Why Liberals fear the Tea Party


Active Member
Jan 21, 2009
Liberals continue to try and portray anyone who disagrees with them as racist/sexist/homophobe/whatever-else-ism. Why do they do that? Generally when people can't argue the facts they turn to character assassination. That makes sense because how can one argue against fiscal discipline to keep the country from going bankrupt??? I can see these same people in Nazi Germany if anyone criticized Hitler. THey'd be saying, "You just hate people with mustaches. YOU'RE A MUSTACHIST!! Or, "You hate fucking real Germans!" Or how about this liberal fave, "You just hate someone who comes in and isn't CLINGING TO THE PAST!"

Yeah, liberals are very depressing to be around. Their worldview is that everyone is trying to screw everyone else. Yet, then when Christianity tries to rally around treating your neighbor as yourself, they don't like that either...

THey are basically misanthropic elistists who think the average person is hateful and stupid and incapable of making their own decisions. Isn't that the kind of thinking that brings about totalitarians like Stalin and Hitler? And these people who basically demonize everyone have the gall to call Tea Party people on some kind of stereotyping? Good grief it must suck to be a liberal... I dare one liberal to actually ADDRESS WHAT IS WRONG WITH KEEPING THE COUNTRY FROM GOING BANKRUPT???
Liberals continue to try and portray anyone who disagrees with them as racist/sexist/homophobe/whatever-else-ism. Why do they do that? Generally when people can't argue the facts they turn to character assassination. That makes sense because how can one argue against fiscal discipline to keep the country from going bankrupt??? I can see these same people in Nazi Germany if anyone criticized Hitler. THey'd be saying, "You just hate people with mustaches. YOU'RE A MUSTACHIST!! Or, "You hate fucking real Germans!" Or how about this liberal fave, "You just hate someone who comes in and isn't CLINGING TO THE PAST!"

Yeah, liberals are very depressing to be around. Their worldview is that everyone is trying to screw everyone else. Yet, then when Christianity tries to rally around treating your neighbor as yourself, they don't like that either...

THey are basically misanthropic elistists who think the average person is hateful and stupid and incapable of making their own decisions. Isn't that the kind of thinking that brings about totalitarians like Stalin and Hitler? And these people who basically demonize everyone have the gall to call Tea Party people on some kind of stereotyping? Good grief it must suck to be a liberal... I dare one liberal to actually ADDRESS WHAT IS WRONG WITH KEEPING THE COUNTRY FROM GOING BANKRUPT???
I'm a liberal and I never pass up an opportunity to do something people tell me I can't. I'll address it. I'll also "red-tag" it and shut your argument down for code violations.

As for your "dare", there's nothing wrong with keeping the country from going bankrupt, except this is not the time to be doing shit like that. There is a time and place for everything and there are more important issues we need to deal with first, before we tackle that problem. We need to get American's back to work, then we can deal with spending cuts.

But if you like, I do have a solution to cut the deficit without cutting any entitlements. Cut the defense budget in half, end these bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last 10 years and close all these (more than 800) bases we have around the world. If a country wants our base there, then they can pay all the operating costs of keeping it there and we will send the a bill at the end of the month.

That right there, will reduce spending by over a trillion dollars a year. But that ain't gonna happen, because you're not interested into reducing spending. That's not your goal, it's your story.

Or how about this liberal fave, "You just hate someone who comes in and isn't CLINGING TO THE PAST!"
I'm a liberal and I've never thought that. Whenever someone does that, I usually whind up saying, "Why you bringing that shit up now?"

Yeah, liberals are very depressing to be around. Their worldview is that everyone is trying to screw everyone else.
That's not my worldview. As long as I get my ESPN and my friends don't fish in my pond, I could care less who they screw.

Yet, then when Christianity tries to rally around treating your neighbor as yourself, they don't like that either... .
Like you know anything about Christ. You need to accept the fact that the possibility exists, that God doesn't like you! And if Christ came back, the first thing HE'D do, is give you a long, overdue beat down, then jack your car!

Your whole post is in violation of the 9th Commandment. I know this, because I was raised a Catholic, which means I out-rank you.

THey are basically misanthropic elistists who think the average person is hateful and stupid and incapable of making their own decisions.
We only think that about the "bagger nation", who are hateful and stupid and incapable of making their own decisions.

