Why NOT Racial Separation?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
It sounds radical, but is it? What if it took place slowly, gradually, peacefully and with plenty of funding for resettlement?

And what if people who didn't want to live in a black or white-only place could live in a designated multiracial area, like New York City?

That way, "racists" and "non-racists" could all live in peace.

In a black-only area, there would be no white jurisdiction. So, no more white racist police to worry about!
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It sounds radical, but is it? What if it took place slowly, gradually, peacefully and with plenty of funding for resettlement?

And what if people who didn't want to live in a black or white-only place could live in a designated multiracial area, like New York City?

That way, "racists" and "non-racists" could all live in peace.

In a black-only area, there would be no white jurisdiction. So, no more white racist police to worry about!

Wonder if this would work for Democrats and Republicans....
I can think of a few reason, Joyce. For one, a separation initiates conflict over comparative value of goods and services. A common nation can't, and won't, ever treat tow separate things equal. Which, becomes a conflict over federal support and who is getting the "better" slice of federal consideration. Even if two identical water fountains were purchased and installed the same there will always be the potential for either side to perceive, rightly or wrongly, that they are getting the shaft. For two, the Us has more ethnic populations than whites and blacks. We have lots of jews, latinos, asians etc. All of which have a fluid population whose representation will never remain static. Dividing up the US according to ethnicity in 2009 won't accommodate the same in 2029. Which, again, sets up for conflict over who gets what in redistribution of property, goods and services in 20 years. Next, not everyone is as keen on racial seperation as you are. I happen to enjoy my non-white friends and would rather have them around than a LOT of white people that I don't care for. It's not fair to me to FORCE my friends away in place of white surrogates any more than it is logical to ignore the fact of interracial relationships in general. We all give and take from each other culturally and I'd rather have been exposed to the Blues by blacks than have to be homogenized with whites and listen to bluegrass and polka all day.
It sounds radical, but is it? What if it took place slowly, gradually, peacefully and with plenty of funding for resettlement?

And what if people who didn't want to live in a black or white-only place could live in a designated multiracial area, like New York City?

That way, "racists" and "non-racists" could all live in peace.

In a black-only area, there would be no white jurisdiction. So, no more white racist police to worry about!

So, Billy-boy, I'd like for you to expand on your little plan. I want to know if I'm going to have to move. Or maybe one of my white employees who has mixed race children will have to move. Will the government take her kids away? Will they be able to visit her?

What about asian children who have been adopted by white families? Will those kids be taken away from their parents?

Once everyone is in their correct places, will we be able to travel? Will we be able to stop and visit black only states, and vice versa? Or will they have windowless bullet trains that will take you from one white state to another, not allowing you to stop in a black state?

Are they going to dig deep crocodile infested moats around the states to prevent the races from accidentally mixing? Or will we just build 20 foot concrete walls with razor wire along the top? Maybe there will be 3 mile wide DMZs around each state.

What will be the penalty for entering a state that does is not designated for your race? Will we get a warning? Or will it be execution on sight?

So, please expand on your plan. Be very specific. Which states go to nigs, which go to spics, which go to gooks, whick go to honkies?
It's to bad your not black or it would be easy to have racial separation. Everyone is trying to move away from black majority areas of the world, even black people.

It is the white people who cannot get any racial separation.
It sounds radical, but is it? What if it took place slowly, gradually, peacefully and with plenty of funding for resettlement?

And what if people who didn't want to live in a black or white-only place could live in a designated multiracial area, like New York City?

That way, "racists" and "non-racists" could all live in peace.

In a black-only area, there would be no white jurisdiction. So, no more white racist police to worry about!

If you keep posting your delusional ideas you’re going to have to put the straitjacket back on and lose your computer time for another month, again.
I can think of a few reason, Joyce. For one, a separation initiates conflict over comparative value of goods and services. A common nation can't, and won't, ever treat tow separate things equal. Which, becomes a conflict over federal support and who is getting the "better" slice of federal consideration. Even if two identical water fountains were purchased and installed the same there will always be the potential for either side to perceive, rightly or wrongly, that they are getting the shaft. For two, the Us has more ethnic populations than whites and blacks. We have lots of jews, latinos, asians etc. All of which have a fluid population whose representation will never remain static. Dividing up the US according to ethnicity in 2009 won't accommodate the same in 2029. Which, again, sets up for conflict over who gets what in redistribution of property, goods and services in 20 years. Next, not everyone is as keen on racial seperation as you are. I happen to enjoy my non-white friends and would rather have them around than a LOT of white people that I don't care for. It's not fair to me to FORCE my friends away in place of white surrogates any more than it is logical to ignore the fact of interracial relationships in general. We all give and take from each other culturally and I'd rather have been exposed to the Blues by blacks than have to be homogenized with whites and listen to bluegrass and polka all day.

