Why Obama's 'economic patriotism' is bunk

I am glad to see that at least one president that was not completely bought off by the corporate lobby...the new taxes on hidden Swiss accounts, and the need to address companies that claim to be proud patriot American supporters in their commercials but not in the support of the American society with taxes. Maybe tariffs are needed to bring the message to those companies playing tax avoision..or, stop giving them any tax breaks at the federal and local areas..
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Do you nut cases realize that it isn't just the highest corporate tax rate in the world that causes them to do business in other countries but it is that AND excessive regulation, AND the prospect of more taxes and more regulation In the future?

Of course you don't, you are democrats and can't think.
Why Obama's 'economic patriotism' is bunk

Washington is as cynical a place as you will find on earth but President Barack Obama's latest attack on corporate "deserters" in a speech in Los Angeles and an interview with CNBC's Steve Liesman sets a new bar.

Obama brought the full weight of the Oval Office to the issue of U.S. companies acquiring sizable stakes in foreign firms in order to reduce their U.S. tax burden, saying doing so is "neither fair nor is it something that's going to be good for the country over the long-term."

Obama added, "If you are doing business here, if you are basically an American company but you are simply changing your mailing address in order to avoid paying taxes then you are really not doing right by the country and the American people."
So, in the meantime, the White House can bask in the glow of the "economic patriotism" without actually doing anything to make the U.S. a more competitive and hospitable place to do business.

Obama is looking under rocks for money ,time to tap out Obama ,this Country can no longer feed the monster you have created .
View attachment 30874

The "Monster" as you anti-American conservatives refer to it, was created in 1776 by the United States Constitution by Liberal folks.

It has made for amazing prosperity and technical achievements.

That, however, does have a cost.

And given the rewards?

The cost is minimal.
As we can see, Carbine hasn't a shred of evidence to back that assertion.

What evidence? National borders being no barrier to business either through taxation or regulation is the basis and the end goal of free market thought, you know that shit that conservative politicians used to shove out there before the recession?

But one thing you fail to understand is that by increasing taxes on corporations and businesses here, you are forcing them to do business elsewhere, in other parts of the globe. So, if anything, liberals are forcing the globalization of American business, to sate their anger at those who make too much money. Globalization is not the end goal of free market thought. Such a claim is baseless. There was a scene in Star Wars where, while Leia was being held captive by the Empire, she made the comment to the Admiral, "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." In real world application, the more you regulate businesses, the more of them will slip through the cracks and start doing business in places not named the United States.

So what are you, a Marxist who advocates a planned economy? Or are you a Keynesian arguing business cycle theory?

I was arguing that conservatives do not think corporations should ever give a fuck about what it takes to keep the shareholder dividends up, that they should have no conscience or loyalty to the country or market where they built themselves up.
As we can see, Carbine hasn't a shred of evidence to back that assertion.

What evidence? National borders being no barrier to business either through taxation or regulation is the basis and the end goal of free market thought, you know that shit that conservative politicians used to shove out there before the recession?

But one thing you fail to understand is that by increasing taxes on corporations and businesses here, you are forcing them to do business elsewhere, in other parts of the globe. So, if anything, liberals are forcing the globalization of American business, to sate their anger at those who make too much money. Globalization is not the end goal of free market thought. Such a claim is baseless. There was a scene in Star Wars where, while Leia was being held captive by the Empire, she made the comment to the Admiral, "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." In real world application, the more you regulate businesses, the more of them will slip through the cracks and start doing business in places not named the United States.

So what are you, a Marxist who advocates a planned economy? Or are you a Keynesian arguing business cycle theory?

Then why did the majority of business leave during the BushII years??
Why Obama's 'economic patriotism' is bunk

Washington is as cynical a place as you will find on earth but President Barack Obama's latest attack on corporate "deserters" in a speech in Los Angeles and an interview with CNBC's Steve Liesman sets a new bar.

Obama brought the full weight of the Oval Office to the issue of U.S. companies acquiring sizable stakes in foreign firms in order to reduce their U.S. tax burden, saying doing so is "neither fair nor is it something that's going to be good for the country over the long-term."

Obama added, "If you are doing business here, if you are basically an American company but you are simply changing your mailing address in order to avoid paying taxes then you are really not doing right by the country and the American people."
So, in the meantime, the White House can bask in the glow of the "economic patriotism" without actually doing anything to make the U.S. a more competitive and hospitable place to do business.

Obama is looking under rocks for money ,time to tap out Obama ,this Country can no longer feed the monster you have created .
View attachment 30874

Here's an idea of your next thread.

Why we have to be against Obama, even when he says or does something we would otherwise support.
As you see, the real globalists are the American conservatives.

As we can see, Carbine hasn't a shred of evidence to back that assertion.

Wait what?

What evidence do you need?

Go to a corporate website and check out where they have offices.

Seriously..do you think about this stuff when you post it?