And these people who basically demonize everyone have the gall to call Tea Party people on some kind of stereotyping?
That's because no matter what question you ask them, their answers always sound rehearsed. And they do the dumbest shit. Like protesting the raising of taxes, when they were actually lowered. Or marching on Washinton just 6 months into a new Presidents' first term. What the fuck can a President do in his first 6 months in office that would consitute a march on Washington in protest. Like I said, they're stupid. Most of them are just "hayseed-dickboy-inbred-rednecks", who think a virgin is a girl that could run faster than her brothers.
Liberals continue to try and portray anyone who disagrees with them as racist/sexist/homophobe/whatever-else-ism. Why do they do that? Generally when people can't argue the facts they turn to character assassination. That makes sense because how can one argue against fiscal discipline to keep the country from going bankrupt??? I can see these same people in Nazi Germany if anyone criticized Hitler. THey'd be saying, "You just hate people with mustaches. YOU'RE A MUSTACHIST!! Or, "You hate fucking real Germans!" Or how about this liberal fave, "You just hate someone who comes in and isn't CLINGING TO THE PAST!"

Yeah, liberals are very depressing to be around. Their worldview is that everyone is trying to screw everyone else. Yet, then when Christianity tries to rally around treating your neighbor as yourself, they don't like that either...

THey are basically misanthropic elistists who think the average person is hateful and stupid and incapable of making their own decisions. Isn't that the kind of thinking that brings about totalitarians like Stalin and Hitler? And these people who basically demonize everyone have the gall to call Tea Party people on some kind of stereotyping? Good grief it must suck to be a liberal... I dare one liberal to actually ADDRESS WHAT IS WRONG WITH KEEPING THE COUNTRY FROM GOING BANKRUPT???

What a silly post cluttered with silly and inaccurate generalizations. The Founding Fathers were Liberals and elitists. Have fun walking around with a Colonial hat with tea bags draped from it. The "Tea Party" means different things to different people and factions of that party. They also have a t least a couple of national Tea Party organizations. What Tea Party are you aligned with?
YOU: As for your "dare", there's nothing wrong with keeping the country from going bankrupt, except this is not the time to be doing shit like that. There is a time and place for everything and there are more important issues we need to deal with first, before we tackle that problem. We need to get American's back to work, then we can deal with spending cuts.

ME: We have a huge debt which will eventually have to be paid for by higher taxes. If you and I were running a business we would plan for higher taxes in the future by not producing as much because higher taxes mean less money in consumers pockets and less demand. Furthermore, the debt will probably be paid for by higher corporate taxes. If you and I were running a business and our profits were going down because of higher taxes we would be less likely to expand our business. My point is that the huge debt foreshadows much higher taxes which dampens the economy. That is why we need to address the debt immediately and it's also why in the 90s the balanced budgets led to business expansion.
YOU: The Founding Fathers were Liberals and elitists.

ME: Actually the Founding Fathers were for what liberals call "negative" freedom. That is to say, things like being left alone by an intrusive govt. That's why people came to this country. Liberals nowadays want what is called "positive" freedom which means the freedom to have health care, food, and a roof over your head. While those may be laudable goals, those aren't at all the original freedoms the founders envisioned...
YOU: The Founding Fathers were Liberals and elitists.

ME: Actually the Founding Fathers were for what liberals call "negative" freedom. That is to say, things like being left alone by an intrusive govt. That's why people came to this country. Liberals nowadays want what is called "positive" freedom which means the freedom to have health care, food, and a roof over your head. While those may be laudable goals, those aren't at all the original freedoms the founders envisioned...

There are different factions of Liberals.
YOU: There are different factions of Liberals.

ME: Ok fair point, but don't you think the overwhelming percentage of liberals believe in positive freedom??
Liberals continue to try and portray anyone who disagrees with them as racist/sexist/homophobe/whatever-else-ism. Why do they do that? Generally when people can't argue the facts they turn to character assassination. That makes sense because how can one argue against fiscal discipline to keep the country from going bankrupt??? I can see these same people in Nazi Germany if anyone criticized Hitler. THey'd be saying, "You just hate people with mustaches. YOU'RE A MUSTACHIST!! Or, "You hate fucking real Germans!" Or how about this liberal fave, "You just hate someone who comes in and isn't CLINGING TO THE PAST!"

Yeah, liberals are very depressing to be around. Their worldview is that everyone is trying to screw everyone else. Yet, then when Christianity tries to rally around treating your neighbor as yourself, they don't like that either...

