Why Jesus Cried "My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me"

Leftists don't need Jesus; they have the party.
and the party always supplies tons of booze

I think the Democrat party is a lot more holier than republicans.
People on the left, seem to be 'the Sheep' in the sheep and the goats parable in the Bible, also known as the last judgement, or Judgement of Nations.....

Christ separated the people within all Nations for the judgement, the sheep put on His right, the goats put on his left....

to make a long story short, the goats always proclaimed to know Jesus as Savior and Lord....yet when Jesus confronts them on them helping Jesus when He was in need they said , When did we not help you Lord?

Jesus basically said, When you didn't feed the hungry, help the poor, welcome the stranger, or care for those in prison etc... whatever you didn't do for the least of them, You did this to me! He cast them to eternal punishment.

He confronts the other group who fed the hungry, helped the poor, visited those in prison, and welcomed the Stranger ... on how well they treated Him,

This group of people ask Christ, When did we do those things for you?

and He said, however you treated those people, you did unto Me!

This other separated group in the parable, didn't even know they were doing good things for and to Jesus Christ,

...basically, they didn't know...they were followers of Christ....they were just doing what they felt was right and humane....

and Christ rewarded those who thought they didnt know Him, with everlasting life....!


Bottom line, yes many on the left, who may not even know they are following Christ and His teachings are the ones who are rewarded by Christ on judgement day.

And some of those who proclaimed they knew Christ, or accepted Him as Lord and Savior...

Were ALL TALK, with no actions....

If they don't know they are following Christ they've never accepted Him as their Savior, if they've never accepted Him as Savior they don't go Heaven, sorry.

Faith without works, is dead.

Christ indicates throughout the Gospels........that others, who are not known followers of Christ and part of His sect are judged and saved through The Law....

The Good Samaritan parable

The Sheep and the Goats parable

And many other bible passages that explains that others can be 'saved ' as well....

all go through Christ and His judgement... Basically, they can not get to Heaven, but through Him.....

Basically some are saved through Grace and their acceptance and belief in Him dying as a sacrifice for their sins...these people have Faith, and good works.

While others who don't know they believe in Christ, yet follow Christ's teachings and the Law, can also be saved...

Romans 2:12-16 12All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.

14(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)

16This will take place on the day when God judges people's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.

But why do you think that the majority of those that you don't agree with politically aren't doing 'works'? So if they're against illegal immigration, then they're not 'helping' people? If they're against a woman legally being allowed to kill her unborn child, they're not 'helping' her? If they're against welfare for those capable of work, then they're on the wrong side of Jesus? You really have a twisted view of things, sadly.
Leftists don't need Jesus; they have the party.
and the party always supplies tons of booze

I think the Democrat party is a lot more holier than republicans.
People on the left, seem to be 'the Sheep' in the sheep and the goats parable in the Bible, also known as the last judgement, or Judgement of Nations.....

Christ separated the people within all Nations for the judgement, the sheep put on His right, the goats put on his left....

to make a long story short, the goats always proclaimed to know Jesus as Savior and Lord....yet when Jesus confronts them on them helping Jesus when He was in need they said , When did we not help you Lord?

Jesus basically said, When you didn't feed the hungry, help the poor, welcome the stranger, or care for those in prison etc... whatever you didn't do for the least of them, You did this to me! He cast them to eternal punishment.

He confronts the other group who fed the hungry, helped the poor, visited those in prison, and welcomed the Stranger ... on how well they treated Him,

This group of people ask Christ, When did we do those things for you?

and He said, however you treated those people, you did unto Me!

This other separated group in the parable, didn't even know they were doing good things for and to Jesus Christ,

...basically, they didn't know...they were followers of Christ....they were just doing what they felt was right and humane....

and Christ rewarded those who thought they didnt know Him, with everlasting life....!


Bottom line, yes many on the left, who may not even know they are following Christ and His teachings are the ones who are rewarded by Christ on judgement day.

And some of those who proclaimed they knew Christ, or accepted Him as Lord and Savior...

Were ALL TALK, with no actions....

I see, so you have this perception that only those that align with your political beliefs, even though they don't accept Christ as their savior, will be accepted by Christ because of their 'good deeds'? And those that don't align with your political beliefs, even though they've accepted Christ as their savior, will be damned because they didn't vote the right way to do 'good deeds' via their government? Seriously?
are you saying only Democrats do good deeds, republicans only have faith. I agree!
Leftists don't need Jesus; they have the party.
and the party always supplies tons of booze

I think the Democrat party is a lot more holier than republicans.
People on the left, seem to be 'the Sheep' in the sheep and the goats parable in the Bible, also known as the last judgement, or Judgement of Nations.....

