Why most Republican candidates are phonies on illegal immigration.

In other words you inhabit the small minority wing of antiAmerica.
Well, It is interesting that you support lawlessness. I wonder if you would support gangbangers (I am not referring to illegal aliens) running amok robbing you blind. After all, according to your view, nothing is wrong with braking the law. If you can break one law with impunity you can break all of them.
You put words in my mouth I did not say or infer, whereas I refrained from commenting on "braking". You wish to deny the heritage of America, that we are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Of the some 20,000 Texicans in 1835, almost 90% of them were dixebacks having swum the Red and Sabine rivers illegally. A majority of Pubs, Dens, and Independents each realize that a path to legal residency is a good way to resolve this issue. The better way is to the pathway and death sentences on businesses hiring illegally and forfeiture and fines on dividends earned during the period of illegal activity.
I agree on that one Jake. I understand the need for the labor they provide. I just don't like the terminology of "undocumented immigrants" Name them as they are, work out a "guest worker" program, don't provide taxpayer benefit until they pay taxes and such.
Undocumented do not get taxpayer benefits. They are not eligible for food stamps, welfare, unemployment, medical assistance, medicare, social security, etc. The only thing they might get is medical care to save their lives at a hospital. Do you object to that as well?

The truth is Rightwingers believes that Obama are giving them all that benefits.
Well, apparently they do.
"Typically, any proof an illegal alien provides as evidence of legal status, regardless of its fraudulent nature, will satisfy social services agencies that determine the person's benefit eligibility because an intake clerk simply cannot make the determination that someone is an illegal alien. Therefore, the law is usually overlooked and illegal aliens manage to qualify for state and local benefits."
What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive New York State Senate
"Just because illegal aliens are not legally entitled to these benefits does not mean they do not apply for them. Yes. It is true that illegal aliens have received grants, professional accreditations, loans, WIC, disability, public housing, college educations, food stamps, unemployment benefits, and tax credits from state and federal agencies."

Law Dictionary: Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?
Well, It is interesting that you support lawlessness. I wonder if you would support gangbangers (I am not referring to illegal aliens) running amok robbing you blind. After all, according to your view, nothing is wrong with braking the law. If you can break one law with impunity you can break all of them.
You put words in my mouth I did not say or infer, whereas I refrained from commenting on "braking". You wish to deny the heritage of America, that we are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Of the some 20,000 Texicans in 1835, almost 90% of them were dixebacks having swum the Red and Sabine rivers illegally. A majority of Pubs, Dens, and Independents each realize that a path to legal residency is a good way to resolve this issue. The better way is to the pathway and death sentences on businesses hiring illegally and forfeiture and fines on dividends earned during the period of illegal activity.
I agree on that one Jake. I understand the need for the labor they provide. I just don't like the terminology of "undocumented immigrants" Name them as they are, work out a "guest worker" program, don't provide taxpayer benefit until they pay taxes and such.
Undocumented do not get taxpayer benefits. They are not eligible for food stamps, welfare, unemployment, medical assistance, medicare, social security, etc. The only thing they might get is medical care to save their lives at a hospital. Do you object to that as well?

The truth is Rightwingers believes that Obama are giving them all that benefits.
Well, apparently they do.
"Typically, any proof an illegal alien provides as evidence of legal status, regardless of its fraudulent nature, will satisfy social services agencies that determine the person's benefit eligibility because an intake clerk simply cannot make the determination that someone is an illegal alien. Therefore, the law is usually overlooked and illegal aliens manage to qualify for state and local benefits."
What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive New York State Senate
"Just because illegal aliens are not legally entitled to these benefits does not mean they do not apply for them. Yes. It is true that illegal aliens have received grants, professional accreditations, loans, WIC, disability, public housing, college educations, food stamps, unemployment benefits, and tax credits from state and federal agencies."

