Why kill JFK?

I heard the Mossad took him out because JFK was vowing to block the construction of Dimona.
awesome.a JFK thread.the movie JFK woke me up to what a nazi run country the united states really is.Ever since I saw that movie I have never looked at the united states the same way ever again.I have been down to their november in dallas conferences they have every november like 3 times.That movie got me so interested in his assassination on who was really behind it and why. I have read over 50 books on it over the years.I will be reading through all this thread for sure to see if anything has been posted that I havent heard, and also to make sure the reasons I am going to post already havent been mentioned.Theres a lot of really intelligent and knowledgeable people here such as Eots at this site I have noticed, so Im sure they have probably already covered it though.

Uh..Oliver Stone has said JFK wasn't a true story.
Another great special on NGC (or was it History channel?) last night... blowing even more holes in the lame ass conspiracy theorist's theories....
Another great special on NGC (or was it History channel?) last night... blowing even more holes in the lame ass conspiracy theorist's theories....

If you really believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did this by himself then the only lame person here is you. Or just an idiot, take your pick
If you really believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did this by himself then the only lame person here is you. Or just an idiot, take your pick

The special, like numerous other great specials put out by History Channel, Discovery Channel, NGC, blew complete holes into the south shot... the bridge shot, etc (as possible conspiracy sniper shots)... the special dealt with the actual trajectory, splatter patterns, etc.... showed completely that the shot came from the area of the Book depository... that a shot from the grassy knoll would have resulted in the bullet going straight thru the face of Jackie..

This conspiracy bullshit has to end
The special, like numerous other great specials put out by History Channel, Discovery Channel, NGC, blew complete holes into the south shot... the bridge shot, etc (as possible conspiracy sniper shots)... the special dealt with the actual trajectory, splatter patterns, etc.... showed completely that the shot came from the area of the Book depository... that a shot from the grassy knoll would have resulted in the bullet going straight thru the face of Jackie..

This conspiracy bullshit has to end

The only thing that special did was disprove the "magic bullet" theory. It did nothing to take away from the people responsible for allowing Oswald to even be there in the first place, changing the route JFK was going on at the last second, putting out cover stories all over the place, not interviewing Jack Ruby AT ALL before he died, or even further investigation Oswald's CIA connection.
Also, if there was no conspiracy, then why do they not turn over all the findings till 2039? You know why, its because all of the Americans who were old enough to watch and live that tragic day will be dead and the uproar will be minimal from those that weren't alive. The same thing will happen about 9/11

History tells you that you can't kill someone of that level unless you are close to them(ie Caesar). Someone with upper level power allowed Oswald to be there when anyone who knows anything about Secret Service protection knows that no windows are ever allowed to be open.

And, the gun he used was complete SHIT, there were snipers who said they couldn't hit that shot. Cmon Son, you can't be this neive - you cant
The only thing that special did was disprove the "magic bullet" theory. It did nothing to take away from the people responsible for allowing Oswald to even be there in the first place, changing the route JFK was going on at the last second, putting out cover stories all over the place, not interviewing Jack Ruby AT ALL before he died, or even further investigation Oswald's CIA connection.
Also, if there was no conspiracy, then why do they not turn over all the findings till 2039? You know why, its because all of the Americans who were old enough to watch and live that tragic day will be dead and the uproar will be minimal from those that weren't alive. The same thing will happen about 9/11

History tells you that you can't kill someone of that level unless you are close to them(ie Caesar). Someone with upper level power allowed Oswald to be there when anyone who knows anything about Secret Service protection knows that no windows are ever allowed to be open.

And, the gun he used was complete SHIT, there were snipers who said they couldn't hit that shot. Cmon Son, you can't be this neive - you cant

I agree on the sealed findings---what kind of crap is that ?
The only thing that special did was disprove the "magic bullet" theory. It did nothing to take away from the people responsible for allowing Oswald to even be there in the first place, changing the route JFK was going on at the last second, putting out cover stories all over the place, not interviewing Jack Ruby AT ALL before he died, or even further investigation Oswald's CIA connection.
Also, if there was no conspiracy, then why do they not turn over all the findings till 2039? You know why, its because all of the Americans who were old enough to watch and live that tragic day will be dead and the uproar will be minimal from those that weren't alive. The same thing will happen about 9/11

History tells you that you can't kill someone of that level unless you are close to them(ie Caesar). Someone with upper level power allowed Oswald to be there when anyone who knows anything about Secret Service protection knows that no windows are ever allowed to be open.

And, the gun he used was complete SHIT, there were snipers who said they couldn't hit that shot. Cmon Son, you can't be this neive - you cant

History also shows that an madman or motivated loner with an agenda and a fixation can do some very tragic things at a high level

I suggest you actually watch the new special that was on last night... specifically dealing with the most realistic recreation based on the findings and evidence of the matter in the car, the splatter patterns, etc....

