Why muslim parasites do not go to other muslim sh..holes?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
IQ 60 illiterate 'refuges' with Quran can go to other muslim sh..holes, but they prefer a parasitic life in countries hated infidels. No one sane western citizen wants dirty muslim scumbag in his country. All shall go to Kuwait, Marokko, Turkey etc.,but not to us.

They're comming to get you, Baron! And those brown bastards are way smarter than you. They usually speak several languages, and can even read and write.
You, of all people, should avoid the jibe 'illiterate.
Better to keep your mouth shut, and be thought a fool, than to open it and confirm suspicions.
Because the other Muslim countries...

... don't offer the social welfare benefits...

... so-called 'enlightened' western countries offer.
IQ 60 illiterate 'refuges' with Quran can go to other muslim sh..holes, but they prefer a parasitic life in countries hated infidels. No one sane western citizen wants dirty muslim scumbag in his country. All shall go to Kuwait, Marokko, Turkey etc.,but not to us.


The progressives in Europe and the US need them to cause social disorder and chaos, that's the only reason they are being brought over in such numbers.
IQ 60 illiterate 'refuges' with Quran can go to other muslim sh..holes, but they prefer a parasitic life in countries hated infidels. No one sane western citizen wants dirty muslim scumbag in his country. All shall go to Kuwait, Marokko, Turkey etc.,but not to us.


The progressives in Europe and the US need them to cause social disorder and chaos, that's the only reason they are being brought over in such numbers.

Yet they ignore other refugees? They seem to not care much about the Yazidi people. I'm not sure if what you say is the real agenda, but there is totally an agenda there!

Yes, I've often asked why doesn't another Arab country take in all of these people? We don't really need them here, that's for sure.
They're comming to get you, Baron! And those brown bastards are way smarter than you. They usually speak several languages, and can even read and write.
You, of all people, should avoid the jibe 'illiterate.
Better to keep your mouth shut, and be thought a fool, than to open it and confirm suspicions.

So how many muslim refugees are you sponsoring??? Or does your charity end at the federal withholding rate???
Trump didn't go far enough! Why didn't he include Saudi Arabia??

Regardless, the more Muslims you have the more PROBLEMS you have! So not only do I agree with President Trump but he needs to go FARTHER! See below at how wonderful Islam is!

IQ 60 illiterate 'refuges' with Quran can go to other muslim sh..holes, but they prefer a parasitic life in countries hated infidels. No one sane western citizen wants dirty muslim scumbag in his country. All shall go to Kuwait, Marokko, Turkey etc.,but not to us.


The progressives in Europe and the US need them to cause social disorder and chaos, that's the only reason they are being brought over in such numbers.

Google Albert Pike's three world wars....read that and it will be very plain as to the agenda.....
They're comming to get you, Baron! And those brown bastards are way smarter than you. They usually speak several languages, and can even read and write.
You, of all people, should avoid the jibe 'illiterate.
Better to keep your mouth shut, and be thought a fool, than to open it and confirm suspicions.

BTW, are you like those German liberals that welcomed the muslim refugees with offers of free hugs? Do you know that they would recoil at the thought? You see, muslims are not "faglet" friendly........
Liberals are so stupid. They fear their fellow citizens owning guns but completely blow off the dangers of the Islamic ideology. Being a woman, I find them putting my life and my rights in jeopardy because of some sense of self righteousness disgusting! Then they will ask, "oh, how many people die from terrorists." Well, I would say that ONE is one too many, especially when it happens HERE on our own soil and could be prevented! Fuck you liberals and your sense of self righteousness. Why don't you go volunteer at a soup kitchen and help your OWN?
IQ 60 illiterate 'refuges' with Quran can go to other muslim sh..holes, but they prefer a parasitic life in countries hated infidels. No one sane western citizen wants dirty muslim scumbag in his country. All shall go to Kuwait, Marokko, Turkey etc.,but not to us.


The progressives in Europe and the US need them to cause social disorder and chaos, that's the only reason they are being brought over in such numbers.

Yet they ignore other refugees? They seem to not care much about the Yazidi people. I'm not sure if what you say is the real agenda, but there is totally an agenda there!

Yes, I've often asked why doesn't another Arab country take in all of these people? We don't really need them here, that's for sure.

The other Arab countries are all Sunni. The "real" refugees are Shiites that the Sunnis all want to see dead. Where they should be going is Iran.
But most of these "refugees" aren't actually Shiite Syrians, they are North Africans, Pakistanis, etc. They are fake refugees. They all just say they are from Syria and that they are 16 years old. Grown men saying they are teenagers, that's what they do in Germany in order to get free housing and no questions asked.

Trump is right, its best to just ban them all until there is a real way of separating actual refugees from the lying scumbags that just want free welfare, and of course from the terrorists, although any of these third world Muslims could become a terrorist.
Liberals are so stupid. They fear their fellow citizens owning guns but completely blow off the dangers of the Islamic ideology. Being a woman, I find them putting my life and my rights in jeopardy because of some sense of self righteousness disgusting! Then they will ask, "oh, how many people die from terrorists." Well, I would say that ONE is one too many, especially when it happens HERE on our own soil and could be prevented! Fuck you liberals and your sense of self righteousness. Why don't you go volunteer at a soup kitchen and help your OWN?

Liberals are so stupid. They fear their fellow citizens owning guns but completely blow off the dangers of the Islamic ideology. Being a woman, I find them putting my life and my rights in jeopardy because of some sense of self righteousness disgusting! Then they will ask, "oh, how many people die from terrorists." Well, I would say that ONE is one too many, especially when it happens HERE on our own soil and could be prevented! Fuck you liberals and your sense of self righteousness. Why don't you go volunteer at a soup kitchen and help your OWN?

Yup, just look at what happened in Sweden. So many Muslims now it's the rape capital of the world. The women aren't even allowed pepper spray, much less a gun to defend themselves.
That was very un-PC of me. I should go get my Play Doh and find my safe space now. ;)
This stuff really pisses me off. Here we have people (veterans, the elderly, mentally ill, teens, kids, families, etc) who are HOMELESS and living on the streets and yet we are taking in "refugees" from other countries and setting them up!!

I wonder how homeless people feel about that? I'm not even homeless, and it pisses me off to no end! :mad:
I'm not going to mention any names, but we have a member here who is going through a very difficult time and is currently homeless. Some of you will know who I'm talking about. Anyways, while this poor person and others in similar situations are basically IGNORED, we are bringing in "refugees" from other countries. Goodness, even an illegal it seems has to jump through less hoops to get help than one of our OWN citizens!!!
The best part of being 53 years old is knowing that my best days are behind me and not giving a shit that I can't run the bases like a gazelle when I was in my prime or being able to bench 325 with no spotter...it's knowing that I have the skills to still kick some ass and that I have no fear of putting myself out there. Still too young to know better but too old to care...perfect!
They're comming to get you, Baron! And those brown bastards are way smarter than you. They usually speak several languages, and can even read and write.
You, of all people, should avoid the jibe 'illiterate.
Better to keep your mouth shut, and be thought a fool, than to open it and confirm suspicions.

So how many muslim refugees are you sponsoring??? Or does your charity end at the federal withholding rate???

He'll sponsor none of them and consider whatever, if any, withholdings charity because he thinks it's OK to tax for such purposes.
ChrisL wrote: Being a woman, I find them putting my life and my rights in jeopardy...

... Uncle Ferd says he'll protect ya.
The best we can do is to kick out all Hajjis from the western countries.All kebabs shall go back.

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