Law Dictionary: Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?
How is Obama giving them benefits when it is illegal for them to get them and some only are able to do so through criminal acts? More importantly, since the laws that govern eligibility are state laws, you did cite to New York law, how, again, is that the President giving them?
In other words you inhabit the small minority wing of antiAmerica.
Well, It is interesting that you support lawlessness. I wonder if you would support gangbangers (I am not referring to illegal aliens) running amok robbing you blind. After all, according to your view, nothing is wrong with braking the law. If you can break one law with impunity you can break all of them.
You put words in my mouth I did not say or infer, whereas I refrained from commenting on "braking". You wish to deny the heritage of America, that we are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Of the some 20,000 Texicans in 1835, almost 90% of them were dixebacks having swum the Red and Sabine rivers illegally. A majority of Pubs, Dens, and Independents each realize that a path to legal residency is a good way to resolve this issue. The better way is to the pathway and death sentences on businesses hiring illegally and forfeiture and fines on dividends earned during the period of illegal activity.
I agree on that one Jake. I understand the need for the labor they provide. I just don't like the terminology of "undocumented immigrants" Name them as they are, work out a "guest worker" program, don't provide taxpayer benefit until they pay taxes and such.
Undocumented do not get taxpayer benefits. They are not eligible for food stamps, welfare, unemployment, medical assistance, medicare, social security, etc. The only thing they might get is medical care to save their lives at a hospital. Do you object to that as well?
The truth is Rightwingers believes that Obama are giving them all that benefits.
If they believe that, they are woefully uneducated or mentally feeble or malignantly motivated or a combination of any or all of those three characteristics.

Such benefits as alleged by the far right are the result of illegal activity, not Obama. Sigh.
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You put words in my mouth I did not say or infer, whereas I refrained from commenting on "braking". You wish to deny the heritage of America, that we are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Of the some 20,000 Texicans in 1835, almost 90% of them were dixebacks having swum the Red and Sabine rivers illegally. A majority of Pubs, Dens, and Independents each realize that a path to legal residency is a good way to resolve this issue. The better way is to the pathway and death sentences on businesses hiring illegally and forfeiture and fines on dividends earned during the period of illegal activity.
I agree on that one Jake. I understand the need for the labor they provide. I just don't like the terminology of "undocumented immigrants" Name them as they are, work out a "guest worker" program, don't provide taxpayer benefit until they pay taxes and such.
Undocumented do not get taxpayer benefits. They are not eligible for food stamps, welfare, unemployment, medical assistance, medicare, social security, etc. The only thing they might get is medical care to save their lives at a hospital. Do you object to that as well?

The truth is Rightwingers believes that Obama are giving them all that benefits.
Well, apparently they do.
"Typically, any proof an illegal alien provides as evidence of legal status, regardless of its fraudulent nature, will satisfy social services agencies that determine the person's benefit eligibility because an intake clerk simply cannot make the determination that someone is an illegal alien. Therefore, the law is usually overlooked and illegal aliens manage to qualify for state and local benefits."
What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive New York State Senate
"Just because illegal aliens are not legally entitled to these benefits does not mean they do not apply for them. Yes. It is true that illegal aliens have received grants, professional accreditations, loans, WIC, disability, public housing, college educations, food stamps, unemployment benefits, and tax credits from state and federal agencies."

Law Dictionary: Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?
How is Obama giving them benefits when it is illegal for them to get them and some only are able to do so through criminal acts? More importantly, since the laws that govern eligibility are state laws, you did cite to New York law, how, again, is that the President giving them?
With all due respect, when the fuck did I say anything about Hussein Obama????
Well, It is interesting that you support lawlessness. I wonder if you would support gangbangers (I am not referring to illegal aliens) running amok robbing you blind. After all, according to your view, nothing is wrong with braking the law. If you can break one law with impunity you can break all of them.
You put words in my mouth I did not say or infer, whereas I refrained from commenting on "braking". You wish to deny the heritage of America, that we are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Of the some 20,000 Texicans in 1835, almost 90% of them were dixebacks having swum the Red and Sabine rivers illegally. A majority of Pubs, Dens, and Independents each realize that a path to legal residency is a good way to resolve this issue. The better way is to the pathway and death sentences on businesses hiring illegally and forfeiture and fines on dividends earned during the period of illegal activity.
I agree on that one Jake. I understand the need for the labor they provide. I just don't like the terminology of "undocumented immigrants" Name them as they are, work out a "guest worker" program, don't provide taxpayer benefit until they pay taxes and such.
Undocumented do not get taxpayer benefits. They are not eligible for food stamps, welfare, unemployment, medical assistance, medicare, social security, etc. The only thing they might get is medical care to save their lives at a hospital. Do you object to that as well?