As for your conspiracy.. there has been no valid information to prove it... only enough sketchy theories to keep conspiracy theorists coming back for more
History also shows that an madman or motivated loner with an agenda and a fixation can do some very tragic things at a high level

I suggest you actually watch the new special that was on last night... specifically dealing with the most realistic recreation based on the findings and evidence of the matter in the car, the splatter patterns, etc....

As for your conspiracy.. there has been no valid information to prove it... only enough sketchy theories to keep conspiracy theorists coming back for more

So what's with the sealed findings ? Obviously someone doesn't care if people remain skepical and suspicious.
So what's with the sealed findings ? Obviously someone doesn't care if people remain skepical and suspicious.

Who knows...

But that has nothing to do with the scientific findings about the events that did transpire...

Could Oswald have been hired by the mob or freaking Captain Kangaroo for all we know? Anything is possible... but in terms of the conspiracy theories about the "lone gunMEN" or the grassy knoll, any other wild accusations, most of them have been pretty much blown out of the water by modern analysis and forensics
Who knows...

But that has nothing to do with the scientific findings about the events that did transpire...

Could Oswald have been hired by the mob or freaking Captain Kangaroo for all we know? Anything is possible... but in terms of the conspiracy theories about the "lone gunMEN" or the grassy knoll, any other wild accusations, most of them have been pretty much blown out of the water by modern analysis and forensics

The shooter isn't the only one convicted in a murder. One shooter doesn't mean only one planner.
The shooter isn't the only one convicted in a murder. One shooter doesn't mean only one planner.

Not disagreeing with that... but most of the conspiracy theories revolve around the fact that it is an instant conspiracy if there is more than 1 shooter.. this is looking to be shot out of the water more as time goes on
Not disagreeing with that... but most of the conspiracy theories revolve around the fact that it is an instant conspiracy if there is more than 1 shooter.. this is looking to be shot out of the water more as time goes on

WHich is why I think the debunkers LOVE to focus on the multiple shooter theory----it distracts from the other possiblities. If Oswald was such a crazy nut and wanted fame, why would he claim to be a patsy ? Doesn't make sense.
WHich is why I think the debunkers LOVE to focus on the multiple shooter theory----it distracts from the other possiblities. If Oswald was such a crazy nut and wanted fame, why would he claim to be a patsy ? Doesn't make sense.

Who says he wanted fame? It is but one motivation... Who says it's not possible that when the reality of the situation of being caught happened, he naturally went into a self defensive panic mode? How does any of that make it a government cover up? How does any of that make it inherently about government involvement? How does any of that inherently mean that the government does actually know (or did know) things about the alleged conspiracy that need to remain hidden? How does any of that mean that sealing it until a time where everyone effected is dead, makes it inherently a conspiracy...

This is all speculation that is usually clung to like religion by the conspiracy whackos... who simply live for nothing more than to have the possibility of a conspiracy....

Fortunately I think we'll eventually see all the sealed files for this in my lifetime... Unfortunately we'll keep hearing the idiot "9/11 truthers" for a long time and probably all the way thru the rest of my life
Who says he wanted fame? It is but one motivation... Who says it's not possible that when the reality of the situation of being caught happened, he naturally went into a self defensive panic mode? How does any of that make it a government cover up? How does any of that make it inherently about government involvement? How does any of that inherently mean that the government does actually know (or did know) things about the alleged conspiracy that need to remain hidden? How does any of that mean that sealing it until a time where everyone effected is dead, makes it inherently a conspiracy...

This is all speculation that is usually clung to like religion by the conspiracy whackos... who simply live for nothing more than to have the possibility of a conspiracy....

Fortunately I think we'll eventually see all the sealed files for this in my lifetime... Unfortunately we'll keep hearing the idiot "9/11 truthers" for a long time and probably all the way thru the rest of my life

Sealed findings of any kind serve to promote conspiracy rather than quash it.
I personally don't give a rats ass how it all happened. I just don't see the need to keep the truth about it from the people anymore.
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I did not see that particular special. But since the splatter evidince was brought up and explained, how did they explain the motorcycle cop to the left and rear of the motorcade getting splattered with blood and brain fluid if the shot came from the right rear?