Christ separated the people within all Nations for the judgement, the sheep put on His right, the goats put on his left....

to make a long story short, the goats always proclaimed to know Jesus as Savior and Lord....yet when Jesus confronts them on them helping Jesus when He was in need they said , When did we not help you Lord?

Jesus basically said, When you didn't feed the hungry, help the poor, welcome the stranger, or care for those in prison etc... whatever you didn't do for the least of them, You did this to me! He cast them to eternal punishment.

He confronts the other group who fed the hungry, helped the poor, visited those in prison, and welcomed the Stranger ... on how well they treated Him,

This group of people ask Christ, When did we do those things for you?

and He said, however you treated those people, you did unto Me!

This other separated group in the parable, didn't even know they were doing good things for and to Jesus Christ,

...basically, they didn't know...they were followers of Christ....they were just doing what they felt was right and humane....

and Christ rewarded those who thought they didnt know Him, with everlasting life....!


Bottom line, yes many on the left, who may not even know they are following Christ and His teachings are the ones who are rewarded by Christ on judgement day.

And some of those who proclaimed they knew Christ, or accepted Him as Lord and Savior...

Were ALL TALK, with no actions....

I see, so you have this perception that only those that align with your political beliefs, even though they don't accept Christ as their savior, will be accepted by Christ because of their 'good deeds'? And those that don't align with your political beliefs, even though they've accepted Christ as their savior, will be damned because they didn't vote the right way to do 'good deeds' via their government? Seriously?
are you saying only Democrats do good deeds, republicans only have faith. I agree!

If you really believe that, you have my deepest sympathies... :cuckoo:
Leftists don't need Jesus; they have the party.
and the party always supplies tons of booze

I think the Democrat party is a lot more holier than republicans.
People on the left, seem to be 'the Sheep' in the sheep and the goats parable in the Bible, also known as the last judgement, or Judgement of Nations.....

Christ separated the people within all Nations for the judgement, the sheep put on His right, the goats put on his left....

to make a long story short, the goats always proclaimed to know Jesus as Savior and Lord....yet when Jesus confronts them on them helping Jesus when He was in need they said , When did we not help you Lord?

Jesus basically said, When you didn't feed the hungry, help the poor, welcome the stranger, or care for those in prison etc... whatever you didn't do for the least of them, You did this to me! He cast them to eternal punishment.

He confronts the other group who fed the hungry, helped the poor, visited those in prison, and welcomed the Stranger ... on how well they treated Him,

This group of people ask Christ, When did we do those things for you?

and He said, however you treated those people, you did unto Me!

This other separated group in the parable, didn't even know they were doing good things for and to Jesus Christ,

...basically, they didn't know...they were followers of Christ....they were just doing what they felt was right and humane....

and Christ rewarded those who thought they didnt know Him, with everlasting life....!


Bottom line, yes many on the left, who may not even know they are following Christ and His teachings are the ones who are rewarded by Christ on judgement day.

And some of those who proclaimed they knew Christ, or accepted Him as Lord and Savior...

Were ALL TALK, with no actions....

I see, so you have this perception that only those that align with your political beliefs, even though they don't accept Christ as their savior, will be accepted by Christ because of their 'good deeds'? And those that don't align with your political beliefs, even though they've accepted Christ as their savior, will be damned because they didn't vote the right way to do 'good deeds' via their government? Seriously?
are you saying only Democrats do good deeds, republicans only have faith. I agree!

If you really believe that, you have my deepest sympathies... :cuckoo:
I really do believe that, I get tired of republicans praying the weather improves and the killing stops. The Republican says Prayers are needed, well I say BS.
Leftists don't need Jesus; they have the party.
and the party always supplies tons of booze

I think the Democrat party is a lot more holier than republicans.
People on the left, seem to be 'the Sheep' in the sheep and the goats parable in the Bible, also known as the last judgement, or Judgement of Nations.....

Christ separated the people within all Nations for the judgement, the sheep put on His right, the goats put on his left....

to make a long story short, the goats always proclaimed to know Jesus as Savior and Lord....yet when Jesus confronts them on them helping Jesus when He was in need they said , When did we not help you Lord?

Jesus basically said, When you didn't feed the hungry, help the poor, welcome the stranger, or care for those in prison etc... whatever you didn't do for the least of them, You did this to me! He cast them to eternal punishment.

He confronts the other group who fed the hungry, helped the poor, visited those in prison, and welcomed the Stranger ... on how well they treated Him,

This group of people ask Christ, When did we do those things for you?

and He said, however you treated those people, you did unto Me!

This other separated group in the parable, didn't even know they were doing good things for and to Jesus Christ,

...basically, they didn't know...they were followers of Christ....they were just doing what they felt was right and humane....

and Christ rewarded those who thought they didnt know Him, with everlasting life....!


