is truly bizarre that a loser like Paul Ryan is going to approach the winner with conditions.

This fool needs to be replaced. It's not like he and Mitt united the republicans. They stayed home rather than vote for that duo.
Trump can let the neo-cons go if he moves into the center and declares loud and clear his centrist populism.

Then he has the problem of the conservatives freeking out.

Trump is center. Thats why he is cruising. Hillary is falling off the edge left. Thats why she's old news and losing support.
Yes, and that is why he is losing the far right as well as much of the mainstream leadership. HRC is being pushed left because of Bernie's populist campaign. Trump better grovel to American women if he wants to have a chance. Attacking Hil via Bill is a losing strategy. Bill is not running for office.

Well, I can't disagree with all of that.
Trump can let the neo-cons go if he moves into the center and declares loud and clear his centrist populism.

Then he has the problem of the conservatives freeking out.

Trump is center. Thats why he is cruising. Hillary is falling off the edge left. Thats why she's old news and losing support.
Yes, and that is why he is losing the far right as well as much of the mainstream leadership. HRC is being pushed left because of Bernie's populist campaign. Trump better grovel to American women if he wants to have a chance. Attacking Hil via Bill is a losing strategy. Bill is not running for office.
He should listen to people like the Fake here. LOL

The GOP laughed off his campaign, and kept saying he couldn't do it. They were wrong.

They forced a PLEDGE to support the winner..........and now candidates like Graham are refusing to honor it. More Lying politicians telling the one who won how to win when they wrote him off time and time again.

Trump needs to run the General like he ran the primary.........No holds bar fight................that is how he got there. Americans are tired of politics as usual.............and that is what will win the day against the Hildabeast.
Lil Chiken has it wrong. :)

The great majority of American women will not tolerate Trump dissing women even Lil Hil.
Lil Chiken has it wrong. :)

The great majority of American women will not tolerate Trump dissing women even Lil Hil.
The Drama Queen speaks. Your predictions failed. You are only to be listened to if you value failure.
:lol: I really got the 2010 House GOP victory wrong but easily called the Senate races. I called the Obama victory early in 2012. And all of the far right loons here were running on about land slides for Romney. I laughed in Rove's face the next day for acting so fucking squirrely on TV. So, either Trump changes his behavior toward women individually and generally or he will lose.

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