Why Obama Ran From The Press/Questions Yesterday?Because The Cops Are Acting Stupidly.

Yup... look around folks... the entire nation is a racial tinder box, the debt has been doubled, the border is wide open with a welcome sign, we have unvetted muslims being forced into America, sanctuary cities, the IRS attacking conservatives, the DOJ completely in the bag for democrats, an unafordable care act that is imploding and bankrupting businesses and people, and on and on the list goes, all orchestrated by a kenyan born, muslim illegally holding the office of president who's last legal name on record is Barry Soetoro...

... how is everyone liking that FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION of America now?
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Obama: Police who arrested professor 'acted stupidly' - CNN.com
"I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played," Obama said Wednesday night while taking questions after a White House news conference.

In Cambridge, cops DID act "stupidly", weasel.......In Dallas and Baton Rouge cops acted heroically....So what's your fucking point?
I made my point. obie didn't have the facts, said so him self and a foaming retard like you can't make it disappear. There, that's another point.
Yup... look around folks... the entire nation is a racial tinder box, the debt has been doubled, the border is wide open with a welcome sign, we have unvetted muslims being forced into America, sanctuary cities, the IRS attacking conservatives, the DOJ completely in the bag for democrats, an unafordable care act that is imploding and bankrupting businesses and people, and on and on the list goes, all orchestrated by a kenyan born, muslim illegally holding the office of president who's last legal name on record is Barry Soetoro...

... how is everyone liking that FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION of America now?
Yup... little America hating progtard nat4900 thinks all that damage and destruction to America by Barry is "FUNNY."

I'd feel sorry for nat4900 because of his brain washing, but it takes a special kind of STUPID to allow it to happen, and then retain it.
Yup... look around folks... the entire nation is a racial tinder box, the debt has been doubled, the border is wide open with a welcome sign, we have unvetted muslims being forced into America, sanctuary cities, the IRS attacking conservatives, the DOJ completely in the bag for democrats, an unafordable care act that is imploding and bankrupting businesses and people, and on and on the list goes, all orchestrated by a kenyan born, muslim illegally holding the office of president who's last legal name on record is Barry Soetoro...

... how is everyone liking that FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION of America now?

Well, from your post above an objective reader would surmise that you're either an idiot or a liar......

The debt has NOT been doubled by Obama since he was honest enough to finally put into the debt status the $3.2 TRILLION cost of the wars that GWB kept hidden.........and we also had Obama inherit a crucial recession with 3/4 of a million jobs lost per MONTH.

Further, if right wing morons would "bother" to see how many illegals have been deported by Obama versus GWB, then you too would begin calling your propaganda machine, FOX, a bunch of fucking liars.

Face it ....your racism toward Obama clouds your half brain into making stupid and easily debunked statements.
I'd feel sorry for nat4900 because of his brain washing, but it takes a special kind of STUPID to allow it to happen, and then retain it.

Oh, don't "feel sorry", moron....I'm here to educate right wing idiots.
Yup... look around folks... the entire nation is a racial tinder box, the debt has been doubled, the border is wide open with a welcome sign, we have unvetted muslims being forced into America, sanctuary cities, the IRS attacking conservatives, the DOJ completely in the bag for democrats, an unafordable care act that is imploding and bankrupting businesses and people, and on and on the list goes, all orchestrated by a kenyan born, muslim illegally holding the office of president who's last legal name on record is Barry Soetoro...

... how is everyone liking that FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION of America now?

Well, from your post above an objective reader would surmise that you're either an idiot or a liar......

The debt has NOT been doubled by Obama since he was honest enough to finally put into the debt status the $3.2 TRILLION cost of the wars that GWB kept hidden.........and we also had Obama inherit a crucial recession with 3/4 of a million jobs lost per MONTH.

Further, if right wing morons would "bother" to see how many illegals have been deported by Obama versus GWB, then you too would begin calling your propaganda machine, FOX, a bunch of fucking liars.

Face it ....your racism toward Obama clouds your half brain into making stupid and easily debunked statements.
Where do you get this shit from?
Sure, right wing morons....Its always "best"to blame Obama for these horrible events since places like Dallas and Baton Rouge are under local governments run by democrats?

Well 71% of cop killers are white and Obama is half white...

Can you see the connection...
If I had a son, he would look like Elizabeth Warren with a beard and a small penis

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