Why Liberals fear the Tea Party

You seem to understand plenty and you've cleverly distilled the whole liberal mind down to a size that will fit between the commercials.
That's important to get the message out to the real America.
Do you not see the inherent flaws in treating a large segment of the population as if they all were one entity, with one mind set and one common goal?
As far as higher taxes, I don't like some rich asshole paying 15% tax rates on capitol gains and dividends, when I'm stuck paying 25% of my income. If I gotta pay 25, then they gotta pay 25.

Great! So we can agree on a flat tax rate for everybody?
Oh come on, if you're a liberal you obviously love Hitler and Nazi Germany - so he's right in that regard.
You also hate America and want it to go bankrupt...everyone knows that.

So maybe you don't have anything against moustaches but everything else is accurate.
Why would I love Hitler and Nazi Germany? Care to explain your logic on that one?

As far as hating America, I'll wager you support these two wars we've been fighting for the last decade. If you do, then you're okay with spending over a trillion US tax payer dollars, in someone else's god-damn country, with no direct benefit for average American's. Where I come from, when you support things that are harmful to your countryman, that's pretty hateful towards America.

Why would I love Hitler and Nazi Germany?
You're a liberal...therefore...
Don't you watch telly?
And Dorkazoid's statement about liberals and Stalin is intuitively accurate.

As far as no direct benefit to Americans from the two wars...have there been any more attacks on US soil since they were started?
And don't forget the Iraqi WMDs and links to Al Qaeda that the lamestream media tried to discredit!
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Fear the Tea Party just like we feared Sarah Palin, huh?

Quaking in my boots.
YOU : Nonsense. Prioritizing jobs and the economy is the intelligent, appropriate approach. Once Americans are back to work and the economy recovered, we can address the issue of the deficit.

ME: Actually you're reasoning is circular. The mountainous debt has businesses being tentative because they know higher taxes are coming and will lower consumer demand. Why do you think that there is so much money on the sidelines?? We could lower taxes temporarily which would give consumers more money to spend, but businesses will still be tentative knowing that higher taxes are inevitiably coming and will dampen consumer demand. Or worse yet, the govt will raise corporate taxes which increase costs to business which would be another reason not to hire people.

YOU: Conservatives advocate addressing the deficit first predicated on rightist economic dogma,"

ME: As opposed to the wrongist economic dogma...

Again, your reasoning is circular. To follow your idea we should expand the govt to 100 million people and increase govt spending a 100 times. Where has that ever worked?? The govt doesn't create jobs, it takes funds from consumers who get their money from business. I think you're having cause and effect dyslexia. We don't buy shitloads of umbrellas and open them up so that it will rain...
ME: Yes, it does matter if it's private or public spending. The public spending comes from taxes from consumers and, therefore, reduces consumer demand.
It doesn't reduce demand! If the government issues an infrastructure project for repairing a bridge in Evensville, Indiana, that boosts the entire economy of that whole area. You got a 1000 people that now have jobs. With jobs comes paychecks. When people get paychecks, they spend them. When they spend them, that increases demand. When demand goes up, businesses expand and hire more employees. Then you have more people collecting paychecks.

For instance, the top rates are already up, so if we were a yacht builder company, we would NOT build as many ships. We might lay people off. In fact, that's what happened some years back with the luxury tax.
If your a yacht builder and people were buying your boats, you'd be building them.

Furthermore, businesses and consumers fund business, not the other way around.
That doesn't sound right. It's a little too circular for me.

So first we have to have a healthy economy so there is some revenue to tax. If we were to say that private spending and public spending are interchangeable then let's just raise govt spending 100 fold to make sure everyone's employed. You and I both know that woudl be disastrous...
You get your revenue to tax, by the increased labor force and closing loopholes that allow corporations to off-load their profits off-shore.

Private spending and public spending are not interchangable, they're related. If the private sector won't expand the economy by hiring more workers, then the public sector has to step in and do that for them. The most important thing is getting American's back to work. As soon as that occurs, the private sector will take over and do what they've been designed to do, in this capitolist system we've created. Then and only then, can we turn our attention to the deficit and start cutting costs.

But I will say this, deficit reduction starts with the defense budget. Anyone who doesn't have that as their No.1 cut, is not really serious about reducing the debt at all.
lol, why is the tea party making asses of themselves and hurting their image in politics? Now the GOP is struggling and desperate thanks to the tea party.

