Why Obama's 'economic patriotism' is bunk

Corporations pay corporate taxes.

France gets 50% of its revenues from a VAT tax. Do you think that might have an effect on corporate income tax rates there?

You want to cut corporate tax rates? Whose taxes do you want to raise to make up that revenue loss? Your income taxes? Add a VAT tax? Add a national sales tax?

It might, and it could explain why Francois Hollande's Socialist Party got drubbed in the national elections in March. You would love nothing more than to inflict further tax burdens on corporate income, wouldn't you? You do understand that if you do, you drive the prices of their goods and services up, right? You don't expect a corporation to sit there and keep it's prices the same while you increasingly tax their income do you?

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Virtually all of Europe has a VAT tax in addition to corporate and personal income taxes.

Can you understand why that additional source of revenue, in the VAT tax, might make it possible for them to keep corporate taxes lower, if that is the case,

or is that sort of math above your pay grade?

What makes you think any sane person is interested in adopting the same high tax levels as Western Europe?
It might, and it could explain why Francois Hollande's Socialist Party got drubbed in the national elections in March. You would love nothing more than to inflict further tax burdens on corporate income, wouldn't you? You do understand that if you do, you drive the prices of their goods and services up, right? You don't expect a corporation to sit there and keep it's prices the same while you increasingly tax their income do you?

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Virtually all of Europe has a VAT tax in addition to corporate and personal income taxes.

Can you understand why that additional source of revenue, in the VAT tax, might make it possible for them to keep corporate taxes lower, if that is the case,

or is that sort of math above your pay grade?

What makes you think any sane person is interested in adopting the same high tax levels as Western Europe?

No one has explained where we make up the lost revenue from cutting corporate taxes. Cutting corporate taxes will just add to the deficit.

I thought you conservatives wanted a balanced budget.
Virtually all of Europe has a VAT tax in addition to corporate and personal income taxes.

Can you understand why that additional source of revenue, in the VAT tax, might make it possible for them to keep corporate taxes lower, if that is the case,

or is that sort of math above your pay grade?

What makes you think any sane person is interested in adopting the same high tax levels as Western Europe?

No one has explained where we make up the lost revenue from cutting corporate taxes. Cutting corporate taxes will just add to the deficit.

I thought you conservatives wanted a balanced budget.

You get the increased revenue from the trillions of dollars that corporations bring back into the country. When Clinton lowered capital gains taxes, revenue from the tax increased.
Jesus Christ! If you idiots didn't have strawman arguments, you'd have nothing to say at all.

Can you name any conservative economic policies that in any way serve to limit globalized free trade?

You're talking about fascism, not nationalism.

No, I'm talking about conservatives who want to globalize markets as much as possible,

which is the opposite of economic nationalism.

For example, Conservatives want the corporation overseas paying workers 50 cents an hour to have all the rights and privileges of doing business in America as does an American company, employing American workers at decent wages.

That is globalist, and that is conservatism.
No one has explained where we make up the lost revenue from cutting corporate taxes. Cutting corporate taxes will just add to the deficit.

I thought you conservatives wanted a balanced budget.

I would be happy to. And I strongly support a Balanced Budget Amendment.

Drop corporate tax rates to as close to zero as possible and you'll see a flood of both re-patriated and new foreign capital, the likes of which you have never seen. In addition to corporate capital, there are trillions of both domestic and foreign investor dollars sitting on the sidelines just begging for a place to go. There would be no "economic stimulus" required from the government.

I would then strongly support adding two new marginal tax levels on the personal tax side, at 44.9% and 49.9%, with new minimum Effective Tax Rates at all margins. This would not only increase tax revenues but provide yet another incentive for people on the top end to put their investment money in motion in tax-deferred investment vehicles, of which we could probably use a few more.

There. That should annoy both sides, always a good sign.

Is that specific enough?

Obama doesn't know the meaning of Patriotism, I'm surprised he can Pronounce it

His idea of patriotic is forcing business to do as he say's not as he does

what a horrible little man
Can you name any conservative economic policies that in any way serve to limit globalized free trade?

You're talking about fascism, not nationalism.

No, I'm talking about conservatives who want to globalize markets as much as possible,

which is the opposite of economic nationalism.

"Economic nationalism" is a euphemism meaning "fascism."

For example, Conservatives want the corporation overseas paying workers 50 cents an hour to have all the rights and privileges of doing business in America as does an American company, employing American workers at decent wages.

That is globalist, and that is conservatism.

Why should corporations overseas pay American style wages? What would be the point of building a plant overseas if a corporation had to pay American union scale wages there?

Face it: you're a fascist who wants to impose massive taxes on consumers. There is no tax more regressive than a tariff. Yet, you claim you support the poor and the middle class.
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