The truth is Rightwingers believes that Obama are giving them all that benefits.
Well, apparently they do.
"Typically, any proof an illegal alien provides as evidence of legal status, regardless of its fraudulent nature, will satisfy social services agencies that determine the person's benefit eligibility because an intake clerk simply cannot make the determination that someone is an illegal alien. Therefore, the law is usually overlooked and illegal aliens manage to qualify for state and local benefits."
What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive New York State Senate
"Just because illegal aliens are not legally entitled to these benefits does not mean they do not apply for them. Yes. It is true that illegal aliens have received grants, professional accreditations, loans, WIC, disability, public housing, college educations, food stamps, unemployment benefits, and tax credits from state and federal agencies."

Law Dictionary: Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?
Did you read your link to a statement from 2007 by the New York Senator? The benefits they can get are fishing licenses (which they pay for), their kids can attend public school and they will not be allowed to die on the sidewalk in front of the hospital. He also wrote:
"Under federal law, any alien who is not a "qualified" alien is ineligible for state and local public benefits. To be qualified one has to be here under asylum, admitted for permanent residence, or fit another limited federal category.

Federal rules generally bar illegal aliens from participation in state and local public benefit programs, unless the benefit is for the treatment of an emergency medical condition, is short-term, non-cash, in-kind emergency disaster relief or immunization.

New York also has a similar regulation under its rules that govern eligibility for the receipt of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Lawful residence in the United States, if the recipient is an alien, is among seven factors that affect eligibility."

Try reading your sources before you cite them.
I agree on that one Jake. I understand the need for the labor they provide. I just don't like the terminology of "undocumented immigrants" Name them as they are, work out a "guest worker" program, don't provide taxpayer benefit until they pay taxes and such.
Undocumented do not get taxpayer benefits. They are not eligible for food stamps, welfare, unemployment, medical assistance, medicare, social security, etc. The only thing they might get is medical care to save their lives at a hospital. Do you object to that as well?

The truth is Rightwingers believes that Obama are giving them all that benefits.
Well, apparently they do.
"Typically, any proof an illegal alien provides as evidence of legal status, regardless of its fraudulent nature, will satisfy social services agencies that determine the person's benefit eligibility because an intake clerk simply cannot make the determination that someone is an illegal alien. Therefore, the law is usually overlooked and illegal aliens manage to qualify for state and local benefits."
What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive New York State Senate
"Just because illegal aliens are not legally entitled to these benefits does not mean they do not apply for them. Yes. It is true that illegal aliens have received grants, professional accreditations, loans, WIC, disability, public housing, college educations, food stamps, unemployment benefits, and tax credits from state and federal agencies."

Law Dictionary: Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?
How is Obama giving them benefits when it is illegal for them to get them and some only are able to do so through criminal acts? More importantly, since the laws that govern eligibility are state laws, you did cite to New York law, how, again, is that the President giving them?
With all due respect, when the fuck did I say anything about Hussein Obama????
Really? You responded to this comment, "The truth is Rightwingers believes that Obama are giving them all that benefits" by posting this "Well, apparently they do."
You put words in my mouth I did not say or infer, whereas I refrained from commenting on "braking". You wish to deny the heritage of America, that we are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Of the some 20,000 Texicans in 1835, almost 90% of them were dixebacks having swum the Red and Sabine rivers illegally. A majority of Pubs, Dens, and Independents each realize that a path to legal residency is a good way to resolve this issue. The better way is to the pathway and death sentences on businesses hiring illegally and forfeiture and fines on dividends earned during the period of illegal activity.
I agree on that one Jake. I understand the need for the labor they provide. I just don't like the terminology of "undocumented immigrants" Name them as they are, work out a "guest worker" program, don't provide taxpayer benefit until they pay taxes and such.
Undocumented do not get taxpayer benefits. They are not eligible for food stamps, welfare, unemployment, medical assistance, medicare, social security, etc. The only thing they might get is medical care to save their lives at a hospital. Do you object to that as well?