The Tea Party is the exact reason why Obama was re-elected.
Oh come on, if you're a liberal you obviously love Hitler and Nazi Germany - so he's right in that regard.
You also hate America and want it to go bankrupt...everyone knows that.

So maybe you don't have anything against moustaches but everything else is accurate.
Why would I love Hitler and Nazi Germany? Care to explain your logic on that one?

As far as hating America, I'll wager you support these two wars we've been fighting for the last decade. If you do, then you're okay with spending over a trillion US tax payer dollars, in someone else's god-damn country, with no direct benefit for average American's. Where I come from, when you support things that are harmful to your countryman, that's pretty hateful towards America.

I hate America? I'm not a liberal saying the average American is stupid and needs the govt to tell old Jethro and Jethra what to do. THAT is hating American citizens and IS hating America. Totalitarians belittle the average citizen as well to justify their govt control. That's why liberals have some eerie overlap with Hitler and Stalin -- particularly Stalin. Le'ts expand govt spending a thousand fold like Russia and everyone will be equal -- equally poor...
Fear the Tea Party just like we feared Sarah Palin, huh?

Quaking in my boots.

well ok good great wonderful:rolleyes:
simple mind
I don't fear Palin, I wanna fuck her!

You can say whatever you want to about her politics, but the fact is, she's a hottie!

To each his own. I find plenty of conservatives hot. I like Megyn Kelly. Much better than all the other blonde bimbos they have on that network. Not into blondes at all, but I really like Megyn Kelly. Very attractive.

Sarah Palin though... nah. Not a political thing, just don't have any sense of attraction there. Not unattractive to me, just indifferent. Not into those cheekbones at all.

Politics has no place in physical attraction. Nobody is more physically attractive or less attractive because of their political choice. If anybody thinks so, they're an idiot. It's all just down to personal preferences.
Oh come on, if you're a liberal you obviously love Hitler and Nazi Germany - so he's right in that regard.
You also hate America and want it to go bankrupt...everyone knows that.

So maybe you don't have anything against moustaches but everything else is accurate.
Why would I love Hitler and Nazi Germany? Care to explain your logic on that one?

As far as hating America, I'll wager you support these two wars we've been fighting for the last decade. If you do, then you're okay with spending over a trillion US tax payer dollars, in someone else's god-damn country, with no direct benefit for average American's. Where I come from, when you support things that are harmful to your countryman, that's pretty hateful towards America.

I hate America? I'm not a liberal saying the average American is stupid and needs the govt to tell old Jethro and Jethra what to do. THAT is hating American citizens and IS hating America. Totalitarians belittle the average citizen as well to justify their govt control. That's why liberals have some eerie overlap with Hitler and Stalin -- particularly Stalin. Le'ts expand govt spending a thousand fold like Russia and everyone will be equal -- equally poor...

Yeah, what is it about liberals and Stalin?
Are you sure that Russian spending is only a thousand times more than the US?
lol, why is the tea party making asses of themselves and hurting their image in politics? Now the GOP is struggling and desperate thanks to the tea party.

The Tea Party is the exact reason why Obama was re-elected.

And Obama is the exact reason why the TPM exists.

What do you know.

Radical Conservatism wants it their way or the high way.

Why can't we have some republicans who actually think with their brains and aren't focused on $$$?
YOU: If the government issues an infrastructure project for repairing a bridge in Evensville, Indiana, that boosts the entire economy of that whole area.

ME: No. Again, the govt has to get the money from somewhere for projects. Where does it get the money from?? That's right it gets it from taxes which have to come from somewhere. Generally the taxes come from citizens who then have less to spend at Walmart, the local gas station and on housing. If you are a business and you see taxes are going to go up, you know consumers have less money in their pockets and will be spending less. In short, you're taking funds out of the main economy to fund some special project. Your basically taking water from one side of the lake in a bucket and dumping it on the other side of the lake and saying you did something. But it's worse than that. When you artificially suppress demand and move it somewhere else, you make it hard for businesses to figure out what to do. Thus all this money on the sidelines right now. Again, govt would have no funds to spend if it wasn't for business, but the reverse isn't true. If the govt had no money businesses would still provide jobs. That is why your argument is circular. You're taking from business who are the ORIGINAL JOB CREATORS and act like you've created something when the govt takes their money and moves it somewhere else. If govt spending really worked at creating lots of jobs, why don't Cuba, Russia and most state controlled countries have great economies??? This is the problem with liberalism, it believes that the govt can create jobs. The govt DOES NOT create jobs. It takes revenue out of the economy and moves it somewhere else and often does so in an inefficient way. If thats not true, then let's have Detroit's govt hire a million clerks to work in the govt at 100k per job and see if that helps that economy in the long run...
I hate America?
I do believe I stated conditions and left it up to the reader to determine if the shoe fit.

