Why it makes no sense to believe ANYTHING spoken or written by the Brandon Admin.


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
Our mentally defective Mr. Potatohead President, Brandon, lies virtually every time he speaks. Maybe more. He is after all so unintelligible that some of his lies may get swallowed up I. His gibberish.

His Press Secretary is uninformed or ill-informed virtually all the time. Either that or she’s as committed to dishonesty as her boss.

It’s so bad that it makes no sense at all to ever accept at face value anything spoken by Brandon. He truly deserves to be 25th’d right the fuck out of Office.

For example:

And, importantly:

you don't seem to have a problem with this guy Moonie.. why are you screaming about his lies and the absense of an impeachment?? Why aren't you demanding the truth.....i know why....cause you are just fine with all this.
you don't seem to have a problem with this guy Moonie.. why are you screaming about his lies and the absense of an impeachment?? Why aren't you demanding the truth.....i know why....cause you are just fine with all this.
Impeachment is a waste of time it has never worked or done a damn thing in the history of the US. The truth is they may tell us what was going on or they will make up some bullshit as they usually do. Life goes on I concern myself with what I need to do more than what I want someone else to do.
And yet they believe every word. It's......stunning. Is it the covid clot shot?? Fluoridation??
Our mentally defective Mr. Potatohead President, Brandon, lies virtually every time he speaks. Maybe more. He is after all so unintelligible that some of his lies may get swallowed up I. His gibberish.

His Press Secretary is uninformed or ill-informed virtually all the time. Either that or she’s as committed to dishonesty as her boss.

It’s so bad that it makes no sense at all to ever accept at face value anything spoken by Brandon. He truly deserves to be 25th’d right the fuck out of Office.

For example:

And, importantly:

It's the latest lie, aint it? Damn! That's pathetic. They need to get the fuck outta there.

I hope we can last for the rest of his term and get a president worth something in there. Never seen the US in this bad of a position.

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