Why kill JFK?

Full text edited out due to its highly disrespectful nature and complete lack of contribution to the topic at hand.

wow this is bizarre you deleted my post...highly disrespectful ? since when has that been a issue ? and is was not..it was in response to this post below..which is basically the very same experience I had and related ...the innocence of a child not understanding the gravity of a situation and the lesson learned..you have disrespected me... to bad the post did not remain on re-read you might of... got it...

Registered User

ok-got a quick story
I just turned 12 and had watched my parents bitch constantly about Kennedy getting elected in '60--bla bla

I was home sick the day he was killed and saw the story break on TV. I jumped up instictively saying "yay".

It didn't go over well needless to say-----that is when I learned our country was more important than who was our president.
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Full text edited out due to its highly disrespectful nature and complete lack of contribution to the topic at hand.

kind of cool in a way ..that eots story of childhood innocence...receives a media black out... perhaps I can sell it to the morbidly curious for rep points...

I will private message you..

the post the usmb did not want you to see ..uncensored........ for the low price of one rep point....
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The subject of the assassination and Oswald will be on American Experience this week on PBS, check your local listing!
The subject of the assassination and Oswald will be on American Experience this week on PBS, check your local listing!

I believe I saw a blurb on this, stating they proved the fatal shot came from the bookstore. That would leave the question. Was Oswald a lone nut? or did he commit the crime for someone else?
I believe I saw a blurb on this, stating they proved the fatal shot came from the bookstore. That would leave the question. Was Oswald a lone nut? or did he commit the crime for someone else?

I think he thought others we going to be shooting too. Hence claiming he was a patsy but I have no dam proof what so ever so don't take that to the bank. :lol:
I do find it interesting that so many people connected to the murder ended up dead within a few years.
I do find it interesting that so many people connected to the murder ended up dead within a few years.
me too along with people they have connected to Marlyn death, some being connected to both. I do believe she was murdered, they never found traces of what she took in her throat or mouth, only in her stomach.
I am for sure going to watch this special like I have watched all the other ones!
me too along with people they have connected to Marlyn death, some being connected to both. I do believe she was murdered, they never found traces of what she took in her throat or mouth, only in her stomach.
I am for sure going to watch this special like I have watched all the other ones!

I think Norma Jean was going to go public about her affair with Kennedy.
I'm not sure who did it, but there is absolutely no way Oswald did it by himself. NO WAY
Sorry, I don't buy any of the conspiracies. In this case, the simplest explanation is also the most plausible.

Ah yes the occum's razor philosophy -- lex parsimoniae "entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem".

Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity

A comforting, but often misleading approach to understanding our complex world and the things that are happening around us.

Ever watch a magician, Gunny?

The occams's razor explanation for what you saw going on there is that the magician magically pulled a rabbit out of this hat.

Do you believe it?

Or do you ask yourself if perhaps something is going on outside of your range of vision?

Now I am NOT saying that I know that Kennedy was killed by conspiracy.

But I am suggesting that one must ignore some things that make the lone gunman firing a magic bullet theory somewhat suspect, as well.

There are lone gunman who've cut down important people, without doubt.

There are ALSO conspiracies which succeed into changing the course of history which we can never prove, but we can only intuit based on fragments of data which suggest that the offical explanation doesn't exactly make sense.

Conspiracies more commonly change the course of history than lone assassins do, methinks.

And as to motive of lone assassins?

Well it is rather easy to manipulate some people into doing your bidding.

And it is rather easy to set up patsies, especially if your resources are deep and wide, and the patsy looks like a nutter, too.
Ah yes the occum's razor philosophy -- lex parsimoniae "entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem".

Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity

A comforting, but often misleading approach to understanding our complex world and the things that are happening around us.

Ever watch a magician, Gunny?

The occams's razor explanation for what you saw going on there is that the magician magically pulled a rabbit out of this hat.

Do you believe it?

Or do you ask yourself if perhaps something is going on outside of your range of vision?

Now I am NOT saying that I know that Kennedy was killed by conspiracy.

But I am suggesting that one must ignore some things that make the lone gunman firing a magic bullet theory somewhat suspect, as well.

There are lone gunman who've cut down important people, without doubt.

There are ALSO conspiracies which succeed into changing the course of history which we can never prove, but we can only intuit based on fragments of data which suggest that the offical explanation doesn't exactly make sense.

Conspiracies more commonly change the course of history than lone assassins do, methinks.

And as to motive of lone assassins?

Well it is rather easy to manipulate some people into doing your bidding.

And it is rather easy to set up patsies, especially if your resources are deep and wide, and the patsy looks like a nutter, too.

The Carcano rifle fires a 160 grain bullet at 2300 fps. At the range that Oswald was shooting, it would make a neat hole in a skull, not blow it apart. The damage to Kennedy's skull was much more like that of a very high velocity round such as a 220 Swift, or 25-06.
Basically the same reason Lincoln was assassinated.