I'm not a liberal saying the average American is stupid and needs the govt to tell old Jethro and Jethra what to do. THAT is hating American citizens and IS hating America. Totalitarians belittle the average citizen as well to justify their govt control. That's why liberals have some eerie overlap with Hitler and Stalin -- particularly Stalin. Le'ts expand govt spending a thousand fold like Russia and everyone will be equal -- equally poor...
I say these American's are stupid, because they are. They say the most dumbass shit! It's embarassing. To think you should participate in the governing of this country, without educating yourself on the real issues we need to address and basically living in a fantasyland of non-reality.
I hate America?
I do believe I stated conditions and left it up to the reader to determine if the shoe fit.

I'm not a liberal saying the average American is stupid and needs the govt to tell old Jethro and Jethra what to do. THAT is hating American citizens and IS hating America. Totalitarians belittle the average citizen as well to justify their govt control. That's why liberals have some eerie overlap with Hitler and Stalin -- particularly Stalin. Le'ts expand govt spending a thousand fold like Russia and everyone will be equal -- equally poor...
I say these American's are stupid, because they are. They say the most dumbass shit! It's embarassing. To think you should participate in the governing of this country, without educating yourself on the real issues we need to address and basically living in a fantasyland of non-reality.

The Constitution covers dumbasses too.
If you hate dumbasses then you must hate the Constitution!
You really are a liberal!
What do you mean no? You got a 1000 people un-employed in the area and the project comes along and they're back in the workforce collecting paychecks.

Again, the govt has to get the money from somewhere for projects. Where does it get the money from?? That's right it gets it from taxes which have to come from somewhere. Generally the taxes come from citizens who then have less to spend at Walmart, the local gas station and on housing.
It comes from citizens who should be paying taxes in the first place. That's one of the ways you support this country. That's one of the ways a citizen contributes.

If you are a business and you see taxes are going to go up, you know consumers have less money in their pockets and will be spending less.
All businesses care about is a positive cash flow. If consumers are spending less, then businesses have more stock on their shelves and when their shelves are full, they don't expand. When their shelves get empty, they hire more employees and start expanding to fill their shelves up again.

In short, you're taking funds out of the main economy to fund some special project.
There is no economy without consumer spending. When you add 1000 people to the work force, that is not a reduction in the economy.

Your basically taking water from one side of the lake in a bucket and dumping it on the other side of the lake and saying you did something. But it's worse than that.
No. You're increasing the size of the lake.

When you artificially suppress demand and move it somewhere else, you make it hard for businesses to figure out what to do.
There is no demand when people are un-employed. They have no money to create demand.

Thus all this money on the sidelines right now. Again, govt would have no funds to spend if it wasn't for business,.
Oh really? GE made a billion dollars last year in profits and payed zero tax.

but the reverse isn't true. If the govt had no money businesses would still provide jobs. ,.
And when businesses don't provide jobs, what happens then?

That is why your argument is circular. You're taking from business who are the ORIGINAL JOB CREATORS and act like you've created something when the govt takes their money and moves it somewhere else. ,.
They are not job creators! Rolling back tax rates to the level during the Clinton Administration, when we had 8 years of boon times, proves that argument false.

If govt spending really worked at creating lots of jobs, why don't Cuba, Russia and most state controlled countries have great economies??? ,.
Because they don't have Britney Spears, we do.

This is the problem with liberalism, it believes that the govt can create jobs. The govt DOES NOT create jobs. It takes revenue out of the economy and moves it somewhere else and often does so in an inefficient way. If thats not true, then let's have Detroit's govt hire a million clerks to work in the govt at 100k per job and see if that helps that economy in the long run...
You add a 1000 people to the work force, that is job creation.

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