All reasonable thoughts.

Redistribution might be tricky, but it could be done... as humans we seem to have an undending capacity for administration of things like that. And you'd probably not satisfy absolutely everyone, but the idea would be that at the end of the day, everyone would be better off. I know many white separatists who'd be willing to take a loss in exchange for freedom.

As to forcing your non-white friends away, that's where a multiracial area would come into play. You all could move there and live happily ever after. And hey, if it turns out that multiracial areas are happier and richer, well, I'll be proven wrong. But I strongly suspect that even among self-professed liberals in a multiracial area, the pecking orders would emerge just as they do in this society, with whites, Jews and Asians having most of the power and wealth, and blacks and Hispanics at the bottom.

The racial forcing that happens today is of non-whites onto whites. As a white person, I do not legally have the option of refusing to hire blacks or sell them property or serve them at a store. I am also legally forced to pay for their behavior: whether they're on welfare, in prison or slacking at a government job, I work double-time to first support me and mine, and then support them and theirs. That is an injustice. It's basically robbery, through government channels.

I also wouldn't support a hermetic seal for racial groups, as some might: I might even be open to select individuals of other races living in a white territory, with certain rights, so long as it were shown that their contribution was worthwhile. But there would be no right to make demands on the dominant population.
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So, Billy-boy, I'd like for you to expand on your little plan. I want to know if I'm going to have to move. Or maybe one of my white employees who has mixed race children will have to move. Will the government take her kids away? Will they be able to visit her?

What about asian children who have been adopted by white families? Will those kids be taken away from their parents?

Once everyone is in their correct places, will we be able to travel? Will we be able to stop and visit black only states, and vice versa? Or will they have windowless bullet trains that will take you from one white state to another, not allowing you to stop in a black state?

Are they going to dig deep crocodile infested moats around the states to prevent the races from accidentally mixing? Or will we just build 20 foot concrete walls with razor wire along the top? Maybe there will be 3 mile wide DMZs around each state.

What will be the penalty for entering a state that does is not designated for your race? Will we get a warning? Or will it be execution on sight?

So, please expand on your plan. Be very specific. Which states go to nigs, which go to spics, which go to gooks, whick go to honkies?

A multiracial area, discussed in my response to shogun, provides for a big solution to many of your concerns. Idea's not mine, originally: it belongs to Michael Hart, a Jewish astrophysicist who writes occasionally for American Renaissance.

In other words, anyone who does not identify with, would not be accepted by or simply wants to renounce a dominant group would move to a multiracial area.

But each area would be free to set its own parameters. A white area might accept a white man, Asian wife and bi-racial kids. It might accept the adopted Asian kids of a white couple... or not.

Bottom line is that I wouldn't be particularly interested in a system that was unnatural, highly bureaucratic, or just plan hard to figure out. The beauty and curse of race and ethnicity is that, unlike the suggestions to the contrary in the thread, PEOPLE INSTINCTIVELY UNDERSTAND THE BOUNDARIES. They are, in fact, natural -- far more natural than the insane system of enforced multiracialism and thought control we currently live under. All of these specifics you rhetorically demand... do you demand the same specifics of a La Raza member, or of the NAACP, or of... GASP! The State of Israel?

And I would support relatively free travel... as a general matter. But again, areas would be free to patrol borders. If the black area wanted to shoot whites on sight, well, OK... as long as the borders are clearly marked, right?

Really, none of what I propose entails any difficulty greater than that created by the existence of nation-states in the world today. Does Israel have a wall to separate it from Palestinians? You bet. Razor wire? Check. Does Canada demand a passport? Sure does. Do you have to be Indian to get Indian citizenship? Why yes, you do.

Do you know how the JAPANESE feel about all this? It ain't politically correct, I can assure you.

The only nations on Earth of any consequence that pays no heed to these perfectly sensible conventions are the United States and those of Europe.
I don't think it would be doable given our constitution.

You might be able to find another country that doesn't have such strict civil right protections, though.
I am for racial separation, because a lot white men seem to be after the Black Female, and we as Black
men have to put a stop to white men stealing our women.

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