Merrill Lynch Wealth Management - Research and Insights

Dynamic forces are sweeping the globe, reshaping our lives and creating a wave of new opportunities. Let us help you understand what these major changes could mean for you and your goals.
What evidence? National borders being no barrier to business either through taxation or regulation is the basis and the end goal of free market thought, you know that shit that conservative politicians used to shove out there before the recession?

But one thing you fail to understand is that by increasing taxes on corporations and businesses here, you are forcing them to do business elsewhere, in other parts of the globe. So, if anything, liberals are forcing the globalization of American business, to sate their anger at those who make too much money. Globalization is not the end goal of free market thought. Such a claim is baseless. There was a scene in Star Wars where, while Leia was being held captive by the Empire, she made the comment to the Admiral, "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." In real world application, the more you regulate businesses, the more of them will slip through the cracks and start doing business in places not named the United States.

So what are you, a Marxist who advocates a planned economy? Or are you a Keynesian arguing business cycle theory?

I was arguing that conservatives do not think corporations should ever give a fuck about what it takes to keep the shareholder dividends up, that they should have no conscience or loyalty to the country or market where they built themselves up.

Like the greatest generation did...

Once again, the Left just doesn't understand that the purpose of a corporation is to maximize shareholder value, that the corporation has a fiduciary (l-e-g-a-l) responsibility to do so, and that a corporation will therefore have to act based on financial motivations. The purpose of a corporation is not to put food on its employees' tables or pay this tax or that tax. If they breach their fiduciary responsibility, they can and will be sued.

Because they clearly cannot seem to grasp this seemingly simple concept, the thought of a corporation acting in its best interest doesn't make sense to them. This country has the opportunity to make itself far more financially attractive to both our corporations and foreign corporations, but this administration is choosing not to.

When business is the enemy, it won't hang around long.

Not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.


Sorry for not getting it. Gov Romney said that “corporations are people."

Once again, the Left just doesn't understand that the purpose of a corporation is to maximize shareholder value, that the corporation has a fiduciary (l-e-g-a-l) responsibility to do so, and that a corporation will therefore have to act based on financial motivations. The purpose of a corporation is not to put food on its employees' tables or pay this tax or that tax. If they breach their fiduciary responsibility, they can and will be sued.

Because they clearly cannot seem to grasp this seemingly simple concept, the thought of a corporation acting in its best interest doesn't make sense to them. This country has the opportunity to make itself far more financially attractive to both our corporations and foreign corporations, but this administration is choosing not to.

When business is the enemy, it won't hang around long.

Not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.


So you know any of these big corporate entities that have "renounced" their American "citizenship"?

Generally what they do is move operations outside the US..but keep their "bases" here.

So they can enjoy the protection of the US legal system and use US infrastructure without paying for it.

Neat trick..no?

And in some cases? They get fat government contracts and subsidies.

Why every American isn't hoping mad about this "patriotism" is beyond me.

Once again, the Left just doesn't understand that the purpose of a corporation is to maximize shareholder value, that the corporation has a fiduciary (l-e-g-a-l) responsibility to do so, and that a corporation will therefore have to act based on financial motivations. The purpose of a corporation is not to put food on its employees' tables or pay this tax or that tax. If they breach their fiduciary responsibility, they can and will be sued.

Because they clearly cannot seem to grasp this seemingly simple concept, the thought of a corporation acting in its best interest doesn't make sense to them. This country has the opportunity to make itself far more financially attractive to both our corporations and foreign corporations, but this administration is choosing not to.

When business is the enemy, it won't hang around long.

Not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.


Sorry for not getting it. Gov Romney said that “corporations are people."

He had to, he was the GOP nominee. They believe that stuff.

I wish you DID get it, but there's nothing I can do about that.

It really isn't that complicated. Really.

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Obama is looking for more money for all the worthless freeloaders who pop out babies like gerbils flooding across the border, not to mention the decades of generational cradle to grave welfare bums. See the problem yet Demorats ? The more freeloaders the less money there is to steal from hard working Americans , Obama is great at one thing. "Destroying this Country".

$4a02fd195374f2a9a12620b79976c2d4.jpg $article+0+1E874C3700000578+910_634x4741405025702.jpg
As you see, the real globalists are the American conservatives.

As we can see, Carbine hasn't a shred of evidence to back that assertion.

Wait what?

What evidence do you need?

Go to a corporate website and check out where they have offices.

Seriously..do you think about this stuff when you post it?

Merrill Lynch Wealth Management - Research and Insights

Dynamic forces are sweeping the globe, reshaping our lives and creating a wave of new opportunities. Let us help you understand what these major changes could mean for you and your goals.

Nowhere in that quote does it explain your premise.

Really, I just explained why they have offices elsewhere. You seem to think these business and corporations should just stay here because of some twisted concept of loyalty. It doesn't work that way Sallow. You want them to show loyalty to American interests? Start showing more loyalty to theirs.