THey are basically misanthropic elistists who think the average person is hateful and stupid and incapable of making their own decisions. Isn't that the kind of thinking that brings about totalitarians like Stalin and Hitler? And these people who basically demonize everyone have the gall to call Tea Party people on some kind of stereotyping? Good grief it must suck to be a liberal... I dare one liberal to actually ADDRESS WHAT IS WRONG WITH KEEPING THE COUNTRY FROM GOING BANKRUPT???

A very well reasoned and thought-out post.
It packs logic, reasoning, research and real-world examples into an almost impossibly concise missive.
It's a pocket-sized analysis that is eminently portable, that's accuracy is beyond question and the author deserves a badge...A BADGE I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ME: We have a huge debt which will eventually have to be paid for by higher taxes. If you and I were running a business we would plan for higher taxes in the future by not producing as much because higher taxes mean less money in consumers pockets and less demand. Furthermore, the debt will probably be paid for by higher corporate taxes. If you and I were running a business and our profits were going down because of higher taxes we would be less likely to expand our business. My point is that the huge debt foreshadows much higher taxes which dampens the economy. That is why we need to address the debt immediately and it's also why in the 90s the balanced budgets led to business expansion.
That's all bullshit! Corporations are sitting on $6 trillion in record profits and not expanding their businesses. That's because there is no demand. 70% of the economy, is consumer spending. In a capitolist system, the only thing the economy requires, is spending. Doesn't matter if it is a "private dollar", or a "public dollar", as long as spending occurs, the economy will grow.

Businesses will produce anything there is a demand for. If someone is buying their product or service, higher taxes is not going to stop them from selling it. Company's do not voluntarily choose to ignore opportunity's, due to overhead costs.

As far as higher taxes, I don't like some rich asshole paying 15% tax rates on capitol gains and dividends, when I'm stuck paying 25% of my income. If I gotta pay 25, then they gotta pay 25.
A very well reasoned and thought-out post.
It packs logic, reasoning, research and real-world examples into an almost impossibly concise missive.
It's a pocket-sized analysis that is eminently portable, that's accuracy is beyond question and the author deserves a badge...A BADGE I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What planet you from?

I'm a liberal and I don't think any of that shit.

So apparently, there's one question it's not beyond.
YOU: There are different factions of Liberals.

ME: Ok fair point, but don't you think the overwhelming percentage of liberals believe in positive freedom??
The problem is, there are a lot of people in this country that think "freedom" means the complete and total abscence of responsibility.
ME: We have a huge debt which will eventually have to be paid for by higher taxes. If you and I were running a business we would plan for higher taxes in the future by not producing as much because higher taxes mean less money in consumers pockets and less demand. Furthermore, the debt will probably be paid for by higher corporate taxes. If you and I were running a business and our profits were going down because of higher taxes we would be less likely to expand our business. My point is that the huge debt foreshadows much higher taxes which dampens the economy. That is why we need to address the debt immediately and it's also why in the 90s the balanced budgets led to business expansion.
That's all bullshit! Corporations are sitting on $6 trillion in record profits and not expanding their businesses. That's because there is no demand. 70% of the economy, is consumer spending. In a capitolist system, the only thing the economy requires, is spending. Doesn't matter if it is a "private dollar", or a "public dollar", as long as spending occurs, the economy will grow.

Businesses will produce anything there is a demand for. If someone is buying their product or service, higher taxes is not going to stop them from selling it. Company's do not voluntarily choose to ignore opportunity's, due to overhead costs.

As far as higher taxes, I don't like some rich asshole paying 15% tax rates on capitol gains and dividends, when I'm stuck paying 25% of my income. If I gotta pay 25, then they gotta pay 25.

Liberals continue to try and portray anyone who disagrees with them as racist/sexist/homophobe/whatever-else-ism. Why do they do that? Generally when people can't argue the facts they turn to character assassination. That makes sense because how can one argue against fiscal discipline to keep the country from going bankrupt??? I can see these same people in Nazi Germany if anyone criticized Hitler. THey'd be saying, "You just hate people with mustaches. YOU'RE A MUSTACHIST!! Or, "You hate fucking real Germans!" Or how about this liberal fave, "You just hate someone who comes in and isn't CLINGING TO THE PAST!"