Bottom line, yes many on the left, who may not even know they are following Christ and His teachings are the ones who are rewarded by Christ on judgement day.

And some of those who proclaimed they knew Christ, or accepted Him as Lord and Savior...

Were ALL TALK, with no actions....

I see, so you have this perception that only those that align with your political beliefs, even though they don't accept Christ as their savior, will be accepted by Christ because of their 'good deeds'? And those that don't align with your political beliefs, even though they've accepted Christ as their savior, will be damned because they didn't vote the right way to do 'good deeds' via their government? Seriously?
are you saying only Democrats do good deeds, republicans only have faith. I agree!

If you really believe that, you have my deepest sympathies... :cuckoo:
I really do believe that, I get tired of republicans praying the weather improves and the killing stops. The Republican says Prayers are needed, well I say BS.

Then you're a whacko.... nothing else to really say when someone is so blinded by hate for a group that they label said group as guilty for everything they perceive to be wrong. You are exactly what you profess to be against, but you rationalize it because you're against the 'right' people(in your own demented mind), both figuratively and literally. Sad.
Leftists don't need Jesus; they have the party.
and the party always supplies tons of booze

I think the Democrat party is a lot more holier than republicans.
People on the left, seem to be 'the Sheep' in the sheep and the goats parable in the Bible, also known as the last judgement, or Judgement of Nations.....

Christ separated the people within all Nations for the judgement, the sheep put on His right, the goats put on his left....

to make a long story short, the goats always proclaimed to know Jesus as Savior and Lord....yet when Jesus confronts them on them helping Jesus when He was in need they said , When did we not help you Lord?

Jesus basically said, When you didn't feed the hungry, help the poor, welcome the stranger, or care for those in prison etc... whatever you didn't do for the least of them, You did this to me! He cast them to eternal punishment.

He confronts the other group who fed the hungry, helped the poor, visited those in prison, and welcomed the Stranger ... on how well they treated Him,

This group of people ask Christ, When did we do those things for you?

and He said, however you treated those people, you did unto Me!

This other separated group in the parable, didn't even know they were doing good things for and to Jesus Christ,

...basically, they didn't know...they were followers of Christ....they were just doing what they felt was right and humane....

and Christ rewarded those who thought they didnt know Him, with everlasting life....!


Bottom line, yes many on the left, who may not even know they are following Christ and His teachings are the ones who are rewarded by Christ on judgement day.

And some of those who proclaimed they knew Christ, or accepted Him as Lord and Savior...

Were ALL TALK, with no actions....

I see, so you have this perception that only those that align with your political beliefs, even though they don't accept Christ as their savior, will be accepted by Christ because of their 'good deeds'? And those that don't align with your political beliefs, even though they've accepted Christ as their savior, will be damned because they didn't vote the right way to do 'good deeds' via their government? Seriously?
are you saying only Democrats do good deeds, republicans only have faith. I agree!

If you really believe that, you have my deepest sympathies... :cuckoo:
I really do believe that, I get tired of republicans praying the weather improves and the killing stops. The Republican says Prayers are needed, well I say BS.

Then you're a whacko.... nothing else to really say when someone is so blinded by hate for a group that they label said group as guilty for everything they perceive to be wrong. You are exactly what you profess to be against, but you rationalize it because you're against the 'right' people(in your own demented mind), both figuratively and literally. Sad.
Praying doesn't make it so. The reason I say that is republicans believe everything can be solved with praying, they don't believe in lifting a finger.
Praying doesn't make it so. The reason I say that is republicans believe everything can be solved with praying, they don't believe in lifting a finger.
Do you truly believe anyone in the government, be it Republican or Democrat, can do anything about the climate?
Praying doesn't make it so. The reason I say that is republicans believe everything can be solved with praying, they don't believe in lifting a finger.
Do you truly believe anyone in the government, be it Republican or Democrat, can do anything about the climate?
Not with republicans who thinks climate change is a big gigantic hoax.
I lost track----isn't this thread about a discussion regarding the New Testament claim
that Jesus said "my God, my God, why have you forsaken me" ?
Not with republicans who thinks climate change is a big gigantic hoax.
The hoax is believing the government can affect climate.
The hoax is ---believing anything written by "matthew"
Can you give a specific example?
sure----according to MATTHEW as it is presented in the NT---the crucifixion was something
like a circus. People gathered to the site to be ENTERTAINED as if they were romans watching
gladiators murder each other ------HA HA HA. Everyone just jested and ENCOURAGED the
barbarity-------there ain't no such recorded history regarding the local reaction to ROMAN FILTH
it is a recollection. The imagery I remember is of crowds of people
chanting "CRUCIFY HIM, CRUCIFY HIM"---something like the crowds
at the gladiator circuses voting thumbs up or down
You mean at the trial, not the crucifixiion itself?

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