Why Liberals fear the Tea Party

YOU: You got a 1000 people un-employed in the area and the project comes along and they're back in the workforce collecting paychecks.

ME: No. You took money from consumers thru higher taxes and then gave it to a project somewhere else. That's at best taking water from one side of the lake and moving it to another. But it's not even simply a transfer. When you Rob from Peter to pay Paul you distort the market and create problems such as lowering consumer demand and wasting business momentum and create waste. When they passed the luxury tax, it hurt yacht builders and many working people at the plant were laid off. That creates inefficiencies in the economy. If the shipbuilder knew of the tax to start with they wouldn't have wasted capital to create something that became unprofitable.

YOU: All businesses care about is a positive cash flow. If consumers are spending less, then businesses have more stock on their shelves and when their shelves are full, they don't expand

ME: EXACTLY!! You're making my argument for me. When you raise taxes on consumers, they spend less and inventory increases and people either aren't hired or they are laid off.

YOU: You're increasing the size of the lake.

ME: I see so when the govt takes $100 from consumers in state A and then spend it in state B that increases funds???? Illogical...

YOU: Rolling back tax rates to the level during the Clinton Administration, when we had 8 years of boon times, proves that argument false.

ME: Actually the economy performed in spite of increased taxes. Think about it. If you and I ran a business and corporate taxes went up to 80% from 10% we would make a LOT less profit. We, therefore, would be a lot less likely to hire new people. Similarly, if consumers come into our store with less money, they will spend less money. So by definition raising taxes slows down economic growth. How you can argue that having lower consumer demand helps businesses is beyond me...

Again, if you think doing all kinds of govt spending helps the economy then why didn't high govt spending countries do better for the most part? Also, why has Obama's stimulus not worked? Why has Japan's stimulus not worked? Why did FDR's stimulus not work? Answer, because they simply transferred funds from one part of the economy to another without regard to market forces or common sense. I'd rather have the average person decide what to spend, then have make work govt programs such as the bridge to nowhere. Or cash for clunkers. How does buying unnessary goods help the economy?? That shows a basic lack of understanding of economics. If that worked, then let's just drop a nuclear bomb on Detroit, and then STIMULATE the economy by rebuilding. GOVT SPENDING TAKES MONEY FROM CONSUMERS AND BUSINESS IT DOESN"T CREATE ANYTHING
Why Liberals fear the Tea Party


THESE clowns??!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUPMjC9mq5Y]9.12 DC TEA PARTY - March Footage with Interviews - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fevga9jUC48]9.12 DC TEA PARTY - Interview B-Roll - YouTube[/ame]

IMHO the reason Liberals [aka Democrats] fear the Tea Party is that it's NOT a political party! It's a coalition of individuals who have formed to oppose what they see as attacks against the basis of this country.

To oppose the "party" is easier than trying to single out the many individuals who work with and organize the small groups all over the country.:eusa_whistle:
lol, why is the tea party making asses of themselves and hurting their image in politics? Now the GOP is struggling and desperate thanks to the tea party.

The Tea Party is the exact reason why Obama was re-elected.

Obama was re-Elected because enough Drones bought into his bullshit, and enough of his opposition was disheartened enough to just stay home on Election Day.
Obama was re-Elected because enough Drones bought into his bullshit, and enough of his opposition was disheartened enough to just stay home on Election Day.
Obama was re-elected because the republican right left planet earth and now resides in Alex lost in Wonderland.
The Constitution covers dumbasses too.
If you hate dumbasses then you must hate the Constitution!
You really are a liberal!
I wasn't taking away their Constitutional rights, I was saying the way they are using them, is fucked and harmful to the country.
ME: No. You took money from consumers thru higher taxes and then gave it to a project somewhere else. That's at best taking water from one side of the lake and moving it to another. But it's not even simply a transfer. When you Rob from Peter to pay Paul you distort the market and create problems such as lowering consumer demand and wasting business momentum and create waste. When they passed the luxury tax, it hurt yacht builders and many working people at the plant were laid off. That creates inefficiencies in the economy. If the shipbuilder knew of the tax to start with they wouldn't have wasted capital to create something that became unprofitable.
I'm not robbing Peter, I'm forcing him to pay the same tax rate as Paul. It's unfair to Paul, for Peter to pay 10% less in taxes.

ME: EXACTLY!! You're making my argument for me. When you raise taxes on consumers, they spend less and inventory increases and people either aren't hired or they are laid off.
Taxes are not being raised, they going back to their previous rates for those making over $250K a year. Peter's taxes remain unchanged. Paul's taxes are being changed to correct an imbalance in the system.