The truth is Rightwingers believes that Obama are giving them all that benefits.
Well, apparently they do.
"Typically, any proof an illegal alien provides as evidence of legal status, regardless of its fraudulent nature, will satisfy social services agencies that determine the person's benefit eligibility because an intake clerk simply cannot make the determination that someone is an illegal alien. Therefore, the law is usually overlooked and illegal aliens manage to qualify for state and local benefits."
What Benefits Can Illegal Aliens Receive New York State Senate
"Just because illegal aliens are not legally entitled to these benefits does not mean they do not apply for them. Yes. It is true that illegal aliens have received grants, professional accreditations, loans, WIC, disability, public housing, college educations, food stamps, unemployment benefits, and tax credits from state and federal agencies."

Law Dictionary: Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?
Did you read your link to a statement from 2007 by the New York Senator? The benefits they can get are fishing licenses (which they pay for), their kids can attend public school and they will not be allowed to die on the sidewalk in front of the hospital. He also wrote:
"Under federal law, any alien who is not a "qualified" alien is ineligible for state and local public benefits. To be qualified one has to be here under asylum, admitted for permanent residence, or fit another limited federal category.

Federal rules generally bar illegal aliens from participation in state and local public benefit programs, unless the benefit is for the treatment of an emergency medical condition, is short-term, non-cash, in-kind emergency disaster relief or immunization.

New York also has a similar regulation under its rules that govern eligibility for the receipt of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Lawful residence in the United States, if the recipient is an alien, is among seven factors that affect eligibility."

Try reading your sources before you cite them.
Typically, any proof an illegal alien provides as evidence of legal status, regardless of its fraudulent nature, will satisfy social services agencies that determine the person's benefit eligibility because an intake clerk simply cannot make the determination that someone is an illegal alien. Therefore, the law is usually overlooked and illegal aliens manage to qualify for state and local benefits."
Really? You responded to this comment, "The truth is Rightwingers believes that Obama are giving them all that benefits" by posting this "Well, apparently they do."
Well, apparently you are unaware the fact that the federal Government is lax in enforcing immigration laws (the Executive Branch is run by the President) therefore contributing in/directly to welfare frauds, such as illegal aliens benefiting from our taxpayer funded programs.
defcon4 is correct that the reception of such benefits happens far more than we think it should. And such violations need to be fixed.

"A fair interpretation of the federal statute and state regulation must result in the conclusion that illegal aliens should not receive any form of state public assistance. However, illegal aliens do, in fact, receive state public benefits. That's because the burden of determining lawful status in the U.S. is on the shoulders of county social services employees who have neither the legal jurisdiction nor the practical ability to determine one's immigration status. Only an immigration official or federal worker whom the Secretary of Homeland Security has authorized may determine the immigration status of a person in the country."

"Typically, any proof an illegal alien provides as evidence of legal status, regardless of its fraudulent nature, will satisfy social services agencies that determine the person's benefit eligibility because an intake clerk simply cannot make the determination that someone is an illegal alien. Therefore, the law is usually overlooked and illegal aliens manage to qualify for state and local benefits."
Really? You responded to this comment, "The truth is Rightwingers believes that Obama are giving them all that benefits" by posting this "Well, apparently they do."
Well, apparently you are unaware the fact that the federal Government is lax in enforcing immigration laws (the Executive Branch is run by the President) therefore contributing in/directly to welfare frauds, such as illegal aliens benefiting from our taxpayer funded programs.
However, as we all know, the number of illegals have decreased and this administration has deported far more than the Clinton or Bush administrations.