And, or so I am informed, (meaning I haven't really looked into it) William McKinley Jr.

Among other things he upheld the gold standard

A tad more about William

A Democratic cartoon ridiculed the promise, saying it would rock the boat. McKinley replied that the protective tariff would bring prosperity to all groups, city and country alike, while Bryan's free silver would create inflation but no new jobs, would bankrupt railroads, and would permanently damage the economy

As governor, he imposed an excise tax on corporations, secured safety legislation for transportation workers and restricted anti-union practices of employers.
In 1895, a community of severely impoverished miners in Hocking Valley telegraphed Governor McKinley to report their plight, writing, "Immediate relief needed." Within five hours, McKinley had paid, out of his own pocket, for a railroad car full of food and other supplies to be sent to the miners. He then proceeded to contact the Chambers of Commerce in every major city in the state, instructing them to investigate the number of citizens living below poverty level. When reports returned revealing large numbers of starving Ohioans, the governor headed a charity drive and raised enough money to feed, clothe, and supply more than 10,000 people.

Main article: William McKinley assassination
President and Mrs. McKinley attended the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. He delivered a speech about his positions on tariffs and foreign trade on September 5, 1901. On the second day, McKinley was at the Temple of Music, greeting the public. Leon Frank Czolgosz waited in line with a pistol in his right hand concealed by a handkerchief. At 4:07 P.M. Czolgosz fired twice at the president. The first bullet grazed the president's shoulder. The second, however, went through McKinley's stomach, colon, and kidney, and finally lodged in the muscles of his back.

They're ALL linked folks.

Trade, fiat money and the FED are all the same damned issue, really.

Sooner or later you're all going to get this.
awesome.a JFK thread.the movie JFK woke me up to what a nazi run country the united states really is.Ever since I saw that movie I have never looked at the united states the same way ever again.I have been down to their november in dallas conferences they have every november like 3 times.That movie got me so interested in his assassination on who was really behind it and why. I have read over 50 books on it over the years.I will be reading through all this thread for sure to see if anything has been posted that I havent heard, and also to make sure the reasons I am going to post already havent been mentioned.Theres a lot of really intelligent and knowledgeable people here such as Eots at this site I have noticed, so Im sure they have probably already covered it though.
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Kennedy was assinated because he was getting ready to strip the Federal Reserve of it's strangle hold on the American people and government.

Just google "JFK and the Federal Reserve" to recieve an education on this subject.

Here is one for a start. JFK Vs The Federal Reserve

okay I have read through a little of this and yeah Sunni is right.That was one of the main reasons they got rid of him was because of that.He was stepping on some toes of some very high and powerful people and did not realise that the president is just a puppet of the establishment.Also Stone was definetely right.

The Military Industrial Complex wanted him out of the way as well and pulled off the assassination because yeah he was trying to pull out of the vietnam war.For years we didnt know for sure if he was,it was just speculated on by many researchers but in 1996 -I believe was the year,the ARRB-the assassination records review board,released documents found that JFK definetly was going to withdraw all military personal by 1965.War means big business for big corporations and the military.That was the major reason they wanted him out.Like someone said,once JFK was assassinated,Johnson reversed Kennedy's policy of withdrawal in memo 263 he signed a couple days before his assassination and Johnson signed memo 273 which esculated the war.
The Carcano rifle fires a 160 grain bullet at 2300 fps. At the range that Oswald was shooting, it would make a neat hole in a skull, not blow it apart. The damage to Kennedy's skull was much more like that of a very high velocity round such as a 220 Swift, or 25-06.

Now you see this is WHY I don't like to get into most conspiracy theory discussion.

As you can see from my most recent post to gunny, it isn't like I don't believe that conspiracies exist, that they are often happening at the top levels of government, either.

But because they demand that I choose which expert I believe.

And since I cannot become an expert in every damned field on earth, I am left picking and choosing.

Here's my approach to conspiracies generally.

What can I know without having to depend on experts?

Does what I CAN KNOW WITHOUT DOUBT, jibe with the official explanation?

Now as to the Kennedy assassination? There is plenty of room or doubt about the findings of the my mind just drew a blank but you know...the offical report on the K assassination...the WARREN COMISSION.

So as to that day in Dallas, I will go to my grave wondering who conspired to murder that man. I'm inclined to think it was the mob, possible with inside help from some rogue elements of the government.

There were a LOT of people who hated the Kennedy mob, folks for various good reasons, I might add.

But as to the more recent 9-11 conspiracies?

Well here's what I THINK I know about that event...there would have had to have been just have to be far too many low level players in on that conspiracy for me to think that a conspiracy (other than the Alqada hikackers) were involved.

I'm an historian by training, of course, and you know we are always counting on the kindness of strangers to tell us any and everything, anyway.

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