Indisputable Proof Obamacare is a Fucking Disaster

WTF is delaying that provision for a year suppose to do besides delay the inevitable. I have to stand with you guys here. There is absolutely no reason for the delay beyond political gains. UNfortunately, Americans are too stupid in large groups to see beyond a few stupid slogans in the midterms, and will re-elect the same turds that fostered this Obama Tax disease anyway.

I too, Frank, am completely ashamed of my country.

Were you ever ashamed of your country before? Not when 40 thousand plus citizens a year die from lack of health care for instance. Having a higher ratio of people incarcerated than any other country. We have an embarrasing percentage of childhood poverty for the wealthiest country in the world. How about Iran contra? The murder of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's because bush/cheney wanted to go into Iraq?
Spending way more on defense than any other country due to our interfering in other countries affairs globally. Lots to be embarrassed about. Didn't need to wait for obamacare for that.

Still buyin' like it was on sale.....
They don't come any more stupid than you are.....

According to the CBO, in 2015 there will be 36 million uninsured nonelderly Americans. (table 3)

Setting aside the obvious politics of this move by the White House, I have an honest question, whether you support Obamacare or not:

Under what authority does the President have to unilaterally suspend part or all of a law?

Is there a clause in the Obamacare law that grants the President the power to delay its implementation? If not, does this mean a future President can decide on his own that a law shall not be enforced? Does the Constitution grant such an Executive power?

Any insight is appreciated.

That's a great, great, great point!!

Under the "I just don't fucking feel like it right now" clause

Great precedent is sets when Conservatives don't feel like implementing stupid Liberal laws
Under what authority does the President have to unilaterally suspend part or all of a law?

Found the answer. Apparently the law is written in such a way as to give the Executive Branch the final say...

The executive branch is charged with enforcing the law, and it can of course choose not to enforce the law if it wants. But people can sue the federal government, and a judge could theoretically force the administration to enforce the mandate.

White House To Delay Obamacare's Employer Mandate Until 2015; Far-Reaching Implications For The Private Health Insurance Market - Forbes

Good gravy, who voted for this nonsense!?

They didn't know what was in it when they voted for it

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