No, it is not Obama.
Really? You responded to this comment, "The truth is Rightwingers believes that Obama are giving them all that benefits" by posting this "Well, apparently they do."
Well, apparently you are unaware the fact that the federal Government is lax in enforcing immigration laws (the Executive Branch is run by the President) therefore contributing in/directly to welfare frauds, such as illegal aliens benefiting from our taxpayer funded programs.
Immigration laws have nothing to do with eligibility for benefits. And the number of people entering this country illegally has been lower under this President than his predecessors. The claim that he is not enforcing immigration laws is a lie.
Immigration laws have nothing to do with eligibility for benefits.

Apparently you think I confuse immigration laws with welfare policies. I am referencing cause and effect. If immigration laws are not enforced, illegal immigrants will get some benefits even if it is in a fraudulent way.
The claim that he is not enforcing immigration laws is a lie.
Last time I checked, there were hundreds of so called "sanctuary cities." Federal law should always supersede local policy. I see no action to enforce immigration laws regarding that issue.
Federal law is not State law; and, the Federals have supremacy over immigration since 1808. There is no State authority over immigration since 1808; the right merely likes to fix that Standard for the People, regarding wasting the (other) Peoples' tax monies with frivolous litigation.
Immigration laws have nothing to do with eligibility for benefits.

Apparently you think I confuse immigration laws with welfare policies. I am referencing cause and effect. If immigration laws are not enforced, illegal immigrants will get some benefits even if it is in a fraudulent way.
The claim that he is not enforcing immigration laws is a lie.
Last time I checked, there were hundreds of so called "sanctuary cities." Federal law should always supersede local policy. I see no action to enforce immigration laws regarding that issue.
There is no Federal Law that requires a local municipality to detain people arrested for minor offenses on the basis that they may also be here in violation of immigration laws. States and local municipalities have their own policies on that and are not in violation of any federal law. You really ought to stop simply repeating talking points you have heard and try to understand the laws you try to discuss.
Immigration laws have nothing to do with eligibility for benefits.

Apparently you think I confuse immigration laws with welfare policies. I am referencing cause and effect. If immigration laws are not enforced, illegal immigrants will get some benefits even if it is in a fraudulent way.
The claim that he is not enforcing immigration laws is a lie.
Last time I checked, there were hundreds of so called "sanctuary cities." Federal law should always supersede local policy. I see no action to enforce immigration laws regarding that issue.

Sanctuary cities has existed since the 80s. ICE has and always enforce the immigration laws. It is the local cities that are not cooperating with the federal. Even senators like Ted Cruz or Feinstein are after these sanctuary cities.
Self deportation is the only way to fix illegal immigration. Anything less is just amnesty, pandering for votes and support of businesses that want cheap labor. Then repeal the anchor baby system.

Only about 1 million of the 20 million illegal aliens are farm workers. Deportation will not hurt farmers. They do not come here to do farm work but for the social services.
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are there no Persons of the capitalist persuasion to be found; but, only socialists pursuing social agendas?
Really? You responded to this comment, "The truth is Rightwingers believes that Obama are giving them all that benefits" by posting this "Well, apparently they do."
Well, apparently you are unaware the fact that the federal Government is lax in enforcing immigration laws (the Executive Branch is run by the President) therefore contributing in/directly to welfare frauds, such as illegal aliens benefiting from our taxpayer funded programs.
Immigration laws have nothing to do with eligibility for benefits. And the number of people entering this country illegally has been lower under this President than his predecessors. The claim that he is not enforcing immigration laws is a lie.

Do you call Obama implementing DACA for about 2 million illegal aliens and then giving a stay of deportation to 5 million parents here illegally with U.S. born kids all by EO and without congresses approval, enforcing our immigration laws? He has even given them work permits. Even if the numbers were lower for legal entry (link, please) for this president opposed to prior ones what difference does it make since there are still millions of them here?

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