ME: I see so when the govt takes $100 from consumers in state A and then spend it in state B that increases funds???? Illogical...
Not if you're in state B?

ME: Actually the economy performed in spite of increased taxes. Think about it. If you and I ran a business and corporate taxes went up to 80% from 10% we would make a LOT less profit. We, therefore, would be a lot less likely to hire new people. Similarly, if consumers come into our store with less money, they will spend less money. So by definition raising taxes slows down economic growth. How you can argue that having lower consumer demand helps businesses is beyond me...
If you have consumers coming in with half the money they had before, but twice the amount of consumers you had before, what's the difference?
Again, if you think doing all kinds of govt spending helps the economy then why didn't high govt spending countries do better for the most part? Also, why has Obama's stimulus not worked? Why has Japan's stimulus not worked? Why did FDR's stimulus not work? Answer, because they simply transferred funds from one part of the economy to another without regard to market forces or common sense. I'd rather have the average person decide what to spend, then have make work govt programs such as the bridge to nowhere. Or cash for clunkers. How does buying unnessary goods help the economy?? That shows a basic lack of understanding of economics. If that worked, then let's just drop a nuclear bomb on Detroit, and then STIMULATE the economy by rebuilding. GOVT SPENDING TAKES MONEY FROM CONSUMERS AND BUSINESS IT DOESN"T CREATE ANYTHING
I'm all for not spending taxpayer dollars unecessarily, but when I start giving examples of unecessary spending, all I get from the right, is crickets. Which tells me, you're not really interested in reducing spending.

Explain to me, why the following spending of taxpayer dollars is necessary:

  • paying the Taliban to guard our convoys out to remote outposts
  • maintaining over 800 bases around the world
  • funding these illegal and immoral wars at $12 billion a month
  • funding drone terrorism in other country's
Why are we paying to re-constuct the infrastructure of country's we just got done bombing back to the stone-age? Are you okay with paying for the infrastructure in other country's, but it is not okay in this country?

You keep saying we need to reduce spending, yet you say nothing about reducing the defense budget. If you're not interested in reducing the defense budget, then you're not serious about reducing spending.

Rand Paul is the leader of the Tea Party and he is anti-war. To paint the Tea Party as pro-war is absurd.


From a guy who quotes alex jones. He is a fucking nut who actually said the government controls the weather.

I say it again, Alex jones is a fucking nut but smart. He banks on idiots like you.

Rand Paul is the leader of the Tea Party and he is anti-war. To paint the Tea Party as pro-war is absurd.


From a guy who quotes alex jones. He is a fucking nut who actually said the government controls the weather.

I say it again, Alex jones is a fucking nut but smart. He banks on idiots like you.

Alex Jones got that information from an expert insider, you're an idiot, you have no knowledge.

"Veteran weather modification expert Ben Livingston is a former Navy Physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960′s during the Vietnam era, when he was involved in cloud seeding programs that worked to slow down the advance of Vietnamese and Korean troops. Livingston asserts that asserts that hurricane control was a national priority of the government more than 40 years ago and that the technology was fully operational to control the weather at the time."

Former Naval Weapons Lab Physicist and Weather Modification Expert Reveals That Government knows All About How to Control Hurricanes


Rand Paul is the leader of the Tea Party and he is anti-war. To paint the Tea Party as pro-war is absurd.


From a guy who quotes alex jones. He is a fucking nut who actually said the government controls the weather.

I say it again, Alex jones is a fucking nut but smart. He banks on idiots like you.

Alex Jones got that information from an expert insider, you're an idiot, you have no knowledge.

"Veteran weather modification expert Ben Livingston is a former Navy Physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960′s during the Vietnam era, when he was involved in cloud seeding programs that worked to slow down the advance of Vietnamese and Korean troops. Livingston asserts that asserts that hurricane control was a national priority of the government more than 40 years ago and that the technology was fully operational to control the weather at the time."

Former Naval Weapons Lab Physicist and Weather Modification Expert Reveals That Government knows All About How to Control Hurricanes


The last time he was in New York, he reported how some guys in were following him. He said that a "sudden" wind came up to move their jackets to show they had guns and we all know why the wind blew at that instant.

Are you fucking kidding me.

He is a fucking nut and so are his "fans". The government does not control the fucking weather dumb ass. If they did, why would there be storms that destroy homes, blocks, hell towns? Because they want people dependent on relief money?
Fucking conspiracy nuts make me sick. But I digress. Tea partiers, continue please. You are destroying the republican party and guarantee us a win in 2016.
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