Why Obamacare Is Not a 'Train Wreck' (Again)

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Obamacare implementation 2013: Busting the myths | New Republic

As even Obamacare’s most ardent defenders have said from the start, the law is far from ideal. The architects of reform had to make all sorts of compromises, just to get the law past lobbyists and obstructionist Republicans.

The original compromise, of course, was giving up on much simpler, more comprehensive single-payer system.

And then, after finally enacting the historic legislation in early 2010, they had to spend most of the next three years fighting repeal. In Washington, Republican congressional leadership has repeatedly blocked funding for implementing the law

Even though we pay for their version of ObamaCare, the Rs continue to fight against us getting the same benefits.

More at the link but beware that its FACTS instead of the R garbage.
Obamacare implementation 2013: Busting the myths | New Republic

As even Obamacare’s most ardent defenders have said from the start, the law is far from ideal. The architects of reform had to make all sorts of compromises, just to get the law past lobbyists and obstructionist Republicans.

The original compromise, of course, was giving up on much simpler, more comprehensive single-payer system.

And then, after finally enacting the historic legislation in early 2010, they had to spend most of the next three years fighting repeal. In Washington, Republican congressional leadership has repeatedly blocked funding for implementing the law
Even though we pay for their version of ObamaCare, the Rs continue to fight against us getting the same benefits.

More at the link but beware that its FACTS instead of the R garbage.

Can you please point out exactly which votes were instrumental in blocking funding?

Would it be easier to admit that you don't know of any because it has never happened?
Obamacare implementation 2013: Busting the myths | New Republic

As even Obamacare’s most ardent defenders have said from the start, the law is far from ideal. The architects of reform had to make all sorts of compromises, just to get the law past lobbyists and obstructionist Republicans.

The original compromise, of course, was giving up on much simpler, more comprehensive single-payer system.

And then, after finally enacting the historic legislation in early 2010, they had to spend most of the next three years fighting repeal. In Washington, Republican congressional leadership has repeatedly blocked funding for implementing the law
Even though we pay for their version of ObamaCare, the Rs continue to fight against us getting the same benefits.

More at the link but beware that its FACTS instead of the R garbage.

Can you please point out exactly which votes were instrumental in blocking funding?

Would it be easier to admit that you don't know of any because it has never happened?

Can you please point out exactly where I wrote that?

Would it be easier for you to admit you don't know or understand what it means when one quotes what someone else wrote?

Its not a train wreck to State and Federal government. The medicaid expansion that states agreed to right now is all the federal government can afford to pay. In the next 2 years the rest of the states will expand their Medicaid program. Its just a dog and pony show for the public to lead them to believe that the states that are opting out is because they want to repeal it.

After everyone has complied to the mandate, the government will begin decreasing benefits for Medicaid and no one will hear about it. What gets to the media is exactly in line with the brainwashing of the public that makes it successful.
Obamacare implementation 2013: Busting the myths | New Republic

Even though we pay for their version of ObamaCare, the Rs continue to fight against us getting the same benefits.

More at the link but beware that its FACTS instead of the R garbage.

Can you please point out exactly which votes were instrumental in blocking funding?

Would it be easier to admit that you don't know of any because it has never happened?

Can you please point out exactly where I wrote that?

Would it be easier for you to admit you don't know or understand what it means when one quotes what someone else wrote?


I want you to prove the drivel you posted is true, or admit that you posted it even though you knew it was a lie. Does that make your head hurt?
Obamacare implementation 2013: Busting the myths | New Republic

As even Obamacare’s most ardent defenders have said from the start, the law is far from ideal. The architects of reform had to make all sorts of compromises, just to get the law past lobbyists and obstructionist Republicans.

The original compromise, of course, was giving up on much simpler, more comprehensive single-payer system.

And then, after finally enacting the historic legislation in early 2010, they had to spend most of the next three years fighting repeal. In Washington, Republican congressional leadership has repeatedly blocked funding for implementing the law
Even though we pay for their version of ObamaCare, the Rs continue to fight against us getting the same benefits.

More at the link but beware that its FACTS instead of the R garbage.

Can you please point out exactly which votes were instrumental in blocking funding?

Would it be easier to admit that you don't know of any because it has never happened?
The CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood always plays dumb when confronted with the actions of their Reps. From the time they took over in 2011 to today the GOP have promised to defund Obamacare.

House blocks funding for health care law

The GOP-led House voted today to block funding to implement the nation's health care law.
The action came on several amendments to a must-pass spending bill that would pay for government operations from March through September.
Specifically, the House voted to prohibit any funds be used by the Internal Revenue Service to carry out the law's mandate that Americans buy health insurance. The individual mandate, one of the law's key tenets, has been struck down by federal courts.
The House also adopted an amendment by Rep. Denny Rehberg, R-Mont., to bar the Labor and Health and Human Services Departments from spending any money for the rest of fiscal year 2011 on the health care law. Still another provision adopted today would ban the government from paying the salaries of any federal employee involved in implementing the health care law.

Republicans Block Bailing Out Pre-Existing Condition Fund for Politics, not Lives. | Opinion - Liberal

Republicans Block Bailing Out Pre-Existing Condition Fund for Politics, not Lives.

Thursday, April 25, 2013 22:18

Modern Health: An effort by House Republicans to highlight problems with President Barack Obama’s healthcare law by bailing out a program for people with pre-existing medical conditions appeared to backfire … the measure met strong opposition from conservative groups resistant to any federal role in healthcare … The money for the plan would come from the Prevention and Public Health Fund, (what) Republicans (call) a slush fund. Republicans are also critical of the use of some $300 million from that fund to publicize the new health insurance markets coming this fall under the healthcare law. “We want to stop Obamacare and that’s why we’re going to the fund, the slush fund” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., said.
Yes, Republicans would prefer not telling the public about their health care options, or at least keep them in a state of confusion. Not only that, the “slush fund” was a critical element of prevention:
The White House said the legislation would effectively eliminate funding for three years for a program that “supports critical investments such as tobacco use reduction and programs to reduce health-care-associated infections and the national burden of chronic disease.”

Conservatives Force GOP Leaders to Pull Obamacare Funding Measure

Conservatives Force GOP Leaders to Pull Obamacare Funding Measure

Thursday, 25 Apr 2013 08:54 AM

The conservatives argued the bill would simply shuffle money around between Obamacare programs and would do nothing to actually start to defund the government healthcare program passed in 2010.
As even Obamacare’s most ardent defenders have said from the start, the law is far from ideal. The architects of reform had to make all sorts of compromises, just to get the law past lobbyists and obstructionist Republicans.

The only compromises made in this bill were to entice fellow Democrats to vote for it -- not a single Republican crossed the aisle. As Rahm Emmanuel has famously been quoted when asked about working together with the Republicans "Fuck'em, we won the election." So much for the obstructionist Republicans.

Max Baucus's chief health policy counsel, Elizabeth Folwer, is largely credited for writing the bill. Prior to working with Baucus, Folwer was vice President for Public Policy and External Affairs at WellPoint, the nation's largest health insurance provider. After drafting the bill, Folwer returned to the private insurance sector. So much for getting the law past lobbyists -- they wrote it.

Next year the middle class will be faced with paying hundreds, if not thousands, more in healthcare premiums because of this bill. That is the issue. Taxpayers who make a decent income will be penalized for their hard work. The likelihood that affordable quality healthcare will result from any of this is next to none. Lawmakers who voted for this bill, including Baucus, are announcing their retirement from Congress at lightening speed. Is that a coincidence? Hardly.

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