Yeah, liberals are very depressing to be around. Their worldview is that everyone is trying to screw everyone else. Yet, then when Christianity tries to rally around treating your neighbor as yourself, they don't like that either...

THey are basically misanthropic elistists who think the average person is hateful and stupid and incapable of making their own decisions. Isn't that the kind of thinking that brings about totalitarians like Stalin and Hitler? And these people who basically demonize everyone have the gall to call Tea Party people on some kind of stereotyping? Good grief it must suck to be a liberal... I dare one liberal to actually ADDRESS WHAT IS WRONG WITH KEEPING THE COUNTRY FROM GOING BANKRUPT???

A very well reasoned and thought-out post.
It packs logic, reasoning, research and real-world examples into an almost impossibly concise missive.
It's a pocket-sized analysis that is eminently portable, that's accuracy is beyond question and the author deserves a badge...A BADGE I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you. I don't completely understand liberal motivation but am trying...
A very well reasoned and thought-out post.
It packs logic, reasoning, research and real-world examples into an almost impossibly concise missive.
It's a pocket-sized analysis that is eminently portable, that's accuracy is beyond question and the author deserves a badge...A BADGE I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What planet you from?

I'm a liberal and I don't think any of that shit.

So apparently, there's one question it's not beyond.

Oh come on, if you're a liberal you obviously love Hitler and Nazi Germany - so he's right in that regard.
You also hate America and want it to go bankrupt...everyone knows that.

So maybe you don't have anything against moustaches but everything else is accurate.
Oh come on, if you're a liberal you obviously love Hitler and Nazi Germany - so he's right in that regard.
You also hate America and want it to go bankrupt...everyone knows that.

So maybe you don't have anything against moustaches but everything else is accurate.
Why would I love Hitler and Nazi Germany? Care to explain your logic on that one?

As far as hating America, I'll wager you support these two wars we've been fighting for the last decade. If you do, then you're okay with spending over a trillion US tax payer dollars, in someone else's god-damn country, with no direct benefit for average American's. Where I come from, when you support things that are harmful to your countryman, that's pretty hateful towards America.
ME: We have a huge debt which will eventually have to be paid for by higher taxes. If you and I were running a business we would plan for higher taxes in the future by not producing as much because higher taxes mean less money in consumers pockets and less demand. Furthermore, the debt will probably be paid for by higher corporate taxes. If you and I were running a business and our profits were going down because of higher taxes we would be less likely to expand our business. My point is that the huge debt foreshadows much higher taxes which dampens the economy. That is why we need to address the debt immediately and it's also why in the 90s the balanced budgets led to business expansion.
That's all bullshit! Corporations are sitting on $6 trillion in record profits and not expanding their businesses. That's because there is no demand. 70% of the economy, is consumer spending. In a capitolist system, the only thing the economy requires, is spending. Doesn't matter if it is a "private dollar", or a "public dollar", as long as spending occurs, the economy will grow.

Businesses will produce anything there is a demand for. If someone is buying their product or service, higher taxes is not going to stop them from selling it. Company's do not voluntarily choose to ignore opportunity's, due to overhead costs.

As far as higher taxes, I don't like some rich asshole paying 15% tax rates on capitol gains and dividends, when I'm stuck paying 25% of my income. If I gotta pay 25, then they gotta pay 25.

Liberals continue to try and portray anyone who disagrees with them as racist/sexist/homophobe/whatever-else-ism. Why do they do that? Generally when people can't argue the facts they turn to character assassination. That makes sense because how can one argue against fiscal discipline to keep the country from going bankrupt??? I can see these same people in Nazi Germany if anyone criticized Hitler. THey'd be saying, "You just hate people with mustaches. YOU'RE A MUSTACHIST!! Or, "You hate fucking real Germans!" Or how about this liberal fave, "You just hate someone who comes in and isn't CLINGING TO THE PAST!"

Yeah, liberals are very depressing to be around. Their worldview is that everyone is trying to screw everyone else. Yet, then when Christianity tries to rally around treating your neighbor as yourself, they don't like that either...

THey are basically misanthropic elistists who think the average person is hateful and stupid and incapable of making their own decisions. Isn't that the kind of thinking that brings about totalitarians like Stalin and Hitler? And these people who basically demonize everyone have the gall to call Tea Party people on some kind of stereotyping? Good grief it must suck to be a liberal... I dare one liberal to actually ADDRESS WHAT IS WRONG WITH KEEPING THE COUNTRY FROM GOING BANKRUPT???