The testimony of Bobby W. Hargis was taken at 3:20 p.m., on April 8,
1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and
Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Samuel A. Stern, assistant counsel of the
President's Commission.
Mr. STERN. Will you stand, please.
Do you solemnly swear that the evidence :you ,are about to give shall
be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mr. HARRIS. I do.
Mr. STERN. Would you state for the record your name and residence
Mr. HARGIS. Bobby W. Hargis, 1818 Adelaide, Dallas, Tex.
Mr. STERN. What is your occupation ?
Mr. HARGIS. Police officer.
Mr. STERN. How long have you been a member of the Dallas Police
Mr. HARGIS. Nine years and about 7 months.
Mr. STERN. And you are now a member of the motorcycle--
Mr. HARGIS. Division.
Mr. STERN. Division?
Mr. HARGIS. Yes.
Mr. STERN. Were you a part of the motorcade on November 22nd?
Mr. HARGIS. Yes; I was.
Mr. STERN. In what position?
Mr. HARGIS. I was at the left-hand side of the Presidential limousine.
Mr. STERN. At what part of the President's car?
Mr. HARRIS. Well..
Mr. STERN. Front, or rear?
Mr. HARGIS. Oh. Rear.
Mr. STERN. Riding next to Mrs. Kennedy ?
Mr. HARGIS. Right.
Mr. STERN. Will you describe what occurred or what you observed as the
limousine turned into Elm Street?
Mr. HARGIS. Well, at the time that the limousine turned left on Elm,
I was staying pretty well right up with the ear. Sometimes on Elm we get right
up next to it on account of the crowd, but the crowd was out down here at the
triple underpass, so, I was next to Mrs. Kennedy when I heard the first shot,
and at that time the President bent over, and Governor Connally turned around.
He was sitting directly in front of him, and a real shocked and surprised
expression on his face.
Mr. STERN. On Governor Connally's?
Mr. HARGIS. Yes; that is why I thought Governor Connally had been shot
first, but it looked like the President was bending over to hear what he had to
say, and I thought to myself then that Governor Connally, the Governor had been
hit, and then as the President raised back up like that (indicating) the shot
that killed him hit him. I don't know whether it was the second or the third
shot. Everything happened so fast.
Mr. STERN. But, you cannot now recall more than two shots?
Mr. HARGIS. That is all that I can recall remembering. Of course,
everything was moving so fast at the time that there could have been 30 more
shots that I probably never would have noticed them.
Mr. STERN. Did something happen to you, personally in connection with
the shot you have Just described?
Mr. HARGIS. You mean about the blood hitting---
Mr. STERN. Yes.


JFK EXHIBIT F-644 cont.

Mr. HARGIS. Yes; when President Kennedy straightened back up in the car
the bullet him in the head, the one that killed him and it seemed like his head
exploded, and I was splattered with blood and brain, and kind of bloody water,
It wasn't really blood. And at that time the Presidential car slowed down. I
heard somebody say, "Get going," or "get going,"
Mr. STERN. Someone inside--
Mr. HARGIS. I don't know whether it was the Secret Service car, and I
remembered seeing Officer Chaney. Chaney put his motor in first gear and
accelerated up to the front to tell them to get everything out of the way, that
he was coming through, and that is when the Presidential limousine shot off, and
I stopped and got off my motorcycle and ran to the right-hand side of the
street, behind the light pole.
Mr. STERN. Just a minute. Do you recall your impression at the time
regarding the source of the shots?
Mr. HARGIS. Well, at the time it sounded like the shots were right next
to me. There wasn't any way in the world I could ten where they were coming
from, but at the time there was something in my head that said that they
probably could have been coming from the railroad overpass, because I thought
since I had got splattered, with blood--I was Just a little back and left
of--Just a little bit back and left of Mrs. Kennedy, but I didn't know. I had a
feeling that it might have been from the Texas Book Depository, and these two
places was the primary place that could have been shot from.

I heard the Mossad took him out because JFK was vowing to block the construction of Dimona.

I doubt that. He knew that Eshkol was willfully concealing the program from him, and didn't do anything.

My suspicion falls on Fidel Castro in light of Operation Northwoods and Operation Mongoose.
If you really believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did this by himself then the only lame person here is you. Or just an idiot, take your pick

You got that right.Obviously he is the latter.He's always in denial about conspiracys.
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Uh..Oliver Stone has said JFK wasn't a true story.

Not true at all.He was just on fox news the other night being interviewed by Mike Huckabee being asked about his new movie W and they got on the subject of his other movie JFK and Stone said right there on tv on national news that he believed that it may not have been the CIA but it definetely had to be elements in the military cause they had too much at stake to lose with Kennedy making strides with other coutries establishing peaceful relations with them.

Stone has never said all the events happened exactly the way you see them in the movie.He has said that Garrison never met with Fletcher Prouty-the character that Donald Sutherland played in the movie known as Mr X,that what Sutherland said was based on things he has talked about over the years in books,ect.And of course Kevin Bacons character wasnt a real character,he was based on 3 different people in their testimony to Garrison.So of course its not entriely accurate.Read the book -JFK-the book of the film,he talks all about that.Its pretty much 95% accurate to everything that happened in the movie.Most of the things were real events that took place and based on testimony over the years like with the example of Fletcher Prouty.

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