You are clueless.
Why don't you do the same? go elsewhere, call yourself something besides American and pay less in taxes. I'm not being factious You do not do it because you like it here and have no way to get the good income you have here somewhere else without paying taxes and that's the way it should be. Corporations have a loophole that allows them to have their tasty American profit cake and eat it too, it needs to be closed, access to our markets should contribute something to keep the infrastructure going and the security in place.

How does that justify taxing us to death, asshole? DO you really think Congress is going to pass a law making foreign companies pay taxes on their worldwide profits? That would be one good way to ensure an economic collapse.

Why don't you do the same? go elsewhere, call yourself something besides American and pay less in taxes. I'm not being factious You do not do it because you like it here and have no way to get the good income you have here somewhere else without paying taxes and that's the way it should be. Corporations have a loophole that allows them to have their tasty American profit cake and eat it too, it needs to be closed, access to our markets should contribute something to keep the infrastructure going and the security in place.

God DAMN!!!

The second time this morning I've "view post"ed a blithering retard and I still can't believe what idiots they are.

We liked it here because we left you servile parasites behind in europe where you belong.

You chased us here because you fucked up 5 fucking continents and there were only 2 left. Now there's one. At least there's half of it, and you want it so bad you can taste your own shit.

You're to mother fucking stupid to comprehend the fact that we have one of the highest corporate taxes in the world thanks to vapid dipshits like you and you're still not satisfied.

How about you cocksuckers go back to europe and leave us the fuck alone?

You're trashing Europe while at the same time you're worshipping their tax system.

Who's the retard, exactly?
You are. He is doing no such thing.

Stating that the corporate tax code in Europe is better than the US is NOT endorsement of THAT tax code. It is, quite plainly, a comparison. One in which a piss poor tax policy actually stacks up better than the one we have.

Bodes poorly for the world, the USA but its good because it yet again, highlights your poor critical thinking skills.

Once again, the Left just doesn't understand that the purpose of a corporation is to maximize shareholder value, that the corporation has a fiduciary (l-e-g-a-l) responsibility to do so, and that a corporation will therefore have to act based on financial motivations. The purpose of a corporation is not to put food on its employees' tables or pay this tax or that tax. If they breach their fiduciary responsibility, they can and will be sued.

Because they clearly cannot seem to grasp this seemingly simple concept, the thought of a corporation acting in its best interest doesn't make sense to them. This country has the opportunity to make itself far more financially attractive to both our corporations and foreign corporations, but this administration is choosing not to.

When business is the enemy, it won't hang around long.

Not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.


Sorry for not getting it. Gov Romney said that “corporations are people."

He had to, he was the GOP nominee. They believe that stuff.

I wish you DID get it, but there's nothing I can do about that.

It really isn't that complicated. Really.


So are corporations people are not?
Sorry for not getting it. Gov Romney said that “corporations are people."

He had to, he was the GOP nominee. They believe that stuff.

I wish you DID get it, but there's nothing I can do about that.

It really isn't that complicated. Really.


So are corporations people are not?

No, they are not.

Now, what about my post?

Do you need further clarification of the reason for the existence of a corporation?

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He had to, he was the GOP nominee. They believe that stuff.

I wish you DID get it, but there's nothing I can do about that.

It really isn't that complicated. Really.


So are corporations people are not?

No, they are not.

Now, what about my post?

Do you need further clarification of the reason for the existence of a corporation?


A corporation's goals are not necessarily in the best interests of the People, thus, since we have a government of the People,

it is a legitimate responsibility of the government to act in the best interests of the People, even if that may not be in the best interests of the corporations.
Why don't you do the same? Go elsewhere, call yourself something besides American and pay less in taxes.

You know, I should be able to stay in America and pay less taxes too. I can remember reading when that was the case. He can stay right here.

Are you willing to tell us how much you paid in income taxes last year, so we can get a grasp on what LOWER taxes for you would look like?
corporate taxes and individual taxes are two separate issues.

For the record---------who pays corporate taxes?

Corporations pay corporate taxes.

France gets 50% of its revenues from a VAT tax. Do you think that might have an effect on corporate income tax rates there?

You want to cut corporate tax rates? Whose taxes do you want to raise to make up that revenue loss? Your income taxes? Add a VAT tax? Add a national sales tax?

It might, and it could explain why Francois Hollande's Socialist Party got drubbed in the national elections in March. You would love nothing more than to inflict further tax burdens on corporate income, wouldn't you? You do understand that if you do, you drive the prices of their goods and services up, right? You don't expect a corporation to sit there and keep it's prices the same while you increasingly tax their income do you?

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Virtually all of Europe has a VAT tax in addition to corporate and personal income taxes.

Can you understand why that additional source of revenue, in the VAT tax, might make it possible for them to keep corporate taxes lower, if that is the case,

or is that sort of math above your pay grade?

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