A very well reasoned and thought-out post.
It packs logic, reasoning, research and real-world examples into an almost impossibly concise missive.
It's a pocket-sized analysis that is eminently portable, that's accuracy is beyond question and the author deserves a badge...A BADGE I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you. I don't completely understand liberal motivation but am trying...

You seem to understand plenty and you've cleverly distilled the whole liberal mind down to a size that will fit between the commercials.
That's important to get the message out to the real America.
YOU: As for your "dare", there's nothing wrong with keeping the country from going bankrupt, except this is not the time to be doing shit like that. There is a time and place for everything and there are more important issues we need to deal with first, before we tackle that problem. We need to get American's back to work, then we can deal with spending cuts.

ME: We have a huge debt which will eventually have to be paid for by higher taxes. If you and I were running a business we would plan for higher taxes in the future by not producing as much because higher taxes mean less money in consumers pockets and less demand. Furthermore, the debt will probably be paid for by higher corporate taxes. If you and I were running a business and our profits were going down because of higher taxes we would be less likely to expand our business. My point is that the huge debt foreshadows much higher taxes which dampens the economy. That is why we need to address the debt immediately and it's also why in the 90s the balanced budgets led to business expansion.


Prioritizing jobs and the economy is the intelligent, appropriate approach. Once Americans are back to work and the economy recovered, we can address the issue of the deficit.

Conservatives advocate addressing the deficit first predicated on rightist economic dogma, not the facts, and are clearly unaware that attempting to address the deficit now could jeopardize the recovering economy.

We have a huge deficit the consequence of conservatives expanding the size of government and enacting unwarranted, ill-advised tax cuts; given the fact it was a republican president and Congress who squandered a budget surplus, you’ll understand why few give credence to conservative economic dogma.
ME: We have a huge debt which will eventually have to be paid for by higher taxes. If you and I were running a business we would plan for higher taxes in the future by not producing as much because higher taxes mean less money in consumers pockets and less demand. Furthermore, the debt will probably be paid for by higher corporate taxes. If you and I were running a business and our profits were going down because of higher taxes we would be less likely to expand our business. My point is that the huge debt foreshadows much higher taxes which dampens the economy. That is why we need to address the debt immediately and it's also why in the 90s the balanced budgets led to business expansion.
That's all bullshit! Corporations are sitting on $6 trillion in record profits and not expanding their businesses. That's because there is no demand. 70% of the economy, is consumer spending. In a capitolist system, the only thing the economy requires, is spending. Doesn't matter if it is a "private dollar", or a "public dollar", as long as spending occurs, the economy will grow.

Businesses will produce anything there is a demand for. If someone is buying their product or service, higher taxes is not going to stop them from selling it. Company's do not voluntarily choose to ignore opportunity's, due to overhead costs.

As far as higher taxes, I don't like some rich asshole paying 15% tax rates on capitol gains and dividends, when I'm stuck paying 25% of my income. If I gotta pay 25, then they gotta pay 25.

Maybe if you risked some of your income, you'd have capital gains and dividends to show for it. That's the reward for taking risk.

Kohl's is opening a new store near me. Why would they do that if there's no demand?
BTW I'm sure they've incurred much more than just "overhead costs" in constructing, stocking, and staffing that building.

Obama has done nothing these past four years towards creating an environment and climate that would incourage business to invest in job-creating ventures. The word "uncertainty" pops up whenever there's discussion of the economy.

Obama is a non-leader and a pretend President.
YOU: That's all bullshit! Corporations are sitting on $6 trillion in record profits and not expanding their businesses. That's because there is no demand. 70% of the economy, is consumer spending. In a capitolist system, the only thing the economy requires, is spending. Doesn't matter if it is a "private dollar", or a "public dollar", as long as spending occurs, the economy will grow.

ME: Yes, it does matter if it's private or public spending. The public spending comes from taxes from consumers and, therefore, reduces consumer demand. For instance, the top rates are already up, so if we were a yacht builder company, we would NOT build as many ships. We might lay people off. In fact, that's what happened some years back with the luxury tax. Furthermore, businesses and consumers fund business, not the other way around. So first we have to have a healthy economy so there is some revenue to tax. If we were to say that private spending and public spending are interchangeable then let's just raise govt spending 100 fold to make sure everyone's employed. You and I both know that woudl be disastrous...

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